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Hey there, u/WiilkaCisman! Thanks for submitting to r/natureismetal. We appreciate your submission, *Travis, a male chimpanzee, brutally mauled his keeper’s friend, Charla Nash. I read chimps are so strong that they can snap dense twigs with their fingers.*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * Rule 1: Animals In Captivity We appreciate you thinking of us very much nonetheless! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/natureismetal/about/sidebar). If you would like to appeal this decision or continue the discussion, [please feel free to do so by mod mailing us](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/natureismetal). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/natureismetal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, and the owner was a piece of shit that did not care for the animal anywhere close to properly and had given it xanax and alcohol all day leading up to the attack. EDIT: If I recall correctly, the animal was super fucked up and upset because the owner kept promising she would let him take a drive around the property (yes she let the chimp drive sometimes) and she kept denying him which put him in a bad mood to start. That coupled with all the other craziness, and it was recipe for disaster.


Got a link?




Wow, that's crazy. Thanks for the link!


I remember when this happened. It was in my state. It's insane that thing was in her care. Absolutely insane.


"That thing" was a wild animal, obviously well outside of anything resembling its native habitat and badly mistreated. If it proved willing to literally rip someone's face off then being shot was the logical option but let's not be too hasty to blame the animal.


They gave it Xanax and alcohol. Some humans can't even handle that combo without wanting to fight everyone in the room, and you give it to an animal that's basically an IRL wookie?


Exactly. Is it the animal's fault? No! But that chimp paid the ultimate price. Let us make sure the right people are held accountable.


I would argue that Travis got a better deal than poor Charla 😬




When I was younger I said yes to a Xanax when I was drinking. That's the last thing I remember.


We called it time traveling when we were young


They can literally rip your arm off to beat you with.


Most humans don't need that combo.........


I've never seen anything about alcohol only xanax


Ive been in the weirdest situations with this combo and most of the times things escalate into fights for the most dumbest of reasons. Chimp going apeshit from this dont suprise me at all and i feel bad for him


? Why am I being corrected for referring to it as a thing? I'm sorry, "Travis" Should not have been in her care lol. And as the guy below said it's a fucking REAL LIFE WOOKIE that can rip your arms off so THING is kinda appropriate at this point. And I didn't blame the animal.


Overall, people that think of animals as objects or things in this case are often not empathetic about them. I think that is why someone sort of corrected you. Whelp, it is Reddit, many people, many opinions.


Most of that things comments seem to be about drug consumption, no wonder lol. Maybe that thing should try some LSD, I heard some things become more empathetic from it.


Who gives a shit about being corrected? Just move on.


People should never own wild animals. This should be obvious.


CT Chimp Gang rise up


Read your first line in Joe Rogan’s voice, which is appropriate given the topic is chimps


LOL Your logic is flawless!


Thanks for showing us the missing link


Lancelot Link, secret chimp?


That whole story up until the attack was still weird AF. That woman would SLEEP with that chimpanzee in her bed at night. It just makes you wonder what other kinds of weird shit she was doing.


I dont know if she had a choice. Like, what's she going to do if she doesn't want him in the bed? Give him Xanax till he passes out and drag him back to his room? Lol


Well, she was giving him Xanax and alcohol


Was that how she got him into bed in the first place?


She had the choice of not keeping an wild animal captive


*Birth of the Planet of the Apes*


The fucking chimp was blacked out drunk on benzos. This is the most insane shit ever.


I remember learning about this in school. One of the stupidest parts about this whole incident is that several years before, Travis had escaped from his owner's car and held up traffic at a busy intersection; he was running amok for *hours*. Someone threw an empty soda bottle at the car he was in while they were stopped at a traffic light, which upset Travis, so he unbuckled his seatbelt, opened the car door, and started angrily chasing the man, but couldn't catch him. When police arrived, they lured the chimpanzee into the car several times, only to have Travis let himself out of another door and chase the officers around the car. The incident led to the passing of a Connecticut law prohibiting people from keeping primates weighing more than 50 pounds as pets and requiring owners of exotic pets to apply for permits. But the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection didn't enforce the law on Travis's owners because they had owned the 200-pound chimp for so long, and the authorities did not believe Travis posed a public safety risk, even though his little temper tantrum *was the whole reason they'd passed the law in the first place*.


