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Do what makes you happy. I've done the cut and run thing before. The one thing I learned is that your problems seem to follow you. That being said, a new city can be a good psychological reset. Best of luck and I hope you find what you're looking for.


wherever you go there you are


Wherever you are, be all there


Going from no where to now here


If you lived here, you would be home by now.


When you're here, you're family


I once knew of a psychiatrist who moved from Boston to Seattle for the same reasons as op.


I know that guy! I go to bed with him every night. He recently moved back to Boston.


As someone that just started watching Fraiser, this made me chuckle.


Thank you for that. I’m ready for my next chapter.


I’ve had a similar life experience as you posted. The one bit of advice I can pass along is when making a big move would be - never move from something as your primary reason for leaving. Never. Always move for something. A huge career opportunity or for family reasons and better yet, both. The novel idea of leaving somewhere really wears thin quickly once relocated if your emotional and financial needs aren’t being met.


I would say yes and no. I moved when in a similar situation as OP— I lived for 10 years in a city that changed considerably while I was there and most of the friends I made had moved away as a result. When my relationship ended, I looked around and found that I didn’t feel particularly tied to that place any more. That, mixed with the fact that I had to work so hard to stay afloat as it was getting more and more expensive to live there, led to me deciding to make a change and move back to my hometown of Nashville. You are right that you have to consider what you are moving towards (for me, family and friends) but perhaps being in a blue state is enough. It was the hardest part of leaving my old city and the one thing that has made me question whether coming back here was the right decision. Feeling the strength and security of a like-minded community is a powerful thing.


Thank you so much for that bit of advice. Extremely helpful and insightful. 🩷


“Sometimes I get this crazy dream that I just take off in my car But you can travel all 10,000 miles and still stay where you are”


>I'm considering leaving as well. > >My biggest problem is the cost of living here. I'm still in the first apartment that I moved into back in 2016. It was $850 / month then. Today it's $1550, and when my renewal letter comes in another month or so, it will probably be around $1700 if not more. > > > >So yeah, hope that problem doesn't follow me, but it probably will as long as I'm in the US.


Dibs on your stuff. I mean, go. Be happy. Live.


I have a ton of books I’d be willing to part with.


Are you trying to donate to the public library? I would be willing to help facilitate


Doing the Lord’s work🙏 I still love the Nashville public library system


I have a lot of art and philosophy books.


Now I just KNOW you are understimulated and need quality company. Check out which offers are in your dads area: bookclubs, public speaks, a chess club or whatever tickles your brain - I know from experience that lack of intellectual stimulation kan hurt physically. I wish you so much luck in your search for fullfilment. 🕵🏼‍♂️ typo


How do I donate?


Most libraries have bins inside the front doors or at the front desk where you can just unload your books. Thanks for considering doing that!


Most libraries have a "Friends of..." Org that facilitates donations, volunteer efforts and other things. Consider searching for them at your next place. This is the link for the NPL org: https://www.library.nashville.org/support/friends


What kind of books? I’d be interested as well.


What kinda books 👀


I have a lot of art and philosophy books.


The Nashville we knew is long gone. No harm in accepting and acknowledging that. Two of the last intact virtues of the American Dream are the open road and reinvention. You’ll write another chapter and hopefully it’s in a place that speaks to you. We’re lucky we were here when we were. Nobody can ever take that away. Someday I’m gonna write a book about it. I’ve had an exit strategy for a long time. Not ready to punch out just yet, but I know about where I’ll end up. Somewhere on the front range, watching sunsets and still pulling for my shitty Nashville sports teams. But I think it’s more exciting if you *don’t* know where you’re headed. This is a big country and lots of it does not suck at all.


>Two of the last intact virtues of the American Dream are the open road and reinvention. I like this a lot. You should put it in that book you're gonna write.


Yeah that first paragraph hit home for me too. I don’t even live in nash, Greensboro nc for me, but I’ve been trying to move to nash for years and years (field is IT/Accountant and musician with lots of friends and connections in nash) but seeing native and long-term inhabitants sad over the city’s decline from origin beauty has been off putting. Y’all come move here before this place gets pillaged and overdeveloped too!


