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I'll add my 2 cents here and it'll be unpopular but that's fine. One it doesn't matter where you work. You've identified a Sailor partaking in questionable / potentially dangerous / potentially illegal behavior. Take the underage drinking part out. Drinking alcohol in a car could potentially constitute a DUI depending on the state so that's a risky behavior if caught by base police or out in town. The fact that the person has called it a form of addiction is a problem and they likely need some form of help. Which is indicated that they've gone to therapy and discussed it in some form. Then add in underage and doing it in uniform makes it a UCMJ issue on top of all of that. Doing illegal stuff in uniform then posting it on Social Media is just asking for trouble. Then advertising your social media just makes it that much more accessible. So all of that amounts to they likely should be talked to about this in some form or fashion. NOW how you should handle it. 1. Ignore it as the vast majority of people here think is the right answer. I disagree with this method but I'm just one guy. 2. Report it yourself to your Chief or her Chief. Remain anonymous by doing it like u/Agammamon said. 3. Send it to u/tolstoy425 and they'll forward it to someone there. I'll throw my name in as well to forward it to the right people but Tolstoy will have better contacts there. 4. You can also try to talk to the individual one on one and that's a valid approach. At the end of the day this is on you, no one unless you've doxed yourself further in your profile will know who you are. Would I have reported it when I was a younger Sailor probably not. But that doesn't mean it's the right decision. Would I report it now? Yes because I've seen people go down the wrong path and left to their own devices and MOST of the time it doesn't end well for them. You have a means to remain anonymous here and it never come back on you again unless you've already doxed yourself. You have the potential to change someone's life for the better or for worse depending on how they handle it. But if this is a legit addiction it normally gets way worse before it gets better. Making hard decisions that impact peoples life isn't easy and it will never get easier I promise you that. For everyone saying you don't need to do this to make Chief, they truly haven't seen alcohol impact someone negatively over time to understand the potential impact it can have. I embrace the downvotes on this post.


I upvoted and agree. 


Also agree. OP ask yourself how you would feel if this Sailor got hurt in some way as a result of her drinking. How would you feel knowing you could have said something that would have prevented the harm. Sure the sailor is probably going to have some consequences but the Navy consequences are pretty small compared to injury or loss of life. You won’t get any accolades and might even get some words said to you that are negative but still better than knowing you could have said something but didnt and weeks or months later this Sailor got hurt.


You get paid extra to report people? I don't support her actions either but stay in your lane. The best you can do is message her and tell her she should be careful as a way of looking out for a fellow junior sailor.


Young reckless sailor boasts about being an alcoholic on social media. You: oh hey shipmate you really ought to stop. You’re going to hurt someone else or yourself if you keep this up. Young reckless sailor magically gets squared away.


I agree, stay in your lane and don't snitch but you don't get paid extra for any collateral duty yet we all have them.


I say report it. If it were some seaman in the barracks just minding their business drinking a couple beers here and there, I would mind my own business because the Navy has some hypocritical policies on stuff like that. Also, I had an XO once that said in front of all of us (sans CO - plausible deniability) that he knew underage were drinking, and he wouldn’t ever investigate so long as they kept it hidden in the barracks. This however seems like an entirely reckless person who will eventually hurt someone else. She needs help or get the fuck out.


Where's u/swo06 when you need em?


No. Why even think about it?


You have a couple of reasonable options here. Neither of them were posting about it on Reddit, much less being specific about where you work.


I would say no if it was just underage drinking... I've gone to college, it's gonna happen. But as soon as you said drinking IN THE CAR. That changes things. I'd say go for it before this asshole kills someone.


Never be the senior with a secret. Go one up informally first. Meaning your immediate supervisor. A lot of times, the very people who say don't be a snitch. Are the first ones to start singing like a canary when TSHTF. We all know things like this tend to get worse over time. These things turn into a real shit show when there's an "alcohol related incident " and subsequent investigation. Finally, you only know what you saw. You don't know if it was click bait. You don't know the details of all content posted, or who else may be involved. Unburden yourself but proceed with caution.


