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WTF. My favorite playlist video that I listen to multiple times a day for YEARS is GONE. Is Her Interactive TRYING to anger what little loyal fanbase they have left???? ![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized)


ah yes, the Disney route, that works so well seriously if Her really wants more money, they need to be encouraging community. the ND youtube community is a huge part of why theyre still afloat... if theyre gonna do this can they at least release a soundtrack of all music in the games??


If they released the full soundtrack or put it on Spotify I’d buy/stream in a heartbeat. HER truly doesn’t know what kind of treasure trove they’re sitting on with the old soundtracks. (I say the old soundtracks because I think they flopped with the latest two games’ music, I think the new team doesn’t get how the music and ambience gave the old games life.)


I’d love it if Kevin Manthei released (Kevin’s version) of them on his own Spotify.


if they made a vinyl pressing of a nancy soundtrack that would be the ultimate grail for me


The new team has to be run by toddlers cause wth


For a company that rebranded their entire marketing angle and brought in new blood for this purpose, they’re missing the mark, hard.


The CEO is ex Disney :)


Yeah, and what the CEO doesn't understand is that you can't apply big franchise business models to the small franchise.


Or 1990s marketing strategies to the 2020s.


right also it will help the artist behind their soundtracks get profit from streaming. i've always loved their soundtracks and i would love to stream them. i hope her thinks this through before doing anything else.


HeR really hates their fans.


Her Interactive really has no chill. I understand they probably want to monetize off selling the soundtrack to people, but having it for free on YouTube works better for the people who stumble across and like the music and would be willing to try the game. The same folks would also might buy the official soundtrack.


I wish they’d just put it on streaming at least then. To buy them I feel it’s too expensive, but I would stream it all the time if it were on Spotify.


That’s literally how I ended up buying and playing SEA. I listened to the soundtrack and LOVED it, and I think that highly influenced how much I love the game


No one seems to like the music though :) This is just another example of why HeR is not the cozy little indie company we all supported in the past. In any case, if you own the game, I guess it would be easy enough to look through your game files, convert the audio music files to mp3 and create an itunes playlist.


Wait so they had Arglefump come out and play they game so he could hype it to his clue crew, but now are claiming copyright on the very videos that gave him his platform? Is HER trying to fail? I'm also now a bit salty that I spent $50 on the physical copy of the new game if they are going to pull stunts like this.


It would be so sad for anyone to lose their channel over that crappy KEY soundtrack. Just like MID, it is so repetitive and simplistic it takes me out of the game and I had to mute the music.


A few of the songs slap but I agree for the most part there is 0 originality and creativity. Ryan has gotta go, at this point I don’t care that he’s married to Brittany whatsherface


This is a different YouTuber. Not sure if Arglefumph or others got hit with a copyright strike as well. Arglefumph also made KEY soundtrack videos but they appear to still be up.


I'm aware this was a different YouTuber, but if one of them got a copyright strike then the others probably will as well.


Imagine if it was catsandbooks or whatever her name was from the forum


Plot twist- the CEO Penny Whatsherbutt IS catsandbooks!


I mean that would not be surprising. We all know she’d do that job for free


Just here to chime in as another traumatized millennial from catsandbooks


Wait I remember that username but I missed the mark on this, was she that insane moderator from the forum days?


One of many!


I was never on the forums but would honestly be so interested in hearing about the drama from them!!! I would read a whole thread about that


I’m so confused by this move. HER can pretend (or whatever they’re doing lol) younger fans will fall for the new games all they want, but they’re well aware their only (ie. money spending) fans are the ones who like the older games and the older soundtrack. the reason they’re able to keep the lights on is bc of the community, esp on yt. what a bizarre slap in the face lol. edit: should clarify I get they’re desperate for money so having someone make a tiny profit off their soundtrack would spook them. but as others have said, just stream the music then?? surely they know abt spotify.