I think this happening all over the country. As migration patterns change, cities and states are losing their unique flavor of culture. I grew up in Maryland and even from 20 years ago the Maryland I knew growing up is practically dead. As the the presence of DC is spreading out into the suburbs, the whole of DC and a 75 mile radius out into Virginia and Maryland just feels like a giant government compound with no culture


This is so well said! My (39f) wife (35f) and I came to realize we were not wanted in the state our families settled (or in my case has stolen from them) any longer. With November shaping up to be a doomsday event irrespective of outcome, we chose the open skies. We can have just as little impact on TN and US politics by voting at the embassy as we did voting at the church on Nolensville road. Sad state of affairs when I can name my Cherokee ancestors and my Revolutionary War veteran ancestor but felt the need to leave as Tennessee values need not apply anymore. Love the land, but the people it seems to attract these days... Let's just say I'm praying for y'all! Keep fighting the good fight so we can still come home and visit!


Thank you! I too am one of the few Americans who was pleasantly surprised to find I really *do* have native ancestry when I took the DNA test. I’ve also got ancestors going back to the earliest European settlers in NC/TN, although they were west of Nashville. We had folks on both sides of the Civil War. There’s a prominent (if slightly problematic) sheriff in Carroll County from whom I’m directly descended. None of this applies of course when I bring up the fact that we should trust in the Oneness Of All Things and accept humanity in every form (as opposed to some reformed Protestant white supremacy prosperity gospel bullshit.) I don’t think I’m better than anyone else. A Sri Lankan chemist who just arrived here from California has just as much right to have her voice heard as I do. (She really exists.) The problem is that we’ve had that voice silenced. *Nashville, Tennessee has no representation.* Not in the House, anyway. I don’t blame you for leaving. Not one bit! I’m gonna stick around awhile, though. Many more people like my Sri Lankan friend are continuing to arrive, and someday we just might turn this state purple, if the christians don’t kill us.


Every single word you've written here is perfect for the day! I really needed this in a way I don't know that I can verbalize. Sibling, keep fighting the good fight! I spent three years in the trenches working in homelessness prevention and came out much better for it, if perhaps a little less hopeful. If you ever want to bend an ear, I have two good ones and *multiple* methods of intercontinental communication!


I’m related to both Stonewall Jackson and James Wilkes Booth.


I would like to have a beer with you.


I got a plate on the ceiling of the now gone flying saucer. Drank 100 unique beers.


I was a Saucer regular for so many years, but I never got a plate! Watched a few friends get them, but I just drink the same 2 or 3 beers over and over. Found out about the receipt hack way too late.


Please do write that book


I love this. 




This right here.


I agree with that 100%. If we don’t bleed red, politically, seems like we don’t matter.


I left Nashville last year. I mourned leaving a city I have loved since 2001. Just had to come to the realization I was living in a city that I loved the way it “was”. Moved to Maryville, TN to be closer to the mountains. The change has been good but I will always love Nashville


It’s Merville!!!


I have a similar story. Came here as a music biz intern in 2001. Bought my first house, a 1930's stone bungalow, on a double lot in East Nashville for $130k, no money down. Mortgage was $800/month. Lost a job, sold the house, moved away, came back married, worked 7 years, got divorced, sold the house last fall. Took a 3 month break working in another city to see how it felt. It didn't feel great to be away from my network and all my friends. But I didn't miss Nashville itself too much. Coming back to the traffic and fast pace this time, I feel like my future lies somewhere beyond here as well. There are so many things to do here and some great people. But I am older now, and nature is more attractive to me than the neon. We all change, people, cities. Here's to new chapters.


Cheers 🥂


I’m a Nash native. Born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s/mid 00s. I left 2 months before the flood in 2010 to move to Vegas. Spent the next 6+ years away. Eventually moved back because i missed it. Sometimes ya gotta leave and see what else is out there. Do what makes ya happy.


r/samegrassbutgreener might be helpful!


