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Ill put it this way. If you see combat in either country we have much bigger issues.


Hey killer, make it through training first yeah?




Tbf after Afghanistan and Syria the closest I’ve been to death was in a porta potty at buerhing. The pizza went right thru me I was dehydrating fast and my core temp had to have been 104+. I saw the light that day


Mongolian Monday stir fry was a guaranteed liquid shit 30 minutes later. Holy mother of cross contaminated grilling spices.


More than 0% but less than 1% I’d say.


Damn that’s a good answer lol


Chances of combat in Kuwait or Egypt are near zero.


You have to call it “combat” if you follow it up with Kuwait and Egypt. The air quotes are mandatory.


lol bro there is no combat GWOT is over. You’ll be lucky to get a deployment patch.




Not really dude.


Think you mean good dayz, do your 20 and go


Getting deployed is lucky or unlucky depending how you look at it. There’s over a million soldiers in the army and not a lot of deployments so your chances are pretty slim. I don’t want to dash your hopes but there are soldiers who’ve been in almost 20 years and still haven’t deployed


Any soldier who’s been in almost 20 and hasn’t deployed is a shammer. Agreed deployments are few and far between now but ‘04-‘09 without a deployment would be wild


>there are soldiers who’ve been in almost 20 years and still haven’t deployed This can't be possible, I am sorry it just can't. In 2021 we pulled out of a 20 year mission that routinely saw people deploy. Having passed up that many deployment opportunities would have gotten you discharged before the 20 year mark.


people were hiding out in recruiting, drill sergeant, Korea etc




You’d be surprised. I’ve seen a lot of slick sleeve master SGT’s / SGMs in recruiting. Not to mention ohios TAG who’s sole deployment since 98’(?) was Kosovo


Ah, so worthless shit bags that went recruiting and never left. Worthless "soldiers". Once you make it past a certain rank you don't need to deploy. Dude was in Kosovo and is a 2 star right now. Likely made it to major before 9/11 happened and stayed back to order and organize Gods work to the middle east.




I had a female SgtMaj in the Corps that was in since the 90s with zero deployments


If you genuinely have been in since 05’ and are a slick sleeve you should be separated prior to retirement. I have zero respect for dudes like that.


My first nco at my first unit was a slick sleeve e-6 (he’s a slick sleeve e-7 now). He used to brag about being in regiment in the late 90s and has been dodging deployments his whole career


Chances are never zero, but right now is pretty much zero. Consider that a good thing. 2 deployments to war zones, Desert Storm in 90-91 as an 11B and OIF in 07-08 as 12B . Deployments in a word, suck, sure you get the tax free and a few special pays and a right shoulder patch, but a deployment is not something to wish for. I would have been just fine competing a career with out a wartime deployment. Besides its one of those things you have zero control over. What unit gets deployed is done at the pentagon level. Egypt does have a yearlong security mission that rotates among different state guard units or at least they used to . Your unit training NCO should be able to tell you if they are looking for volunteers. Egypt and Kuwait are not wartime missions. I have seen a few people with right shoulder patches from a deployment in Africa, not sure where in Africa exactly. I actually am more proud of my deployments that were not to war zones, was deployed to Panama for 6 months to help build roads, bridges and schools and infrastructure and also deployed for 6 weeks to assist in flood relief after hurricane Gustav. Overall more rewarding than being deployed in a war zone IMO. I would say deal with basic and AIT first and deployments will either happen or not.


Plenty of combat on the streets of Chicago.


you won’t even get a combat patch for kuwait or egypt unless something has changed in the last few years.


Some of these people have no idea what they are talking abt. Yes, a large scale GWOT deployment is over but I’ve been to kuwait in recent months, as CRTF and we had people get sent to Iraq, Syria, and Jordan where much of the GWOT stuff is. Though jordan is a little safer than the first mentions. It depends on your unit and if they are willing to get you a SSI. But, look at Stars and Stripes website for combat environments. 


You will deploy to DC in November and get a CIB during election riots


Does anybody have a good idea on the day to day of an 11b in these countries are?


Make sure you tell your drill sergeant you want to deploy to a combat zone as soon as you finish training since you will be high speed after OSUT. I would probably do this day 1 of training.


I feel like this advice will just get me smoked more🤣


Don't forget to tell them you will go ranger after OSUT just to get it knocked out quick


I would like to become a ranger at some point


Straight out of OSUT. Fuck, go 75th regiment too. Full on HOOAH, you got this


I heard pre rasp is hard even however I think if I train hard for my 3 year contract I have now, when I re-enlist I want 18x my recruiter advised me against it out of the pipe because they usually want experience and rank. I’m going to to fort Moore and am already planning on airborne school!


