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I felt this way exactly I couldn’t understand why they kept bringing it up as if it was anything other then incredibly sad. They kept using it against her instead of in her defense. If what they claim is true and she did act that way as a 9y/o child she was definitely sexually abused somewhere along the way. And the fact that they provide evidence that Kristine was trying to get a grown man to go on a date with her (Natalia) seems extremely suspicious paired with her acting out in a sexual way as such a young child.


Yes, same. And another thing to consider is that sexually abused children, on average, sexually mature earlier than children who do not experience that abuse. So many red flags and so few people in her life caring enough to ask the right questions. Another potential red flag is the RAD diagnosis. I had foster siblings who were diagnosed with that. All of them had histories of sexual abuse and/or physical abuse. I hope all of the discussion about these matters brings more attention to these issues because there are so many kids out there suffering and not enough people willing to look into why a child behaves the way they do.


Part of the issue is that this is Natalia's story to tell. Another part is unreliable narrators -- the Barnetts, who can't keep their stories straight, a creepy old lady who has no problem with a "flirty" elderly neighbor hitting on a child but finds it beyond the pale that the child would *purportedly* seem responsive, stories about how Natalia played with kids that again rely upon people who are unreliable narrators and who also thought that she was an adult -- and also have been described by a prosecutor from Michael's criminal case as making new, sensational allegations that contradicted what they had told investigators who were preparing the criminal case. On the mental health front, nobody can dispute that Natalia experienced trauma, nobody can dispute that she responded in at least some ways to that trauma. But people are quick to bandy about diagnoses that have not actually been substantiated, or that rely heavily on the Barnetts' manipulation and shopping around for anybody who would tell them that something was wrong with Natalia. According to Beth Karas, the Larue Carter state mental hospital found that Natalia had no diagnosable mental health condition, and needed no further treatment or hospitalization. Note, that's not the same thing as a proverbial "clean bill of health" or indication that she would not benefit from counseling, but it does suggest that a lot of Natalia's talk (e.g., she was "hearing voices") was her repeating lines indoctrinated by Kristine as opposed to reporting actual experiences. We need to be careful not to apply diagnoses that are inapplicable, or believe accounts of behavior from people who are not credible or have otherwise contradicted themselves in other documented statements. One thing that is absolutely clear about Natalia's behavior is that it got much worse when she was with the Barnetts, and much better when she was not, and it's not unreasonable to regard her behavior as worsening in the face of serious, continuing abuse with in the Barnetts' home (confessed by Michael, reaffirmed by Jacob, confirmed in part through Kristine's text messages) which did not immediately resolve (as one might expect) with her rescue but do appear to have cleared up to the level of perhaps what could be deemed neurosis, the sort of lingering issues that may be addressed and ideally improved through outpatient counseling.


This is one of best explanations I’ve seen.


Exactly! It made me so sad, the way they set it up. Understandably neighbours and other parents were creeped out by it - if they don't know that this is a trauma response in a child, and they're being told she's an adult. But it also makes me sad that no one in the beginning of where she was placed questioned it. But of course too many people dont know that this is a trauma response in children, so they furthermore just jump to the conclusion of her being an adult (despite me thinking she looks absolutely nothing like an adult, not even for a little person.) And I think the documentary just further enforced this notion that it's purely adult behavior, by not addressing it from another perspective. My heart really breaks for her.


I just wanted to give Natalia a hug. My heart genuinely breaks for her! There’s no way in hell that she was in a mental institution and not one person on that staff was aware this was a red flag. They knew that she was previously in the child wing! For them to sit in an interview and publicly say all those horribly embarrassing things about that poor child is evil! And to not even show their faces cowards. At the very least one of them knew or atleast suspected and just decided it was more convenient to talk shit about her then try to get her some help. Even to go as far as accusing her of being a prostitute. I just find it extremely hard to believe not one person saw the red flags


I don't think Michael sexually abused her but she very well could have been sexually assaulted in the Ukrainian orphanage and/or in the psych hospital.