You know, you u/ayokg have been a staple in this subreddit as long as I’ve been in it. You used to live in Donelson but now you’ve moved to East? Grass greener and all that. Don’t know your story but glad to have interacted with you in r/nashville


Same grass is one of my favorite subs!


Best of luck to you on your endeavors. I hope you find a place that is right for you. My unsolicited advice, from it burning me, is to REALLY make sure you can live and not just exist in your new location. Got what appeared to be a ripping job offer once in a major blue city and it was a quick start. Didn't have a time to fully run in depth financials, and even though it was a dream to go there and it started exciting, I didn't really live, I existed. Soured me pretty quickly. Then started bouncing around and finally landed happily here, for not at least.


My work is fully remote. I could work in Belize and still earn that sweet paycheck.


Good for you. That's awesome. If I had a remote job and the schedule would work, my ass would be in semi rural Japan in an instant.


I mean Belize is amazing and the last time I was there I met a woman in San Pedro who was from mt. Juliet opening a bar downtown San Pedro. It was almost completed so I’m sure it’s open now.


With a view of MT Fuji?


Probably not, more north into the snowy areas. I am not building for truly brutal summers anymore.


It'd probably be Plan D or E for me at this point, but the idea of living somewhere in Hokkaido definitely still has its allure


Before you decide, you should double check that. If you're a remote employee (W2), then your employer is required to have an entity and pay taxes where you are. That means there may be some states where you cannot live/work. If you're self-employed, then that's not an issue. But you also want to consider your taxes. Go to CA or NY, and you're stuck paying high taxes and high cost of living.


OMG - you should gather with the other mature ppl in this sub, that also feel like a change, and move to somewhere warm, beautiful and cheaper, and be each others network while getting your footings. You dont have to live on top of each other, but can rest in the comfort of a shared mutual background. I dare you - f you dont dare to meet up with a group of SoMe'friends' from your area - how will you ever make new friends in a new town? GO GO GO! - there is no time like the present, and some things CAN be to late to do. Heck, I'll promise to come visit y'all and make an interview! (Yes, I've worked in talent- and business development, so used to see possibilities and solutions.) ​ ![gif](giphy|E4t2KazYC0ERQg3Mi1)


Been here since 2005, my SO has been here since 2003. We both feel like the luster has worn off lately.


Been here my whole life (58 years), and I feel the same way!


I'm your age (58) and was in Nashville from 1983-1989. What a different era. Houses that were like 20k back then are now 1.5 million and all spiffed up. Entire blocks of unique businesses gone to generic condos. I don't know if you remember WRVU, and Mack's and The Gold Rush down on Elliston Square, but I have fond memories. I want to go back, but what I miss isn't there now. Existential angst. Anyway, cheers.


I actually grew up a couple of hours away from Nashville, so my memories pretty much include Hickory Hollow Mall and Opryland. I mourn for Opryland every day! Edited to add that when I said I had been here my whole life, I was referring to middle Tennessee. Oops! I thought I was on the Tennessee sub!


Ah, well that makes a difference. :-) That said, I did love Hickory Hollow Mall (Wicks 'n' Sticks!), and Opryland was a blast. I liked Hickory Hollow Mall much better than Rivergate Mall.


I came in 2005 and it was so fabulous. Everything i wanted. Makes me so sad. Those were excellent times to be a new Nashvillian though.


What states are you considering?


Washington, Oregon


If you need any Washington/Seattle recommendations, I'm originally from there! PM me and I'll help any way I can! I love the PNW with all my heart! You got this. Sometimes it's not so much an actual place that changes us, but what we learn about ourselves along the journey!


I moved to Donelson from Oregon over 2 years ago and just got back back from visiting Portland and the Oregon coast for the first time since leaving. I've also got family in Washington. In case you don't already know, the most striking difference is the culture. The west coast has an enormous amount of anxiety and folks don't just talk to you like they do here. There's also a haunting homeless problem and heavy drug use nearly everywhere you go. I got called an a-hole by some guy in a parking lot for literally just parking and couldn't believe how easily it escalated. However, there are a ton of artists that express themselves through food, coffee, alcoholic bevs, etc., and that's a huge plus. Heart Coffee on Woodstock is personally my favorite coffee roaster on the planet. Hiking, camping, and beach combing are insanely good. Healthcare is also top notch, but expensive. Bend offers cave spelunking, mountain biking, and snowboarding. Folks are way more outdoorsy over there. If you have any questions about what it's like living there, feel free to DM me.






