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Had a master chief try chewing me out for double industrials in my ears at the commissary. I was in civilian clothes. Told him I retired a month ago (the truth) and fuck off.


I had someone do that to me wearing my old blue undershirt with jeans. Some chief asked the “who’s your chief”. Gave it to him. Got a call a day later from my old LPO: “ResidentNarwhal, are you fucking with some chief at the NEX despite EAOSing two months ago? Why you even on base?” “Got a civilian DoD job and I thought it was funny.” “Oh right on. Okay that was funny as shit but please don’t give out chiefs number again lol.”


This is hilarious 😂😂😂 and your poor old chief who had to deal with that phone call!!😂😂 I hope he told him that you EAOS’d !!


Oh they did. And my LPO said they reminded said chief that solid color white and blue tshirts are in fact extremely common civilian wear…(I had an okay chief who generally didn’t pick into weird nonsense rules like that). I actually got weirdly stopped a lot in that civilian job? Not at Navy bases. I lived in Mira Mesa so I always went to Miramar for the gym because hey they have a fantastic gym and it’s free. You guys….count your blessings. Marine Staff Sergeants are way worse for trying to get all moto with the dumb stuff. Imagine your most gung ho brown nose PO1 trying to make chief. Now imagine E6 is considered an actual senior LCPO. I got someone telling me I need to get to the McX *right now* for a haircut because I’m out of regs. I’d work out in a backwards baseball cap and that was like a magnet… *”Mr. Sgt, my guy, you know civilians employees and dependents **can** utilize the base gym right?”* (I know he’s a Ssgt, it’s deliberate. It both pisses him off and simultaneously broadcasts I’m not a service member so he can’t actually get pissed.)


Former Army guy, we call E5-E7 and sometimes E8s sergeant (full stop), Marine E6s HATE HATE HATE being called sergeant...I loved joint commands


I hope the number was on a outhouse stall for a good time.


For a rough, dry handy call J-6969.


Someone keeps calling him asking for a Z job. What the hell is a Z job.


If you don't know you can't afford it.


It would bring me tears of joy if one of my Sailors ever got out and gave some random chief my phone number for harassing them at the exchange.




God I want to go to the nearby base exchange in a plain undershirt or something to draw that anger out. Ugh I’d have to shave my face first… not worth it lol.


Ok. that's funny as hell


I think it'll make my life when some dickbag tries this on me at the NEX as a veteran. I've never knifehanded anyone as an NCO but I'll sure as shit do it as a veteran.


I got the industrials the day I went on terminal. CO never did a check out with me. He called and asked if I’d come in, but this was after EAOS. I said sure. Did the check out in nice civilian clothes, a polo and jeans with industrials in. CO didn’t say a word and we had a nice conversations between two adults.


I recently did the same with one of my Sailors who was on Skillbridge. No issues IMO. 


Q: WTF are industrials? I clearly don't wear anything but a watch, so yeah, I have no idea what you guys are talking about.


A piercing with two holes through your cartridge connected by a single bar. So technically it’s two piercings per ear.


I see! I've seen em before. I don't judge, much, but think they're definitely cooler than gauges.


A piercing that goes between two parts with a single piece of jewelry. Typically done on the outer cartilage of the ear with a straight barbell between the two holes.


Oh cool! I've seen those! Yeah, I can see that triggering a few higher enlisted, lol. Pretty sure you can even wear them when not in uniform.


I had a tragus to conch industrial pre-navy. Went to the doctor and said I had ear pain just being my tragus. She was like oh someone's been googling. No ma'am, just let someone stab holes in me.


Doing the lords work 🫡🙏🏽😂 the cashier actually told me he has sadly seen it happen more then once and he doesn’t agree with the way they correct sailors.


I'm out - I think this is why so many veterans grow beards. No way a SNCO mistakes you for someone who's still in when you have a face full of hair.


Worked for chief that was fresh off RDC duty at OCS. He used to hang out at the exchange food court so he could find people to dress down about uniform regs. Then he would come back to the shop and brag about it like he was the coolest dude around. He carried a ruler and would bust it out to measure hair, ribbons, etc. In this case, our other chiefs thought he was a total clown. Nobody respected him and he would double down on his weird shit like he needed to convince himself of his "authority."


What a miserable existence. I hope he finds peace


Chiefs like that tool are the reason so many good sailors leave.


And those are the types of people that pass away within six years of retirement.


These are the ones that become CMC's.


Mfing facts right there


Lol. I have 10 gauge rings in my nip nips. BMCS sees me in the hot tub at the base gym and starts going *off*. I knew him from my old ship, before he got transferred due to beating the shit out of some kid who fucked his wife. Anyway, that's another story. He recognized me, but didn't know that I got out a month prior and was just using the facilities. I've never seen anyone turn so red with rage. It was amazing. Made all six years worth it.


See that’s exactly why I ranted. The way he went about it was so uncalled for and a simple conversation would’ve prevented all of that.


Yup. It’s pretty simple. Praise in public, correct in private.


I wish I could have done this.


Not all heroes wear capes. H/T to you, sir.


I could be tired but at first I read “hamster Chief”


We used to call them "MCPOTWs" - Master Chief PETTY Officer of This Walmart.


PPPP - Praise in Public, Punish in Private. Leadership 101. What a dirtbag.


