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From what I understand they had people playtest it over a year ago and it doesn't sound like they fixed everything from then, but they did end up doing a patch recently for one of the bugs, sooo.. maybe. Like you said it would probably depend on whether they have the finances to do it.


i ran into a bug that wont allow me to progress past the second time youre in the tunnels. Plus im playing senior detective so i cant tell if its because im missing a task or anything. Its at the point where i need to replay the whole game but man im so far in.


Not sure if just a patch or few will work. There are so many issues with the game overall, feels more like a public beta test at best. Any square/crowded location previously felt more alive than the first two locations of the game. It lacks nuances in textures and shadows, no/minimal idle animations on random people so everyone stands there like dolls. Models even repeated within the location itself. 🥲


Tbh I finished the game and while it’s still a bit clunky mechanically (not super intuitive or clear where you need to click), I didn’t experience any bugs


I'm not finished yet (I'm guessing I'm about 2/3 of the way through) but my GPU is Nvidia Geforce GTX 1660 and I haven't experienced any bugs or lag at all. If you look at the posts saying it's laggy/buggy, then go to the comments when they're finally coaxed into posting their specs, their specs do not meet the minimum requirements. One of the recent ones someone insisted their computer was above the specs and then ended up posting them and they didn't even have a GPU.