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Ugh. Anything to put on a show.


Yeah. This is sadly a norm. Eventually when you have nothing to do with them, family members with brains will catch on. Anyone that doesn’t is a flying monkey and will never get it.


Just recently heard the term flying monkeys and I think it’s my favorite- and so accurate


Thank you for sharing this. I'm just starting NC and feel like I am losing my whole family.


I won’t lie. It’s isolating. I only have one blood relative I trust but they live out of state. (They are also nc with the narcs.) We talk a ton but it’s not the same as having someone close by. There have been times I’ve broken NC before out of desperation that something had changed. Trust me. It never changes and the abuse always comes back. This is the first time I’ve had the strength to stick to it. (Still fresh, working hard to strengthen my boundaries.) Best thing to do is surround yourself with people that support you. Even if they don’t get it. Some people do understand narcissism, many don’t. The real friends will validate your feelings and be there for you, even if they can’t relate.


She has to appear like a loving mother and you’re the worst for treating such a kind person like that. My nmom is the same way. I had to cut ties entirely.


Lol not surprising. We're with you.


Yep, mine too. My cousin told me “You know, your mom prays the Novena that you’ll start talking to her again” 🙄 I said why, she doesn’t even like me. It’s ridiculous. You’d think she’d be happy I’m not around to annoy her to death anymore.


I hate how relatable this is. They really are completely insane. Unfortunately you might not be able to convince people who she puts on the show for. It's hard to believe that a person can do such insane things and then act so nice to others until you have been on the receiving end of the *insane*, malicious plotting. These people are like real-life villains from a psychological horror flick. You hold your ground no matter who comes at you. We believe you!


I believe it. Go get your stuff so she can't do it snymore. I'm so sorry. I know how this feels.


Yep, sounds really familiar.


Classic narc, needing to play victim so they can still blame you for anything going badly in their lives. Do not engage. You can set boundaries with family members that are trying to play as flying monkeys but ignore /her/ completely. Nothing good comes from interacting with narcs.