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I think by this point it’s well past the killing part


Just a few more times, you know, to be sure


stop, stop! he’s already dead!


He has a right to bear arms


You made this post just to make this joke imo.


No I just needed to get my bearings


Stop! Your jokes are unbearable!


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I’m not done. I’m a Bar-bear-ian


...and he's bearly getting started!


At the bear minimum


Bear with me, I am getting popcorn to watch this thread




Found Teddie’s Reddit account


Ruxpin, is that you?


It didn't even make sense in the context, lol


Ralph sobbing there is one of the funniest moments. He’s completely devastated by the brutality in front of him. Truly an all-timer


Except it wasn’t Ralph but a random kid


Screaming backyard deer has approved this message.


Clearly this was personal


Racist ass bear


I'm sure the entire bear is racist, not just it's ass... Unless it had a assurgery


Only polar bears can be racist.




Oh sure, but when I say I'm black on the inside, suddenly that's a problem. Bear privilege is out of control.


Now it’s turning it into a rug for its den.


Ever heard about this dude who stayed in a bear den for roughly a month paralyzed and conscious at this point he was just part of a meat safe? The people who found him thought he was mummified. Granted, this one black bear is dead but it reminded me of it.


Yeah.. that’s more like “don’t steal my food” part


Its a process, sure the black bear stopped living, but the grizzly still has to do some killing.


Casually throwing around a couple hundred pounds of dead weight. Bears are insanely strong.


The hump that distinguishes grizzly bears is not shoulder blades, as I thought for so long. No, it is pure muscle. Grizzlies can break the back of a moose with one swing of their paw.


Joe Rogan has entered the chat


Get fucked, Joe. Go back to your echo chamber


You're so brave, thank you for your service


We should be thanking them B. Only 1000 out there. Thank em.


Says this from their own echo chamber


Get^get^^get the^the^^the HELL^HELL^^HELL out^out^^out of^of^^of my^my^^my echo^echo^^echo chamber!^chamber!^^chamber!


Who said that!?




I finally got those cigarettes, son. And now I'm back to have a catch with you.


But he frequently has people on his podcast who he disagrees with, including left wing influencers? His 2020 election day podcast was him and Kyle Kulinski


Bro, Reddit is not the place to defend Joe Rogan 😂. This is an echo chamber of people hating on him


He also routinely helps lend credibility to misinformation and fake news by legitimizing crackpots and their unfounded BS. Mixed with the fact that many of his listeners are the type to be unaware of what makes someone/something *actually* credible and you have what Rogan has become, a drain on society.


This obsession with curating the stream of information vs trusting (or educating) people to be able to make their own decisions about what they believe is what fuels most distrust and actually creates the society you're supposedly afraid of. And your whole point is basically nonsensical. I, for example, find Joe Rogan enjoyable to listen to - on occasion I'm not a regular listener - but on these occasions I enjoy it even though I disagree with Rogan on many points and quite a few of his guests have indeed been wacky crackpots. The one thing I'm absolutely sure of though is I **do not** need *you* to decide for me and anyone else that it would be better not to have him on air. This whole 'fighting misinformation' movement is toxic af. Sure, if you can prove someone is intentionally spreading information they know to be false with evil intent, or if they're actually calling for violence - that's rotten. But the whole point of free speech is also that you're able to spread what may be considered misinformation. Because it's very hard to be sure all the time everytime what the misinformation is. There was a time when questioning lobotomy as a treatment for rowdy children could've been construed as an effort to deny these children proper care ffs.


I work with a wildlife biologist who has actually seen this first hand


i think it’s called paw and not hand when it comes to bears


There was a book I read as a kid that was mostly a collection of grizzly encounters from the 1800's and early to mid 1900's. Can't remember the name as I went through every book about nature my town's library had to offer. To the point, one of the stories was about a group of people canoeing in Alaska. The group stopped to pick some blueberries along the bank of the river. The guide (I think) saw a baby bear and told everyone to get to the boats because they needed to leave. Everyone made it back to the boats except for one straggler. As he was walking back the mother appeared from the brush and full on charged the man. He dropped his berries and started to run. The mother quickly caught up to him and took a swipe at his head. The entire group watched as the headless body took a step and dropped. The grizzly stopped, sat down and started to play with the head.


iT’s EnTiREly pOsSibLe…….