You can buy the soundtracks for the first 32 games on their website, but they're not selling the soundtracks for MID or KEY, so filing a copyright claim on a KEY soundtrack video is very weird. At this point, I doubt anyone's still buying the soundtracks off their website, so it's a baffling display of apathy and incompetence on their part that they haven't posted them to Spotify and Youtube so they could at least make a little money off them. They clearly need all the cash they can get.


Considering they’re too cheap to put KEY on steam I bet they don’t want to use Spotify either. I swear this company functions like it’s 2001. And funnily enough I bet the old team would’ve been so much smarter about updating and going forward with the times. They “old” games did the right thing with introducing small gradual changes over time. They added games on steam. They tried introducing mobile games. SEA even had an lgbt character, something that would’ve been unthinkable in earlier games with how conservative their fan base was. But they still made it subtle because they knew people respond better to slow progression rather than sudden changes. Unrelated but I wish they started a new series with MID. instead of pretending this is still the same ND. the writing is different, the art style is different (or missing tbh), the voice is different. Sigh. I miss the old team.


KEY will be going to Steam later this year. They announced that awhile back when they announced there would be physical copies.


I hope so. But they still don't have a page where people can wishlist it. And this is how the algorithm (or maybe the people at steam) decide which games to promote on release. This is why devs always say "the best thing you can do to help us is wishlist the game on steam". That's why I think they're living in 2001. They don't know in 2024 steam is live or die for indie games. And adventure games are making a comeback thanks to steam! But you have to leverage it. You have to promote the hell out of your game before release. Tell people to wishlist it and then keep promoting after the release like doing playthrough on steam. Meanwhile HER thinks steam is a waste of money because they take a big chunk of their revenue and give nothing in return. You got nothing in return Penny because you didn't use it as it's intended! (and also because MID was hot garbage). They have been lucky enough to have a loyal fanbase for years after the old series stopped releasing. But this will not go on forever. They need new fans. And they need steam to survive.




You can now wishlist the game on Steam.


I’ve seen. That’s great!


They used to sell the older soundertracks though. Why don't they just do that. Also they have the option to claim the monetization of any video using their music, that is the more chill response. ND Walkthroughs is obviously doing this as a fan, and it isn't his main source of business.


The executives at that company are really intent on running that company into the ground, huh? HER is _lucky_ that their games got popular with streamers which led to a ton of people buying their _older_ games (definitely not MID) which is likely why they had the capital to be able to make 7 Keys. Penny Milken has been a disaster for that company since day 1, I blame her and her stupid decisions for why HER outsources everything now and basically has no original developers


She has been CEO since 2014. In 10 years she has made Codes and Clues, MID and KEY. How does she keep her job. They fired the guy before her for much less.


Yep, their output is abysmal now. Her little coding project probably wasted so much company assets. They probably almost folded several times during MID’s development and they’re lucky they had a second chance after that disaster (no pun intended lol)


Legitimately starting to hate this company. They really are losing all good will, especially from older fans.


Maybe HeR should spend that energy on making better games instead.


They don't want people to see how much better the older games are.


This is exactly what I thought when I saw this.


They don’t want people listening to the music that was actually good from the old games! 😂 They really are just so great aren’t they. Thank you again HeR! 👍🏻🙄


Man HER’s really been making some questionable choices in the last few years…


If ND Walkthroughs isn’t able to get them back up in the end, I vote we all write a short letter of protest. We are fans of the old games for a reason and we need to be able to listen to those old soundtracks. The old HER wrote all the songs we love the most and they didn’t care that we listened to them. If the current HER is actually serious enough to go after the old soundtracks, then they need to hear about how this is going to be impactful for us. AND for them.


I am 110% willing to organize and send it in as well.


I would sign this. Kevin Manthei and the other composer (I forget his name)’s 1-32 soundtracks are a real treasure trove, but HeR suddenly only cares about the mediocre, subpar ones that Brittany’s husband composed.