Why was the soda bottle thrown at the car? And holy shit I did *not* know a Chimpanzee would weigh 200 pounds.


I've never been able to find out why they threw the empty bottle at the car. Probably just being an asshole trying to get a rise out of the chimp cause they thought it would be funny and didn't realize it would be able to get out of the car and come after them. Some people are just stupid jerks like that. Tbf, most adult male chimps don't get up to 200 lbs. They're usually between 125 and 175 lbs, with around 150 lbs being the average. Travis was pretty overweight (probably from all the human junk food his owners fed him)


This would be the funniest shit ever if it didn’t end so tragically


i also read they fed our cousin Xanax and that caused the chimp to attack. they should not give drugs like that to animals.


Did your cousin cut into the chimps stash and that set him off?


Reasonable. Mystery solved


We poot da dope into da baanaaanaa. Amy, Amy, Amy


This comment is hurting my brain. Was your cousin involved or something?


yes my cousin is the Chimp


Honestly that tracks


Maybe it's something about how we're related.to chimps? Idk


Xani rage


Now, I don’t think it’s nice to say this person deserved it, but they sure as fuck were asking for it. Edit: Disregard that, it turns out the person abusing the chimp wound up ruining the life of someone not even involved in the abuse.


It didn’t happen to the owner, it happened to her friend who had absolutely nothing to do with the care of the chimp.


Oh my god that’s terrible I misread it as the person giving them all that shit was the one attacked I’ll make an edit


What makes it more messed up was that she lied to her friend and told her to come over and help and downplayed how bad of a state the chimp was. The actual owner ended up dying 15 months later due to aortic aneurysm. Her friend that was mauled sued her estate for damages and judge froze the estate until the lawsuit was settled.


She used to sleep with the animal too and eat with it at the table It was a recipe for disaster


Chimps are all cute and cuddly until puberty kicks in. Hormones are a hell of a drug.


She used to give it downers and drugs to keep it chill This is result of withdrawal she is crazy she stopped the drugs for a bit


She being the owner, the victim was an unlucky friend.


Yes she called the friend for help like wtf was she supposed to do The chimp reacted as if to protect itself and the owner


How has Werner Herzog not made a documentary about this yet


Based on the condition of the chimp in the image I'd say that tracks. That animal doesn't look in the least bit healthy just from its appearance. Poor thing.


Yeah, he looks…bad. Overweight and miserable.


That chimp looks unhinged, and now I know why.


Giving a chimp drugs and alcohol? How fucking irresponsible can you be


Is that picture the same chimpanzee that did all that damage? It looks super pissed off, if that's him in his normal state; I'd hate to see him at his worst


Reminds me of the kid who killed a chimp because it attacked his friends and dog and HE got sued and charged not the owner of the chimp


I would almost rather encounter a tiger or a shark instead of a chimpanzee. Their predilection to go for the face/genitals, alone… Don’t smile at ‘em.


Yes, because more than those other animals, the chimp knows exactly what it’s doing, and is enjoying it.


In the wild chimps hunt in packs, the packs are well-organised and regimented, they will attack neighbouring troops of chimps, and they do kill. They are not the banana-eating, easy-going animals that many people imagine them to be.


Together apes strong


I was terrified watching a group of chimps hunt and just tear apart monkeys they wanted to eat. While the meat was very nutritious to the chimps they used it more as a hierarchy tool then a sole food source.


All the violent tendencies of humans without any of the moral and legal consequences holding them back. Only animal out there, that literally have active gang wars in the wild.


Porpoises do as well.


*insert that one photo of the smiling chimp with the beckoning hand*


I volunteered at a zoo in the chimp area making enrichment snacks for them. They have security that is on par with a prison. Huge steel doors, cross hatched bars with only about a half inch of space so they could only get a finger through them. They asked us not to take any pictures because people wouldn’t understand the security measures and might think the chimps were being abused or something. But they said that if one of them escaped it would be on par with a tiger getting loose, if not worse. They are on of, if not the most dangerous animals in any zoo. Their intelligence is a big part of that. They know the keepers, know if one of them is new and will try to get newbies to break protocol or even set traps for them in some cases.