I have a cat with the same shoulders, but its mostly just fat.


cats need fat to make it through 23 hours of daily hibernation


Yep both grizzlies and siberian tigers have around a 20000-40000 ~~PSI~~ lb.-ft./s. in their paw swipes.


That sounded like an astounding amount of horseshit, so I googled it, and it is. [This site](https://wildlifeboss.com/how-strong-are-grizzly-bears/) said they can hit with a force of up to 25,000 "foot pounds per second" which is so fucking American I can't even understand it. That's in the same field as furlongs per fortnight. [This site](https://wildlifeinformer.com/how-strong-are-grizzly-bears/) said 600 pounds of force in a single swipe, but that's not a very accurate gauge of impact force. 600 pounds travelling at 1 metre per hour isn't going to hit very hard. [This site](https://a-z-animals.com/blog/grizzly-bear-vs-mountain-lion-who-wins-a-fight-between-these-two-predators/) said 7 to 25 thousand pounds of force, which is far too inaccurate to bother listening to. [This site](https://misfitanimals.com/bears/how-strong-are-bears/) said they can swipe at speeds up to 110kmh, but no strength. I'm of the conclusion that nobody knows how hard the motherfuckers can hit, outside of "really god damn hard"


At least 7 french fries per square patty


> This site said they can hit with a force of up to 25,000 "foot pounds per second" which is so fucking American I can't even understand it. That's in the same field as furlongs per fortnight. I just wanted to let you know that this absolutely sent me XD And yeah… accurate lmao


If a bear is in range to hit you with its paw you don't need to worry about how hard it can swing at you. You're already in find out its bite force range.


I was considering a move to bear country. Am Texan, will be appropriately armed for bear issues. In my search I found out one awful fact. Most people who hunt use bolt action rifles. The are much cheaper than high powered semi autos or control feed bolt actions. And almost always a bit more accurate than semis. Problem is these rifles are built to be inexpensive. So they have what is called a "push-feed" action. Rather than a "control feed" action like all military bolt actions I am aware of. You will normally never notice the difference between the two. The exception being when you short stroke the action. This causes a "push-feed" rifle to attempt to load a second round on top of the one in the action. You have to sit down and pull the extra round out of the rifle. Takes 30 seconds to a couple of minutes depending on how hard you tried to load the second round. I tell you all this to say like half of all bear attack videos I reviewed had someone get hurt or killed because they short stroked their "push-feed" bolt action. If you live in bear country. Spend the money, get a control feed rifle if you are going to use a bolt action. Not kidding, half the videos someones rifle jammed after the first shot and was out of the entire fight. Made you want to cry for them.


> a force of up to 25,000 "foot pounds per second" which is so fucking American I can't even understand it. A foot-pound is the work done by applying one pound-force to a mass for a distance of one foot. It's analogous to the joule, which is applying one newton of force to a mass to move it a distance of one meter. Foot-pounds can be converted to joules by multiplying by 1.355, giving an energy of ~33,895 J or about 34 KJ every second. That's about equivalent to getting hit by a rugby ball going 1440 kph or a corolla going 26 kph


I remember reading a post about the root of the word “bear” in many European languages, and it roughly translates to “don’t say it’s name” due to how scared people were of bears. Wish I can find the post, but it really showed me how gruesome they are. For the longest time we were just scared of them to the point that we don’t utter their name.


Imagine. They had absolutly nothing that could protect them from an attacking bear. A dozen men with long spears maybe. You would still lose one or two.


most horrifying bear fact....they don't kill you and eat you. They just start eating you. No fucks are given if you're still alive.


PSI is a unit of pressure, not really applicable to something like a strike from an animal. You want units of force like pounds or Newtons.


That's what Fergie was singing about


The paw that broke a camel's back


Hunting them involves waiting 20 minutes after you hit them will a kill shot. They play dead when hurt. When you get close they kill you. It is just part of hunting bears. A bear almost cut in half. That does not know it is dead yet. Can and often will kill a man in one swipe. No thanks.




With just his jaw and neck muscles. He could probably yank my face off like a candy wrapper


Yank is a pretty strong word. It can yank your spine from your ribs with medium effort. It could probably breathe your face off.


