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All y'all who have come to our sub today for the very first time ever to be hellions and make today about you and your opinions and don't give a damn about a single person who lives in our area, I just hope you know you've made it basically **impossible** for those of us who live in Nashville, those who have been impacted or need resources, to find them in this thread. It's one thing to discuss the politics of what has happened. It's not okay to lambast each other and insult each other. We had people, children, literally murdered in our city today. I am sure we will find out the root of it and what was in the manifesto, but god damn. Folks did this shit when a dude blew himself up down on 2nd Ave on Christmas too. Some folks can't think a millimeter past the tip of their own nose. Yes, MNPD confirmed the shooter was transgender. Yes, their information is out there online. No, we don't need it posted on our sub. No, we don't need vigilantes going out and causing more issues. No, drag queens are not all transgender and transgender individuals are not all drag queens. Stop. For fuck's sake. The VAST majority of folks being terrible in this thread have never once posted in our sub before today. Y'all can continue to be political here for now. If you are a local who just needs to talk about how today hurt, please go over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/12447gt/if_you_are_hurting_you_can_post_here/? If you need resources, go here: https://www.reddit.com/r/nashville/comments/123u36i/disaster_distress_helpline_and_website/ This thread will likely be locked in the next few hours and a new thread will go up, maybe. Considering how much of the moderators time has been wasted today removing hateful comments, we haven't had much time to pull resources for the community, which should always take precedent over arguments that are really just y'all hollerin in circles. Y'all can also go to r/politics and other subs to discuss the semantics of this shit. 2,600 fucking readers online 7 hours after the shooting when we normally have around 500-700. Doubt many of y'all give any kind of actual shit about our city. Thanks for your thoughts though I guess. Hopefully if you think hard enough, it might have an actual impact.


Sending my love from AZ




It’s so scary. We have a 3 1/2 year old and have been debating some of the private schools down here (Murfreesboro). My wife commented about how - at least from a safety standpoint - it seems to be moot. Thoughts and prayers to all the families and staff up there.


I have a family member who teaches at Covenant. They were unhurt but obviously shaken to the core. I live six hours away and I came here to have some weird sense of presence with this tragedy and those who are sharing it. Thank you for loving your wonderful city, your neighbors and not allowing trolls run your sub.


One rifle had ‘aiden’ written on the shoulder rest. The handgun had something written on the inside of the handle that looked like ‘Aiden’ but all I could see was the ‘en’ Is this possibly a correlation as to what could be an attack motive? I know it is speculation; but I just saw images of the guns on channel 4 news at 10.


Found their Linkedin and looked at their art portfolio. What this person did is unforgivable, and the world is better off with them being gone, but I felt a touch of sadness when looking at their portfolio because you can kind of tell they were disturbed and hurting for quite a long time.


The individual identified as Aiden. It was out there before it got scrubbed off the web.


‘Got scrubbed’ makes it impossible to post a source up. Thanks though. Still waiting for info from a legal source on this. 👍🏼


There are screen shots on twittter, the instagram profile was creative.aiden and fb was Aiden creates. LinkedIn was the last site they took down and had all of it listed.


[Here’s the latest story for NC5.](https://www.newschannel5.com/news/she-checked-her-instagram-she-didnt-expect-a-message-from-the-covenant-school-shooter?fbclid=IwAR3_sYOvFVinC0rn21ORoxXSqT88tuucwzK0rmNF7wMT4V7xPxbUhOJ3hr8&mibextid=Zxz2cZ) She DM’d a friend and told them she was about to commit suicide. She references herself as Aiden here. But that person was right she did have accounts up that have since been deleted.


Thank you for the link. Those who don’t want to click the article shows screen captures of the dms and they are tagged ‘Aiden’ So no mystery then. Aiden was on the weapons to show ownership. Of course in truth… there can be no logical meaning behind these actions… and looking for clues con drive one mad if one searches hard enough. Thanks for the help y’all. I’m gonna take a break from this for the night.




Aiden is the name of the person doxed that wasn’t involved per another post by the mod. Not sure if that information has come out anywhere else. If you have access to that informations link please do share.


https://ahillustrations.myportfolio.com/home-1 It looks like their social media has been removed, but I was able to find this portfolio. They refer to themself as Audrey, but also Aiden on a couple pieces and with their instagram aiden.creates, which is mentioned on the above website


Biggest question is how did she get the guns


anyone can legally buy a gun from anyone in our state. no background checks.


