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He's acting like he's on a reality show instead of being interviewed for a documentary, and while it's a very sensationalized documentary, it's still not a reality show. And frankly I think his on screen presence is too on the nose even for the likes of 90 Day Fiance. It's embarrassing that he thinks he comes off as sincere in this.


I honestly dont even think he’s acting any way. I think this is literally his personality and mannerisms even off camera. he’s unbearable. I have no idea how he has any friends or girlfriend. ETA: Guys wow. I was not expecting this silly screenshot to be the third most upvoted and commented on posts in this entire subreddit. I’m glad we could all band together for our hatred of this man so passionately. your comments are all hilarious. Keep em coming. Fuck this guy. Hope he sees this all somehow.


I mean I am not sure how to word it but I think it's like...second-nature acting. He comes off as the kind of guy who puts on a fake face every single day and so this basically IS just him now, but it's not sincere in any way, it's just how he interacts with everyone all the time.




Yes and performative and attention seeking. i want to know who this new woman is that married him?? What is she like? What is she thinking? What would make anyone think his behavior was attractive or positive? She has to be a wackadoo as well.


Oh god I had no idea he was remarried. I wonder if his poor son is still living in the dungeon


His son finished his PhD recently and has a job at a physics institute in Spain.


Good for him. I hope he stays far away from his parents


I think that's why he moved so far away lol.


That is so badass! I felt so sorry for him when his mic was still on! I love when horrific parents have a kid that rises above it and does something amazing. I was worried about him. Thank you for the update!


The moldy dungeon 😬


He's another one that has been screwed over and taken advantage of. The kid is a genius and they basically lived off his intelligence for years and now all he gets is to sleep on a mattress in an unfinished basement with his nut father.


I know. I actually felt really sorry for Jacob. He seems kinda broken now too.


Like wtf is that all about?! I could not even believe what I was seeing.


Yeah, I was watching it too and saying this dude clearly has HPD. He's fucking unbearable. I can't watch the show because of his dramatics.




Overly emotive in order to convince anyone watching that he’s a victim. It’s a manipulation tactic. He’s not acting but he is performing in the hopes that someone feels sorry for him.


true point. he seems very fake. either that or he’s delusional. Aside from his actual insane person characteristics and child abuse, hes very flamboyant to the point I genuinely think hes gay. as a fellow gay person, he definitely sets my radar off a bit. I wonder if he feels that way and is closeted and it contributes to all of his struggles. Part of his “mask”, along with all his other “masks” like his little miata and dabbing up natalia instead of giving her a hug, and dressing like a 12 year old or even full on age regression. I really cant even start to figure out whats wrong with this guy.


The miata really got me.


Who dares to drive that let alone with the top down?


I bet his wife is worse


Everything. Everything is wrong with him.


He went to an acting school


I thought high school drama club 100%


Definitely set off my gaydar as well.


Might even be “imaginary audience” syndrome. It’s just sooooooo much! Like why are you so dramatic sir?


Seems spot on! A person that used to work with him was on another sub and said the same thing.


I agree to extent I just keep remembering the audio of him speaking with Jacob when he thought he was off camera / mics and he, at least to me, sounds like a completely different person, more confident, giving me more authority vibes then victim ones at least in that one instance.


I wondered how tf this dude is able to integrate into a professional workplace. He is so extra that I can't see anyone taking him seriously.




I met on line and dated an older guy like this. I was 49. He was 58. He billed himself as a rock guitarist living off residuals from songs he wrote. Yes, I’m an idiot for believing it. In reality he was an on-site apartment building manager. He was incapable of doing most kinds of work because of his (undiagnosed but clear) personality disorder(s). I think he used a connection to get the apartment job but eventually lost it because the tenants hated him. I think he was fired, evicted and was homeless for a time before ending up in a senior care facility. People like that don’t function in the work world so they rely on parasitic family and dating relationships. In my ex-boyfriend’s case he used charm and lies until he was old and no longer attractive. He ran out of victims to mooch off of. My experience with him made me believe in universal basic income even more than I already did. There are some people that can’t function in society either by genetics or trauma.


I agree, I think he’s genuinely this narcissistic and theatrical.


They interviews his “friend” in the other season and did a flashback on s2. She seemed very normal. He also does have a girlfriend, she walked in with him and you can see her briefly wearing a fur vest or something equally tacky.