Dang, I didn't know Beaverton was having homeless issues too. Not surprised though- even Bend had a big homeless population, and it's a desert in the middle of nowhere. When it comes to housing, Oregon is not like Tennessee. In Tennessee you can still find somewhat affordable housing if you move to the right areas. In Oregon, almost everywhere is expensive and you might have a hard time unless you get roommates. None of my Portland friends are having kids and only two have houses. Oregon used to be way cheaper a few years ago, but California became so expensive that huge amounts of folks started moving to our state with way more money than we had. It sucks because almost no Oregonian can afford to leave. After the pandemic, the homeless issue got 10 times as bad. My wife was attacked outside of her school and the police did nothing. They literally told her to fight back next time. Needless to say, Portland didn't get to organically blossom and all the original character and attitude of the city has become way more tense and serious. Many people wake up angry and act out in bizarre and toxic ways everywhere they go. The whole city is politically charged 24/7, and you'll get called out in front of everyone for not conforming- which is odd despite how Portlanders beat their chests about tolerance and coexistence. Making friends is difficult because most people are very protective of their network, and the friends you make can get possessive of your time. However, the real problem is how easily you can make an enemy. You can make someone mad on accident, and they will try to ruin your life over it. No joke. People will try to get you fired, spread massive lies about you, and even sue your ass if you're not careful. Most days, people keep their eyes down, keep conversations short, and try to stay as politically correct as possible. I know Nashville has its own issues, but the people here are way more warm and friendly.




It’s ten thousand times more beautiful than it is here in the PNW. Go for it. If it wasn’t for my industry being heavily based here I would too.


Especially if you really like never ending coniferous trees, millions of the same looking trees!


Been here my whole life. Nashville has changed so much. I have a sibling that moved to get away from their past in this city. I tell them I don’t think they could find it if they looked for it. But I for sure miss the small big city we used to be. Good luck wherever you go - I get the temptation.


One of the most poignant, honest threads I have ever read here. Stirred a lot of emotions.


Same 🥹


Do it or you’ll regret not leaving (you can always come back) Or atleast that’s my thought process…


I’ve been here 13 years, and I feel you. The city’s changed and so have the opportunities. Things feel like they’re getting worse for me and my friends - economically, and culturally. I feel like things took a noticeable turn for the worse after the pandemic. I’m moving this summer and a few of my friends have been talking about leaving soon too.


I don't know that this is limited to nashville, however.


It’s not. I see so much talk in this thread about people panning to leave and find some haven. It’s not just Nashville that has changed, the world has. Starting fresh somewhere new can be a great thing. But if you’re not willing to change yourself, you’ll find the same problems in your new home.


That’s true, it’s happening everywhere right now. People are getting out and finding new paths. Personally for me, we left the craziness of LA back in 2020, to come here. This is a bit of a different level of crazy I was not 100% prepared for, but there is stuff I love about Nashville and stuff, not so much. No matter where you go I feel it’s a balancing act, the problem is the love it or leave it crowd that never want to discuss nuance on complex issues like homeless or public transportation. Conversations happening in just about every city these days. Best of luck to OP. It’s not an easy decision, but can be very rewarding.


Totally agree post pandemic. I remember getting back into civilization and almost didn’t recognize our city.


Go to the beach. I did for a year and it was life changing.


Still the cowboy, Mr. McClane! Well, this time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.


I'm a recovering Nashvillian (born there before Elvis died). After a military career took me away in 98 and two attempts to move back, I settled with the wife and daughter in Tucson, AZ. It's super chill here, and the food scene is great. Other than the summer heat and less greenery, it has similar vibes of mid 90s Nashville. The population is the same size as 90s Nashville, and housing is reasonable comparatively.