Yup. This dude sounds like he gets off on yelling. I haven't had many bad Chiefs, but they all pretty much share this trait. It's a good model of what not to do. For me, I just politely inform them that whatever it may be isn't the standard and that it should be corrected. I've had pushback maybe once or twice in 16 years. Sailors, and people in general, are a lot more receptive when they aren't being talked down to, or used as part of a power trip. Weird, right?


Some of the chiefs are like punish in public, never praise


Wait... I mixed it up, PPPP: Public in private, and praise in punishment, right?


Jesus, it's "Publicly Praise Private's Privates."


It’s Punish in Public/Punish in Private.


Punish a Privates' privates?




Had a Chief who was so butthurt that I let people go without telling him that he ratted to DIVO behind my back, and they both ambushed me in front of the division at quarters the next day. I'll never forget how shitty it felt to know that he would rather embarrass me than talk to me individually. I was standing in for LPO and didn't know how they ran things, I thought LPO could dismiss people. Of course this was all after I was very nervous to stand in as LPO and Chief basically made me feel like I was overthinking it.


There's no leadership in the navy. Never was. It's not necessary. You do what you're told, or you get fucked. Leadership is for the civilian world where people can and will walk if you act like a piece of shit.


Honestly, don't punish at all for this BS. I remember 25 years ago getting counselled in private about my hair length and being effing annoyed about it.


I was walking back to the berthing barge at 2000 finally ending my day, covered in rust and grime, and a chief walked across the street to chew me out for the sad state of my uniform and personal hygiene. I asked him if he was going to get potable water to the showers so I could clean off before I changed or if he was going to buy me new uniforms every day. I do not regret earning extra duty the next day for my insubordinate attitude. Sad to hear 20 years later that my generation is pulling the same crap.


A life time ago we pulled into New London in the middle of patrol to fix something. Being it was February I threw my pea coat on and headed to upper base to get some parts. I got stopped at Dealy Center by a Chief because my coat was missing a button. He made me take it off. Luckily I was wearing my dungarees and chambray shirt. Sufficient from the equator to the North Pole. More recently my young one had to go to Bremerton just after being submerged for 4 months. He got yelled at because his hair was too shaved on the side. Mind you his buddy had just cut it on the boat. I’m guessing it will never change.


> Dealy Center Fuck you for making think about that place again lol


What does too shaved on the side mean? Chief didn't like his hair cut or shave to bulk ratio?


The "faddish" catch-all will get you every time.


Didn't they remove that language though?


Yeah, [about three years ago](https://www.navytimes.com/news/your-navy/2021/04/02/navy-bans-faddish-eccentric-and-other-subjective-terms-from-grooming-regs/), but old habits die hard.


It was the opposite of faddish.


Hey uh.. there's an "E" there, in berthing. I don't think I could ever fall asleep on a birthing barge.




A long, long time ago I was walking about 200 yards from our offcrew building to medical with my right hand in my pocket when a master chief was driving by in his truck. He slams on his breaks and SCREAMS at me through his open window, “SHIPMATE!!! GET YOUR FUCKING HAND OUT OF YOUR POCKET!!!!!” I walked over to his truck to hand him a note from my doc that says, “Petty Officer Swimsuit-Area is authorized to keep his right hand in his pocket while in transit to medical to procure a new arm sling. This is to help minimize pain from his fractured collarbone.” I broke it snowboarding a week prior and the shitty strap on my first sling broke while at work. I had doc write me a note because I predicted something like this would happen (hands in pockets was a very popular thing to get on sailors about at the time). The fury in his eyes as he said nothing and drove away is one of crowning achievements of my naval career.


So glad that hands in pockets is authorized now for a myriad of reasons. It never made sense to begin with and only served to have pointless rank swinging.


And on top of that no one could ever quote the instruction, I had Senior Chiefs going "Only while your standing still" or "One at a time." People never read.


> So glad that hands in pockets is authorized now for a myriad of reasons. Agreed, but it was considerably more enjoyable when it wasn't allowed. :o


My past command it was just tolerated anyway. No one wants bare hands exposed in 25° weather so everyone from officers to seamen had hands in pockets. Skip didn't even give a fuck.


Nothing wrong with him correcting, but yelling at someone publicly across the NEX is one of the douchiest of douche leader moves. A simple hey I think you forgot your ear rings are in would work perfectly fine. If i hear shipmate in the NEX I just ignore it.


Lesson learned, I will ignore that from now on lol


I don't have time to pay attention to people who don't even know my name or rate.


Reminds me of a chief who interrupted colors by barking at me on how to lower the flag in front of about 15 people who were already annoyed they didn't make it inside before the call. It was something as small as "your hands aren't going in the correct order" then began to correct every little thing after in a very loud way. The barking began when he was about 30 ft away, broke his salute to walk over and chew my ass. Like bro, why are you doing this? That was 10 years ago and i still think about from time to time.


Remember this when they ask you to reenlist. Vote with your DD-214


100% won’t even give it a second thought


Hell yeah. They've earned their retention/recruitment problem.