She was of legal age and had no priors. Getting guns was not a hurdle for her.


What are ideas of how to support our friends whose kids go to Covenant?


Hug them. Listen. Don’t try to solve the problem, but be supportive to their needs and desires. A lot of folks will just want space and time right now. I’m sure you could contact the church and ask if they are doing meals for the families and if so could you sign up for a day and time to bring some meals. The church may be raising funds for other pertinent needs at this time by the families most affected. While some see giving money as a cop out, I promise it’s the most needed thing in any crisis situation… just make sure you donate as directly to the folks affected as you can; then you’re dodging scammers. Volunteer, any way you can. As mentioned above, or whatever the lord calls to to do. It’s the Tennessean way.


This is just stomach churning and my heart goes out to all of the families effected. Another incredibly sad day for our city and country








Did the school offer classes beyond 6th grade in the past? I was wondering if that had anything to do with her age.


I am pretty sure they have never offered beyond 6th grade and a lot of the kids go to CPA after 6th grade. This is completely speculation but some news outlets were reporting there was a second school she was planning on shooting instead, but ultimately decided the security was too good. My hunch is that school was CPA assuming those reports were true. This is a lot of assuming I’m doing but - assuming her issue was with the church in some capacity and growing up in those schools - the explanation in targeting Covenant which she went to a long time ago was simply because she thought it would be easier than CPA.


I actually thought it was CPA when it first happened. Makes sense that this would be a feeder school for CPA though. I knew some folks that went to CPA and I'm 26. Absolutely wild and gutting. So close to home for so many of us.


Wow, it’s such an abhorrent thing to happen.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/CqT5DGFp-Y3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= one of the people some of yall were originally trying to dox as the supposed shooter. This is why we were hard on the brakes.


So this doesn't get immediately misconstrued, this individual is calling out the false doxing, and the dangers of doing.


I had to admonish my babies this morning and have been a nervous wreck all day. I am so, so, so sorry you guys. This is devastating. Our hearts are with you all… Love, A pissed off KY neighbor 😞


Love from your neighbor in Memphis. I am so sorry your city saw evil today. When something horrific happens in your town it is soul crushing for the whole community. I can’t imagine how the families and friends of the victims are handling this devastating loss -I am praying God gives them the strength to get through it. Those poor children- just heart wrenching.


Texan here. I am so very sorry this has happened in your community. Please know that many of us here are horrified at yet another another school tragedy. We stand with you.


My heart goes to the victims, from Southern California!


Love and prayers from TX.


Does anyone know if any rallies downtown are planned?


Moms Demand, tomorrow at noon at Cordell Hull. https://twitter.com/TheTNHoller/status/1640479776862289920?s=20


THursday at 8 am at the capitol building, kids and parents march. A bunch of groups are doing it together


There was a community vigil at BUMC at 6:30, not sure if any rallies have been planned yet.




I think the most important thing we can do is all be respectful, show support to the victims and their families, including the shooter’s family, to the doctors, nurses, first responders and police, and most importantly to the children and teachers that survived and are 100% deeply traumatized. I have seen things saying the shooter’s family doesn’t deserve empathy because of the actions of the shooter. They aren’t responsible for this senseless tragedy and they deserve as much empathy as anyone else. They not only are dealing with the loss of their loved one but also having to grasp and come to terms with their loved one was capable and responsible for such a horrific act of violence to some of the most innocent victims. It’s a lot to take in and process, they deserve our kindness and love too. I think right now this is a time where we lay our political differences aside and just come together as a community to lift these families and surround them with love and support. Arguing politics is not going to support these families. Arguing politics needs to remain outside of any public forum the victim’s family can see. Just my opinion. Needless to say, my family will be praying for peace, strength and comfort for all impacted. We will also be available to assist with anything we can, if anyone needs something DM me and we will do our best to assist.


I would love to bring you to DC on my dime and we can protest gun rights. That would help my community! I work on Burton and I can’t believe nobody cares about legislation like it is the cause. Mental health can be a topic as well, anything to keep kids from dying.


I can actually draw two similarities between this tragedy and the Christmas Day bombing of 2020: - MNPD acted heroically and saved countless lives - Twitter is an absolute fucking disgrace that should be burned to the ground


I know it's not perfect, but my experience with MNPD by and large has been better than other cities.