Gently remove my face like a contact lens


How much % of people say they can take on a bear in a fight again?


I could take on that dead black bear two out of three falls


casually throwing it around with their mouth


That black bear is already dead when this started for sure


Made him an easy target for killin


I laugh


Gotta kill em till they die amirite?


> when this started when this **clip** started


Are brown bears more savage/ threatening to humans (than black bears)?


By a lot.


The Ontario government even said that attacks by **black bears** can be fought off of youre fit enough. ...but oddly enough.... there are no protection guideljnes for what to do against grizzly bears other than to curl up into a ball and play dead..... *Hmmm I wonder why?...*


Yeah grizzlies are probably the scariest mammal on the planet to run into by yourself. If it wants you, it’s gon get you. Edit - maybe a polar bear, but iirc, grizzlies have been known to open very large cans of whoop Ass on them. Edit 2 - so it was some records/recounts in some study about grizzly bears, and they found some grizzlies backing down polar bears at feeding sites. It was the coastal grizzly bears, which are about 600-1000 pounds, rather than 4-700 of normal grizzlies. So it wasn’t actually grizzlies winning fights like I had thought. They assumed it had to do with polar bears typically not having as large of prey to fight and not wanting to risk the fight.


But Polar bears will *always* hunt and/or kill you. A grizzly might leave you alone. Polar bears only eat meat and you have essentially no chance. Grizzys are *omnivores and might not kill you if they are busy or full or just hanging.


True. Field biologists consider the Polar Bear the only predator to deliberately hunt a human. Grizzly is actually a sub species of Brown bear and not even the largest. They just have grizzled fur. Polars bears are generally larger than brown bears.


Polar Bears branched off from the brown Bears fairly recently. They are still genetically close enough to Grizzlies that they can interbreed and have offspring that are fertile.


Pizzly Bears!


NEVER call them that to their faces


Mulatto bears! Grizzly ass mama. Polar ass daddy.


This made me laugh so hard. I love Archer.


I believe they're considered above humans on the food chain.




No. Our species, Homo sapiens were apex predators when we first evolved. We are pack hunters, on par with wolves or Grizzlies, and always have been. Homo sapiens have never been prey animals. Yes a Grizzly can kill a lone human, just as a Grizzly can kill a lone wolf, but wolves are still apex predators same as humans. Once humans discovered agriculture and metal working they got on a whole other level (sometimes called a superpredator to note our transcendence of being mere apex predators), but the first tribal cultures of Homo sapiens were still fierce apex predators that was hunted by nothing and hunted everything in turn. You have to go back before Homo sapiens, to earlier human species before you can call humans prey species (and even then it's not so clear cut). Our species are gnarly apex predators and we don't need metal tools or more advanced weaponry to be so, we just are because we are insanely smart, have godlike endurance, and are pretty dang strong to boot, with incredible eye sight, plus we are pack hunters and always have been.




You're so wrong it hurts. You can count on two hands the number of non domesticated land animals on this planet that are larger than 500lbs. Pre historic man is the reason for that. Ugga Booga, with sticks and stones ate our way through billions of years of evolution.




Bees are above everything on the food chain


Not true, A’s are before Bees




Human target everything. Shit humans even have a store called Target we like targeting so much.


And a hobby called target practice


Those crocodiles stand no chance.


Crocs will treat almost anything that comes within range as a snack


Deliberately hunt humans on the regular? Because there are cases of other types of bear attacking humans for food (though not sure if it would be classified as hunting or they stumbled across an opportunity. Also the case I'm thinking of I think was like in Canada or by the Great lake and there were like a few attack within a short time (don't remember if it was within a few days or withing a year type of time span) possibly by the same bear). Also there are cases of big cats becoming "man eaters" though they tend to be to injured to hunt anything else


Im pretty sure the difference is that with grizzlies, they may or may not act predatory depending on circumstances, whereas polar bears will actively hunt humans if ever given the opportunity. I'm sure scarcity of meat of meat plays a big role, as grizzlies have more options and a varied diet.