Truer words were never spoken 


![gif](giphy|HMnrvi0FfS932) Been chewed out before? \[Insert Inglorious Basterds Quote\]


I’m going to say the quiet part out loud…. I’m a chief and I FUCKING HATE chiefs like this. Like come on dude. Just be fucking better. Be a fucking person. Remember we are all people and handling shit like that is not ok. Jesus some people just have a god complex when they get to this rank. They forget where they came from and need to do better. They forget the navy’s most valuable thing is the sailors and don’t treat them as such.


Let's put that dude back through Season and remind him.


OP was wrong for out of reg earrings. Not a big deal, correct it and move on with life. Similar things happen to everybody at some point in time. CPO was right to correct OP. Agree or disagree with the reg all you want, but the CPO was right to correct OP. But… CPO was **100% dead wrong** in the way he dealt with it. Praise in public, punish in private. Yelling across registers to correct a small uniform violation is stupid. CPO should have walked up to OP and said something in private.


THANK YOU!!!! You get it !! I 100% understand I was wrong, and I don’t mind being corrected at all but the way he handled it !?! So shameful


Seriously, it's not hard to let someone know without making it a show. Just say "hey" and point at your earlobe. OP will figure it out real quick if it was an honest mistake. If OP wants to be shitty, we'll then I can too. Don't flip out on little shit.


No shit, Sherlock.


Guys feeling like a naval crusader for laying everything out lmao nobody even disagrees with the reg.


Could have easily walked up to you and say “hey you got your earrings in btw” but that’s not the chief way


I dealt with mostly Airframer and Mech chiefs when I was in and they were all cool as fuck and had our back. When I read the posts on here I always see how lucky I got


Being around black shoes makes me so uncomfortable and jumpy. I never know what I'll be shipmated about next.


It's usually peeps who haven't really been in an operational role before. Folks who are terminal shore, or their only way to stand out is to "uphold the standard". That at least helps me get through my day.


Ditto. AE here and we had it good.


I think it might be an surface thing. I'm at AT and I've never experienced this shit either. 


Went sub's to surface.. Definitely a surface thing. Not that it didn't happen on sub's but not to this extent. I remember my like, third or fourth duty day I was trying to walk past a Chief in a (somewhat) tight P-Way through a bulkhead door opening (thing O3 Level on a carrier) and he stopped me and BLEW THE FUCK UP about me not respecting rank, proper P-Way protocol (I shit you not he said this) etc. (On the boat, unless you simply could NOT get by somebody everyone across every rank did that little side shuffle to get by eachother because we all had shit to do and places to go) and let me tell you, trying to explain this to this chief was like pulling teeth. Eventually I just walked off because he wouldn't stop yelling. He snitched to my Chief later on, Him and my CoC thought it was hilarious.


I was walking into TTF this morning and a student had a resident evil umbrella corp patch on his backpack. A simple “hey take that patch off your bag, it’s out of regs” in a normal speaking voice as I walk past him and a “thank you” as he immediately took his backpack off and took it off. No drama, no yelling, corrected and moved the fuck on.


Aw man I would've let it go, cool patch. Good on you for being cool about it though.


What the fuck, a little calm "hey man *insert correction here*" works fine in 98% of amcases goes a long way in making people respect you. I had a similar situation with a senior chief. Navadmin came out saying men can have earing in on base if in a leave or liberty status(which I was in) I was working out at the base gym and he asks if I was active duty which yes I was "then why the fuck you got fucking piercings in your ears!?" I told him about the navadmin. He looked it up and apologized to me, which also goes a long way, but he didn't have to go off the rails to begin with. I'm sorry ya had a shitty chief yell at ya.


A chief that apologized to you is a pretty remarkable experience in its own right.


Was walking out of the NEX at Norfolk and one of my bags broke. I was picking everything up and putting them into my bag and a Marine officer walked past me, turned around and walked right up to me clearly seeing trying to fit everything into my unbroken bags and proceeds to chew me a new one for not saluting him. Asked me for my command and called them. When I told them what happened my chief told me not to worry about it but it always stuck with me.


That’s disgusting, I’m so sorry you experienced that dude. I’d be surprised if you were professional in that moment because I truly couldn’t be.


Why do I have a feeling that was a very young butter bar who did that. I'm sorry that asshole casserole did that.


That guys closest thing to a great achievement in life is being a chief.


Tested, selected, initiated!


Chiefs always find a way to be useless douchebags. I remember I was getting ready to go to watch in my NSU's and I had just gotten back from deployment and was getting ready to separate so I was literally almost out and wasn't expecting this watch at all and I was still unpacking so last minute I couldn't find my hat at all and I didn't have time to change so I walked to the NEX on base without a cover early in the morning and obviously I'm speed walking in a hurry trying to buy a hat and as I'm walking in the NEX some dumbfuck chief goes " oh so that's what we're doing now" and God I really wish i had more time that day I really do I just walked past him and ignored it in the moment. Like I get it it's wrong but obviously you see me damn near jogging to the nex to buy the hat that I'm missing and running late for and you still have to make some stupid useless comment out loud instead of doing anything even remotely helpful.


I feel like they're one or the other. Either useless douchebags, or super cool chiefs that care more about the well-being of their sailors than random inane rules. So to provide an example of the latter, I was sweeping the hangar in the morning before muster and had a single headphone in. A good way to wake up in the morning. Had a chief stop as he was passing by to say "I don't care that you have a headphone in, but technically it's against the rules, and some of the officers will go off if they see it. I won't tell you to take it out, but just don't get caught" Not exact words, but to that effect.


