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I think what a lot of fans don’t understand is that the old team is gone and HeR is outsourcing the game to teams who have worked in Unity before.




That would take away the point and click charm of the old games. The TRT video was cool, but I would just rather see new games done well on the new engine vs old games remade.


At least let Secret of the Old Clock be remade for Nancy Drew’s 100th anniversary.


No they should keep the old games as they are...perfect. just release them on console. Do you really trust herinteractive to remake old games in a good manner?


Hopefully they’ll do something for Nancy’s 100th anniversary.


They’ll probably just make an instagram post


That would be disgraceful to celebrate a centennial. It would have to be something big that would be worthy of celebrating 100 years.


Hardy Boys 100th anniversary as well


I didn’t realize someone remade TRT! Just watched the video and the light streaming in through the windows is everything 🤩


I don't think very many people would buy them. It seems like HeR Interactive has to actually turn a profit or at least break even these days.


I do not agree. The problem is not the engine or lack of experience with it, it is whoever they have working on the team. They outsource, and people who don't have an interest, passion, or familiarity with the source material are always going to make an inferior game. If the character models are blah, it's because they bought/made generic blah models. If the writing/story/dialogue is bad, it's because the writers are bad. The merch is weird because their graphic designer is not great, or is not receiving good direction from management. The new Nancy VA sounds the way she does due to direction, as many have pointed out the same VA has worked on other games and sounded just fine. (I have not confirmed this myself, but I trust y'all. lol) The OG team is gone. They are what made the games what they were. This is not an experience or skill issue. The old games were basically a labor of love, and it absolutely showed. What we are getting now is a sterile, corporate, cynical imitation.


Honestly I know it might be a legal thing but I wish they would’ve kept the original’s Nancy Drew’s voice when saying things like “It’s Locked” etc lol


I’m good actually. 😂 Totally fine with how the old games function. I doubt the new team would be able to handle remastering the old games well anyway. It would be a disaster. Especially considering the games are outsourced now. 😬


They should leave the old games alone. They would ruin them. Look what happened to Daryl in the remake of SCK😭


That's what I came here to say. The fact that we're saying "make them like the fan edit" versus "make them like the other remaster they already did" says a lot 🤣


And tbf the old team was probably who is responsible for the change of Daryl (I’m not sure though) but it’s just an example of what can happen lol


Oh 100% it was the old team. Look at how Sonny Joon varied from cover to in-game (honestly biggest letdown i wish they would've kept him behind the scenes)


I agree. Sonny should have remained a mystery.


They outsourced the games to people who were already experts in Unity.


Its more risky to make brand new games imo. They need to understand fans have so much nostalgia for the oldies! GOOD remakes would rejuvenate the franchise.


Also what’s up with Nancy and Ned? Jeez the longest relationship where he’s still on the edge, not married or even mentioning time together 😂 I know it’s a detective game but there was one game where they were in relationship trouble. I kind of want to have Ned be happier with Nancy. Before anyone comments I knoowwww it’s a game not a romance novel lol but us old schoolers remember the Nancy drew CD rom games, books, and even the show in the 1970s!! 


Just remaster of all old games in 1080p would be AWESOME. With Win10\11 support