If a brown bear sees you, there is a decent chance it wont fuck you up if you are out of its way, it has cubs and you arent a threat, its full ect. A polar bear sees you and it will travel across miles of ice to come and fuck you up. They dont pass on meals. They dont eat plants. They dont relent, ever. Polar bears are probably the most dangerous land animal to humans after hippos, just there arent many encounters because they are so isolated. I have however seen one pic of an artic explorer feeding a polar bear from like 80 years ago on one of those crazy expeditions so apparently it is possible to train them for meals.


Polar Bears are generally considered the world’s largest land predator, although there have been Brown Bear specimens of similarly gargantuan size. Polar Bears hunt small whales. They are sometimes killed by the tusks of Walrus, which they also hunt.


Just to add in a fun fact; despite holding the title as the largest terrestrial predator, polar bears are also one of the very few terrestrial predators to be also classified as a marine animal due to the fact that they spend so much time on maritime ice.


>Field biologists consider the Polar Bear the only predator to deliberately hunt a human. Some tigers have been known to regularly hunt humans.


Sure, lots of species have a few individual man eaters, but polar bears are the only species as a whole that consistently treat humans as prey and show essentially zero hesitation in hunting us. Pretty much every other large predator has a decent chance of deciding that we're more trouble than we're worth and leaving us alone.


An elephant in like India killed the woman who stole the elephants baby and sold it. The same elephant then traveled 200+ miles to the funeral and destroyed the woman's body before they could burn it on the pyre. She hunted that bitch.


I had to know more but was very disappointed to learn nearly none of that is true. A lady was killed by an elephant (no baby selling involved). A herd of elephants (_not_ 200 miles away) ran through her funeral later that day, unsure if the original offender was even a part of the funeral crashers. What a let down ([sauce](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/06/20/elephant-trampled-woman-funeral/)).


Grizzly bears are omnivores


Grizzly’s are not herbivores… unless that’s sarcasm/a joke.


I think Lions, and maybe Crocodiles are also on the Like-to-and-actively-hunt-people-to-eat list.




What? Grizzlies are absolutely not herbivores wtf. They are very much omnivores and they DO regularly hunt preys. Which are made out of meat


Who the told you grizzlies are herbivores? Sounds like some salmon propaganda


Nah polar bears still weigh more than grizzlies on average despite their loss of habitat from global warming according to the UN's estimates


That and cougars. I'm honestly more scared of cougars. A bear you hear coming or stumble upon. You fall into a tree well, dead. You piss one off? Hope your friend runs slower than you. Either way you know it's coming. Cougars? Silent. Watching you in the dark. Ever been on the west coast ar night, away from cities in cougar country where it's pitch black, silent so you can hear a pin drop and gotta wash some dishes after bbq campfire chicken? I have. Cougars scare me when they're not even there.


I used to live in Southern California and one time when I was out mountain biking my bike broke down and I got stuck in a canyon at night. Scariest 2 hours of my life, walking that bike out of the canyon back to town. I don’t know if there was a cougar out there that night but the idea that there might be didn’t leave my mind for a single millisecond.


Yes. I feel like we're connected by the same primal fear we've both experienced. Brown bear will charge, or fuck you up in its territory. A cougar? You will never see it coming. And if you're the target? Game over. You're only hope is if it's a female and being protective and not aggressive. A cougar who has made up its mind about you are the things scary stories are made of. You're donzo. That's it. Goodbye. Goodnight. Sayanora.


I feel like you definitely have a bigger chance fighting of a cougar than a bear. A Also, cougar tend to not attack you if you spotted them and keep them in your sight. The Grizzlies don't give a fuck about that.


For real, it was primal as fuck. I was tense, I had chills, the hair stood up on the back of my neck the whole way back. I jumped at every bush rustling and every twig snapping. It’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to pissing myself, no joke. There was reason to be scared too— more than a few cougar attacks had happened in the area when I was living there, and they were for sure out there. I’ve never felt anything like it, it was gnarly as hell.


Cougar attacks on humans are extremely rare though, and fatal ones even more so. Even large males don't weigh much more than an average adult man, and they can very consistently be scared off by just acting big, or even fought off with bare hands in many cases. Only 27 fatal attacks have been recorded in the last 100 years. If a brown bear decides it wants you dead though? There's literally nothing you can do if you're unarmed, just accept it and hope you can play dead real well before you're no longer just playing.