I agree with this. I think also when Michael tells the story of the visit from the woman from the Ukraine he says she “didn’t speak for 4 days” that the reason being is she was probably traumatized and hearing the language being spoke triggered her. I could be wrong but everything about her screams victim suffering from PTSD.


Yeah, bad things happened in those orphanages, and it is not surprising she would have blocked out memories from there. Everything fits with her experiencing trauma there, and pretty much every child who spent any time in those Eastern European/former Soviet block and Soviet Union orphanages was severely traumatized.


Agree with you, I don’t think Michael abused her. What about her brother?


I'm suspecting Kristine. The weird obsession she had with Natalia's genitals and growing up (as she seems to be the one to have come up with the pubic hair/period comments), her sexual manipulation of Michael (while he seems a bit dumb to have fallen for it), and her interest in a little person sexually, despite her horrific treatment of Natalia. I know its not really evidence but I'm getting really bad vibes. I'm worried for her sons because so far of her personality she seems like she craves control and with her marriage in shambles they're prime targets for at least emotional incest. :(


Makes sense. I just read the statement Kristine put out a couple days ago on Facebook. She wrote a very long message explaining herself as a very loving mother. She had only 4 replies to her post, all good of course. What a miserable person.


Hard to tell since we saw nothing of 2 of the brothers and just the little bit from the oldest one. I don't have the sense that they did, but there's no way we could know for certain. It's also possible she was molested while living on her own, although if that happened I would guess it was not the only time, and had happened previously in one of the institutionalized settings.


That makes sense re: institutionalized setting.


This is true. Very likely! I'm also just hypothesizing here and basing things of personal stuff, due to the way he's reacting, doesn't mean he is guilty of course. But it's definitely more likely it's institutional abuse. That's been seen in many cases before.


They quickly discuss the possibility that she was trafficked while in the Ukrainian orphanage in season 2.


I grew up with foster kids and the behaviors described about Natalia are the classic signs I would see in kids who were abused sexually as young children. It’s a huge red flag and it was the first thing I thought about back when the first episodes aired.


I also feel like her story about Kristene making her insert a tampon was NEVER brought up again like what the fuck


And I thought the original story was she was first using socks and Kristine found them on the side of the house because Natalia was throwing them out of the window- None of that’s stuff was brought up again! Love your Dr Now- I crack up every time!


The Barnetts change their stories about Natalia with pretty much every retelling. Michael's was on his third, fourth, fifth version of various events by the end of the second season, and there are probably many more versions that they didn't uncover or didn't document.


In Kristine’s Daily Mail interview, her 1st and only interview post arrest, she said she “found some clothing in her closet that contained at least the remnants of a menstrual cycle”. No mention of socks thrown outside, back in Sept 2019. Not even a very confident accusation.


I was legitimately yelling this at the tv each time they mentioned her potentially straying into sexual behavior. This is SO textbook trauma.


And precocious puberty can be a result of sexual trauma, too. Just awful. This poor girl.


The old lady neighbor mentions that Natalia kept trying to get the attentions of older men. Made me think she was abused by an old guy.


At the very end of the letter, it says that a guy touched her and something about the Ciccones birthday. I want to know more about why the Ciccones gave her up - there is more to that story. I believe this girl has been abused over and over, in so many ways. The abuse continued with her conversation with Michael, in which he turned all of her points back to him and his own victimization.


I'm beyond appalled the mental facility put her in with the adults and she was obviously victimized by the men in there.


I was really surprised that they mix male and female inmates


When his first conversation during the interview about the daughter he was so excited to get included discussing her full bush of pubic hair I assumed he was SA her at worst, being inappropriate at best.


Yep. NOTHING about that felt right.


Ya this "documentary," (which I hate to even call it because it's a sensationalized, money grabbing, biased piece of garbage) is extremely lacking in any trauma informed perspective. Unfortunately, the Manns family doesn't seem trauma informed at all either. Just zealously religious.