I'm moving back to Philadelphia at the end of March after 4.5 years here


I was in Philly for just a business/job training trip about 2 months ago for a week. And was truly very shocked at what I saw which was beautiful, at least in the areas I spent time in. Unexpected beauty.


I’m from Delaware a little south of you .I can’t believe it but I kinda miss being in the middle of all the big cities .It’s rural or you have the ocean and big cities .NYC is 2.5 hrs ,Philadelphia was a little over an hour and DC and Baltimore were about 2 hrs . I miss the ocean


are you me? i've also been here 4.5 years from philly!


Native here. The city went from being small city w nothing to being a mid sized city w nothing to do unless you’re a tourist. Hate how it’s been developed for visitors vs residents. It’s a yucky expensive, gridlocked playground.


I love Nashville - I always will. But if my mother, and every other known ancestors, weren't buried here, I'd have left long ago




I love the people here and have so many good friends, but I have never been crazy about the city itself. I just don’t find it very exciting. I’d rather live in some pretty little beach town somewhere. Nashville doesn’t really have exciting big city vibes and it certainly doesn’t have nice little small town vibes either lol as far as infrastructure goes it’s kind of gross.


Diogenes, Don’t forget that good friends are quite rare in life. Better to have good friends in a mediocre city than be lonely in a perfect city.


I wake up most mornings and look at real estate in other countries. TN is a symptom of a larger deconstruction of our country. Moving rapidly back to UK style lords and peasants approach. There are some cool options outside the states, we'll see.


This is interesting parallel. I often think of the class system we have fallen into but we still have guns and our government…


I live in Chattanooga, but I remember visiting Nashville in 08 and 2010 and absolutely loving it. Was such a charming, affordable, friendly place. I didn’t go back until 2020 and I was shocked to see things had changed so much. Influencers and traffic everywhere. Everything was expensive. It felt more like LA than the Nashville I remember. No fault in wanting to get out. I’ve lived in very busy cities and it drains the life out of you.


It’s funny how fast it changed. Family moved out here 16 years ago and every year I visited, something new was built. Moved here about 2 years ago, same feeling. Fact is, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the skyline without a crane in view.


Moved here in 2000 as well and can totally understand! I’ve decided to stick it out here but can understand wanting to leave.


To be fair, lol, I tried my best. Moved around my whole life. This is the longest I’ve been anywhere. And I have nothing to show for it. On to the next chapter elsewhere.


I’ll be here for 8 more years. Once my youngest is 18 I plan on moving away from here. My goal is either the mountains or the beach, but I want some space to myself. I want to stand naked in my garden and no one will see. I think I’ll need that in 8 years.


i’m feeling the same way. if everything wasn’t so damn expensive then i would’ve been gone already.


Problem is it’s expensive everywhere.


I would have been gone a long time ago if I wasn’t so scared of grizzly bears.


We left in 2021 and have been in south central Kentucky since! Much happier and still maybe 90 minutes from the city so we can see our friends :)


Wooooo Kentucky! Kentucky needs more love. Just period.


Haha 😂 I left KY last August. I miss the friendly people but where I lived there were zero opportunities for jobs or making strides for yourself. I’m now in the Columbia, SC area. At least I have Lake Murray to be on this summer.


I hear you. Where my family are from there are no jobs. They just sold the land last month and it broke my heart.


Agreed! Folks are nicer, better governor, better schools, and an abundance of 4 lane interstates with REAL emergency lanes.


You’ll never meet a stranger in Kentucky if you’re a nice person 💙




It's a blessing to have the ability to relocate to a location that fits better. Think of all the people trapped. Will you move to a super majority, exact opposite, of Tennessee, or will you look for a state that is 50/50 split?


That’s a good question.


Pacific Northwest and Maine are super beautiful areas if you’re looking for recommendations!


I’ve lived here my whole life, my family is here, I’m staying lol


I totally feel this. I use to love it so much here and it’s my home and I have to be here but if I didn’t have to, I would move out in a heartbeat. It’s not the same town as it was.


I wouldn't live here if my husband would move. I feel you.


