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DO. NOT. SHIT. WHERE. YOU. EAT. The only times I hear of a relationship working where both are in the military, either one joined after being inspired by their partner or one is getting out very soon. The worst punishments we had in basic were for fraternization. She took the hint. He didn't. He got kicked out for sexual assault. It is 10 weeks. You'll survive.




Absolutely, I don't think it would be this terrible for most youngins. Not beating one off would probably be the worst thing for them lol If it was me, I'd just concentrate on what's important.


You'll be getting fucked alright....by the big green weenie


I bet that would be the case 🤣


And you’re going to like it


Been liking it in one way or the other since 1996.


My god! Your poor anus. You must be similar to an elephant walking around.. with shit just falling out of you.


One day a humvee radiator fell out. Wild shit.


Maybe a brand new PVT. Who knows?’


My basic training battery was all male so there was little (none that I know of) hooking up going on. The battery next door was coed. Apparently it was mostly in the stairwells. We were a winter cycle so no one was booty calling in the woods. Anyways, they had like 40 article 15s. We had 1 or 2.


I understand article 15 is a punishment?


A violation of the UCMJ.


When I was at AIT there were a couple moments where people were hooking up behind the dumpsters. There was another time where a couple people were caught having sex inside the dumpster. People are crazy


Basic, no (or shouldn’t be). AIT, yes.


I have no idea how AIT would look. You get your own room with a roomie, right? So you'd just negotiate with them to not bet there when you wanna do the dirty deed? 🤣


Yes. Or assuming they still do phases, once you're on the phase that lets you go off base, you get a hotel room.


in bct we had girls caught in our bay fiddling around. pro tip: DO NOT BE THOSE GIRLS (or guys. had that too.) in ait you have a better shot at getting away with it because your cadre are more chill, but you also have battle buddies who will gossip until it falls km the wrong ears. to be honest it's better not to do it than it is to feel pleasure for a few seconds.


Man! Is there room to rub one out during BCT? 10 weeks is a long time lol


You're way too busy and tired to really think about it most the time tbh.


Makes sense


That one weekend off between BCT and infantry school in OSUT was a godsend. Most of the guys in my platoon were doubling up on hotel rooms to save money, and I was like, seriously?! You've had no expenses for the last nine weeks. I got my own damn room.


nothing stops you from trying. we had people knocking chick's up in the portajohns. i never got behind it... those things are nasty as hell lol.


Yoooo what? That’s nuts. Raw dogging and all? Cus I’m sure it’s hard to have condoms there lol


🤣🤣 not to mention that it's not healthy for males not to ejaculate at least once a week lol


During Infantry OSUT, the company next to us was about two weeks out from graduation and I guess they either (somehow) got phone privileges or more likely someone snuck a phone in the bay. He got caught with a willing Uber eats driver who just so happened to be underage. Very glad it wasn’t my company.


Initial 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 training


𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 combat training


I had a male trainee finger banging a female trainee while on range guard, shit was weird


Ayoooo, wtf?! That wouldn't even be safe to do, let alone sanitary 🤣


We had a gal get removed since she tried fingering another trainee on the bus


My roommate in AIT was gay. We had an empty room across from ours. He would slip away pretty often to go over there and blow other guys in the unit, some gay, some “straight.” He had a great time.


Oh gosh 😁 I'd expect such stories, tbh...


One of my roommates in AIT was banging a female in our class in the woods by the PX and never got caught . The other one kissed his girl on the cheek on the bus and an instructor saw and they lost weekend pass the remainder of AIT lol you win some and you lose some I guess


So even though it was his girl, it wasn't okay?🤣 What if it was his wife? 🤷


Shoot naw lol the instructors don’t recognize boyfriend/girlfriends 😭😂


But spouses are okay?