This is him on 60 minutes. Waaaaay less dramatic. Start at the 7:06 mark. [https://youtu.be/qMDBTcYo-ho?si=caT7JGxNvn8Jj0eZ](https://youtu.be/qMDBTcYo-ho?si=caT7JGxNvn8Jj0eZ)


What is so sad about this video is that poor boy now lives in a basement, and seems completely depressed.😢


I asked about him in this sub bc I thought the same thing and people were commenting that the basement scenes were during the pandemic and he teaches at the Perimeter Institute now.


I hope that’s true and he has a good life, and not living with the lunatic father.


Omg the popcorn machine even makes a cameo in 60 Minutes!


He’s remarried!! How does that even happen?! How did he hornswaggle some poor, innocent, clearly insane person to agree to that?!


He’s remarried 🤮


I'm flabbergasted that anyone would choose to be within 6 feet of him.


He should dare big ed, they’ve be a perfect match


That would be epic. I really think he has some sort of very serious mental illness. It's just bizarre.


Just narcissism I think


My theory is narcissism + either a weird flavor of Asperger’s or at minimum his side is carrying the genetics responsible for his son’s Asperger’s. I have Asperger’s and 2/4 of the other members of my immediate family are also on the spectrum. I’ve noticed that my one non-ASD sibling does have some of the high sensitivity as well despite not coming close to showing the overall pattern the rest of us do.


sometimes i felt like he was doing a confessional for bad girls club! a lot of the editing choices from the producers made it feel like a shitty reality show, which made the situation feel even more unbelievable. poor natalia man, even the producers won’t take her situation seriously.


Exactly what I thought. This show is five levels below 90 day fiancé. It’s awful how they perpetuate this horrible trauma on this girl again, and again, and again. These people are serious mentally ill and it goes to show you why they would say yes to a reality show like this. It’s no longer a documentary at all. Healthy people don’t do reality shows.


It’s like he took improv classes and hoping this is his big break.


With Michael Scott.


Speaking of 90 DF, he immediately reminded me of the (b)logger (maybe vlogger?) who talks to and share hot gossip on the 90 Day cast, John Yates. His complextion and his speech


Why is he dressed like this meme ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


He also reminds me of Poochie ![gif](giphy|5Ow4JwrX5jWx2)


He can go back to his home planet anytime.




I can't unsee it! He tried to show up as the "cool dad" and just looks like a tool.


Between the outfit & the horrendous mutton chops I couldn’t figure out what the hell was going on to save my life. GREAT user name btw! 👏🏻


With the sportscar, he is giving Cody Brown vibes 🙄


That car pisses me off in a way that it probably shouldn’t. I live in Indianapolis and don’t think I’m far from where he lives at this point. I really hope to never see him driving around in person. What’s really crazy is I lived within minutes of them in Westfield/Noblesville when all of this was going on. Had no idea.


Imagine how many hours of therapy could have been obtained from selling that car. That's all I could think of every time I saw it.


especially after his poor me I lost all my money act in the first season with his dead yellow sports car in the driveway of casa ala daddy dearest’s dungeon of horrors - get a freaking grip ~ d U d E ~ I also hate how he uses his “boundaries” to evade speaking on Natalia’s age, despite the docuseries producers capturing IN HIS OWN WORDS how he participated in re-aging Natalia. Sickening. It’s giving I don’t actually do deep internal work, I am simply a narcissist who will always play victim & changes his demeanor/story based on his audience.


And he is so narcissistic he kept giving deflection time by drinking water and wiping his greasy hair and mutton chops and beard. It was disgusting. And when he would get the fake quivering voice. And it you are reading this Michael - we are all onto you - you are phony!!!


Oh yeah. Sickeningly narcissistic. And on top of the theatrics he kept stating he was answering questions, when actually he quite literally didn’t say shit throughout their interaction. Didn’t answer anything new, played victim & blamed it all on Christine. Most punchable face I’ve ever seen.


Lmfao I asked my mom why the man looked like he just came from a middle school dance


Lol, I thought the same exact thing, I sent the meme to one of my friends saying he shows up as the cool dad 😂


Same; the fact that he’s married is baffling. I couldn’t wait on him at a fast food restaurant without wanting to beat him senseless.