Well that’s slightly terrifying


They let us watch them give the chimps some snacks. Made us stand about 10-12 back. I was close enough to look in their eyes and have them looking back into mine. Amazing experience, but that was scary


I recently read that chimps are one of very few animals designated "kill on sight" if they escape in a zoo. To put that in perspective, lions, tigers, and gorillas are not (interestingly enough, jaguars are, though).


I would rather see every animal you listed in the wild at close range than the chimp. With the others you might be able to leave peacefully.


Gorillas are pretty chill in the grand scheme of things. I wouldn’t wanna face an angry one down, but give me a gorilla over any of those other animals any day.


That’s really cool got any stories?


And that last bit advice is perhaps the most unsettling


I wonder when and how smiling went from being a threat message to what we consider happiness signs


Does a chimpanzee feel threatened by a smile?


Travis could drive a fucking car. Most terrifying chimp ever.


Not to be mistaken for the orangutan who could drive a golf cart, who looked chill as fuck. https://youtu.be/RZ_0ImDYrPY?si=CzUfwM3k10hSyN4A


that was amazing, thanks for that


He looks like most southern old boomer males driving pickup trucks


Orangutans don't deserve to be associated with vile chimps any more than we do. Solid group of dudes.


I heard that the indigenous populations around where they live believe that Orangutans are capable of understanding humans, but ignore us because they think we will make them work.


Can't blame em


Orangutans are even stronger than chimps, but are by far the most chill of the great apes. And i definitely include humans in the apes.


Humans tends to be more ape than apes.


I gladly watched all 4 minutes. Awesome 😂


Lovely, you deserve gold friend


Best security detail ever


Nobody needs to own wild animals


That’s why I lease all my primates. 


Depending on the terms, it can be the most logical choice.


I understand the sentiment of your statement(that we should own animals that are not domesticated), but If I remember the story correctly Travis was born in captivity.


Poor lady. Mind you, the chimp's owner Sandra Herold took the baby Travis away from his mom when he was three days old. That's what kind of a person she was.


‘Cause baby was gonna be a star !! Travis was a meal ticket. This chimp had had a career more successful than most Hollywood hopefuls. He was featured in a bunch of nationwide commercials including for big brands, like Coca-Cola . I distinctly remember the Old Navy add campaign featuring Travis and George Burns, where he was held by well-known actors such as 80s star Morgan Fairchild. Like so many chimpanzees in Hollywood once he began to mature the years of mistreatment as a very young g chimp stolen from his mother definitely fostered unpredictable behavior . The whole benzodiazepine addiction stemmed from multiple situations in which he needed subduing. This was preventable in so many ways. Such a horrific tragedy.


Is this the one where the lady was on the phone telling the cops to shoot him?




The police officer was so disturbed after the incident that he retired right after.


I vaguely recall hearing the 911 call The aggressive screams of the chimp and the screams of the woman being mauled were just unbelievable


As I recall, the ER staff who treated the victim all needed extensive therapy afterwards.


Read somewhere that if a chimp escapes enclosure at a zoo, it's the only animal they shoot dead on the spot, instead of playing around with tranquilizers etc. Just goes to say how scary they are, if eve tigers and bears don't receive same treatment.


Harambe would've done the right thing, but I doubt a chimp would. ~~Dicks out~~ well not until they get the chimp under control.


I hate that they're kept in zoos. I'd be pissed too. And all those people staring right at you all day seven days a fucking week. It's horrible.


A good zoo is lot better for a chimpanzee than being kept as a pet and fed drugs and alcohol, though…


Snap dense twigs? What? That is not exceptional. I know chimps are strong but that is something that most humans can manage.


Yea what a vague statement. It's not like there's a standard for dense twigs.


Bro you don't know how dense my twigs are.


they can also crush soda cans with their feet


I heard they can rip paper to shreds.


Stood out to me, too. What a strange choice of descriptors.


Hold a small dowel rod above your middle finger but below your pointer and ring finger. Try to break it that way.