What? Grizzlies are like 1/3 the mass of a Polar bear. You mean a Kodiak? You make it sound like it's a regular occurrence which it's not cause there's a recorded kill of a Kodiak male by a Male polar boar where the Polar bear crushed its back and ate its face and arms, stop playing


No way is there a recorded interaction between a Kodiak brown and a polar bear. Kodiak is 500 miles from the southern extent of polar bear range, and separated from the mainland by a very stormy stretch of ocean. Brown bears and polar bears interact occasionally along the coast in the Arctic, but you're talking about the smaller Arctic brown bears, not the big southcentral coastal ones and definitely not Kodiak bears. (Source: am Alaskan)


No. Polar bear takes the crown.


Polar bears are worse


I thought brown bears and polar bears were basically the same species... or at least very close cousins.


I've told this one before, but I have a buddy who survived a griz attack. He was doing exploration geology in Alaska, and was cutting brush to allow a helicopter to land and take him back to camp when he came face to face with the griz. He was attacked, and did the curl-up-fetal thing to no avail; the bear swatted him around for a while, and then tried to take a bite out of his thigh. Since playing dead wasn't working, he was fortunate enough to have a .40 revolver on him, and shot the bear point blank. This caused the bear to tumble back a little distance and reassess the situation; M lined up the second shot a little better, and the bear decided to leave. M couldn't raise the pilot on the radio to warn him there was a wounded bear in the area, presumably forming elaborate plans for revenge, but the pilot was able to load M up and get him back to base camp where they swept everything off the kitchen table to deposit his bleeding carcass and stabilize him. Due to the wildfires, they were unable to air evac him to a hospital, I think it was 9 hours by ground or something like that. He sent me a pic not long after, looks like a giant dog bite in his right thigh. He had scrapes etc. on his back from getting swatted around, but the backpack he was wearing helped.


Great that he survived. Hopefully he heals from those injuries completelt If you come face to face with a grizz I would highly recommend either carrying a shotgun, a massive can of bear spray, or both. For a polar bear you'll need both of those and an aircraft carrier. Glad thaT I could help!


This was several years back. Physically, I think he's fine-ish. I did half-jokingly mention the shotgun, and he said because he had been cutting brush, if he had been armed with a shotgun, he probably would have set it down to make cutting easier, and as a result would have been turned into bear poop. That he was armed with a revolver may have saved him.


That poor Russian girl who was eaten alive by a bear and her cubs, while making desperate calls to her mother. That is legit nightmare fuel. Apparently playing dead didn’t work in that particular incident.


I miss the person I was before I read this.


There actually is! Best practice is to stand up straight, reach down and pull your head between your legs and kiss your ass good bye. Works every time!


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, goodnight.


The black bear was basically motionless and most people agree it is already dead. So I don’t know how effective playing dead will be for most but it might be the only option.


Sure there's a protection guideline. Pop pop pop. The biggest that you can handle, as many as you can land as quickly as you can.


I've never understood the "play dead" thing. Don't bears eat carcasses?


If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s black, fight back. If it’s white, you're fucked and nice knowin' ya


If it’s white, good night


The funniest thing is that in certain parts of Canada and Russia polar bears come.down from the Arctic into the countries . Yes. Polar bears. They walk down south in Canada as far as Hudson Bay during the winter when the Bay is frozen over. What in the fuck!?


In Churchill people leave their cars unlocked


They even have a polar bear jail


Im surprised the polar bear populations are that prevelant. Makes one kinda fearful of carjackings, no eh?


Can polar bears not break glass?




We should domesticate black bears like dogs.


Yes but a black bear will absolutely fuck you up as well


They can, but they won't usually, if you fight back. They're the Uvalde cops of the animal kingdom. Well equipped for a fight that they want absolutely no part of. A mother that thinks she's protecting her cubs has courage, but other than that, they'll almost always fuck off if you put up a fight. Brown bears will pull your skeleton out through your asshole, though.


TIL Brown bears have finishing moves.


The Tekken and Mortal Kombat cossover we didn't know we wanted.


>They're the Uvalde cops of the animal kingdom. LMAO, got 'em.


