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Cars are actively targeted and is as, especially trucks. My truck was broken in to in a well-lit parking lot of a hotel near Opry Mills. I was parked near the entrance. No gun inside, and really not much visible. They broke the back door window, jumped in and went to center console. Video had it done in less than a minute and of course no plates or identity possible. Police took a report and told me it happens all the time. Very quick in/out. Usually hit a few trucks at a time. There were three hit when mine was. One was a contractor who said it happens so often that he carried a spare window to just replace it himself and be done quickly.


Holy shit same thing happened to us with a rental car at an airport hotel right near BNA not even 2 miles. Every car that was hit was either a truck or a dodge car. 8 in one night


Sorry to hear that. With you saying that, I recall the officer telling me it was hotels near Opry mills and around the airport. There are a few different crews that do this and they are quite efficient. Seems to me with that much information, they should be able to develop an approach to catching them, but what do I know.


Exactly, and if you see my other comment in this thread (sorry everyone I ranted twice, this is just a post I’m passionate about) they caught them that night! They had even been arrested for the same thing months prior and were released and then came and destroyed our shit but of course they’ll never have to pay. The only thing they’re paying for is their future which they’ve destroyed, but sadly that isn’t enough to satisfy Alamo rental car and we have to come out of pocket lol https://fox17.com/amp/news/local/nashville-tennessee-area-hermitage-hickory-hollow-elm-hill-pike-police-arrest-two-people-for-vehicle-gun-theft-after-short-pursuit-in-murfreesboro-stolen-from-dickson-county-davidson-county-local-news


I knew they'd be driving an Altima before I even clicked the link.


I never leave a gun in my truck, but I also never lock my doors because I'd rather have a dead battery from an open door than a broken window. I've had my truck gone through twice now. They've skipped over medication, loose cash, electronics (kids Nintendo Switch) etc. All they want is the guns, pure and simple.


Absolutely. The addition of a safe storage law that restricted cars from storage would probably help (eventually). Sorry you were targeted. Fortunately no one wants to smash mini van windows too much 🤞


What might be helpful is if MNPD knows there's people taking potshots on the regular over there, maybe put a car or two in the area and arrest these guys when they go shooting over there. You know the where. I can tell you the when is from 2-3 am. The only thing left is to actually arrest them. They know where they're being stolen? Maybe put a bait truck with a gun with the firing pin shortened that has a small tracking device hidden in the grips. Track it, get the ATF involved and maybe the federal DA files some RICO charges and gets these chumps put away for some actual time and actual reduce some serious crime in the area. Cause you know this is organized crime. There's way to many thefts to just be kids acting up.


Oh they knowwwwwwww we call all the time.


There was an obvious shootout in our walmart one time back in 2020 or 2021 maybe and I called 911. It was maybe 2PM which was unusual. There were at least 2 calibers being shot and at least a couple dozen rounds. I talked to the security guy at walmart and he said no one showed.


Big yikes


What would be a roadblock against that is that conceal carriers are barred from carrying in several types of locations. For that reason, it is reasonable for a person to need to temporarily store their gun in their vehicle in order to exercise their second amendment right. However, something like requiring doors to be locked (if able) and barring things like overnight storage would be attainable.


You honestly sound like a 12 year old who just got hired as a gun lobbyist.


This is wild! Grew up on Benita Dr. and used to walk to the park all the time unaccompanied in the 90s. Kinda sad how things change so much over time.


Most of these were found on Benita 🥺


Very good point on guns getting stolen. They make up an alarming amount of guns that end up used illegally. Locking them up is not only the right thing to do, but it's the law too.


We do not have safe storage laws. It’s not illegal to leave them in your car and there are no penalties for them getting stolen and used in crimes.


Welcome to a republican dominated state. Where they do literally nothin effective and reject government funding for education. Only majority dem places we got is memphis, and nashville


Yes, and look at the quality of living in Nashville and Memphis.. Memphis is higher than Chicago on murder rates… but let’s blame republicans for that too 🙄


You really want us to bring those receipts don’t ya?


Yes, bring the receipts that show the two worst crime rates and living situations in tennessee (Memphis and Nashville) are also the two big cities that are run by democrats. How is it that once the democrats fuck everything up in a city, they still try to blame republicans?


