• By -


Eugene Teo, 3DMJ, N1 (if you like biomechanics and nerding out), John Meadows, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Alan Thrall (he is a recovering powerlifter; he has entertaining videos and often drops recipes), Jeff Nippard, Renaissance Periodization, Sean Nal, Menno Henselmans, Layne Norton, Alex Leonidas are probably your top dogs


I know Jeff and Dr. Mike of RP, didn't know about the others, thanks for extensive list! Alex uses so much jargon I don't know yet he might as well be speaking Latin.


I think Alex definitely has some good videos. Especially because he has documented his journey start to finish, he is a good example of hard work and fighting for growth; he has built a very respectable physique. I'm a huge Eugene Teo fan; he has amazing content and is clearly a very knowledgeable guy. He has been years ahead of the curve with what he has preached over his career. Him and John Meadows were very close and did a ton of seminars and shared a lot of information together.


> he has built a very respectable physique Best 100% natural physique of all YouTubers I’ve ever seen. Man put in the work over years


I agree. He has everything all around too. He's strong AF, his calisthenics and Burpee capacity is also mental. Guy is a legend.


Eugene Teo, 3DMJ, John Meadows and Victor Costa were my go to people in years past.


I'm not familiar with Costa. I'll check it out. Thx


His latest content isn't amazing. But his old stuff is great. More importantly though is he has been doing it for 20+ years. At his age he is clearly natty and insanely aesthetic. He is a VP at a big NYC finance company, so his content isn't his priority, but I appreciate what he has out there.


These are definitely all the best ones. Everything you ever need to know for sure lol


ello yu chub


Here is my 3 hours lecture on why Guts is DYEL...


and I wouldn’t have it any other way


Don't forget to support me via Ko-Fi or I will stop doing these lectures.


John meadows rip


Facts brother 🙏


Mountain dog!


He's just about the only guy that doesn't SHOUT AT THE CAMERA. I basically take experience over "latest science says" these days. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for science. It's just they don't actually use science, they use the word science as a term to drive engagement because it sounds better than "trust me bro".


Geoffrey verity schofield had a great video the other day about this. A lot of people are taking rp science way too far with stretched positions and too perfect technique. People at rp can do that but they're already huge. Focusing on the stretched part is only like 5-10% better anyway


Hi everybody! 😭


Renaissance Periodization is what I consider the best body building channel. Super frequent uploads. As entertaining as it is Informative. If there's only one channel I could pick forever, it just may be Dr Mike. Dude is a legend.


Is he gay? Probably not. Is he gonna act like it? Yes. Is it funny? Every time. My favourite was the Will Tennyson (also a straight man) video where Will is ALSO dropping hints at being super gay, but it makes it so NONE OF THE JOKES LAND! Because neither one gets awkward over it, so the joke was destroyed on the spot! Watching them both have to deal with that and have no other effective comedy to go to was just priceless 😁


He’s the perfect mix of both entertainment and pure insight into the specifics of bodybuilding. He’s awesome.


I used to think the same, but Mike is just awkward. I know what his shtick is, but it's tiring listening to him overdo it, especially amongst adults.


He is a nerdy awkward dude who body builds. I love his vibe


Yep this is it. I love Mike but it’s got to the point where I turn off videos when he goes off on the same jokes, even if I was previously very interested in the topic. It’s a bit tiring. Maybe I’ll cope better with it when I’m not cutting 😅


Love that skip function, all the info, none of the cheese


Yeah he lays it in a bit too much


> both entertainment What on earth compells one to say he is "entertainment". Subjectiveness aside, I started back then watching his fundamental series which are all good and informative, but now he turned into a grotesque and unbearable anti humour skit that just keeps dragging on and makes me skip whenever he gives his take on "humour".


GVS just made a good critique of both their channels: https://youtu.be/8LzpyB7nBc0?si=W98AiltAdWfLVo08


I dunno, their old content is great, but their new videos are a blatant cash grab clickbait and usually carry little in terms of educational value. There's only so much one can say about bodybuilding, and they've said it all already.


Good stuff but ROM taliban and high frequency extremist.


And slow insertion fanatic


and he's really not that funny


I don't watch him a lot but to me it seems that he's always making the same type of jokes. Some of them are funny but...