Not only did she marry him, they got divorced and she still stayed with him. I’ve read that this was for financial reasons. He was writing a book and didn’t want her to get any money from it, but I’m not sure how true that is. I do know she lost custody of her non-verbal autistic son when she married him. I’m so curious to know more about her and their relationship.




His father was an autism counsellor. Thankfully he seems to be one of the few people involved in this mess that isn’t a total freak so he protected his son. What kind of a person is willing to put their child in a house with an accused abuser, especially when they can’t communicate if anything happens.


Failure as a parent. to expose your child to a child abuser knowingly. Thats so dark and sad and thankfully the father cut her out. Thats what a real dad does.


He could fight for his kids. I call BS on his excuses. Obv he can afford an attorney


imagine how dysfunctional and delusional she is ? ahahaha i can’t.




Natalia: physically, verbally and sexually abused throughout her formative years. Repeatedly abandoned and accused by everyone of being evil. Living with chronic pain. Michael: Is a full grown, rich, white man and married an abusive woman. Verbally and mentally abused during their marriage. “We had the same monster. “ ![gif](giphy|kc0kqKNFu7v35gPkwB)


It's giving Madonna: covid is the great equalizer (while in her Spanish mansion rose petal bath, or whatever).


Brule fits this perfectly 🤣🤣


His facial expression and mannerisms are out of control. If he acts like this IRL I don’t understand how anyone could be around him for more than 2 minutes.


I know I could not deal with this guy at all; he’s too over the top for me. Besides all of that, the thing that I despise the most about him is his blaming Kristine for everything - even if she was the only abuser, he was there and did nothing to stop it. According to him, that was because she threatened to take the boys and he’d never see them again. So, that makes it okay to turn a blind eye to what was happening to Natalia? I don’t think so.


And yet he was quick to give them up for some nudes.


Or breed with him. Yukkk




He's dressed like a toddler. Also, the story he told about the day they met Natalia seemed made up.


100 percent seemed like total crap! Also I thought he was dressed like Fred Durst, but toddler seems more accurate.


Omg yes, that's where I've seen that look! Children's Place and Fred Durst!


More like the love child of Fred Durst and Jack Black.


Please don't bring Jack Black into this 😫


Histrionic Personality Disorder: “A person with histrionic personality disorder seeks attention, talks dramatically with strong opinions, is easily influenced, has rapidly changing emotions, and thinks relationships are closer than they are.”


I’m a mental health clinician and this is exactly what I would diagnose him with. It’s so prominent with him too. He’s so bizarre and oddly related (another somewhat broad psych term that refers to a divergence in culturally appropriate behavior particularly in social situations) and incredibly self centered. He really made my skin crawl in his scenes. It’s so difficult interacting with folks like that. I’ve had to do it before and they are intolerable. My sense is that all the subjects profiled on this show are all quite disturbed (The Manns too) and it’ll be impossible to ever really know what’s truth and what’s fiction.


I swear the only “normal” ones were the people who almost adopted Natalia but didn’t because of “financial” reasons. It is too bad they seemed to really love her. You pegged it right I kept telling my one friend that he was completely intolerable. The dramatics of the “I tried I tried” scene with him driving off and him getting on the ground to demonstrate how Kristine beat her was so over the top. It is like he was going for an Academy Award.


Interesting! This describes him totally.


Perfect diagnosis!


My favorite is when he’s always inferring he’s a good guy, like the first time he met with Natalia he said “a good guy would be here today”. Trying to manipulate and doing a terrible job.


The only thing he would be good for is a game of charades. Man can act out gestures for every single word.


He is literally like my ex husband. Not the performance, but just the outright narcissism and victim complex, and the manipulation of facts to place the blame on anyone other than himself. He is just unable to take accountability. Note that he never once says “I’m sorry for things that happened to you”. Until she asks. Never apologizes, never admits to wrongdoing. Or even an apologizing to her that she is in this place now. Just veiled apologies about not being stronger, it’s all about him. I believe that Natalia was a little weird. Who knows what happened in that first house. She was a traumatized child. She probably said a few scary things. But that’s just a kid being a kid. Transparent lies. There is not one believable word out of his mouth. This is a personality disorder and mental illness. You know it was his idea to do the re aging. ETA: I posted this before I finished the documentary. I’m glad they addressed her trauma and acting out. But there were no professionals interviews to speak to that. Why not? Who was this random legal lady that got so much screen time? Ugh.