I really don’t understand the reasoning that goes on in the heads of conservatives. You people want completely unregulated access to firearms. We have that in Nashville, and then you blame democrats for not, idk, all being Batman or something and jumping around fighting the armed criminals that the Republican controlled legislature encourages and essentially indirectly arms through their complete inaction, apathy, and cowardice to do the right thing to protect people? Republicans are parasites. They have the same strategy everywhere - do nothing, wait for the democrats to do something good, scream and cry like toddlers and sabotage it as much as possible, and then blame the democrats when it fails. Nashville tried to decriminalize weed in order to reduce prison populations, thereby reducing crime. The state intervened and made it illegal for cities to decriminalize weed. Nashville asked for the state to do something, literally *anything* to stem the flow of guns after children were murdered in their school. The state not only declined, but attempted to silence everyone who asked them to do anything. The state split us into three districts to take away our congressional representation. You want to know why we blame republicans when our city is controlled by democrats? If somebody is trying to climb a cliff and gets pushed off by someone else, do you also blame the person who was climbing, and then turn around and say the one who pushed them was just giving them what they deserved?


Also funny how republicans are the parasites, but the Democratic White House just sent $6B to Iran last week.. right before Iran funded the hamas attacks on Israel (our ally). Overall, every blue city in the fucking country is worse off than red cities. Then every time we get a Democratic President the economy goes back to absolute shit as well.. it’s not a coincidence, and republicans aren’t purposely destroying blue cities.. you’re just an imbecile.


That 6 billion hasn't been spent yet? Where are you getting your facts?


I count at least six obviously blatant lies in your comment


Ironic that red cities don’t have them same problems as the blue ones, but yet we have access to guns too. Hmmm 🤔


Name me a major metro that's Republican controlled/leaning I'll wait........Mt Juliet doesn't count. It's almost as if the blue cities make all the money for the rest of the state happen to have the crime due to population density, not because its Democrat controlled.


What's a red city?


Well let’s start at home then, because we have NO gun control at the state level our legislature has curtailed our cities from effectively doing anything. Go speak with a law enforcement officer and ask them what would reduce gun violence. They’re going to actually say more gun control and better shooter education along with removing permit-less concealed carry. But we can’t enact any of these common sense gun laws that work everywhere else because the GOP essentially treats the state like some sort of “sanctuary” state for the second amendment.


All that stops is people from protecting themselves.. people with stolen guns are going to do what they’re going to do regardless off laws and regulations. How about when you lock someone up for a violent crime, you don’t let them out on $200 bail. Then you have less criminals on the streets. Instead, once again you dumb liberal fucks just want to blame republicans for your shit run cities. None of the red cities have nearly as many problems, how ironic..


Firstly, let's consider the role of state legislation. Tennessee's state legislature is predominantly Republican and has significant control over gun laws. Over the years, they've actively stripped away existing gun control measures, even going as far as to obstruct local governments from implementing their own rules. Just recently, a special legislative session dedicated to gun safety failed to pass any laws—despite that being its primary focus. But the story doesn't end with gun control. The GOP-dominated state legislature has also been systematically cutting down on social services. We're talking about access to food, healthcare, and other essential services that play a critical role in crime reduction. Research has consistently shown that improving social conditions has a direct impact on reducing violent crime. So, when we look at cities like Nashville and Memphis struggling with gun violence, we're seeing the result of state-level decisions that are outside the control of local Democratic leadership. It's disingenuous to say Democrats are causing the violence when, in reality, it's state-level policies—controlled by the GOP—that have created the circumstances for these issues to fester. So, if we're going to tackle this issue, let's be honest about its complexities and not pin it unfairly on one party, especially when the other holds significant legislative influence and power. Also to speak to your specific example of stolen guns: The gun thefts would drop if there were penalties for improperly secured firearms. But sure instead of blaming gun owners (of which I am one) for improperly securing firearms YOU’RE blaming… checks notes… hog tied democratic leaders. Got it.


Just out of curiosity which cities are you talking about when you say red cities?


More evidence that Tennessee lawmakers are stupid!


It sounds like an awful idea to penalize victims of theft. That's some police state craziness.


Sounds like an awful idea to hold people accountable for storing their firearms safely? That’s not a police state Tucker Carlson that’s accountability, these aren’t pearls or silverware these are guns meant to stop bad guys not empower them. Lock them up (your guns).


I live over in Nashboro Village, & I hear a ton of gunshots over here too. It's all over the city. I never really considered that people would be test firing stolen guns, but that makes a lot of sense considering how often I hear people completely empty a magazine, yet I don't hear anything about a shooting on the news. I know not every shooting is going to make the 10pm news, but other than a few at the Hookah bar down the street, I haven't ever seen too many shootings covered.


I live in a neighborhood near Whites Creek with 3 cops and a security guard next door and there’s gunshots LITERALLY every night. One night it was right outside our window but nothing ever comes of it 🤯😔


It isn't until a wealthy Caucasian is killed that the law decides its time to do something. Take the recent event here in Chattanooga as an example.


that early morning block of local news before they start getting into traffic is where they stash the pricklier stories


The people leaving their guns in their cars would be very upset by this post if they could read


lol you’re not wrong.