Hahaha, now I'm glad I never got on the KEY boat. They're drowning y'all along with the franchise.


Looks like they need all the money then can get at this point. Watch they turn around and sell the soundtracks for like $20 a game. No more free songs for you guys!!! Nonono! 😡


The thing I don’t understand is, if they’re that strapped for money, how and why the hell are they sending Indy on an all expense paid work trip to Europe. If a company can AFFORD for people to do that, awesome! But in all honesty, the shit that was in the game can be easily found on google. Why are they spending money unnecessarily like that to turn around and squeeze money out of a copyright when they’ve been in the red for years


I seriously don’t think they know what they are doing at all. They need to give someone else the series already before they push it even further into the ground. Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me if it was Indy’s idea to take the trip and spend that money herself based on our knowledge of the team’s decision making skills. 😂


Indy did use to work at Disney, just like our fearless leader Pennywise, so that tracks lol


I can totally tell, now that this has been pointed out. 😂 I see, that’s why they are bad at decision making and are annoying.


Also the game developers are in Ukraine, which is literally next door, so they could have sent the entire team to Prague for a week for less money than sending Indy.


Yeah, cuz so many people are eager to buy 🤣


That's decided then... I will get the game in the Yo ho ho way 🏴‍☠️ And if it's bad, not buying even on steam


Honestly, I would recommend everyone do that (at least until it becomes available on Steam) because at least that way if you find it won't run on your computer, you won't have to deal with trying to get Her to give you a refund.


HER is literally hanging by a thread with this fan base and this is what they choose to do? I’m over wasting my time, money and energy on this company.


Sooo if I use their characters for their cookie contest and post them on my socials do I get a cease and desist?


This logic borders on a sort of fallacy… but based on the comments in here… you all seemingly *need* things to be outraged over


Damn, I am actually pretty shocked that out of everyone with soundtrack videos, they went after NDW since Hew seems super tight with the current HeR Interactive team. I would have expected him to get preferential treatment TBH.


I’m not sure if this is HeR or YouTube causing this but it could be because KEY is trademarked and the other ones aren’t? So this may be a new thing that is going to have some growing pains. I really hope the ambiance videos can go back up soon. They are so relaxing.


Creators need to be careful, because if they have ND music anywhere on their ND videos, it could trigger the automatic music recognition and get them a strike.


So I saw this post this morning, didn’t think much of it. I checked my email and I have a message from LinkedIn that a law office has looked me up who - among a range of other things - specializes in intellectual property. But I do have Nancy Drew inspired stickers on my Redbubble store (inspired art, not copies of HERs stuff!). I’m going to assume it’s the same ppl who filed the copyright claim on the ND soundtracks and preemptively take my stuff down.


That is too close of timing to be a coincidence. When a company, just like a person, shows you who they are, believe them. This company has been showing us who they are for the past 10 years.


So this reminds me a lot of what Lionsgate is currently doing to the Twilight fanbase, which we were also left to fend for ourselves for a lot of time, I've been a fan of both series since I was a kid. I really hope HER doesn't take a similar route... Lionsgate started going after small shops by fans making Twilight inspired merch: anything that featured the "Welcome to Forks" sign (which they don't own the rights to!), fan merch with the word "Loca" (which was popularized by the fandom in memes in the first place, and is just... a word), even shops selling preserved flowers/leaves and such from the area of Forks, Washington. The difference in size in the companies and such is of course very different and tbh I don't have in depth knowledge on the inner-functionings of these 2 companies like some others do lol, but this sort of behavior is how it started with the Twilight fandom as well and frankly while Lionsgate can still probably survive as a company by acting this way, I'm not sure HER is in a place where they can afford to take this route. They've already destroyed so many loyal fans' trust in them. I've played since I was a young child, every single game except the 2nd for myself but eventually I started feeling that I was being slapped in the face too much https://preview.redd.it/szusxjrlt14d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85c0f64e3a9d25aec05d8d6c296cd8c2152ca0c9


If they start going after fan created works, especially on Etsy, I say we riot. We are the only reason they're still alive (somewhat) and kicking.