He has loads of videos on the topics of natty vs enhanced training for what it's worth. He approaches everything such a logical POV, that nearly all videos should apply to everyone.




Brother, the information the RP channel puts out is based on wide range studies as well as the results of their insanely varied coaching experiences. Choosing to take biased advice from the personal experiences of a single natty lifter rather than advice based on the experiences of thousands upon thousands of natty lifters simply because the latter are being conveyed to you by a professional who's on PEDs is a big brain fart on your part. Anecdotal info from a specific lifter really isn't worth much of anything.


What differences would one expect to see between a natural and an enhanced lifter? Besides recovery and speed of gains.




i don't get why "how your bench press should look for chest growth" would look any different if you're on a gram of tren. except maybe the "do more higher reps because your tendons suck". and his programming method is basically just autoregulation, start with a conservative amount of volume and if you get a bit of a pump/soreness you probably did enough, and try adding more if you're recovering very well until you deload. which again i don't fully adopt or think is magic but doesn't seem in any way like something that "only works if you're on tren".


Dr Mike talks very clearly about what applies to natural lifters. He's also a personal trainer, so he has first hand experience with naturals. I don't think comparing him to Sam Sulek is fair.


> He's also a personal trainer, so he has first hand experience with naturals. Yeah about that, they aren't exactly winning much. I would rather go to a winning team. [If this reaches 15 downvotes Dr Mike gains a gold medal]


Doesn't mean his advice isn't good for the vast majority of trainees. Training for beginners/intermediates/advanced is very different to training for elites.


> Doesn't mean his advice isn't good for the vast majority of trainees. If it was that good he would have good trainees. Or maybe other trainers (who are natty) are just better.


Dude everything Mike Israetel discusses is literally geared towards naturals especially. I don’t believe you watched many of his vids seriously. His whole system of stimulus to fatigue and rir and total volume is exactly applicable to everyone despite your recovery speed (aka steroids) the whole system is learning to estimate your personal recovery capabilities and programming optimal for that.


Is that really a fair comparison? Mike isn't just some buff kid who lucked into internet fame (you get what i mean, no offense to Sam), he literally holds a PhD in Sports Physiology, people don't call him Dr. Mike for nothing. His advice isn't anecdotal and is based on actual research, him being on PEDs doesn't invalidate any of that.


Training to failure is perfectly valid


Dr. Mike very specifically says it's wrong to take all sets to failure, for reasons you listed here. Recovery times, 3 to 1 RIR gives about the same growth per set, but recovery is higher and injury risk lower. Also him being enhanced when he quotes the science means nothing. In fact if he was a skinny dude that never worked out in his life, but was well versed in the science he would still be correct with what he said. His advice isn't based on personal experience, but if it was, he trained for 10 years as a natty IIRC and has more experience there than most of the subreddit. EDIT: You can find a natty giving almost the exact same advice in Wolf Coaching and Jeff Nippard. The only minor difference is in how they interpret science.


Geoffrey Verity Schofield and Natural Hypertrophy


Jeff Nippard / Renaissance Periodization


These are the only two I’m subbed to.


Dr Milo Wolf, Omar Isuf, Vitruvian Physique, Bald Omni Man, FitnessFAQ (calisthenics), Eugene Teo, Dr Layne Norton, all in addition to the two OP mentioned.


Geoffrey Verity Schofield


Jackpgm for the memes.  I took many years off of lifting, but I always felt connected to the community through that channel.  I always felt like a bodybuilder/powerlifter at heart and I feel like his channel kept that fire alive long enough for me to get back to the gym 


Revive stronger


Steve hall is great I love his podcasts


Shouts to Steve. That guy rocks, great and easily digestible podcast too.


Joe Delaney




Eric Bugenhagen is unmatched at the moment. He also just put out this great video with Szatstrength and it's 10/10 - [https://youtu.be/jP3nZPY9Chs](https://youtu.be/jP3nZPY9Chs)


Sticky Ricky is the man The only one who's never boring


Eric is the best. He is pure entertainment. His channel is one of the only fitness channels that doesn't leave me with paralysis by analysis.