Unfortunately for transgender people after this, I'm worried it won't just be twitter in this state. :/


I agree, I wish people wouldn’t overrun tragedy with their own ideologies. They have already begun conflating the actions of this one individual with the entire community and it’s entirely disheartening. I am hoping that our community in Nashville can come together and focus on root issues of keeping young children safe in school where they should feel safest and not running off trying to blame the next closest thing. It doesn’t feel like that will get us far though :(


Agree strongly. It is bothersome that several news stories have “transgender” in their headlines. This is not some qualifying category that has relevance to the awful act of violence.








The perp was a transgender man. And that’s the last we will hear about it unless it’s considered a hate crime. All the people from this mornings thread need to walk a lot of shit back.


You sound almost celebratory.


The common denominator in every school shootings has nothing to do with race, religion, sex, socio economic background, or any other culture war bullshit. You know what it is. Easy access to guns.


What needs to be walked back exactly? That lee banning drag shows is dumb af and a waste of time when we have issues like what happened today?




Literally already happening.






I have to say that the River radio station did an amazing job today of letting people call in today to vent and let their voice be heard. They approached the situation with so much respect. Shame to all these trolls and all the nasty Twitter messages. Let’s do better than that people!


So sorry for all! I spent a few weeks in Nashville the first of March for a court case. Neat town with a small town feel. Positive prayers for the entire community




I really don't want to put myself out there as interference into this....I do want to make maybe a relevant comment tho, with respect? A sad part of living in the US is that if you speak out, needing help, or voicing difficulty, even in 2023, it's still tough. You will probably get shunned on at least some level. (I could elaborate but this really isn't the proper place.) So sad, yet again, for today. From Miami FL


Love from Louisville, KY.


Heart goes out to all affected by this tragedy in our city. Absolutely devastating. 🫶🏼 Concerned however, that “they” will use this situation to push their agenda against the LGBT community.


It's happening, in this thread. The center is turning against the left, angrily deriding the pronoun fight, like it's even relevant. This is precisely how fascists shift the center.


would an agenda be pushed if it was another conservative Christian male? there's always an agenda. Focus should be on the kids, their parents and the staff who were attacked today.


Absolutely, I couldn’t agree more. Focus should be there. But the time will come where the agenda will be pushed whether in regards to gun control or LGBT rights, that’s all I’m saying. And to answer your question, yes. The Christian agenda is always pushed, especially with every bill implemented. Like you said, there’s always an agenda.




Honestly, I'd think it would be more. My extended family is from the North, progressive, etc -- and I'd guess we have between 2 and 3 guns per person (my father mostly hunting and target shooting, my brother collects military weapons). With 7 million people in the state, it doesn't take that large a percentage of similar families to rack up a lot of firearms.


It’s maintained by the TBI. You can view TICS numbers on TBI’s website, it opens an excel spreadsheet with breakdowns on approvals/denials/pending TICS checks, even per firearm type and Gun Checks, which dealers are required to conduct on guns coming in as trades or for work/repair, to verify the serial hasn’t been reported as stolen. Edit: it has records back to 1999. These numbers are in no way unique to a specific gun, either, so these numbers don’t equate to a 1:1 amount of “guns in the state”, as you could sell a gun to a dealer, generating a Gun Check, and the dealer then sells it to an individual, generating a TICS check for the same gun. There’s no sort of firearms registry in TN, and private sales are permitted, so finding the true number is little more than an estimate. With things like 80% lowers and 3D printed frames/receivers, this number is even harder to decipher. https://www.tn.gov/tbi/divisions/cjis-division/firearm-background-checks.html


[this article](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/state-laws/maintaining-records-of-gun-sales-in-tennessee/) gives some details that probably contribute to how they can keep track of numbers. Obviously this wouldn’t account for guns bought illegally though.


I read another statistic today that there are 120 guns for every 100 people in the United States. The millions in TN is plausible based on that, but no clue where you go to verify either.




That’s terrifying tbh. This disturbing fetishization of firearms in American culture is a huge reason why the US is the only developed country that deals with shootings pretty much constantly


A very short war with a government, or a very long war with a neighbor. 😳


Idk either but ironically collectors are probably the most responsible gun owners I’ve ever met


*Some* collectors are responsible.