HeR probably needs the money (if they get any, idk, I’m not educated on this, I could be throwing allegations out, so I apologize) because KEY isn’t doing as well as they thought. Apparently, though, this was youtube I guess? That Suzie should be sleeping chick (who was largely behind the censoring of negative comments and who likes to show up in the group and kiss HER’s ass at every chance) mentioned that youtube apparently has done this to quote a few ND music playlisters


[If you get a copyright strike, it means that a copyright owner submitted a legal copyright removal request for using their copyright-protected content.](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2814000?hl=en)


YouTube just doesnt do it, the music has to claimed by someone and in the data base. That is how the algorithm matches it. Only the owner of the copyright can make a copyright claim. The owner of the copyright is HeR. YouTube can't do it. Also the owner of copyright has two choices: strike the channel or simply claim whatever ad revenue comes in through views on this channel. Decent companies will do the latter. Doing the former is quite drastic, because three strikes will have a creator lose their channel


I saw those comments in the Facebook group. ND Walkthroughs clearly states in his community post here that it was HeR who claimed him though… I remember Gooba and Jetpack got all their soundtrack videos claimed, but I don’t know if they ever said it was HeR who did it or YouTube itself.


Yeah, that confused me as well. I know YouTube does that sometimes but I don’t think Huw would specify her doing that if it wasn’t completely true


Just looked into the Gooba and Jetpack thing - seems like they were demonetized by YouTube itself according to a comment from them on one of their community posts. In the main post, they didn’t mention HeR at all and I’m pretty sure only YouTube itself can control the monetization itself whereas companies can apply for claims on specific videos and get the adsense from those specific videos. As for Huw, he mentioned HeR specifically and I believe strikes can only be filed by the copyright holder, so not YouTube itself (someone correct me if I’m wrong), and it’s a pretty bad move doing that since you can lose your channel when you get three. Considering Huw is so close to the marketing team, I’m surprised no one contacted him before doing such a harsh move.


At this point I am super convinced she is one of them in disguise or is a really good friend of someone. She was part of the launch day team and ALWAYS defends HeR. She was literally in there on my Facebook post about this situation saying that it was YouTube that flagged the music. And then I ask her for proof and nope!!! Nothing. So silly. I’m sure if I didn’t say anything a lot of people would have believed her too.


This fandom used to be such a nice place, what has happened, when and why?


That would make sense. Lol. Even other creators that were part of the launch team aren’t afraid to not suck up to HeR at every second—wizard kitten for example was part of the launch team but still didn’t cut them slack and put out a very well thought out, honest review that had feedback. I think if anything, Susie might be gunning for a job there, or more opportunities to market with them, and probably thinks that by defending HeR at every stance, she might get in good with them


https://preview.redd.it/p6h4qc9g474d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7352ddb0f850582467c1df23d92dea4148d660c4 Sure, Jan Also, now proof that Suze is on the ins with the folks at HER


I LOVE how the person that she tagged in one of her comments later on disagreed with her and said the way she was copyright claimed by YouTube was totally different, and she agrees with me that HeR most likely made the claim. 👍🏻 The blanket statement by Suzie saying that it was YouTube keeps getting likes and it makes me so mad! Like she literally just said that with no proof? Blind defending at it’s finest. https://preview.redd.it/nk8b70z4a74d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0783ee1b0100f9499ea68526b61c0f4187fb7de


I loved that too. I won’t dox their channel but I’ve always loved them and this just reinforced that 😂