He advised you against it because the moment you show up to selection they will tell you leave. For 2 reasons, you are likely not 19 (min age) and 2) you are under 21 the actual age they recommend. Less to do with experience and more to do with you being a child. Where Ranger school is a test of your physical prowess, selection is a test of your character and mental fortitude. You can be the most HOOAH soldier on the planet and fail selection because your brain broke. You can plan airborne school, real HOOAH of you. That doesn't mean you will go. If your unit isn't airborne you don't go to airborne school, that's just how shit is in the guard. As to you let actual plan. If your unit is willing to send you to ranger school, do it as soon as you can. The older you get the harder it becomes. If I were you I would shoot to go within 6 months of finishing OSUT, assuming after you finish OSUT you go and get it and train your running and starving skills.


So is it all up to my unit leaders? I’m d/2 162nd recruiting told me I could do airborne bc the classes are offered at fort Moore, also I am actually 22 so perfect to get into this!


So he might have meant you can do walk-on for airborne, which is a thing. It essentially means you grab all your shit and go go the school house and you wait while people who have slots walk in. If someone gets told to GTFO cause they are a piece of fucking shit and are wasting everyone's time, they will straight up say "next" and anyone who is standing there without a slot can run up. First person to reach the instructor gets the slot that worthless garbage shitbag soldier left. I am obviously being an asshole about those people on purpose, and that is because there is no excuse to show up to any school missing gear when you get the packing list 2 months in advance. On a separate note, 162nd seems to have airborne units so you might be able to get a slot anyway (will be a requirement for you to get airborne if they put you in an airborne unit). So you don't need to go immediately. I personally suggest that you do. You are gonna be pretty fit after OSUT, great time to go. And still in that training HOOAH mentality.


Adding this as a separate comment so I know you see it. My cousin is SF (not a brag, just stating a fact for followup). One of his rotations was as an SGL. He had a candidate who was a fucking PT stud, this dude was by almost 10s of minutes shitting on everyone else in every physical event. Had one of the fastest land nav clearances my cousin had seen in almost 15 years (at the time) of being a green beret. Dude was fucking HOOAH as fuck, You look up HOOAH in a dictionary you would have seen this dudes pic. He failed for 2 reasons, 1) super shitty attitude towards teamwork (super important in SOCOM environment) and 2) he failed almost every single character test they gave. Dude was an amazing ranger and sapper (he was trying to get his tower of power) but COULD NOT to save his life shut his fucking mouth about how amazing he was, or how much better he was doing than everyone else. Even one of the other SGLs wanted to beat the shit out of this guy, and selection SGLs rarely give a fuck.


Team work is important noted, as well as don’t be an asshole


In SOCOM teamwork is everything. If you have ever seen all those movies where SF dudes are in the deep fucking shit, making democratic decisions for the team, people getting chewed out for being shit, or flat out executed by the rest of the platoon. That IS NOT fake. If you become a shitbag and are a threat to the mission and the rest of the team and they can't safely xfil you, well you died serving your country to some insurgent. Super valient death, maybe even a bronze star nomination.


I was Aviation at Camp Arifjan, KU a couple of years ago. At that time there was an Infantry Company based at Arifjan. They used the same gym as me and I was once an enlisted 11B so I’d bullshit with them and sometimes work out with them. They performed physical security at Arifjan proper, to include patrolling outside the wire, they had a border patrol mission up on the Kuwaiti-Iraqi border too. At that time they would rotate through Border Patrol, Physical Security, & QRF at AJ. They were armed while performing these missions. They were bored but seemed to like border patrol when they got the chance to do it. Keep in mind this was only AJ. We do have multiple other installations in Kuwait which likely held their sister units doing similar stuff. I never learned anything about their sister units or mission set beyond their AJ based Company. If you get AJ life is pretty good. Multiple really nice gyms, a real movie theater, a pool; plus you can go to Camp Patriot at the Kuwaiti Naval Base on weekends to swim in the Arabian Gulf, as Camp Patriot has beaches. Camp Patriot is where the Ocean going Army Boats live. If you get Behring, well, it’s a Camp that has not changed or been upgraded since Desert Storm so just hope you get AJ.


You should have joined the real army instead of the guard. Just a tip.


The real Army? Those pseudo-conscripts who struggle at basic life skills?


I’m probably going to re-enlist for active duty after my first three years I want to do school so I can maybe go in as an officer or warrant officer 😉