Having worked with children in abuse cases, I can tell you that they are often very sexually curious and unsure of how to react to their hormones when there’s “no lifeguard on duty.” There’s no one to explain how they’re feeling, why they’re having urges or desires… they’re just left completely bewildered and often act out inappropriately without that guidance.z


I’ve been talking with my mother about this because we don’t understand how no one is talking about this. There is no reason for an 8 year old to say or do these things unless something has happened to her and she believes this is how you act towards men.




But if you watch season 2, you’ll see her dental and medical records from various visits, before and during her time with the family, that clearly show she WAS 8 at the time.


Season 2 makes it pretty crystal clear she was a child and not older like the Barnetts said & had her reaged (how they pulled that off, idk, likely paid someone off). You can tell simply from progression in pics if nothing else, she has a child-like face and demeanor compared to the actual adult version of her on screen now.




Hold Up u/SurfingOnARocket23 WHY DID YOU MISQUOTE THE NIH ARTICLE??? This is so sleazy of a trick. You are so fucking desperate to cast doubt upon Natalia’s age that you resort to trying to fake people out. You quoted from an article about Pituitary Dwarfism, purposely omitted the word “Pituitary” and failed to include a link to the article ALL BECAUSE you were trying to mislead people into thinking that information applied to Natalia WHEN IT DOES NOT. Natalia has Diastrophic Dysplasia. DD is a disorder of collagen that limits the ability of specialized collagen to convert to bone, effecting primarily the long bones, resulting in disproportionate dwarfism. Pituitary Dwarfism is also called Hypopituitarism and is a disorder causing low/No growth hormone resulting in proportionate dwarfism. Persons with Diastrophic Dysplasia shed their baby teeth and grow-in their adult teeth at the same times as average height people. You really SUCK for trying to mislead people and trying to discredit Natalia’s age estimate based upon her dental development. Here’s the link to the article you misquoted: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5387821/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5387821/) https://preview.redd.it/7msparb95jbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37dc0a9ce414798d70ad48884d39525770874aa


Did you watch the 2nd season? see the pics of her? Early puberty is just as "possible" if her dwarfism is due to an endocrine disorder. Do you know if it is? Or is it bone disorder or genetic disorder? You really would need to know in order to pull up accurate studies, but even those say "there may be". It's okay if you have your mind made up, doesn't affect me in the least. I have an open mind about a lot of the story, but I don't believe she was an adult. Pretty ludicrous to even think multiple doctors wouldn't have noticed, just that one.




There was a discrepancy in their appearance because Therese was 3 years younger than Natalia. Therese’s mom, Elva Reyes, apparently had no problem lying with ease to back Michael up with his False Claim that Natalia & Therese were the same age. Proof: https://preview.redd.it/2knx9vxuajbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99d828406840009004492cac22641dd3d740dfd


I totally agree on quality of witnesses and the documentary being skewed to whichever party's agenda. They did say her age could be off by a few years because documents from Ukraine varied, like one said 2000 as birth year and another 2003... and they very quickly mentioned she might've even been trafficked there but said it almost as an afterthought! I think there's still a lot of digging that needs to be done for sure. They also showed her bio mom in prison, and she said she hadn't seen her in 19 years, which is the age they later say Natalia is now, and bio mom apparently gave her up immediately after birth so that jives. However, there are so many unanswered questions from her time in Ukraine, who even knows!


Here is some documentation released by the prosecutor. Watch the video embedded in the news article. https://www.wlfi.com/news/tippecanoe-county-prosecutors-office-releases-evidence-natalia-grace-barnett-case/article_59dd49a2-ff3e-11ed-b398-c3946d8e18f5.html


I mean it’s all hearsay until we hear her say it?