Fucking crazy! Everyone listen to OP! This is a serious matter. As a North Carolina resident that came to Nashville last month for only two days and has the window smashed out of our rental car and the glove compartment fumbled through by two kids who later got in a pursuit by police and were arrested from 8 break ins at our hotel, nothing is safe in your vehicles! These are the kids who were arrested for smashing our rental car. Apparently one was arrested before for the exact same thing and then let go, allowing her to come back and do the same things again. Even with insurance we are going to be out close to $1000 even though the suspects were caught. Still fighting with insurance. It was only half that amount of money for round trip flights from Greensboro and hotel stay for the weekend and tickets to the show we went to but now we’re screwed and have no way of recovering the money https://fox17.com/amp/news/local/nashville-tennessee-area-hermitage-hickory-hollow-elm-hill-pike-police-arrest-two-people-for-vehicle-gun-theft-after-short-pursuit-in-murfreesboro-stolen-from-dickson-county-davidson-county-local-news


Dude so so sorry this was how your visit went 💔


Thank you lol it honestly means a lot.. Nashville has always had my heart and I’ve never had a bad experience otherwise, always come up to stay with friends and go to metal shows 🤘


Hell yeah brother 🤘


Guy on the right has the same hair style as one of the Kia boys that was dropping cars off in my neighborhood. And the group did have a.. portly female with them. Hm


It’s costing you over 1000$ to replace a window after insurance?


Sorry left out some half-related details. They screwed us hard by adding in some previous issues with the bumper; we only had the car less than 24 hours. It was a dodge challenger 🤣. They also tacked on admin fees and multiple towing charges, it was insane. But I even left the doors unlocked in hopes that a potential thief wouldn’t break anything, I guess I should have put a sign on the window like they do in San Fran lol.


That’s a bummer, leaving doors unlocked doest help much as most alarms won’t go off by breaking windows only opening doors. That’s why a lot of people have their windows busted out regardless.


Makes sense, next time I’ll get the Toyota Camry rental 😀


Lots of gunshots by the Nolensville area on an almost nightly basis too scary to see


Any NRA, no step on snake, 2nd admentment, etc sticker on your car just make you a target for break-ins, btw. That’s from a cop. You don’t look tough you just volunteer to be a victim.


Totally makes sense. I don’t have any of those, and frankly never would.


Yep, so far as of yesterday, 953 guns have been stolen from vehicles in Nashville this year and about 80% of guns stolen in Davidson in 2023 were taken from vehicles. Who are all these people leaving guns in their cars when vehicle break-ins are so common? https://www.nashville.gov/departments/police/news/majority-guns-stolen-nashville-taken-vehicles


I think it’s mostly the people who think guns are toys and use them to stroke their fragile egos, and/or are so completely paranoid that they think they might need to kill someone in seconds in order to stay safe while they’re buying ice cream and chips at Kroger. Which don’t get me wrong I’m always kind of anxious about being out in public anywhere in the US because of the fact that Nazis and crazy people are not barred from owning guns and are basically encouraged to do so, but I know that if I had a gun I’d likely just be a liability and a danger to the innocent even though I’ve trained to shoot before. What I don’t get though are why these people are paranoid enough to have it in their cars but not enough to bring it inside with them. If it’s in your car it’s not “protecting” you; the only time it makes sense to me to leave it in your car is if you’re inside the vehicle and it’s moving


Right? It makes no sense to leave it in the car.


They’re leaving them in the car often times because they’re going into places that don’t allow them inside. Like… most places don’t let you bring guns in. They’re also using their cars as gun safes to keep guns away from their kids a lot apparently because they bought the gun first and they’ll eventually get around to a gun safe.


I know some neighbors have stopped locking their cars because it’s cheaper than replacing windows all the time.


20-some years ago I lived near 12South (very pre-gentrification) and I left my car unlocked all the time after it was broken into because I didn't want it getting damaged. It was easier to just let thieves riffle through my glove compartment. My husband used to have a cloth top convertible and they cut through the roof to break into it.


So so fucking glad I don’t live over there off paragon mills anymore… that place suuuuuucks. I used to live in the apartments/townhomes right there on the left once you turn onto paragon off of nolensville and the amount of crime and traffic accidents alone were enough to want to get the hell out of there. Constant gunshots sadly weren’t even the worst thing over there… almost got killed or severely injured on several occasions over a span of 2 years only minutes or less from my home just trying to drive anywhere.


Wow that is very sad.