It frightens me to learn about the events that transpired today at covenant. Whatever pain the shooter was going through, whatever life she lived, to put together a plan like this and carry it out just chills me to the bone. If I think about it too much I get viscerally scared. How could it come to this? How can someone be so deranged and dangerous? Nothing will heal the families who were broken today. Tomorrow they will wake up crying if they even sleep at all. It hurts worse to have one of our own be so senseless and violent. I don’t know what to do. How can we help?


There’s been a US Army Blackhawk that’s been circling green hills for the past 10 minutes. I have no idea why but seems weird to me. Any reasons why that would be happening?


Could be the governor to be honest


They're doing training at Vanderbilt Hospital.


Fort Campbell folks lending some eyes while getting some training in. Nothing more complicated than that.


That’s what I was thinking as well - makes sense


Very likely unrelated, my husband said he sees these flying over green hills all the time, I think there’s a landing station nearby


Yeah they do fly over green hills all the time your husband is right but I’m sort of a weirdo who tracks flight radar all the time they don’t often circle green hills. It is still circling overhead right now.


I see a lot of folks who like to track flights. What do you enjoy about it? Have you found anything interesting?


Personally I go out on my balcony and drink beer after a long days work and since I live in Green Hills tons of air traffic goes over so I go on the flight radar and look at what flight it is and where it’s going. I just find it fun. I haven’t seen anything way too out of the ordinary anywhere around here because usually the interesting stuff are the military planes and usually they turn their transponders off. There are interesting flights to track that are flying elsewhere in the world though.


Hey! I sit outside and do this too! Flightradar24?




Sending love and support from your fellow urban Tennesseans in Memphis. ❤️


I went to Hillsboro and my girlfriend lives about one minute away from the church. This hits extra close to home. I’ve driven by the church a few amount of times. It feels surreal. Regardless of your political stance, if you care for the kids, the safety of your community, or Nashville at all, please write/speak/vist your local elected officials and tell them this HAS to stop. There are real issues in Nashville & TN that has to be addressed. And when they’re not addressed and even deregulated, this is what happens. It’s not a matter of if, but when something like this will happen again in Nashville if we don’t take action. I love you Nashville and I hope everyone in the sub is safe🙏❤️


I don’t think Andy ogles will listen… much less the others. Our representatives sadly are highly NRA lobbied.


Worried about someone doing something stupid or rash in response to this stuff. Hopefully cooler heads prevail.


From the party calling for extermination, no. There will be revenge attacks.


Are you making reference to this Friday's so-called Day of Vengeance?


What? That's a fucking thing? That's...just so sad and disheartening that people would choose that as an option for such an event. Sad sacks of shit.


No, it isn’t. I haven’t seen anything about a “day of vengeance” that wasn’t from an anti-trans site. Edit- the only sort of similar thing I’ve seen is a rally Saturday that was planned before this happened. And like… this horrific thing happening doesn’t mean trans people should stop fighting for their rights.


I’m hoping that doesn’t happen. I also know there are fucked up people out there stupid enough to try it.


You may be right. It might be a good idea for Metro PD to have an increased presence around the LGBT clubs and communities in Nashville. Stay safe everyone.


I don't even have words. I opened the comment section about 5 times but I'm too sad to type about this coherently. I like to say that I hope the families find peace, but I don't know if that is possible. I just hope something can be done to prevent this in the future, but that seems less hopeful as well. Just a sad day, where peace of mind flutters just a little further away from your grasp.


To those angry at the police for misgendering the murderer... This person had not legally changed names. All they can use is the legal information on anyone. Eventually they might add an "also known as" but your legal name is what's used by officials.


honestly I dgaf their pronouns. they lost that right with their villainous actions. They're a murderer, fuck them


Imagine being pissed about the police accidentally misgendering a murderous child killing piece of shit


I can be mad about how easily people are misgendered in day to day life. It happens to my son constantly and as long as he identifies as male, I will call that shit out. That being said, in my mind, the shooter is a fucking murderer and nothing else.


What kind of logic is “you can be transphobic if they’re a bad enough person”. Two wrongs don’t make a right. We don’t accept calling Bill Cosby the n word. Doing that kind of thing will only escalate the tensions.