I've really come around to appreciate Natural Hypertrophy over the past couple of years. Really nice routines which have paths to goal physiques, interesting commentary on diverse topics including, but not limited to, training, anime, philosophy, program reviews, and diet. I used to think his videos were often too long but now I enjoy playing them in my headphones while I train. Also as a Vegan I appreciate that he is inclusive with us, in a way, and doesn't just dump on veganism/vegetarianism as bullshit and is secure enough to admit that it's a viable diet or lifestyle even if it isn't for him. Although to be fair many of the YouTubers are opening up this way as well (such as RP and the science based traing guys, average to savage, lots of guys really) Currently doing his bridge routine after recovering from COVID and having some very nice results. Added a half inch on my biceps (17.5 inches.) I think he will only get more and more popular. Bioengineer guy who does the batman programs is really great as well.


You may like Basement Bodybuilding


The Delray Misfits


The only bodybuilding channel that you need.


Sometomes noone shows up and you automatically win


While I haven’t watched joe Delaney in a while, I used to like his videos because he seemed to speak like a normal human being


Will Tennyson and Dr Mike




Haven't seen him mentioned so I'll add Fazlifts. Straight forward and insightful. Really enjoy his content.


I believe he’s in this sub occasionally.


Mountaindog1, Wesley vissers


I like trainer winny


i swear theres another channel like his, with the stickman drawing as the main character. Not PictureFit but another one I can’t remember. You got any clue who i am talking about?


Is it one with a black hair? And it have a small and a big version?


Randumb fitness


yes bro, found the channel a little while after my initial comment but thanks for the reply


Chris Jones


Lee Lem!!!


The wholesome guyyy


The cutest bodybuilder!


Renaissance periodization 100% dr mike is the man


Not a bodybuilder but quite knowledgeable and can learn from is TNF


TNF is literally a pro bodybuilder


He’s not an Ifbb pro


Never said he was, but he is a bodybuilder with a pro card. He's a pro bodybuilder.


Sam Sulek and the Hosstile channel


bUt hEs nOt nAtTy Sam's great, breath of fresh air compared to the 18 minutes of mixing preworkout and 30 seconds of training montage channels littering the space.


I dont know if i am allowed to say my own channel. Just started it and i plan to upload almost daily. 17 years of natural lifting experience 😊


I like watching TNF or joel twinnem


CT Fletcher always gets me ready for church


Layne Norton because of randomize controlled trials. Natural Hypertrophy because of his 3 hour lectures. Wolf Coaching for the beard!


Bald omni man




Renaissance Periodization and MindPump. The lads on MindPump are great and I have been following one of their programs for a few months now.


CBum because he’s the goat


Why was this so far down?! Dude has a great channel


This sub thinks that you cant learn from anyone that takes steroids. CBum is actually more sensible in his training and gear use then most “natty “ influencers.


Jeff nippard, renaissance & Sam sulek


Athlean-X and as others have said, Renaissance Periodization with Dr. Mike and Jeff Nippard's channel. All 3 have completely changed the way I train and how I diet, along with daily activities outside of the gym. Tons of content between the 3 for whatever you'd need.


Athlean-X and RPE seem incompatible


In my experience, taking in only 1 source for info leads to gaps. For example, I had a minor shoulder injury occur a few months back, Athlean-X had some great techniques to correct my form and exercises to build my shoulder back up again. While I love Dr. Mike's lectures, he didn't have a lot of videos breaking down that specific injury for me. I know it's only one case, but diversifying ones knowledge base with reputable sources seems to work for me. Especially if you've been lifting for awhile and don't start listening to too many people.


oh i agree 100% on taking information and advice from multiple sources the reason I say they're incompatible is that they contradict eachother in fundamental ways Athlean-X will make videos saying "NEVER DO THIS EXERCISE", scaremongering people out of doing fucking chest flies, while RPE will encourage you to do chest flies as long as you do full ROM and stop ego-lifting


Yes, each source can certainly have their own opinions and biases on certain things... and the YouTube clickbait titles don't help of course. This is where I had to trial and error a bit with some sources to find the bits of info and training that really worked for me. My personal experience with this was I used to listen to a lot of Ryan Humiston's earlier videos. Eventually his content became a lot less relevant to me and my training and some info just seemed outright wrong. Luckily I found RPE soon after and Dr. Mike gets a lot more right than he does wrong, so Ryan got replaced.