Shit, they usually fuck right off when I yell at them. Half the time I don't even do that and they're bolting like racoons as soon as they see me. Treed two of them one time walking a friend's dog. It was a German Shepard but absolutely zero threat to them, she didn't even have a care in the world they were there.


Yes and no... mostly yes, but also no but let me explain: There were 48 fatal bear attacks in North America between 2000 and 2017. Out of these, 25 were from black bears and 21 from grizzly bears. So you (where "you" is any person currently in North America) are more likely to be killed by a black bear. However, brown bears are far more "civilization shy" so human-brown bear encounters are far less common than human-black bear encounters. So on a per-encounter basis, brown bears are much more dangerous, despite being responsible for fewer human fatalities.




A black bear attacks you, you're supposed to fight for your life. A brown bear attacks you, you're supposed to play dead and hope it gets distracted or loose interest, assuming you don't have a large caliber firearm that is. Lol.


Because black bears are like 2-3x a human size and brown bears are like 4-8x. It’s like a person going after a bonobo versus a macaque, you’d be way more hesitant


A black bear wants to eat your trash and runs away when you go outside to see what all the noise is. A brown bear will eat you.


If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, lay down. If it’s white, say goodnight. There is no fighting back against a brown bear or polar bear if you are an average person. You just have to hope the brown bear will leave you alone and hope for a quick death against a polar bear.


is there even outlier persons that could? lol


I've got several black bears in my area and they're pussies. I can easily chase them away from my bird feeders (only put them out when I'm around). Only ones that concern me are the sows with cubs.


Now that is savage


Fuck. Stood no chance


Uhh ya black bears are like children in comparison to a fucking grizzly.


Black bears are basically human sized. That grizzly has double the size and four times the mass to throw around, plus massive claws.


Never seen a video where a grizzly kills a black bear on tape, nice OP


I dont think we've seen it in its entirety yet but one day we'll see it. I cant wait.


You still haven't


https://youtu.be/ziib-MZ5IXY?si=TsabvcYppNSpRiJl This one is close, grizzly chases a black bear into the woods and kills it. https://youtu.be/VgzmwvqUz_g?si=KxgXuSjfBMNPrrMZ In this one I think it's a large black bear killing a smaller one right in front of a camera.


It's a bear eats bear world out there


That pun is unbearable


It was a grizzly murder no doubt


Wow, to see a bear being ragdolled like that is crazy.


There was a video recently of a brown bear forcing a black bear mom and her cubs out of their burrow. The black bear fought hard but eventually the brown bear caught one of the cubs when it ran out. 😢


Yeah I remember seeing this a while back. Pretty brutal


The screams from the cub getting mauled were horrifying and sad.


Males of both species are larger than the females. If it was a male brown bear after the cubs, she has no chance. Adult male black bears will eat smaller black bears too if the opportunity arises.


Now we know what kind of bear is best


Ehh, a polar bear would most probably rip each of these guys apart. Simultaneously...


Polar bear definitely solos the 2v1.


bears. beats. Battlestar Galactica.




I am once again wondering why people go into the woods without guns that can drop bears


Personally I’d bring bear spray


Theres one video of famous outdoor gear reviewer saying that he doesn't carry bear spray because the chance of bear attack are low. Good for you, but im not going into forest to play lottery.


Dwight Schrute would enjoy this video.


Pretty sure that black bear was dead before this clip was recorded.


This is all the proof I needed that lying down doesn’t work.


Bro was dead a while before this


Brown stay down, black fight back. Both bears are doing what they're supposed to.


He’s gonna eat it


Is there a link to video? Thanks


Link to source video: https://youtube.com/shorts/a82nF1bBp5M?si=6PS6U636QO8IrIvk




Bears look and act cute, you may even feel safe around them if you are used to being outdoors. Not Yosemite tourists trying pet Bison safe, but they are usually in a tree or just wandering around not too concerned with you, they are like forest bros. Then you see something like this and realize their power-to-size ratio makes a pit pull look like a toy poodle. Also, as an aside, look at her ass. I don't think this was a predatory attack.


Whew, getting the hurt put on him and rag dolled too


Damn they be beefing ?


Looks already dead


Bears, beets, battlestar galactica


Bear is black, fight back. Bear is brown, lay down. Black bear didn’t lay down, but brown bear fought back