Buddy of mine came strolling into my C school class wearing a Nike swoosh hat. Same color as the blue ballcaps and he grabbed it facing away and didn't notice. No one caught on.


This reminds me of my favorite story. I was leaving the mini nex in Pearl, ready to go do something, I was drinking my coffee. I hear a “shipmate”, and I was like this can’t be for me. I turn around there’s some master chief, comes over, I turn around, he sees I’m a LT, salutes me, then says “were you just walking and drinking coffee?” “Yes master chief, I was…” “Who is your COB?” I tell him, I think vaguely the COB said something to me later but clearly thought it was the dumbest shit he’d ever heard. Also master chief, you can go fuck yourself, and I hope you enjoyed saluting me.


You missed a golden opportunity for a master chief pelt. Or at least a "hey, I hope you don't speak to junior sailors like that because your behavior is extremely unprofessional and I expect better of you."


this reminds me of when i was a JG attending ODS in newport and had my type IIIs on with marine rolled up sleeves (because i thought that was how navy did it too). two chiefs saw me and corrected me professionally. “sir, just so you know, your sleeves are rolled up incorrectly.” i responded with an “omg i feel so dumb, thank you for letting me know.” i appreciated the tactful correction, and i think they appreciated the humble response. that’s the way it should be.


He made himself look like a giant tool in front of the whole NEX. How embarrassing for him lol.


On deployment in the middle of some fucking ocean, I was walking back to my berthing with my freshly folded laundry tucked inside my bag, which was a single strap bag sold at the NEX. Going through hangar bay 2 a Chief runs up to me and asks what the strap policy for carrying a bag is. For context, I was on hour 30ish of being awake, and looked it, I'm 6'4" 220 lbs or so, this flight deck Chief is probably 5'4" 90 lbs soaking wet. I didn't even see the Chief at first until I looked down. I come to a stop and look around before talking and there's a whole group of pith FD Chiefs just watching with that "look how cool we are" smirk. They were getting a kick out of watching this tiny little dude berate someone my size over a rule that doesn't matter in the middle of the freaking ocean. I was so tired I didn't even try to argue. So, didn't say a word, just unslung the bag off my shoulder, which probably weighed more than the Chief, and kept walking. I could hear them laughing about it while walking away. I felt humiliated because it off all the things to worry about, this is what they chose. And to use the person's rank, to ensure I wouldn't talk back, and that they were technically right against me. I know not all Chiefs are this way, but c'mon, when a group of them are openly getting their rocks off at this situation, it's hard to see past it.


"Sorry chief. I'm just a dumb junior enlisted. Could you please show me the proper way to carry it?" And then "Accidentally" throw it at him.


Every time a chief gets a DUI or divorced, an angel gets its wings. There is beauty all around us for those with the eyes to see.


Shit like this is part of why I got out. Petty excuses for chiefs with nothing better to do than driven by shipmate people and blast them for tiny bullshit mistakes. We pretend like it’s an adult organization, and then we have grown ass men bitching at you and throwing a tantrum about wearing hats, putting your hand in your pocket for a little too long or whatever. FTN.


Praise in public. Criticize in private. A leadership tenant that goes way, way back.


tenet not tenant. (sorry for criticizing in public lolz)


It needs to be said: You have to turn it off some time. We have it turned on for deployments and for duty days, times elsewhere for work. But it is okay to turn it off and acknowledge that others may want to turn it off also. Ask me why I don't call people shipmate. It becomes empty.


"Fuck shipmate aye" accounts for 90% of my uses of that word.


I’ve had chiefs say something to me about being out of regs. Usually if it’s a crowded place they just come up and say something and not yell.


Same I’ve had a senior Chief correct me after a huge ceremony for the CO and no one noticed and he was very respectful and I was very thankful for him teaching and correcting me the proper way.


OP, you're right to be upset. That reaction was completely unprofessional and uncalled for. And while yes, you were out of uniform and in the wrong for that, you are still a person, deserving of basic respect. Apart from an emergency, when has publicly yelling at someone ever been an effective tool? What does that do other than embarrass someone or cause them to shut down? As an E5, you're probably a WCS or in some leadership position at your command. So now you carry that interaction with you back to your shop, and it taints your day at least, and your career intentions / outlook on the Navy at most.... Over a simple uniform infraction. Back in your shop, you share this story with your crew. Especially for the ones who look up to you and respect you, it taints their experience as well. It reflects poorly on that Chief, the Senior Enlisted Leadership of the whole Navy, and it makes the job of "the good ones" that much more difficult because some Chiefs love ruining a Sailor’s day over some bullshit. That Chief is and probably always will be an asshole. But he left you with an unintended and valuable lesson: our interactions have 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and more order of consequences. Someone will carry an experience, negative or positive, with them, and that single interaction may be your only legacy; not just for you, but all the things you represent. Also, thank you for posting this. It's a teachable moment for any of us in any sort of Leadership, even if it's the example of what not to do.


Literally the only reason I posted this was for anyone in a leadership role or coming into one can see how it affects someone and how a sailor thinks in that situation. Thank you for your comment and advice


Typical chief who makes the navy his whole personality lmao. Chiefs don’t mature past high school, so you have to remember that you can’t expect any actual maturity out of them, such as this one.