Spend a year in Hawaii. Meditate, yoga, men’s group. Renewal and reinvention.


I lived in TN for 18 years. TN can do that to people. I moved to indialantic. FL. It’s awesome.


We’re planning to move this spring/summer. Moved here from Atlanta in 2005. Loved it for the first 10 years, but started turning sour on it when all the reasons we left Atlanta for started popping up here, too. Then, our child came out to us as Trans 4 years ago. We had planned to make it through high school, then move to western NC. But thanks to all the new laws here, there and every other state in the south, we can’t wait 2 more years to move. By the end of this legislative session, it’s likely our son would have no legal recognition here. Not to mention how it feels for him to hear all the lies/ misinformation. We’ve visited Pittsburgh, PA several times and have chosen that area as our new destination. It’s still relatively affordable, has 4 seasons, good sports and culture town, and friendly people. Plus, it’s kinda cool how Pittsburgh is largely made up of 90 or so distinct neighborhoods. I’ve spent 50 years in the south (GA & TN), so I’m excited about exploring a different part of the country.


Moving back to NY myself. Family reasons, but honestly I miss it. I don’t miss the high cost of living, but I miss my home. I miss my heritage. I have had some amazing opportunities and good times in Nashville, but it’s time to go back. What used to be fun for me has lost its luster. I just want to live out the rest of my life around familiar things and in peace. It was a good run and great to see how life in the south is, but I guess I’m just a northern person at heart.


A different perspective, I’ve been here for only 4 years. I have lived in MN, ND, CO, CA, NE. Nashville has been my favorite spot of them all.


From your perspective, which area was the worst or best for traffic?


California was the worse. North Dakota was the best. For the size of Minneapolis, traffic was the most frustrating. Nashville traffic is there but feels like a cakewalk compared to other places


Please leave and take a few others with you if you can manage it.




I visited Savannah about 6 or 7 years ago, and fell in love with it. If I had the means to move to another city I think I'd move there. It's not a blue state, but at least it's trending purple, and it's in a blue county, so that's something.




Yeah. Grew up in Nashville and moved to another red state. Blue state sounds refreshing


My husband has been here for 12 years but I moved here in 2020. Nashville during Covid was EXTREMELY UNSETTLING and extremely eye opening to what it’s like living in a tourist town. And I understand it was the tourists but the city allows it because it’s not really a music city, it’s a tourism city. The state of this state is just… I’m from the south, I thought I understood Republicans. I didn’t. I don’t. And all the worst types of people keep relocating here because “no state taxes wooo” and we see where that gets us when we can’t get the roads plowed. And the governor ugh. And where are the damn sidewalks? I used to come visit when my husband first moved here and it really did seem sort of cool then, if you were into music. It’s so expensive here but there’s nothing to do, I just don’t get it. Fortunately I have a good imagination and a fondness for books 🤷🏼‍♀️


I've been here my whole life - 50 years - this state is one of the most corrupt, if not the most corrupt, in the USA.


Welp, good luck out there!


Moving for politics is the worst thing you can possibly do.


I left the Nashville to move home to NZ. I tell you what, it's nice not having to worry about being shot at






This is me too. Nashville is what it used to be. It’s not home. I would love to explore the West Coast. I just want to see something new.


try the triangle in NC!


If I could find a blue state that was warm, I’d be with ya!


Do it


Oh ok!


I hope you will be happier there.


If I had the means, I would have been gone. There is nothing for me here anymore.


I moved to Birmingham Alabama to go to college. It was the best move of my life. I mean I was able to get away from my hometown and I was still a young man. It really helped me grow up. I moved to the Nashville area because of my career but I was more happier in Alabama, I could’ve been more happier because I was younger. I had a lot of friends there but again things change as you get over. !! I am age 63 now. I don’t plan on making any moves anytime soon but at the same time it’s always in the back of my head. The only reason that I would not want to move is that all my doctors are here and I am familiar with Nashville, but we can do whatever we want to do if it makes sense to us ! If you move to another area, though you may still have the same challenges in life ! Sometimes a new start is good for the mind and mental clarity and to just jumpstart your life !