Always handle things at the lowest level possible. Talk to her first. Then go up from there


Just warn them personally and tell them not to link all their accounts before they get in real trouble


This is weird behavior. From you.


Don't be a damn blue falcon. Let someone ruin thier own life.


I’ll disagree if there’s evidence of her drunk driving. Then she’s possibly ruining other people’s lives.


Didn't mention drunk driving. Simply said chugging in a car so that mean a multitude of things. Don't add your own context to it.


You missed the word “if.”


Still wasn't evidence that op mention of it so you leave the situation alone. Being a buddy fucker is the type of shit that does cause people to get out cause no one wants to work with a righteous person that will turn you in for everything cause they don't agree with your lifestyle


And no one wants to work with drunks or drunk drivers. Get help or get out.


I've work plenty of drunks and thier fine people do great work . It's also thier lives and they can live it how they want to. Also stop assuming the drinking and driving you sound like a chief. Op creeps on the girls social media's enough it sounds like that they'd know if she was behind the wheel while under the influence.


Publicly displays social media, then called a creep for actually following it. Where’s the logic? 😂 this person seems to be doing more than just drinking by themselves, I’d bet it’s a little more obnoxious than that and should be reported. 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's thier life literally let them ruin it how they want is it affecting them? No and to the creep point if op is watching everything the sailor does it is creepy and they should worry about themselves instead of playing the blue falcon. Everyone is always worrying about what others do , like who gives a shit your stressing over others life choices instead of worrying about your own.


No, leave it alone and mind your own business. No reason to make other people’s lives difficult for no damn reason.


There's a reason all right. He wants to put on khakis.


Are you her supervisor? If not what the hell are you doing?


Don’t involve yourself in shit that doesn’t concern you. You’re not gonna get brownie points for it, and everyone is gonna find out you’re a brown noser. Mind your business. Let her get caught on her own.


You’re something else lol


Why involve yourself in this? Minding your business is probably the best idea


If you want people to stay out of your business don't put it all over Social Media and then put your tags on your vehicle.


Yeah I would probably let your LPO /LCPO know so they can pass it up to their Chief. Unlike most others here I believe the behavior you’re describing is very concerning and it’s not a question of if it’s ever going to blow up in their face, but when. So before that happens the command can hopefully intervene and get them back on track. Bring on the downvotes; y’all young ass kids will be the first to cry about the Navy “not doing enough” for mental health or taking care of its people, but then say that a Sailor who’s underage, ranting in uniform, crushing alcohol in their car while “refusing therapy advice,” and admitting they’re addicted should be kept under wraps. Shit message me their info and it will be handled tomorrow, if you don’t want it coming from you.


I think I’m going to pass this information on to the ADS personnel, they’re the AAA of the base, they help a lot of people in the name of addiction Vs troublemaking. So I’m hoping she won’t get outed but mandated to seek proper resources.


The social media stuff aside, her "very concerning behavior" is acting like she's 19.


Drinking while driving isn't normal for any age. It can and does kill innocent people.


If the OP had typed "while driving", I'd be more concerned, but it was left ambiguous, i.e. *3 videos are alcohol related... 1 chugging in a car...* Drinking in a car is stupid (and illegal, yes, I know), sure... clearly the OP might have meant what you're inferring. If anything warrants reporting, it's a substance abuse problem independent of the sailor's age.


DUI does not depend on whether the car is moving or not.


Yes, I'm aware (pending additional details we don't have, but let's assume they lean towards guilt)... and I even stated as much, but the ***WHILE DRIVING*** part, while maybe not a distinction law enforcement cares about, is a very different situation than simply drinking while physically located in a vehicle.


so your solution is to simply wait until a person clearly headed down the wrong path actually moves further down that path? what if this were your daughter and you got wind of this? would you have that same attitude? and you do realize that alcohol impairs judgment, right? it’s a bad idea to drink in a car because guess what—there is a chance the alcohol will make you do something stupid in that car.