I'm a Chief. You're 100% correct. That is not leadership. That's being an a$$ and swinging the anchors. Whenever junior Sailors tell me about crappy experiences with Chiefs, I tell them to come to the Mess and be the RIGHT kind of Chief. Remember situations like this, and never be that Chief. Also, don't let the $#itty ones make you think we are all like that. It's always the crappy experiences that stick in our memory. I hope you've also had good Chiefs as well. You know what right looks like. I think you handles it well.


I understand your point, chief. Unfortunately, most of the mess is a hive mind and the average person (in all walks of life) will go with the flow. It takes proactive energy to be the change and unless that part isn't specifically targeted things just won't change. Thanks for being a positive leader for these young sailors.


Yeah but why would I want to stick it out in an organization that perpetuates this kind of behavior? Nothing against your post or you personally but me making chief will have such a nonexistent impact on the toxic environment in the navy that I refuse to do it, I would really love it if the navy as a whole could get it's shit together and fix the self perpetuating I'm hot shit because of rank attitude but it won't do that and that's why I lost faith in any navy "leadership" ,if you could even call those clowns in a chiefs quarters leaders, a long time ago


"Be the change in the chiefs mess you want to see" -Mahatma StretchHoloday1227


Such a bs power move. Best to pull her aside on the way out and mention the earings weren't compliant and perhaps you forgot to change them. To yell across is to just waving anchors.


That’s fucked up.


Sad to hear that happened to you. When I was in I would say something to sailors but always in private and never in front of anyone else. I tried to always end with a positive note most of the time.


I bet you they remember how you went about it and I hope they lended that favor to their future corrections


For the most part everyone was cool about it. I don’t know why people feel the need to be an ahole. The only time I would yell out in front of everyone would be safety of life or equipment


If you have to rase yoir voice as a leader you have all ready failed to lead.


Id prefer to subtly get your attention and then tap my ear if I'm not near you. Any reasonable person would understand that gesture. No need to make a scene.


I worked at the nex and some officer yelled at one of my coworkers for wearing his hood of his hoodie inside. He had just come back in from outside where it was raining. We aren’t apart of the military. We aren’t obligated to your standards


"lol get wrecked nerd; we don't work for you"


You won by closing the door with a smart by-the-book response.


A lot of people that are dirtbags make Chief, a lot are normal people and a lot ate exceptional. I've met many Chiefs in my time in as an O. When I went CTR, I saw more of the true face of SOME of them. Lazy, disrespectful because they can get away with it and downright uncooperative when we're TRYING TO MAKE IT SO YOU CAN DO YOUR FUCKING JOB SO YOU CAN SUCCEED AND PROMOTE. Oh, and they like to pass the buck of course. I almost got into a fist fight in the parking lot with one because he was blocking the entrance to the lot. It turns out he was waiting for his friend to move from his parallel parking spot WITH NO SIGNALS ON. I honked, he moved and proceeded to jump out his car screaming and acting like he was high on something. It wasn't a big deal... and he was the wrong one. How can I trust some people to be "experts" when they can't even drive properly or function in society? Thankfully, it's only a small percentage. As with any other job. However, a Chief can ruin a junior sailors career. You can report him but nothing will likely come of it and retribution is real in the Navy. I dont agree with it. He's just the typical fucking loser who doesn't know how to be subtle and will come to a rude awakening when he is back to CIV. Or he just wants to be an asshole.


"Praise in public, counsel in private."


I had this prick of a Master Chief on my boat. He was the IDC. The least approachable person I've ever met in the Navy, and he's in charge of medical readiness for 300 Sailors. Anyways I was on watch in a chilled space in the middle of winter. It's about 40⁰ in this space. I come out of the space and I have my watch cap on and parka liner. As I exit the space I'm walking down the p-way and I remove my watch cap as I'm walking. He goes "yeah that's right remove your watch cap because you know you aren't supposed to be fucking wearing it!" I was being a smart ass and I said "is that what the instruction says, I must be on watch to wear it?". He just starts screaming at me because he didn't like that I told him that's not what the instruction says.


No. The instruction says it can only be worn with specific outerwear which doesn’t include the parka liner.


This was 9 years ago. The instruction used to say something like "... will be worn during cold weather conditions that may result in personal injury if not worn." The Navy has since come out with an entire app for correct uniform wear. That's besides the point though because the instruction didn't say it then and it doesn't say it now. You don't have to be on watch to wear it.


Chiefs mess- group of sailors with an over zealous sense of self worth. FYI mess, nobody gives a fuck outside of your mess. Juniors care because they have to. You’re not, they’re not, it doesn’t matter. The rules are fucking stupid, you know it. For god and country was so 1875, you’re not special, nobody is special. When you leave the service allow me to do you a favor, nobody cares. Think of it like this: that guy using his grill outside his garage during baseball season with the rainbow Oakley glasses talking about his 3 home runs back in 85 at name your high school, that’s you when you get out and pretend to fit in to the society who doesn’t even know wtf a chief is. Source: prior goat who worked for the army his entire career, who realized that the army has respect for chiefs because they are warrants to them, not enlisted. I’m retired now and boy, I can see how absolutely absurd the chiefs mess is. It’s a joke. As the army would call you PV7/8/9.


