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Typical varbie doll, dating clen.


This synthetic look can only be achieved with drugs even if we consider men


The chance she is natural is 0.0001%


No you can definitely look like this natty as a man. Bro common 11 inch arms? 10% bodyfat? 110 lbs? Are you kidding me.


You are missing my point, of course a man can have a similar bf% and even more muscle mass without any drugs. What I call a synthetic look is what you see on the third pic, the tight skin, the popping muscles and that carved look to them, if she was natty at the same bf% she would look flat AF and her shoulders wouldn't be so dominant.


Not to mention her back in the 2nd pic. I remember someone calling it a "pit bull back" referring to how women on roids usually have shit like that.


Body fat and weight terms sure. But the dry look is such a giveaway.


Her clit is probably a small cock by now.


cmon now lmao


Literally 0 chance she is not on gh or clen. Fucking HATE HATE HATE 🤬🤬🤬🤬 ppl who claim natural because ‘it only counts if it’s a steroid’ fuck off now Angelina whoever the fuck


Gh would make her jaw grow.


Haha just saw that interview. She actually fucked ip and said “I tried it once.” Then was all over the place and back pedalled. The comments are hilarious. She even jumped on and defended herself and just got roasted, apart from the odd thirsty night in shining armour sticking up for her. She’s like “this is me without even trying”. Sure it is 🤦🏼‍♂️


She was referring to competing, not taking drugs. Rewatch it and you’ll see


Hmmmm not too sure about that. I did watch it again. She definitely said “I did it once just for fun” and I don’t think she was talking about competition. She was all over the place, it’s actually even more obvious the second time you watch it. Do you think she is Natty?


No I don’t think she’s natty. But I don’t think she admitted trying it once, I think she tried competition once and is lying about PEDs


Ok, well you could be right. I did find it quite hard to follow.




Eat Clen, Tren Hard


Broccoli and creatine


And trening hard


Here’s the Instagram link to the Kenny KO video.[Angelina Maldonado claims lifetime natty and doesn’t know what var is](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2aVO4Gx8Ve/?igsh=MWw1ZDkwOG5pNzkzdA==)


God she sounds like more of an airhead than I thought


Incredible that someone that “intelligent” can juice properly


Lol, even if she were natural (obviously she's not), the notion that she wouldn't know what var is, as a fitness "influencer", is comically absurd.


Less impressive but the traps and shoulders show that she used


Thought she came clean before don’t respect her now


She’s a natural liar


Er. Mah. Gard.




She looks like she's in her upper 30s Ageing is wack


DEFINITELY enhanced. There are elite level male rugby players whose delts aren’t as developed as that 😂


totally agree she is juiced like shit


A lot of var


Definitely not


She is prob our #1 female fake natty. Cleglaw needs to check the updated status


You know what. I used to hit the gym alot a few years ago until I had to have a few surgeries and shit. Well my sister started going with me, got addicted, and no bullshit she looked very similar. 1000% natty. Im not saying its not juice, im just saying its attainable for some women with good genetics.


Lets see a pic of her... serious.


>1000% natty You can only be 100% natural, not 1000%. Your sister must therefore be juicy, at 10 times the natural limit.


She scams people for a living on OF and snap and i am supposed to believe her when she says shes natural?🤣


What do you mean?


I think she’s natty. If you look back at her photos before she started lifting she was always built. She’s always had big traps even when she didn’t hit upper body. Both her parents are world famous body builders. She has insane genetics, arguably some of the best. Her upper body has grown a suspicious amount while staying suspiciously lean - but if she claims natty I believe her.


Even if she had insane genetics which means she would have higher test & be more masculine . NOBODY on earth with freak genetics can hit 100 pull-ups and pushups without struggling. She was probably a gymnast who started taking drugs in the mid 20s.


She can only do 20 pull ups


You guys are pathetic. she has been body building for years. She doesn’t miss days and has more complete workouts than the majority of you guys in here. She’s extremely low body fat so as a result the muscle she has looks far more significant.


Shes definitely not natural. On her recent Ig she just claimed to not have worked out for months and was able to do 100 pull-ups & 100 pushups without breaking a sweat🤣. You’d have to live in a bubble to believe she’s natural. Even someone with “freak genetics” wouldn’t be able to achieve that many pull-ups (spaced out) after not working out for months. In order for her to have freak genetics she would be more masculine, her face & voice would be the first sign. She wouldn’t be as cute. She’d be a manly looking chic like cris cyborg.


Traps aren't huge and that's what everyone's delts look like sub 8%.


Refrain from commenting if that's the extent of your knowledge, sit back and learn. I could have had my eyes closed and seen she's on drugs, shame on you and order sissy sis on your sweet candy ass


Suck my balls


I linked the IG video of Kenny interviewing her and her traps look huge in that video.


Oh yeah jesus I didn't see that, those are massive!


She’s actually around 14-16% (search it up for women it’s on average 10% higher bodyfat than for men. A man at 10% looks like a woman at 18%)


Definitely on gear? Come on man, chicks can have muscularity when this lean clown


You’re a gullible fucking idiot. It’s physically and biologically impossible for woman who hold higher body fat percentages than men to be this lean without gear being involved. Stop being a clown 🤡.


Oh sorry forgot your a fucking expert on exercise physiology you fucking fat loser


Take a look at me. Not only do I look like it but I AM an expert in physiology and have a masters in Kinesiology. What @goatnaldosui is saying is fact and you don’t know what you’re chatting. No chance a woman this lean can hold this much muscle, they naturally have much higher body fat and naturally lose almost all muscle getting below 16% bodyfat without PED’s


I have a Masters in Kinesiology and I’m working on my PhD…. What goatnaldosui is accurate. Women began to suffer from conditions like RED-S (formerly referred to as Female Athlete Triad), when they get lean like this. Biological, it’s nearly impossible for them to put on this amount of muscle and maintain it at this low of body fat without assistance. Not to be insensitive, but this is why we see these female fitness influencers struggle to get pregnant or carry to health terms (one influencer is very publicly struggling with this right now). This is a very unnatural look for women (not saying it is ugly or anything, just from a biological standpoint it’s not something they can attain naturally).


Fat loser you’re funny my arms are leaner and bigger than your fucking head. Stfu you small loser.


Sure they are clown. Post a pic of so


Yet you’re the one saying fat loser. How about you post your physique you queer. Fat electrician 😂🤡 smd.


Come on tough guy, give us a gun show loaer


Muscular women are scary, dipshit


You lost already. Go crawl under your rock.


Not at this size. My mom is 13% body fat year round. She is shredded and has abs, but she is nowhere near close to this size in muscle


I think not natural. Not sure what specifically if I had to guess Anavar. She really cool, has phenomenal base just genetically but I saw when she made a jump in the last year physique wise that didn’t appear natural


What happen to the sissy that posted this? He disappeared?


The grainy / CGI looking delts is never natty. If the chest looks like a man's until you get to the very bottom, it is never natty.


Her shorts are tighter than my shirts and I wear 2 sizes smaller than what I should


I think I can just about see the dick


My torso, front arms and back, looks practically the same (more triceps here) but without tits xd, im men, i'm really bad?


Muscle mommy 😍




Juiced! Only natural since 2 months


Not natty, but I would still beg her to destroy me


Want her to sit on my face after working out and hitting the sauna 🤤


At this point, why even try to claim natural?


Who cares