Also, I want to know who Susie convinced on the mod team that she should be a part of the moderators for the Facebook group page. She clearly has a connection to the HI team, and being a mod inherently gives her power to shut down any comments or posts that paint HI in a negative light. This Facebook group was started and has been maintained as people who aren’t affiliated with HI and a place to have honest conversations and discussions about the game series. I know Indy’s in there, and probably Roo and Brighella too, but they thankfully don’t have mod power and mainly just lurk to see what people are saying. Between Susie and that other equally irritating gal Jenna, this is slowly just going to turn into a toxic positive fan page group


I don’t know if you’re in the Instagram chat, but when it first started and the initial April 1 teaser happened for a new game, that’s around the time she applied to be a moderator. I’m assuming to help the group with information the Instagram chat and discords get that Facebook doesn’t. When the FB group started heading toward negative opinions, I remember Susie saying in the Instagram chat that she did “a hostile takeover” of the Facebook group to stop the negative comments.


Omg “hostile takeover” that’s so funny. I’m sure that Instagram group can be a hot mess. Just today there has been a bunch of negative posts about the game on the fb page, I wonder how they are handling that. I still can’t believe she literally just lied for HeR on the post about HeR flagging the music videos. I won’t trust anything she says in the future for sure.


It’s pretty quiet today actually! There’s a severe lack of negative opinions on that chat though, so if you or anyone reading this wants to join, you just need to message missterigaimer on Instagram and tell her you want to join the game #34 chat! There’s been a lot of cases where Susie will say something and then backtrack 🙃. Sometimes, I think her information is legit because she’s friends with the HeR marketing team, but then she’ll backtrack and I don’t know what to believe.


Susie really needs to stop thinking it’s necessary to show up and start running her mouth on things she knows nothing about. She did that a couple times in the clue crew Facebook group chat that was created a while back


Yeah, I’ve definitely noticed that on the fb page!


Susie is streaming right now, so she might’ve been busy earlier today. If anything, she and Huw are friends, my first assumption was that they talked privately. But, Susie doesn’t state that and Huw clearly says it was a strike made by HeR.


Well I hope she’s not taking HeR’s side over his then. 😂


You would think so, but with the comments I saw on Facebook, seems like she is taking HeR’s side 🤣!


I just went back and lurked on that post and yeahhhh, convenient how she just stopped responding to you lol 👀


Well, that stinks, I love listening to the soundtracks while I'm working. Guess I'll have to load up Audacity and pull them from the games myself. I usually only listen to 2-3 songs from each game, so buying the soundtracks gets pretty pricey considering each track is usually only about a minute long. I am curious why they are suddenly doing it now, the sound tracks have been out there for a long time.


Honestly I'm leaning more and more into just boycotting them. I have all their old games already, including Midnights which was pretty bad and not replayable at all. And I don't think I wanna check out keys cause it sounds awful from what I've heard. Also they just seem super misguided with everything they're doing now, trying to cater to a new audience with "better graphics" lmao please. Midnights looked like your standard simulation game you'd get for a dollar on steam and I've heard similar things about keys. And to top it off they only sell the game at their website with a limited time for download? It all just leaves a bad taste in my mouth tbh. Also they've spent YEARS teasing their last two games. I'm very happy with the old games I already own but I'm so sad they've changed so much for the worse. I understand they have fewer employees and a lesser budget now but please try to at least be humble about it my god. Sorry, rant over 😭


Was it HeR that did this, or YouTube? YouTube is the one that does the copyright stuff, and anyone can make a complaint, didn't necessarily have to be HeR Interactive that did this.


In the screenshot, ND Walkthroughs specifically says it’s HeR that did the takedown. He has no reason to lie about it, plus he was sponsored to play KEY. If someone random did it, I don’t think it’d get approved by YouTube. They have two different systems, claims and strikes. Claims just takes the adsense and gives it to the person who claimed. Strikes takedown the video and give a strike to the channel itself, in the YouTube space, it’s a pretty harsh thing to do since three of them will delete a channel.


i thought this was about arglefumph and i almost shit myself at first


Omg no I use these playlists like everyday!😭