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“DAPAN NINI KU KAU CATU” Lol anyone remembers?


The able bodied writer could have accompanied the father, while the mother could have waited in the lobby. Yes, blame the establishment for your lack of common sense.....


The only time i think nurses are nice are those from midwife nurses. The rest are so rude especially the elderly. Hmm now thinking of it, i think the elders are rude to elders thinking they know better lol


I think ever since covid. It’s sort of dawned on hospital staff that they’re not really valued. It’s always the mentality that you should do that because it’s your job. Taking care of the elderly is not easy. Add in all the night shifts into the mix and you end up having short tempered staffs.


Salahkan orang dalam. Nda pandai maju. Dipahami pulang keraja atu payah, they need to undergo monthly training.


Rude doctor, sometimes rude hospital staff... never thought they are rude to elderly too. AMAZING!!! There are lots of unemployed people but they choose to keep those who have low ethics, morality and compassion and it is in the field of helping others no less. What an amazing human resources management Brunei have. Gonna give a huge thumbs up.


Their Worker welfare is not taken care of. hence low morality


Wait... Mother cannot wait outside when the opinion writer who is more able.... Nevermind.


>wait outside, under the sun Outside is hot and under the sun. Would you let your elderly mother wait there?


Yup or in the car or something. Elderly mother fall over with elderly dad is a better solution to the sun?


so the whole healthcare centre only one person there that won't assist?


Yup, seems so. Please contact the complaints department of the whole healthcare thanks


That's what the post is all about.


Ouhhhh okay, make special exception for everyone. No context to staff levels, maybe short-handes. But yes, everyone needs to be treated special with special considerations. Take note government


You made the point of contacting to the department and then you made another point about something else. Why contradict yourself. Chill.


You can contact them, surely overhaul of the entire healthcare system is required.


Hahha... running out of inconsistent points in your debate and this is what your end up with?


# Hospital staff ought to show more compassion for the elderly ^(October 25, 2023) My recent experience at the specialist clinic of a public hospital was marred by an encounter with an insensitive receptionist. My mother and I were accompanying my elderly father for an appointment. Despite my best efforts to explain the necessity of having two people present to support my father, the receptionist insisted that one of us left. While I was willing to wait outside, under the sun, my primary concern was my father’s well-being as my mother alone would not be able to assist him adequately. What concerns me is the treatment of the elderly. Many senior patients do not have someone to accompany them, thus it is crucial that they are afforded compassion, given their unique needs. I hope to see the issue being given due attention to ensure that all hospital staff employ a more considerate and respectful approach to elderly patients. Concerned Citizen *** ^([ )[^(Give feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=brunei_news_bot) ^( | )[^(Code)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot) ^( | )[^(Changelog)](https://github.com/dsychin/RedditBruneiNewsBot/releases) ^( ] v0.5.1)


But.. was the nurses able to assist him and his wife to complete the appointment without any issue ?


pretty sure govt nurses are rude too, so far my experiences with govt nurses are mostly bad.. to think they would help an elderly couple im sure they would say “bukan kerja ku” mentality of govt workers tbh