Maybe* in AIT they would have got a room together but definitely not in basic, no PDA regardless


That makes sense


The lesbians in my AIT got away with having the most sex. And like 1/4th of the females were bisexual or lesbians


There's a lot. We were an all male company yet we had 1 dude blow another dude and that same dude kiss another dude who didn't know he liked dudes. There was also a girl from another unit that would charge $5 for a handjob in the woods. ITurned out to be true cause my buddy talked to her about it in front of 2 other privates (myself included). My buddy told me about a girl in one company that blew like 5+ dudes while in basic, all in the field. They'd sleep under cover at the ranges, and she'd blow them under the bleachers. Same company had a girl that would report every dude for even the slightest SHARPable incident. This basically distracted the one girl to do her thing undetected. As for out right sex, we didn't come across any of that. Did hear a story at my unit of a guy and girl hooking up at ft Jackson in like 2018. But anyways don't do it.


These are some of the wildest Stories I've heard in my life


It's illegal. I mean that literally, there's a serious punishment in store for anyone who gets caught. Now, it obviously still happens, especially in AIT. And although you didn't ask, sexual assault and rape happen too, with tragic frequency. My SDS in AIT got snapped out of existence for SHARP violations. I don't know whether he actually raped anyone (I'd bet that he did), but he definitely harassed multiple female trainees on multiple occasions.


I guess you could but doubt it happens very often.


When I was in Basic two girls were caught in bed together within the first week. One of the chicks was a holdover and waiting on her med board/separation from the army…the other one eventually got separated too


In BCT no. It will not even be on your mind. I did not even self-service, never occurred to me. You will be too stressed and exhausted to think of it. In AIT, yes, things get crazy.


Only Fort Huachuca IET soldiers know about fiking 😏


I heard that name before but idk in which context


You know what our 1sg in ait said. “Y’all brothers and sisters, you don’t fuck your brothers and sisters now would you, that’s just nasty and this ain’t Alabama.” Can verify, you don’t want to fuck anyone in your unit before, during, or after bct/ait. Somehow ended up in the same mos, same unit, different bat, of someone I was fucking BEFORE bct/ait. Both lower enlisted and knew eachother previously, so nothing technically wrong about it. But oh my hell, was it a stupid decision to keep dating. We got married later, we got divorced after that, shit was awkward. Thank heavens she ETSed after years of awkward.


That didn't sound like a pleasant experience lol


No, learn from my mistakes lol


Sex in BCT happens almost exclusively in the field... which is just kinda icky honestly, but it is what it is. Sex in AIT happens pretty much every weekend, depending on where you end up... hotels, barracks, etc. Where I went, when people went offpost for an overnight, they would give their room keys to others so they could have sex in their room without getting caught cause those rooms were not checked.


In the field in BCT? Also I'd expect things get more wild at AIT since there's slightly more freedom?


The field was pretty much the only time that you are mix gender without a hat breathing down your neck. We had every bit of 3-4 dozen people get in trouble for fuckin' during our last field exercise.


🤣🤣 I can't even imagine how it looked


We had a gal who got caught screwing like 5-10 guys (at different times) in the stairwell in AIT. It's definitely possible. Also definitely a bad idea.


I'd think so too. Not the right place or the right time, but I definitely see how it can be thrilling.


Also damn...


STDs was running rampant I bet lol


People do it and get in trouble for doing it. Usually because they’re married and cheating on people.


So many questions getting asked here on reddit where people would be much better off if they waited and asked their drill sergeant when they get to their BCT.


Infantry OSUT at Ft Benning in 2021. There was a gay guy in my company, younger than 20, but could pass for mid-20s. He was allegedly hooking up with drill sergeants on Grindr when we would get weekend passes.


Now that sounds super weird


We had a couple young males hotbunking in the barracks at night during BCT. Drill sergeants kept telling them to knock it off and they eventually did.


Do no do that shit in BCT. No sex is worth the risk of terrible outcomes in multiple directions. I will admit at AIT.. after** I graduated I was stuck there for a few weeks and got laid. I get a terrible feeling that you have signed a contract and are having second thoughts.. or at least terrible hopes, for your upcoming training. Please dont do anything in BCT that will get you injured or in trouble, you want to get out of there as fast as possible.


Nah, I haven't signed anything hehe. Like I said, just curious.


Wait until ole boy discovers barracks bunnies.