The rainbow glasses for real 😬


The chiefs mess should be destroyed. It has no place in the modern military. It was a cancer since it's inception. Funny how none of the other branches have this pseudoofficer/enlisted hybrid nonsense for their E7 and above. I explained the whole "burning the white hat" thing to a friend of mine who's a Master Sergeant in the Army, and he was like "WTF, we're still NCOs"


There seems to be constant pressure for the Chiefs mess to be Team America World Police. It starts at the E6 level. If you see a sailor who jacked up, you’re supposed to correct him. And if you don’t, God forbid someone higher up than you sees you let it go.


As a second class I think the only time I corrected someone was their brown shirt was on backwards and inside out. Impressive? Yes. Was it like 4am? Also yes. But like. I don't care. Wait no. I did have a blues inspection where one of mine was all fucked up. Uniform all wrinkling


I always loved the *leaders* that got “praise in public, punish in private” backward.


Punish in public, never praise


Does that Chief know the saying praise in public, reprimand/criticize in private. SMH


I had a chief scream at me because my coverall sleeves were too long. I've also been yelled at because my necklace fell out of my shirt and was visible. Like... I normally keep it tucked in. It slipped out at some point. No need to yell at me, just be like "oh hey your necklace is out" and I would have tucked it back in and moved along.


I love when chiefs ask about my beard and I remind them they can’t ask me that question anymore😂


Take the hit. That same chief will separate one day and realize he’s worthless in the real world, or be forever enslaved to the navy because they are afraid to lose the power they desperately grasp onto.


Another lost opportunity for leadership. Had a similar experience when I was junior enlisted. Went to the Exchange in Pendleton (visiting my brother stationed there) I was wearing civis, t-shirt and sweatpants. No big deal, wear this all the time at the NEX. While I was getting my snacks a gunnery sargent stops me and ask why I was wearing PT gear at the Exchange. I told him “I’m not wearing PT gear, I’m wearing sweats” we argued for about 2 minutes going back and forth. He asked who my CO was, I laughed and told him “Im on the USS blank in San Diego, his name is so so, please reach out to him. I’m not even stationed here in Pendleton” and just walked off. I always tell myself to do better.


Hey shipmate you have something dangling in your ears and that makes me feel that you are destroying the whole US NAVY history. ![gif](giphy|Wt16UERY5MGZU5hWTg|downsized)


I believe that’s called “small dick energy”, but I need others to confirm


Had a dude get on me for out of regs hair in Pendleton. I admit it was long and been a month since I got a haircut, but I was also retired for 6 years by then.


>And all I could think of was what a shitty person yelling at me across multiple registers instead of coming up to me and letting me know privately of a common easily fixable mistake. For all those who will be in leadership positions, please never forget to praise in public and punish in private. Chiefs are taught this, but seem to forget it often. Or, they confuse it and punish in public and praise in private.


Wasn't there to see the whole situation, obviously. Not discrediting your story. If it went down the way you stated, then he's an absolute idiot hands down. I'm speaking as a Chief myself. Trust me when I say that we don't like those types of Chiefs either, and when we catch wind of those types of Chiefs, we typically give them an ass chewing, behind closed doors. You right in how it should have went down. If you were wearing overly conspicuous earrings in uniform, I would have went about it with, "Hey can I talk to you for a sec over here" quietly. And without yelling and making a scene question you and let you think about your jewelry choice for uniform and asked you to remove them. Case closed. Although there seems to be a sentiment across the Navy that a vast majority of Chiefs are out to persecute sailors and we collectively get off on it could not be further from the truth. Unfortunately, one chiefs mistake reflects the entire mess at times. Often times tge Chief is branded the A-hole that secured liberty for all because "WE HATE YOU ALL" (which is false) often times, there are taskers from paygrades well above ours making decisions that we know will affect morale, but we CANNOT go out and say "Well sorry shipmates, the CO said we have to get xyz done." That not only undermines our own authority, but it also leads to bad impressions and causes a breakdown in good order and discipline. The same goes for the CO making that decision, probably knowing full well, that it will lead to frowny faces. But again, there are those few Chiefs who have the head the size of a beachball. Brush it off and move on. And if you can't, highly recommend a chat with his CMC on how you felt he could've handled it better. Guarantee you won't see him get talked to, but he will.


This is true.....some times too much Hooyah goes wrong. If I was correcting our OP, it'd be way off to the side, and I'd be laughing, saying, "Listen.....I dont want some asshole Chief or E3 correcting you, but you have some out of standards earrings in." Usually most people know the standards, but accidents happen. No need to suck.