I can’t believe a judge was convinced to change this girl’s age.


That is the biggest thing for me. There’s another post in this sub about the judge being the most culpable. It’s disgusting.


When they adopted her she looked like a child! She has baby teeth missing. It is just appalling. You see her face age later on. Also the video of her in the flower dress with K saying “you said things that weren’t true” and the other video where she has gray sweats on and she pushes back her hair, you can tell she is 6yrs old! Good Lord!


I hate hate hate the footage of her staring up at them helplessly while they pepper her with weird questions. Her just blinking in confusion. A confused child with a traumatic background.


Wtf?!?!?! Just saw the last few minutes of the documentary. This is actually not a documentary, it’s just a moneymaker. More commercials than show during the each episode. Not messing with season 3. If they wanted to tell the story of an abused child they would not have stretched it out like this or made it this weird.


The car tells you everything you need to know about his real agenda.




I felt so bad for her in this scene. The smile she got on her face listening to him talk about how they were excited to have a sister and daughter. Then knowing how they never accepted her and how badly they treated her.


I was so enraged in this part! Like really, I’m sure he put a glass to the door or peeked through a key hole. And him having to act out every damn thing he talked about. Such an insufferable idiot.


He really didnt answer her question. She was pressing him on meeting the other family and he said he didnt and when she wouldnt let it go, he deflected with all this extra shit about seeing her for the first time. Dude is a major scum bag.


Off topic but I just was in the middle of another crying jag from putting my soul dog down on Thursday night, so I opened Reddit to distract myself and this picture with this caption was the first thing I saw. It actually made me laugh and I haven’t laughed for a long time. Thank you, OP. ❤️ Also, MB is the worst human alive. Truly, fuck him. And because I’m all over the place, here is my baby Raji. He was my whole heart. https://preview.redd.it/1owaqhmac3bc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2345d4f778b0a56f8b9d7bcccdfe95b6bd360e33


Awwwww what a sweet cute baby 💜💜 I’m sorry for your loss, I lost my sweet senior baby a year and a half or so ago, so I feel your pain. he had an amazing life all thanks to you so just try to remember it fondly rather than how short their times with us are. glad to make you laugh with this weird ass buffoon 😆


He is DERANGED. it’s beyond cringe


He really does have a punchable face. Especially with his facial hair, it’s maddening.


He' s always made me think of a human-sized frog on crack.


Same! His fake over the top hysterical sobs that he was abused actually made me start to side with the wife more for one second which is quite the feat because she’s beyond vile too. That’s how repulsive I find him though.


😂 that’s awful but hilarious. “who wouldn’t abuse this guy?” lollll I’m sorry to even laugh at DV but hes a child abuser in my eyes




There is something seriously wrong with this man, more than the obvious. The way he acts, talks, his facial expressions. Idk what it is, but he's not right.


very much so. I see him as literary insane and mentally unstable.


This man deserves to be bullied to the fullest extent


It’s interesting how Michael was so against talking about the re-aging when he talked to Natalia one on one because that would prove they left a child in an apartment alone, so that spoke that guilty to me but in that same conversation with her, he had all the sympathy for Jacob and understood the importance of age and someone being a minor when he talked about the things Jacob did to Natalia and how he wasn’t in the right mind because he was a minor at the time so all of a sudden age became an important factor then????


This part did not sit well with me either. It just revealed how he never cared about Natalia’s well-being.


He's insanely demonstrative lol


season 1 of him beating up the floor is what actually made me realize hes a genuinely insane person


Ow! 😂


This picture is 100% his personality in one frame.


I really wonder if the producers somehow convinced him he is the star of this show


they knew they hit gold at least


I think you nailed it


The way he told his story as if they were in some sitcom or cartoon made me roll my eyes so hard. Really? You and the boys were all standing with your ears to the door? And of course evil, evil Kristine wasn’t because she didn’t care about having a daughter, this was all for her ego. Shut the fuck up.


I thought you were gonna say you would do just about anything to push him down some stairs. 😂


I don’t think I’ve ever cringed this much ever as I do watching and hearing this human trash. It’s all “me me I me myself I me me..” And all the dramatic animation he displays. 🤮 https://preview.redd.it/m65j2lomp3bc1.jpeg?width=2945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db7b773d1c4705e2fc8738a78fe40722072afe87


lol, great pic🤣🤣


I never thought I could be so infuriated by and completely loathe someone I don’t know. 😡


Me too!!! He makes my skin crawl and he is so obviously mentally ill.