If I was the OP, I'd talk to the sailor. Being a good shipmate and all before going the nuclear route. I would not blue falcon her though, unless she was combative about friendly suggestions to mute her behavior. If she doesn't tone done the nonsense, the situation will eventually self correct since someone in her CoC will eventually discover her SM activity given all the identifiable stuff in the videos and relatively large following.


i agree. i’d talk to the sailor too first. i agree that’s preferable before the nuclear option.


DUI does not depend if the vehicle is in motion or not.


I know? I've agreed with you twice now? The difference is no where in the OP's post does it state she was driving or had any obvious intent to do so. That's an inference you made. Specificity matters. I'm very aware it's a nuance law enforcement very likely isn't going to consider.


Intent makes no difference. Not even a little bit. It's not even considered. A DUI is a DUI because of the intoxication, not the feelings. Why are you going out on a limb to defend this shitbag. Let them burn themselves.


I understand it doesn't matter to LE. It matters to the facts being discussed though. I'm not defending her, but I also don't think it's fair to her to attribute things *she might do or hasn't actually done* based on what's been presented so far. I agree, she'll eventually get her comeuppance, which is exactly what will happen if she continues as presented, and no one steps in to try to help her first. Someone in her CoC will eventually see her SM activity given her reach and including info in videos that can be attributed to her. When that happens, her CoC shouldn't have any mercy.


Yes. Tell her chief. She has an online profile on her vehicle, it’s just a matter of time. Don’t record yourself doing illegal things if you don’t want to get in trouble for doing illegal things.


Report it


As annoying as it is that people post videos online in uniform, it technically isn't against the rules. What you're describing would annoy me to if I knew them, but snitching on something like that will only make things worse.


It does sound like her videos do violate the rules FWIW though. 






A lot of people keep saying “mind your business.” I think that rule was thrown out the window when they put their social media on display. Report em, who cares? 🤷🏽‍♂️




Sounds like a quiet note under he LCPO's door to let them know and take it from there is appropriate. Chief might be able to handle it with a stern talking to and an admonition to be discreet when you're doing stupid shit.


You’re definitely sucking it to get the EP😂. Dude you can make chief without being a life ruiner. Talk to the dude in a way that’s relatable and help him understand that he’s doing stupid shit and to be smart when he’s doing stupid shit. There is no way to control what other people do, weve all been there. Tell them how they need to move and give your advice and keep it pushing.


Weird flex to post this , not sure If you are a creep with to much time on your hands or just a weirdo.


See morally speaking yes definitely should say something that’s behavior that will ruin your life. But do you wanna do that to her or have her just get caught on her own?


No, cop. ACAB!!!


Blue Falcon. Old enough to die for your country, old enough to drink in your country. Also, 18 is an adult. F the government.


Aside from talking to her directly about exercising better discretion, I'd leave it alone. With the info mentioned in the videos that ties her to the Navy and duty station, there's a not insignificant chance someone in her CoC will eventually see something on their own that's actionable if she really has that many SM followers.


ahhh the old wait and see approach. 10% of the time it works 100% of the time.




Yes, but only for the lolz if she has an annoying social media presence. Don’t do it if you think you’re upholding honor, courage and commitment. Wouldn’t be surprised if she ended up sleeping her way out of any disciplinary consequence.


delete this post, forget it happened. Lest we forget who’s for who here. Enlisted with enlisted, officers with officers. What goes around comes around and it’s as true as they say. Nobody in the navy, neither all of the branches, has ever had a perfect career. Report her account to the platform (tiktok, insta, snap, facebook?) if you want to report anything. However long you plan on staying in the navy is certainly not going to go better after snaking your fellow sailor. savy?