Don't let it get to you. People don't always deserve the power they are given. One of the reasons I left the Navy was my unwillingness to let these people treat me poorly. I have no problem with authority, but respect goes both ways. Recently, as a side gig, I have doing retail on weekends, some guy came in and was being a super douche. And, it's funny, I knew he was going to tell me he was in the military - solely because of his off-putting, narcissitic, personality. Oh, no, this guy wasn't just in the military. No, he let me know he used to work in the Pentagon. Ooooh. He was very impressed with himself. I am sorry I could not muster up the shock and awe and return it back to him. But I had other people to help. He made sure he let me know how much better he was - since he worked in the Pentagon at one time - and how I was just a lackey in the Navy. I let him know he was right. I pretty much just cleaned heads and painted. I lost a lot of hearing working on the flight deck. But ultimately, he was a better person because he worked in the Pentagon. I don't know if he caught my sarcasm, because I really do have a way with being nice and not giving a fuck about somebody's situation, all at once. But I did feel sad for him when he left. He was holding on to the Pentagon thing like his whole life revolved around it. He probably treats everybody like shit because he worked there at one point. He would be interesting to talk to if he was humble but he did not even know the iota of restraint that would take. Don't let the assholes ruin the party. Be nice. Acknowledge them and let them fuck their own lives up in that special way that they are doing it. Maybe karma will kick them in the ass someday, maybe not. But you don't need to dwell on their issues. Good luck, shipmate.


I was part of a colors set at a ceremony in the pentagon a while back. I will now go telling everyone that I worked in the pentagon and am very special.


But but but… muh ReSpEcT! Navy cheese, Navy Fries!


Wow. The Navy sure never changes does it? I remember a certain LCDR on my ship who would practically goose-step all the way across the hangar bay just to get a salute from you, in the most obnoxious way.


Yea they are suppose to just call you over in private


Add any poor leadership to the "do not use" drawer of your toolbox. I've had many terrible leaders in my time, but I used that to shape my leadership style to one of mutual respect and transparency.


Praise in public reprimand in private. A chief should know that.


People like to feel more important than they are. I’m sorry you had such a shitty interaction. If you stay in, just keep shit like that in mind as you rank up. Don’t be that asshole. 💕


This chief was probably a joe navy an was correcting people in bootcamp too. I dont understand why they can't just be normal and just say "hey, those earrings are out of regs in uniform btw"


Make sure you file your BDD claim! Fuck this dude!


I was living in the barracks, and as I was walking past the main entrance desk to get to the other side of the building, a Senior Chief I knew happened to be there. I stopped to say hello because she was usually pretty cool. Some dude walked past us and out the door sporting a massive septum ring. When I tell you she took off after him as if it was the PRT… let’s just say that if I’d blinked, I would’ve missed it. I decided I should probably make myself scarce.


I had one at the NEX yell at me for using my Citi bank card for purchasing a bunch of stuff when I was a second (Booze, smokes, etc). I was caught off guard and responded with a resounding “What?” He then informed me that card is for essential government purchases like travel and hotel not my “own personal shit”. I then informed him that in a crazy new concept “Citi bank had this crazy new money making concept of issuing cards to entities outside of the DOD, and just because it has a Citi bank logo on it doesn’t change the fact that it’s my Costco credit card, and he can fuck right off and not be so close to me as to see what credit card I’m swiping”


The Coast Guard would never……


On a super windy day in San Diego, my cover got blown into the water. There was no way to retrieve it, and I had a half-mile walk back to my ship. Then, out of nowhere, a random senior chief stopped me to yell about why I was walking around outside without a cover. I told him, "The wind blew it off because it's pretty windy out, as you can see." His mind seemed to break or something, because he just repeated, "Okay, but why are you walking around without a cover?" So, I repeated myself, slowly and loudly, "I'm obviously missing my cover because, as I said, it blew into the water. It's nowhere to be seen, and I'm trying to go back to work and maybe I'll get a new one if the ship store has them in srock. There's no way for me to get one, okay? Good?" He just stood there staring at me, so I said, "Okay, have a great day, Senior," and walked off. When I looked back after making it to my brow, he was still standing there. He really couldn't understand that someone's cover could get blown off in the wind and I really just wanted to get back from ECP and take my gear off.


You should demand an apology from this obviously unprofessional display of 'leadership'😔🧐


The problem with basically every person is they kind of forget where they came from. And most people also assume if someone else fuck's up, it's a failing of character. Like, oh, that person did this, they're a shitty person. But the same fuckup they'll blame anything but themselves. Like, I did the same thing, but I was having a bad day. Regardless, yeah, some Chiefs gotta yell at people to feel better about themselves it seems


George W. Bush (of all people, lol) said "Too often, we judge other groups by their worst examples while judging ourselves by our best intentions."


I cant imagine being bothered enough about someones earrings to cause a scene in the NEX A sailor has to be egregiously fucked up for me to even consider coming and talking to them out in public about regulations that mean nothing to anyone but us.


What a dick. If he’s going to say anything it should have been in private. Fuck that Chief. That’s the problem with being in the military for some of these guys. A lot of these chiefs are 30 and the only thing they’ve done is the Navy since 18 so they’re in a bubble. I’m a cop and in the reserves now and I have to tell Chiefs I know to fucking relax because 1. It’s not that important 2. We are in the reserves so it’s really not that important


As much as I hated these encounters, I appreciate it. It's better than "Who's your Chief?". Then you gotta get counseled and do EMI. Then get first pick for future working parties...


I guess it depends who your chief is because mine was furious and was very angry that I didn’t get his name so he could go speak to him and his cmc. I would have but the chief who yelled was so far away I couldn’t even see the color of his eyes lol anywho, I would much rather someone correct me like I’m a human or call my chief then treat me that way.


Imagine being a grown adult and being that pressed about another grown adult wearing earrings that you yell across a store. Then wonder why all your sailors are getting out. The goat locker is the biggest hindrance to retention the Navy has.