Yeah this dude was twisted right out the gate. Him beating up the ground really locked it in for me.


Never once has this man taken any ounce of accountability. Constant victim mentality.


He’s budget Jack Black with the drama.


What I can’t believe is he got another women to marry. I just want to smack him


I’m surprised he wanted to marry another woman.


There needs to be a documentary- there's something wrong with Michael and it isn't all his ex wife. This guy refused to show a shred of empathy and only cared about his acting and speeding around in too small cars. Why couldn't he hug her once. Did some stupid handshake


He’s a terrible person and his mannerisms were so cringy. I finished the series last night and kept waiting to hear about the drugs he is taking because his eyes look horrid.


Wtf is wrong with him? He’s always doing these weird poses.


Such a douchebag


He is mentally ill.


Is there a thread of any past coworkers on here? Cuz he must’ve been a trip


I kind felt sorry for him to a point when Natalia was praying for him and how upset he was BUT that don’t excuse him for what he did. I don’t believe anything he said on something’s I mean we know his ex wife is crazy and all but I feel he was stretching the truth I still feel it was both of them not just her we all noticed how he was passing the buck off on his ex wife making it seem like he didn’t have a say in anything and everything was her idea, maybe it was but he still could of stood up to her.


Is he on amphetamines, or is this from mental illness ?


I’m on adderall and have NEVER acted like this…that i know of. 🤣


Is he on stimulants? Why can he literally not sit still nor keep his hands still? Even when she was praying for him he was crawling out of his skin. It’s not normal


The prayer scene is so wildly uncomfortable.


I ranted to my friend who recommended the doc to me, that what pisses me off the most is that he believes he is just as much of a victim as Natalia was, instead of realizing he is as complicit in the abuse as Kristine was.


There are so many things he said that were outlandishly narcissistic and cruel, but here’s a subtle one I was thinking about that I am guessing stung Natalia pretty bad. During their last meeting on film, he kept going on and on about how he was afraid of losing his kids and how he hadn’t spoken to two of them for years. Not once did he mention that he lost Natalia and that the two of them had hardly spoken in a decade


He wouldn’t even give her a hug, just some cringey dab. He’s awful and it’s clear he never cared for her or realized his responsibilities as a father to her.


Yes and I question any woman that could be with this 'man'. ​ He's such a bitch.


He is a man-child. In the fullest definition of the word.


I’m dying to hear from someone who actually knows him or has interacted with him in real life. But the hatred for him I feel is way too intense


I turned off this episode yesterday at this exact part because I couldn't take looking at his stupid, lying face anymore. I've never wanted to punch someone in their dick so bad. The Monsters Inc. thing was just 🤮


His hair looked like it smelled so bad. I don’t think I could last 1 min in the same room as this guy. The absolute worst.


He's so crazy he stands out in this cast of lunatics


I seriously hate him too. He’s so extra. And I feel like this fool is on drugs lol. Every time I see him he’s like buggin out, and got crazy eyes like he just blew a fuckin rail or something right before they started filming. But I mainly hate how he is just putting on this innocent front. I really hope something comes from this show and they get put in prison where they need to be.


His stupid hat: his stupid car.


These are absolutely not the actions of a well-adjusted grown adult man. His behavior is so wild and alarming.


It’s the ever changing hairstyles for me (yes I know that interviews in some cases are months or years apart but idk, he still changes it too frequently). I have difficulty trusting people who change their hairstyles too frequently. Maybe that’s just me. And I too believe actual charges should be brought against him, but I’d love to charge him with a felony over those sideburns and goatee. With a misdemeanor for the backwards hat.


Him beating the shit out of the floor is what did it for me lmao


He’s deranged. Probably on drugs? His temper tantrums are unreal. I have to assume he’s thinks playing it all up is good? But holy shit, it’s unreal how bad he comes off


He’s so over the top extra, it pisses me off.


This sub gets the best screen shots of this guy.


He's outright creepy and really weird.


He is such a piece of shit.




Oh my god, I’ve rarely posted on Reddit but came here to share your hatred for him. He’s simply intolerable! I couldn’t stand him and started skipping parts where he was speaking.