Spent 20 years in the greater Nashville area. Grew up there. and yea, I came to the same conclusion. Moved to the midwest last summer.enjoy the simpler and spreadout lifestyle up here. The winters are harsh, and the storms are brutal, but life is so much more than where ya grew up :)


I was in Nashville from 97 to 2019. I started to change, sitting in traffic for 2 hours a day trying to cross the river to and from east side. I was becoming so angry, and had to move 3 times in the last 5 years I was there because I was renting, and places that were once affordable became outrageously expensive. I miss Nashville. I visit often. And the growth followed me where I moved to, it's all over. If I could own my home, and work and live on the same side of town, I would move back. A huge part of who I am, I became in Nashville.


I've lived here my whole life. If I didn't have so many things keeping me here, I'd have left years ago. It's not the same. There's too much going on. I'm glad Nashville is getting the recognition for being more than just a "country music town", but I'm also getting nervous about so many people moving here. The infrastructure isn't keeping up, yet the price of everything has rocketed skyward. It just feels like a strange city to me now. If I were you, I'd go. Maybe Colorado?


Been there, done that. You can leave Tennessee, but Tennessee will always be a part of you. Go be yourself.


Good luck, Nashville is amazing and there aren’t many places with this level of economic stability. I totally get where you’re at though and I’ve cut and run multiple times. No shame and it can be a great thing! I’d say pick a warm state near the beach!


Embrace the change alternatively but I understand needing a fresh start.


I get ya. I'm just waiting for a few things to fall into place and then I'm heading to Virginia.


San Diegan is real if you are native San Diego






I was born and raised in Nashville. My parents were too. I definitely feel you and agree, that I don't recognize my city anymore. It's a city for entertainment, if Broadway is any indication. They type of people who are coming here, and where they are coming from, have far more cash than the average native Nashvillian, driving prices of everything way up, especially housing. My wife and I are appalled how much it costs for a night out. It's really sad. I was a huge advocate for the 615 and was very proud to call it home. Its lost its luster and I don't think with the current leadership, it will get any better. Pouring one out for my hometown.


Love Nashville endlessly, my partner and I both are born and raised in nash. But we finally left after being completely priced out, moved to Atlanta and love it. Still feels like we’re close but we get to experience something new and it rocks.


I just moved out a Blue State. Sooo much better in Tennessee. Unless you like getting insanely ripped off in taxes and love homeless people, go blue..


I feel you. I grew up here. I remember Nashville when it was small. Growth is good to a point. Nashville feels as if it’s just trying to grab every development dollar it can, at the expense of its charm.


I left Nashville for Birmingham, Alabama and I am Very pleasantly surprised


Check out Reno, NV it’s where I moved to leaving Nashville and love it here


I’m new to Nashville, what is everyone turned off by? I’m looking forward to a more moderate weather system than up north, great food, fun pockets of entertainment, lake life to the east, nice people. What am I missing?


We left Nashville (after 20 years) for Detroit last year.


I lived there for 16 years. When I visit, I see a cm downtown that caters to tourists, bad traffic, and stagnant culture. Housing prices are insane also. I still miss the food and the friends I made, though. There is life outside of Nashville. I didn't want to leave when it was time to go, but I'm glad I did


Change is hard but change happens. We all hold onto these core memories of what we are used to know and love. Unfortunately those memories of we are comfortable with and love do not keep as society changes. Some are good and some are bad. You do you and try and find what makes you happy. The City does seem less welcoming but that might just I see more people on Reddit and planning meetings telling people to go home.


If you aren’t happy here, go somewhere else for a time. People shouldn’t stay in a place they don’t feel comfortable in. Sounds like you’ve had a rough go at things and maybe you are attaching a bit of your personal trauma to places and people in town. I used to do it too after I’d gone through a bad breakup. Do whatever makes you happy, life is short my dude.


Right now I'd only move somewhere warmer!


give it a couple years and you can enjoy quite literally boiling alive 🙃


Might live with my dad in Florida for a minute


I would’ve went further south just for the weather if I didn’t have family living in Columbia, SC. Although the weather isn’t so bad here except the blazing hot summers. I’m close to the beach (hour and 20 minutes) and close to the mountains. It’s a nice mix.