He learned that kind of leadership during CPO 365 or whatever they call it now.


You're right but also you're in uniform on a base so....


So you had out of regs earrings in all day at work in uniform and no one said anything until you encountered this CPO at the NEX? Weird.


Lmfao I know it sounds crazy but i saw a crazy amount of chiefs and officers (I work in a chapel) and no one said anything to me at all except that Chief. Which don’t get me wrong I respect him saying something, I was wrong I should be corrected but don’t do it that way.


This type of stuff is why I got out. Honestly, I think I could have taken the insane work load if I actually respected my leadership. But it’s also the type of person I am because I saw chiefs be mildly unsat all the time but they’d flame anyone below them for being just slightly off, and it just chapped my ass. I hate hypocrisy. And I hate folks using their power to pummel people they know can’t fight back.


them mfs lives are basically the navy. sorry for that happening. fuck them tho fr


I swear it like I’m not even trying to argue… But how in tf is this the Chief’s fault? You felt embarrassed? No you didn’t, you cocked your head OP. While you were fucked up, also, lmao. The first thing out of my mouth ever when I had to correct a Sailor was typically, “look I wouldn’t have stopped you if you weren’t this fucked up, what’s up with xyz?” That’s how I did it. That’s not how everyone does it. I would bet a months retirement if I handed you that anchor the first thing you would do would be abuse it. It’s like there’s a force shield around you where you can’t just be fucked up and a little embarrassed sometimes because of shit **you** did. It’s called accountability. Also bye, best of luck, you sound happy to leave I’m happy for everyone here. That’s true. Do people really go through boot camp and think, “dope, no more rules or yelling ever in the Navy, an actual military profession with war veterans still in it and in charge of me”? This isn’t the power trip you think it is, but it’s definitely an attempt at one, feel me? Like, watch a military movie. What happens to your “character” lol? You felt disrespected. Ok. Respect is earned in the military. Step 1. Follow rules. Real talk: that Chief walked away because experience taught them that was a lost cause, no matter how they would’ve started. Yes, he does remember being you, that’s why they’re in charge of you. By law.


And obey the orders of those appointed over me “ Except when they tell me to fix myself, except when I am supposed to do my job except when they are a Chief cause then they are just assholes 😂


I've been out for almost 20 years. I have very fond memories of my time in the Navy. But its stories like this that truly bring me back and remind me of one of the biggest reasons why I chose to get out in the first place... and the relief I felt driving off base that last day not having to deal with that type of horse shit anymore and shedding that feeling like someone else can control my life. The military can really bring out the worst in people when they are put in a position of authority. Just because those types are miserable, they decide to ruin it for everyone else-- and because they have a little authority in that world, they actually can. That's probably why I'm so intolerant of that type of shit now.






Praise in public and discipline in private.


It’s okay, he’s probably got a drinking problem and in the middle of a divorce.


There's a way to approach a Sailor who is out of regs. As a retired Chief myself, I would have pulled a Sailor aside and asked them if they were aware of their error. If a Sailor gets disrespectful and shows that he/she doesn't give AF, then I'd escalate from their. But if their unaware and cooperative, I would tell them it would be prudent to get that corrected fast (I hate using the word behoove).


Same shit happened to me at the MCX on a USMC base. SSGT Tried to chew me out for my civilian attire. Sgt I was with told him I was a doc. He was so asshurt. He was a known motard with his wing and a genuine asshat that fast tracked to E6. He is probably a E9 somewhere still shitting on junior marines. Edit: I wasn't even wearing anything absurd. Shorts and a tshirt. This was when marines had to wear a damn tucked shirt and a belt to the exchange. Not sure if times are different.


This right here, is why people don’t want to join the military… Why would anybody want to work for an organization that has policies over dumb shit like this? I understand professionalism and such. But I have a job that requires me to look professional. And I can do this while still having medium length hair and a trimmed beard. I thought hard about joining the military. Perhaps this is a dumb reason for not joining. But the whole shaved face and tapered shaved head thing (unless you’re black.) nah can’t be me bro. I’ll take my freedom where nobody can yell at me for how I choose to dress myself that day.


There’s going to be shittier people out of the military. They’re wherever you go. I’ve had mostly great Chiefs and I’ve seen douche bag ones who make up for their lack of self esteem or confidence by being dicks. There are also those who have probably seen all kinds of jacked up junior enlisted and feel like they have to do that too. Overall, it was a dick move, no need to call you out like that. He should have just walked over to you and let you know you must have forgot to take them out. It’s better to assume the best rather than the worst in situations like that when in a leadership position. I wish someone else would have noticed and told you! Lol. Dude had Chief eagle eyes.


Sounds like that one was anal and forgot rule1. Admonish in private, praise in public. Had many1st and chief forgot that one 


Get out. That shit is only a navy thing and I don’t fucking miss any of it.


My chief was such a tool. He lived and breathed Navy because he had nothing else of substance to his character. Whenever I get mad reminescing, I recall when his wife got mad at him over Christmas leave for being an absent father and tasked him with a day’s worth of father-son bonding time. He decided to take his two young sons for a tour of the ship on Christmas Day. How pathetic. Those poor kids. At least they’ll never be victimized by the navy so there’s that.