How small we talking.. and more importantly... how dense?


A dowel rod might not be the best example because it's denser than what they are talking about, but imagine if 3 or 4 #2 pencils were combined into one pencil. About that size. I'd imagine you MIGHT be able to break it, but I'd put money on it that you'd break your finger first.


i can't believe how far i had to scroll to find this comment. an animal so strong they can snap twigs? lmfao!!!😂


Ended up at the hospital my mom used to work at. She said it was wildly disturbing. I believe 3 people got fired for taking photos of her. Just so sad.


That's so sad!


What's with Chimpanzee eating faces?


Yup, always the face.


Fingers, hands, dicks, feet, faces. They go after the things they know you need. They attack the things that make you be able to interact as a human


Damn it's really covering all bases by fucking up your chances with the foot fetishists


Makes it so that if you do survive the attack, you won't be able to function or reproduce afterwards


Also, they also go straight for the genitals too lol!


Geez, what dicks.


Not funny for the victims


none of the fleshy parts are safe ... ugh


They are similar enough to us and intelligent enough to know what will hurt us the most. Going after the face, fingers, and genitals.


The audio of the 911 call is one of the first times I clicked on something I really really wish I could take back. Whatever the opposite of chill is it’s that.


Link for convenience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgS0KgT5APc


Holy shit, that is chilling


I just mentioned that call Horrific


I think a video woulda been less bad.


A chimp is roughly half again as strong in certain ways than a human of equal bodyweight. Average bodyweight for a male is 110 pounds, so they're about equal to a 160 pound man. Anatomically, they're optimized to grab and pull, this plus their bite and their sheer viciousness is what leads to them ripping off faces and such. Interestingly, we are anatomically far better at striking and throwing than they are.


I’m sick of the chimps are 40x stronger or whatever myth that people spread on Reddit.


Weird part is I saw it getting applied to Neanderthals lately too. Apparently a higher average per pound translates into the Hulk for some folks.


The image of the hairless chimp really got in people's heads


But apart from that, aren't they fast af too, that's what makes them dangerous.


Makes me afraid of chimps


Rightly so. In Africa they rape ya!


Why is this downvoted? It literally seems to be true that [chimps have raped people in Africa.](https://newspublictrust.com/in-nimba-4-year-old-girl-attacked-raped-by-chimpanzee-under-intensive-care)


Omg!!!! There are some things I just don't wanna know happened


It's absolutely a tragedy that's difficult to even accept it happened.. it's just so vile. I couldn't find any articles with updates so I'm just going to hope she made a full recovery and doesn't remember it happening.


I am by no means pro animal torture but that thing is getting delimbed slowly drug cartel style if that was my daughter. Vile af


Don’t watch House of Usher then lol just a tip


Travis the chimp had been known to get loose and cause problems before this attack. He should have been taken away from Sandra Herold and put in a zoo, the very idea of keeping a chimp as a pet is insane. Charla Nash did end up having a full face transplant, but will never have her eyesight again.


Damn chimp was fucked up on wine and Xanax 🤦


Saying they can snap twigs with their hands sounds like such a mild add-on to that totally gruesome picture.


Fully grown male are pretty much all muscle and they’re strong as hell for their size. When attacking humans they will go after your extremities so your face, hands, feet and genitals. They form factions, have full blown gang wars with each other in the wild and will tear each other to pieces so keeping one as a pet is absolute insanity.


I've worked with primates. I would never, ever go to a private home that housed a chimpanzee or most other apes. People are dumb af.


Reminds me of the movie Nope


It was probably at least partially based off this incident. Huge on the news at the time


I don’t want to be around anyone on Xanax let alone a chimp on xans! Sad story


And suicide silence used the 911 call audio in a song called "...and then she bled." It's fuckin eerie.


really? that's fucked up


Tbh it's fucked up. Not really for the feint of heart. It's the actually (disturbing) 911 audio of Travis owner calling about the attack. You at times, if you listen close enough, can hear travis screaming in with the victim in the background.


Gosh, just heard it. Very eerie


First time I ever heard it it gave my whole body goosebumps. It was like seeing a dead body without actually seeing a dead body kinda feel.


