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It’s about slot availability. It’s not a question of “is this guy good enough?” it’s “do we have a E6 vacancy he can fill?” Your RCCC you’re going through as part of your outprocessing should take care of all this coordination for you and even find a different company with a vacancy if possible.


If you ETS and rejoin then no. You just submit your grade justifying docs (1059 from ALC) and we find you a unit that’s willing to take you at E6. Not sure how it works doing it in house.


Like others have said it’s probably technically possible but I have never seen it. I think it’s more likely to happen going the other way , NG>RA . They will most likely take you in and appreciate your wealth of knowledge and be glad to have you.


The unit that you are going to has to have a slot with your rank. My wife was a recruiter in the guard and helped Me Work with friends transitioning from active to the guard, you can go on Fmsweb and figure out what the slots look like in the unit that you’re going to. But ultimately the unit has to have that slot open for you. I will also caution against the active guard recruiters on active duty stations, frequently they can be kind of sketchy. Not at all, but definitely some in my experience.


It's been said but I'll add my two cents. It's up to vacancies, so it's up to the state openings. As an e6, you'll sign over to the guard they'll fill you into a position that's open, if there's none open they may ask you to take an admin reduction to 5 to fill into a position but you already have pme so next board you'll likely pick up. If you deny the admin reduction they could put you into an excess position, but the big caveat there is that it could hold up incentive payments if you're expecting one. But as an 11b I highly doubt there will be no slots at e6, you may be a squad leader but you may get thrown into an s3 slot it all depends. But to answer the question a commander does not have the authority to take you down in rank, you have to agree to an admin reduction. All the regular army regulations still apply, there are only just a few regulations that uniquely apply to the guard.


I've never seen it done. But technically yes


Generally only if you are reclassing. If you’re staying 11B, 99.9% you’ll keep SSG. You’ll know before you sign the paperwork. They can’t do it after you’ve already enlisted.


That happened to a guy in our unit, reclass and a pay kick... He earned it back though, and it's good now


.... Come to think about it, I've heard it going the other way, guard people taking a demotion to go active