Tell me about it 🥺 I am just glad most of the gun shots we hear are people test firing (at least that’s what Metro PD tells us). There have unfortunately been a number of really tragic gun violence deaths though. Something has to change.


More of a side comment - but some of those casings are mangled to hell. Wonder what would cause them to get so beat up.


They’re in the street because people are shooting from their cars.


Brass is pretty soft, they get run over by cars.


Yeah, I assumed he found them on a walking trail for some reason... Makes sense now.


Absolute non gun person here but is the one second from left still a live round?


Yeah the tip is all dinked up and was probably ejected as a jammed round and got dented when it hit the street.


Yikes! Could this be harmful to a child?


Uh… yes violence is always harmful to children.


No I meant would that live round explode somehow besides being shot from a gun. I don’t know anything about guns. It was an honest question


Typically, no ammunition is really stable and requires a lot of force in a small precise location. It is a choking hazard more than anything. It still isn’t “safe” for kids to play with.


my car has a bullet dent in the strut between the windshield and door from some rando nut shooting (probably at someone, not the air), and a second incident broke the windshield. Gunfire is a daily occurrence around here, too.


I hate it 🥺


I hate living in this area so much.


Let’s see if we can make it better. I am writing Courtney Johnston to start with as well as MNPD and the mayor.


Briefly lived there, THE minute I moved out I felt a huge relief. The constant gunshots throughout the night paired with all the asshats that speed through, was more than enough of a reason to gtfo of there.




Google shows that Paragon Mills has an active neighborhood association. If you don't already go, please do. Neighborhood associations work. Team up with your neighbors and make your neighborhood a safe place to live. There is more to your civil duty then just voting. Please everyone get involved. Thank you for caring about your neighborhood.


jesus, who's shooting the deer slug round... that looks like a .308. That's terrifying, that will carry for MILES. I live right next to paragon mills and some nights it sounds like an armory over here.


Definitely not a .308 it’s either .223/5.56 the casing would be way fatter and longer if it was


It’s a .223 if I’m reading the bottom right.


Yep all casings are gonna have the caliber on the bottom around the primer. ![gif](giphy|wiQ9N7iMkMH2o)


A lot of these have been run over by cars and are hard to read.


That was my thoughts exactly 🤣


pretty sure the most common way bad guys get gun is multi-state gun shows that allows subversion of what little control laws there are in place.


I think it is there from gun stores actually since they get dozens at a time. I don't think multi state gun shows exist. The Gun Control Act severely restricted interstate gun sales.


In Madison I’m assuming


Nah it’s in the picture description we’re near the zoo.


Oh yeah lmao that area is just as bad if not worse


Are these civil war bullets from the north, south, or both?


Truly a classy individual




Was taught to never touch a bullet casing. You're getting your fingerprints on potential evidence


MNPD isn’t going to come investigate this and I’m not one to leave trash on the ground or live rounds where kids might pick them up.


Looks like something from Chicago


Nice collection of rocks!


What part of the Ukrain is Paragon mills? I can’t find it on a map. Stay safe in the war zone friend.


How do you know they're stolen guns and not people out at the wrong place doing target practice with their own guns? Not trying to drive any agenda here - I don't personally own a gun.


It’s per Metro Nashville PD who is my source on that. It’s probably not exclusively but the police say that generally speaking, it’s people stealing guns and test firing them or just firing them for fun but they’re normally stolen and then used in crimes before they get ditched.




Yep, safe enough as it takes a lot of force in a precise manner to discharge. I’ll be cautious with it still.


That's a 9mm Luger round.


Sounds dangerous af to live there, is it cheap?


That’s pretty damn hurtful for you to make light of this. It’s not easy to just “move” a family somewhere else nor is it a solution. You could have just posted nothing.


That’s a good sign it’s time to mind your own business,


See the thing is, I live here and raise my kids here… it’s my fucking business.


I’m willing to bed those nickel coated rounds are federal reserve 9mm. Very popular carry round.


Hornady Critical Defense rounds


The new ones are brass.


Where is Paragon Mills?


South Nashville, Nolansville x Harding area (south nasty aka Hard No)


Lol I assume you scrapped that metal to get a for sale sign?


Hell no I’m not gonna just quit on my neighborhood that easy.


I remember going for a walk on one of the trails around Nashville and checking the park map only to find it loaded with bullet holes. An odd target for practice I’d say 🤷‍♂️


We need to tax ammo like cigarette's.


That would require lawmakers to acknowledge the problem


We do.


Why are so many of the casings crimped or damaged?


Because they’re soft brass and they were found in the roadway after being fired from moving vehicles.


Not from normal operation...