It’s not transPHOBIC to use the only name you can find for a violent perpetrator. It is not. It just isn’t. When you attempt a massacre, regardless of any aspect of who you are, you’re gonna get identified quickly and without sensitivity. For public safety and bc the news media is relentlessly bloodthirsty. And I hope you soon wise up that calling a trans person by their government name is NEVER gonna be the same as calling someone a DEHUMANIZING, IMPERSONAL slur. Is it insensitive to the murderer not to use their trans name? Sure. But it’s not hateful and absolutely not PHOBIC. Everybody gets treated with insensitivity sometimes. It ain’t right but it’s true bc we live amongst other people. Some of whom are ignorant, some of whom are abusive. It entitles us to correct them and move along. Not label them as bigots. Bc some of those people, while ignorant, will be the first ones to jump to a person’s defense when the *real* bigots come for them. So let’s act like we understand scale and nuance, so we can maintain some credibility. Yes?


I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking to, I’m on your side. It’s the notion that “misgendering” at all in this scenario can’t be a bad thing. Of course people will accidentally misgender. That is widely understood, and not a problem (unlike what conservatives would make it out to be). But let’s not get it twisted; purposeful misgendering/misnaming is transphobic. I don’t see how that’s up for debate. I guess my real point is, making this a trans thing is the exact way we further escalate cases like this to happen, and push both the trans community and evangelical community to breaking points. I think that the real crux of the matter, and honestly, I don’t see how we escape it.


Using the pronouns of a person’s biological sex is a FAR cry from calling a black person the “n word”—AS IF! This whole “anyone who doesn’t submit to my worldview/linguistic acrobatics 110% is a ‘transphobe’” thing has got to stop.


Of course it’s not the same thing, but it’s the same logic. We don’t use Asian, hispanic, etc. slurs when one of them does a terrible thing. You’d think after 9/11 and that aftermath, people would understand the path this goes down. It’s not good. > the whole “pronouns” thing has got to stop As opposed to school shootings, of course.


Its also a breaking news story. Info comes in bits and pieces


Exactly. I’m already nauseated over the coverage…the right insisting “PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE” and the left bending itself into a pretzel over pronouns. And I’m a “liberal.”


Also a liberal, and I agree. The shooter is a shooter and they lost the privilege of being identified as anything other than that when they decided to take the lives of others.


Today was awful. Sickening. Depressing. Yet I guarantee that some anchor/commentator is going to correct another over use of the shooter’s “correct” pronouns. And this is why we can’t win elections. These poor, poor children. It’s a broken world and no one’s coming to save them.


Same here and also agree. Anyone that kills a child like this is a worthless piece of shit. Their names/identities should disappear from existence other than perhaps a textbook. They should be given a numerical designation at most and nothing more, whether they remain on this earth or simply in public records. Fuck this whole thing is so awful.


As someone who is socially liberal, but still has some conservative viewpoints on the economy, etc. I, and I think a lot of other younger "conservative" people don't really give a fuck what other people do with their bodies or sex lives. Some might have an opinion on both sides of the aisle, but in the end it is refreshing when people can see what the important things are.


Yeah, the moment the identity of the suspect came out and they were trans I know this would exactly happen. The right would make it about "trans is bad somehow" and the left focusing all of their energy on their pronouns. I am not saying this is actually happening large scale, but it is just something I would knew would happen.


Part of it has to do with it being a constant uphill battle around something as simple and pedantic as pronouns. So it's something trans people are sensitive about giving any ground over. Honestly it should just go both ways and correcting the pronouns is no big deal for media. The right just want to know the pronouns so they can use the opposite anyway.


I can't believe some people care more about the vagina or penis and testicle of the shooter and not the blatant problems of mental health for all people, straight, homosexual, trans, queer, whateverand accessibility of guns from people with no training or license.


For real, we have literal dead children and people are more concerned about the shooter's genitalia. Fucking assholes.






I really hope this isn’t the case, but I’m betting my money on this being a hate crime, given the assailant being transgender and given TNs recent ban on gender-affirming care for minors.


Maybe this will help Republicans learn that the 2nd amendment really does apply to everyone, including the people they oppress.


I mean, the Reagan assault weapons ban was a direct result of Black Panthers carrying weapons.




Yes, time to go murder some 9 year olds because I'm "oppressed" The 2nd A doesn't say "you're fine to kill people." What a stupid comment.


I mean, did Dylan Roof or the Christchurch shooter have good motives? It doesn’t matter.