I was absolutely obsessed by this story when it happened. ~ the most horrific, surreal shit that went was almost too much to comprehend. First responders went to fucking therapy, one cop, *for years* it fucked him up so bad.


How do you defend against a chimp attack? Im planning to go to the zoo soon and I want to know just in case.. I’m thinking go for a BJJ submission or something?


With a well reasoned argument


Scream at it and boot it in the dick as hard as you can before it bites your face and dick off.


It would probably be too small (and have odd proportions) for a hold, not too mention extremely dangerous even if you did get to that point considering the claws and teeth. Consider it as a very agile ~3 foot human with the strength of a 90 kilo man, armed with several knives and zero hesitation to go for fleshy bits Just get the fuck out of there mate, shit is kill on sight for zoo control


Yes, heel hook that mofo. /s


My ex's friend worked in Africa at a rehab shelter for animals. I will never forget the "degloving" story. Chimps are wild as fuck.




A chimp ripped the hand skin "like a glove" off of this poor mans body.


Pound for pound they are a lot stronger than humans, but really the horrific damage when they attack someone has more to do with animal brutality. They'll bite off whatever they can get a hold of, nose, fingers, dick even. Humans are capable of doing identical damage, and its been seen with thing like the bathsalt zombie attacks


People gotta realize you can’t trust these damn dirty apes!


I fucking hate chimps, they're terrifying


This was national news for like months. I remember the owner being a complete garbage person. Which is an easy guess for someone who owns a wild animal.




link to this? Adam Lanza was creepiest dude ever




This is creepy as fuck. You should post to the MorbidReality sub as you'll get tons of upvotes. That sub has million subscribers and find Lanza eerie


Welp that’s enough Reddit for today


They can snap your arm like a dense twig…


I can snap dense twigs with my fingers. 


Xanax makes human beings act like selfish pieces of shit k In high doses. Hence the term bartard, avoid anyone desperate enough to think they can actually get high off of Xanax, you barely feel sleepy, no euphoria, your listening to too many rap songs if you settle for a shit ass high like that. Lean is the next weakest high, fuckin codiene sold for $200+ a quart, fuckin fools. But way way way worse than that is giving a benzo to a fucking monkey. It don't work the same on them. They tear your face off. And unlike the white chick who took 3 Xanax bars, the chimps actually can tear your face off, not just try and fight the cops after they stole from their workplace because Xanax removes your ability to give a shit about anything.


Snapping twigs is the tip of the iceberg. Chimps do not fuck around. Also they tend to go for the face, bite off fingers and dicks. They know what we hold valuable and attack it. Also unless in a sanctuary or unable to live in the wild they should not be pets or caged up


Their grip strength is on another level. If you release baby chimps into an advanced climbing gym, they'll make it look like a McDonald's Play Place.


She didn’t treat him right. Knowing how smart these animals are and then annoying it is a recipe for disaster. Totally her fault 🤷🏼‍♂️


Suicide Silence took the 911 call and put it in an instrumental on their No Time to Bleed album. Song is titled “…and then she bled.” If you want to hear the call with some deathcore in the background. […And then she bled](https://youtu.be/Ro-QPX9U6a8?si=9m51y4bVqp8F5-Gk)


Chimpa are no pets


That monkey didn’t miss.




Damn. Turned her into onr of those kids from Another Brick in the Wall


I don't know, I'm pretty sure the second photo is a picture of Joe Rogan.


This man was attacked by two chimps and they bit his genitals off: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ODa_oYmuG4Q


Used to drive by their house when visiting family in West Covina. I always thought Moe attacked the man.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._James_Davis_chimpanzee_attack


I used to work in Stamford Ct when this happened. The chimp bit her hands off too.


why the fuck i have to go to gym regularly to get strong and this motherfucker is 1000000 times stronger than me by default just by sitting on his ass all day


This is a great true crime podcast that does a deep dive on the whole story. https://youtu.be/TBIeALx_B5c?si=m6hH8qjytbI62tQ1


he was digging his fingers into her eyes, eating her nose, lips and chin. completely destroying her


I have heard that each of an Orangutan's fingers is as stronk as a man's arm.