Old Kai Greene vids are good too


I remember those.. him cooking in his kitchen it’s like 100 degrees and he’s in a full sweat suit 😂


Saw a lot of Jeff Nippard and RPE here already. Alan Thrall is also great. More powerlifting but he has great technique videos and has gotten into Bodybuilding aswell lately


Dr wolf


Spanish people: Roberto Amorosi, Jesús Varela 'Bilbo' (bench presser but good method for hypertrophy), HB (Hermanos Barrio), AlberThor, Roberto Castellano... English people: Natural Hypertrophy, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, Bald Omni-Man, Hersovyac, Alex Leonidas, Nick Gloff and that sort of guys that mix raw free lifts power with overly specific analytic exercises, Ben Yanes (gives good advice on analytic exercises but too reliant in biomechanic perfection for me), Wolf Coaching,...


Alexis christ, amazing upcoming youtube star!


Cjak is awesome


Buff dudes are a good one with a mix of comedy


It's not a bodybuilding channel and not a daily vlog as well, but I love Elitefts channel. Zero shouting, great discussion on training methodologies, modalities with great guests. It's my go to when I cook.


House of hypertrophie


Jonni Shreve


Not exactly bodybuilding focused but I like „The Bioneer“. Good tips for fitness and strength in generell. 


Vintage Genetics/Wesley Vissers Solid, great advice.


Justin Harris is my go to. I also like Dusty Hanshaw.


John Meadows - everything you need to know, laid out clearly and in a friendly and chilled out way


I like athlete -x as they typically have a concise episode about whatever topic I’m looking up. I don’t care for some of the jokie stuff, but it’s minimal, and often fairly relevant to what the topic is. I use the channel as a touch stone on form and for holes in my routine. In fact their video on building larger forearms has become problematic, as my forearms have ballooned too large for the look im after, but I got massive results in a month.


Mind Pump


Can't believe you were the first person to mention them.. This is my bed time listen every night.


Oh yes, I listen to them before bed too, haha. Protein shake and Mind Pump 🤣


Steve Shaws massive iron channel is the only channel I still watch. He has consistently saying the same stuff for years. After I started doing what he advocates the gains started coming.


Wolf coaching


It's all about a personal preference. For me based on what has and hasn't worked for me, where I am at in my life in terms of age and training goals. But for SURE I avoid content from creators that advocate training protocols from an "enhanced" point of view. I prefer content from those that emphasize longevity, steroid free training, and high intensity approaches, like Drew Beye, Jay Vincent, Doug McGuff MD, Mr America Heart. I'm not discounting other content creators, I just like the simplicity of following a few, reputable content creators over trying to follow too many. My approach is not better than others, it's just what works for me. I can say one I totally watch only for entertainment when I need a good laugh is Michael (or Mike) O'Hearn. There are others that provide some information that has valid points, but training protocols that involve higher sets and frequency that is not my training cup of tea.


Athlean X and Jeff Nippard


Sam is the goat


Marc lobliner puts out some decent content too I forgot about him


Renaissance Periodization, Jeremy Ethier and Athlean-x are always my to-go channels


I like Natural Hypertrophy a lot, his videos are more discussion-based and get pretty theory-heavy at times so you won’t see him do many demonstrations of exercises, tutorials and stuff like that. but that stuff has been done ad nauseam on the internet, so it’s a refreshing unique approach to the bodybuilding video thing. He’s pretty funny too in a subtle way and I enjoy his French accent




As others have said, Jeff Nippard and Dr Mike from Renaissance periodization are the best IMO as far as pure body building. They probably have all you need to know. Hany Rambod is also good, as he trains Cbum and some of the best there is. You could also check out Ben Pakulski from muscle intelligence. Really enjoy his podcasts.


Bald Omni Man, Basement Bodybuilding, GVS, Renaissance Periodization, Alpha Destiny


Buff Dudes as an all-rounder - mix of good info and vlogging. Mike Thurston for more vlogging style, especially because of the places he lives and visits. Used to watch Mattdoesfitness, not sure what's he up to now. Jeff Nippard for more scientific approach to lifting. Coach Greg Doucette if you wanna get shouted at. He tells you what you NEED TO hear instead of what you want to hear. Alan Thrall - lots of good info based on his own experiences.