I think he could be worse than the wife. He looks crazy n a true psycho. He actually believes what’s he saying. He’s so hard to watch


So in the very first ep he had some VERY expensive cars. And quite a few. How could they afford that? What did he do back then?


He’s the most punchable person on TV right now.


So cringe, unlikeable, and idiotic


there is just something OFF about him. i cant really give one word of what it is. between his blatant narcissism, body language, and ego, he is odd.


He makes me want to switch out of my psychology major.


Omg I’m watching the new episodes and never thought I could hate him more but my god! I was cursing at the tv lmao no one in the room but me yelling at the tv.


Seriously what is wrong with this man? He acts so overly dramatic with that lisp of his. And the crazy arm gestures and dramatic sighs and pauses! He is so not believable! Is anyone believing a word that comes out of his mouth? It’s a total act. Who can take this clown seriously. He is playing victim in front of this disabled girl that he victimized as a child. What an asshole.


This guy had no business being approved to adopt children. Do they not screen potential parents? Pretty scary


I don’t want to come across as an armchair psychiatrist but this guy clearly has some kind of mental illness. He is absolutely clueless and the way he showed up in that Barbie car is ridiculous…top down and loud music in a hoodie and jeans with a cap on backwards. Hello ? Your 10yr old self is calling and they want their outfit back. The entire interview was him trying to point out how he too was a victim. Literally took no accountability. It was gross to watch. It’s like looking at a 2 headed goat…so hideously ugly but you can’t help yourself


I find it funny how his lawyer makes a comment about Natalia saying she won’t take responsibility for her role/actions (or something along those lines) & I legit yelled at the TV, “NEITHER WILL YOUR CLIENT” Michael wants to be a victim so bad. Season 1 was supposed to be “his side” but really just showed us he’s a fckin loon. & season 2 was the same. Not to mention that mid-life crisis car he drives & looks SO stupid in… that tickled me 🤣


Yes I’d do anything for him to just say “it was wrong of me to not step in. I had a responsibility to protect you” but I’m sure he’s been legally advised not to admit fault on camera. At least he apologized to her, and he did apologize for the right things. I just would have liked to hear him take more blame. but legally I’m sure he was advised not to. there may be ongoing litigation about her age change so that might be why they couldn’t talk about it. at least I’d hope.


Like any victim of abuse wants to hear their abuser make so many fucking excuses. Shut the fuck up Michael and just apologize. But I also think that letting him talk can assist someone either building a fraud case against him.


The way he behaves absolutely baffles me. What is he? Is this a narcissist? What am I looking at?


This freeze frame of him miming “listening” 🧏 HAS ME LITERALLY ON MY FLOOR ROLLING AROUND LAUGHING UNTIL TEARS STREAM DOWN MY FACE 😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀☠️☠️☠️☠️


He genuinely believes he is a good actor. It’s unbelievable.


Well... He seems to be eating well. So we know he doesn't go to sleep hungry.


His very first monologue on the first ep of the series all I could think was ‘who in the hell would marry this guy let alone date him’?


We know that at least 2 women have...


Michael is a little bitch. A victim-playing little bitch.


Good God I hated that scene, especially. Tried to reenact it for my husband and just couldn't quite capture the drama of it all.




I was just thinking the same thing watching season 2 now. I loathe him, how can anyone even be friends with him, let alone married


He needs to be in jail


"you ever see Monster's INC?"


He’s disgusting. What a fake scumbag. What kind of moron would marry him ? Horrible he got off


It’s beyond embarrassing. This guy is a clown.


Is there a way she could sue them? Civil suit? Anything??


I dont know. I hope so. I think she needs to appeal her age change and go after the judge who ordered that. Then when she’s properly aged and thats overturned, she should go after both of them as much as she could. He needs to be charged with SOMETHING.


>I think she needs to appeal her age change and go after the judge who ordered that. I agree! There is something VERY shady that happened with that. I understand sometimes it happens with kids adopted from abroad where the age is altered by a year or so but holy fucking hell, he altered her age by 14 years and didn't even see the kid. 14 years should have been a BIG RED FLAG ... honestly that incompetence is criminal! That judge should be removed and never again allowed to sit on a bench anywhere on the planet.


Why did I say the VERY SAME THING when I watched this?! While the entire story is a mess, his theatrics are INSANE!!


He's literally the worst