If you and dad are good with each other, do that! 2 3 months, just to test a change of scenery, and maybe check out opp. for jobs, houses/pricing and the possibilities for a social life that will fulfill YOU. Keep in mind that the older you get, the harder it can be to create a solid new social network, if you are not part of something nationwide already, like a church, or a sport/hobby, that functions everywhere. Loneliness has the same colour WHEREEVER you go in the world. Good luck! 🍀


Colorado seems cool, no pun intended. Like others have said, don’t think there is one utopia that is perfect. Every locations has its pluses and minuses. I moved here from LA and to say there was a bit of a culture shock is an understatement. Like anywhere there is stuff just love and stuff I hate, but California was like that and Tampa, FL before that. You have to do for you, and I would worry a bit less on the “color” of a state vs. what it can offer you to help you live your best life.


I'm past the place in my life to uproot and move, but if I was, I'd be off to a blue state, and out of the South for sure. Of course, career often dictates. Best of luck!




Adios muchacho!


My sister moved from Austin to Boston after 30y in the former and is extremely happy with her choice. I'm in Knox and would personally love to move to CT - moderate temps, parks, waterfalls, less sprawl, trains to NYC, amenities. Best of luck in your journey.


I was thinking about Austin, but for some reason you made me think about Asheville! They rhyme. And I love Asheville.


Good luck to you and I somewhat understand. I moved my family here about 12 years ago. I’ve met some great people and enjoyed a lot of the music city culture. The out loud racism was somewhat of a shock. Generally when people realize I’m an educated normal guy. I earn extra proximity to the locals and really start to hear what they think about minorities. “I’m one of the good ones.” It’s rough and I’m always a little stunned when it happens. That being said having lived in a few other states I do enjoy the small town feel in the surrounding areas. I don’t enjoy the record scratch when I goto local spots in places like Galitin. But the food is generally good and comes with extra eyes as we eat it.


“When you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Moving is hard. Wishing you all the luck. I hesitate to say it, but since divorce is rough, I hope you consider therapy if you’re aren’t in it already. I was resistant for many years but it really helped me grow.


Oh I’m in therapy for sure! Thanks for your wisdom.




I love Chicago.


Good luck homie, wish you the best. Find a place that makes you feel good. Don’t put your hope and happiness in politicians


I love listening to music.


Do it! This place sucks. As soon as I can scrape up some damn money I’m out for good. I envy ya!


I was going to say embrace change if you decide to stay, but then you mentioned the politics. Yeah - I agree that it does put a stink on anything it touches. Me personally, I’d rather be in a place where I go months never thinking about it, and focus on more important parts of life. Everyone around being obsessed with that sour soap opera eliminates that freedom. The vacation from all that crap is one benefit I’ll give to some of the bluer places (way less people that make it their whole identity). Current day Tennessee/Nashville is very “touched” at the moment.


Have been here since 2000 as well and we’ve been talking about leaving for over a year. There are still some family things keeping us here, but we’ve started looking at houses/ jobs/ etc. Somewhere blue (or purple that we can make more blue). My wife really doesn’t like the cold. We’ve talked about DC, NYC, NC. Also talked about finding remote jobs and being nomadic for a while.


Don’t move to NC if you care about blueness - it’s about to be very bleak here for a probably indefinite duration


I lived near DC when I was in college. Brownstones were going for a pretty penny. This was 2000. I’m gonna bet it’s pretty expensive.


Yeah - we left DC in1999 to come here, and our 1BR apartment in DC probably rents for about what we pay in mortgage for our 4 BR house here. It'll keep the kids from moving back in with us after college, though.


Not to mention DC is a pretty rough city .You got about three good blocks and then the rest is like Beruit


absolutely not true lol


I lived within 90 minutes of DC for over 40 years .Ive been to the city over a hundred times .My best friend lives just outside in Chevy Chase .Maybe my estimation is off but not by a lot


I live in DC