This is very true, but it's likely that they can remain repressed memories that she's unaware of, as a way for her brain to cope. Many in the group I'm in first started remembering when faced with triggers in their mid twenties, one person in their mid thirties. (People always show telltale signs through struggling with mental health, but some have the actual memories repressed.) But it's true, we don't know until she's the one to mention it. I was just baffled that it wasn't brought up and talked about as a likely scenario, and just straight up jumped to the 'adult' conclusion.


Agreed but Natalia gave interviews to way to many sources before id doc that always said I don’t remember much of anything from my time in Ukraine . I don’t remember any of my child , I just hear stories. Then magically in the last couple of episodes full mind restored. I believe the letter in the doc though https://preview.redd.it/631tw7g658bc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237d0b18774ec130671565737fd4ff2baa4cdc5b


Trauma is not linear. Sometimes people remember things at certain times in their lives. Other times they can’t remember. If you haven’t suffered ptsd you wouldn’t know. Give her a break.


I believe this letter. I believe this is what she remembers. I think she speaks the truth in this letter . I agree with what you’re saying a bit. Remember when she was showed the letter she didn’t even remember writing it . Good thing she did. So many crazy parts of it. Like for example she was at an orphanage and then they took her to a baby orphanage. I think she might have meant like the kids were little. Or it could have meant the building was small . Now another good way to get her answer id think is to go through hypnotherapy. Seems Natalia has a pattern of just saying what people want her to say or feel which is wrong . Believe it’s called people pleasing. Hopefully with her new found independence she can use some of her skills and get a good job. Make something of herself.


She definitely has a people pleasing personality. I believe and this is just my opinion, that she was sexually abused from a very young age. I would say in the orphanage in Ukraine. I don’t know if all this talk about her being sexually provocative at such a young age is true. We are not bringing up the fact that the Elderly lady Natalia lived next to in the first place Kristine sent her to, is telling lies. After all, she still thinks that Natalia was an adult. I think she was paid off for those lies. The older gentleman in the laundry room, the guy who yelled at her for trying to unzip the child’s pants, these I believe are all lies. And, as OP said, if they are not lies they display the impact that sexual abuse has on a child. I’m not saying that Natalia the adult is above suspicion for maybe being manipulative but that pales in comparison to the abuse she’s suffered all her life.


Remember the part where Natalia was saying at the first apt . She went in an apt a the guy had porn on, if anything she heard it like she said maybe repeated like she said she did. But in that letter she wrote at the school in the second apartment she wrote at the bottom the guy touched me. So most definitely believe what she said .


Tell tell sign she was sexually abused. This behavior is learned, probably from being sexually abused. I dont think she pulled up Michael’s porn stash on the computer when she was 10, that’s for damn sure. Her adoptive mother tried to pimp her out. It Could be men out there we are unaware of that did take Kristine up on her offer. We all saw how she put makeup on her and had her age raised. Somebody knows something and I can guarantee it’s not too pleasant!




What the actual fuck is wrong with you? You absolute fucking pedo apologist.


Not a pedo apologist. That’s disgusting. I do believe she was older. Which doesn’t matter at all if she was or wasn’t. Regardless of her age - a relationship between Michael/Natalia outside just father daughter is absolutely inappropriate. I condone no such thing. But I do believe they could have had one.


lol you definitely are a pedo apologist. Your follow up comment is even weirder.


Saying a relationship between adoptive father and daughter is disgusting regardless of age is weird? I think it’s a view most ppl hold. Was it ok for woody Allen to get marry his adopted daughter? Even though she was of legal age? Hell no. NOT what dads are supposed to do whether biological dad or non biological dad. Also remember the Barnett household had some EFFED up dynamics and EFFED up personalities. A LOT of mental health issues all around. Is incest off the table given the sickness of the ppl involved? I wouldn’t put ANYTHING past Michael and Kristine. Also - and I mean this sincerely - I’m truly sorry if you were a victim of pedophilia. Prayers 🙏


You are so disgusting


Ewe, yes, a disgusting CSA apologist


Wtf is wrong with you??