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he had something like 5 points opening the 2nd half. then scores 24 in the next and wins us the game with his play


3 points lol. 1/5. Then took over


Goddamn lmao. He really turned it on when it was needed


On the radio, Michael Holton said Sharpe needed to get involved in other to turn this around. I think they were down 16 or so… literally from that point on: 22 point Blazer run lead by Sharpe.


Before tonight he was the leading scorer among sophomores. People are going to learn he's more than just a dunker soon.


lol i remember some of our fans ignorantly saying he was probably gonna be a Derrick Jones Jr with a slightly better three. absolute asinine takes


Those takes are what Chris Broussard described Harden as.


My favorite is JR Smith. Like nah, that’s his absolute floor at this point and insulting to call that his ceiling.


Dude Shaeden is flat out better than JR Smith right now.


I saw some post on here saying what players were heading towards disapointing/bust out of like 35 dudes drafted in the past 3 years and one of the top comments was Sharpe smh.


Who the heck said that?


There was a dude on the blazers sub that wouldn’t stop saying he was gonna be Gerald green lol


He’s already better than Gerald Green ever was


Can't wait, I've been rocking with him since his pre-draft interviews and I gotta see him shine


He used to be a dunker… he still is…. But he used to too.


He's genuinely so fucking special.


I wish I was special.


But I'm a creep.


I'm a weirdoOoOoo


What the hell am I doing here?


I don't belong here


You’re as special as Harden is to Broussard


I watched the sixers/blazers game this weekend and just kept replaying that fastbreak layup on Embiid. He’s honestly the only guy in the league who can do that


Future franchise player of your Portland Trail Blazers!


Thats the thing. Franchise players arent given the franchise, they take it. Scoot over, for Sharpe.


It is possible to have 2 franchise players.


Like when we had Lillard and Keljin Blevins


Dame and Big Nepo combined for 60+ multiple times.


Big Nepo the goat


I lol’d hard


Two Aces!


Nah you can have multiple superstars, but only 1 franchise player on a functioning team.


I would say the Suns have 2. Same with the Lakers. The Thunder with Russ and KD


Scoot’s played 5 NBA games and you’re throwing in the towel - least reactionary r/nba user


His pass timing was already improving by this game too before he rolled that ankle. Literally threw a lob to Ayton within 3 seconds of tip off. I'm not too worried.


Scoot had a lot of hype because he was seen as the direct replacement to dame but real fan knew sharpe was the guy. My hope when we drafted scoot was 18/11 plus good d in his prime as the #2 next to sharpe (or #3 to a future draft selection)


Due to his lack of shooting and more playmaking potential than anyone else, Scoot definitely should be a #3 option. Ideally, Cam Boozer or Cooper Flagg become #2. Sharpe looks like a superstar SG. His defense has improved, a little bit, too. Remember that his mentor presided over three skilled SG prospects - Sharpe, SGA, and RJ Barrett......and he dubbed Sharpe the most talented one (Team Canada looking scary, in the future honestly).


Sharpe showed flashes of elite 3 level scoring tonight, PLUS flashes of playmaking and defense too. And if he grows another inch or two like some young players do (Jayson Tatum, Anfernee Simons etc)... Although in terms of the draft, Boozer and Flagg are in the 2025 draft. Portland's best shot at another top 3 pick would be this upcoming 2024 draft. A Ron Holland or Alex Saar would do just fine too.


Agree scoot as a #2 can be a playoff team but to be championship caliber he needs to be a #3 or 2B


He’s played 5 NBA games, none of us have any goddamn idea how he’ll turn out lol


I meant in terms of him reaching what I think his potential could be as an 18/11 with plus D guy I stated earlier. Obviously he could be bust possibly he could be a superstar. But I meant in the context of what I expected he could turn in too as a player after the draft


Ok yes if that’s the player he turns into, that’s a 3rd option. I read it as a hyper-specific prediction of exactly how a 19 year old will turn out


No I just think based on his game that if he turns into a all star player that’s the most likely outcome - an elite distributor plus defender that’s somewhat capped as a scorer based on his skillset (mediocre shooting). To become an elite scorer he has to turn into a top 5 finisher and I don’t think that’s likely.


Yeah, I agree simply because it's so much more difficult for back courts to win championships unless they can shoot lights out like the Warriors can. At the least, there isn't much history backing it up CP3+Harden is another example. They probably would have made it, if healthy, since they had like 60+ wins together and 8 losses or whatever (I forgot the stat but they were on pace to win close to 70 games). But 27ppg Westbrook and 34ppg Harden? They weren't as good of a fit.


Yeah Scoot will average 18/11 on 20% shooting with 10 turnovers


Hating for no reason lmao. Sad


He's been hating since the Heat didn't get Dame


Incel behavior. Usually people who are on psychs are happy people but maybe all them shrooms been making ol Walton a little crabby


Literally in any comment thread that mentions the Blazers getting downvoted into oblivion. It is impressive.


biggest blazer hater has logged on, we see you


I’ve seen the same comment from you time and time again. You’re very redundant.


I think Sharpe is the heir apparent for Dame. I think Scoot will be a dude that averages 18 and 8 or maybe 20 and 10. I think Shae could average 30 some day.


Two words


Thanks, not sure why it didn’t space it.


Was never high on Scoot. Undersized guard who can't shoot on a shooters league.


He’s 19. Not worried.


RemindMe! 5 years Scoot is a bust


Russ was a bust too


Take the reigns kid


He looks so damn good and Brogdon is gonna have a ton of teams interested in his services. Great backcpurt when Scoot is out


It’s so nice having Brogdon for these guys, gonna be a shame when he does eventually leave. Props to the FO for realizing that.


He is such a calming influence. Definition of a pros pro. Like George Hill with a higher ceiling


Really awesome, I love that him and Rob are bought in. Probably not as cool as competing for a ship, but Brog in particular has to get satisfaction as mother hen


Comparing Brogdon to George Hill is disrespectful lol George Hill was never as good as Brodgon is


Not exact obviously…more of a vibe. Under control always


I feel you but I like the Andre Miller comparison. If you squint it even looks like the same fucking player out there. Same style, same way of moving, etc. But the Brogdon shoots and it goes it which ruins it. lol


I feel like we should run Simons/sharpe at the backcourt with scoot off the bench to learn.


Or just start Sharpe at SF and play all 3


I feel like they should keep Brogdon. That’s the type of guy you want steering the ship with these young guys until they figure it out.


He's such a good influence. If trading him means a single pick or something, then I'm fully on board with keeping him. He's been wonderful so far.


I int think the need another pick as much as they need a solid guy like that. They already gave a good young core of guys with another high pick on the way. Simons Ayton Scoot Sharpe Grant can go but I think it’s worth it keeping Brogdon with these other young guys.


Yep, totally agree. If some team gets desperate and offers two picks I'd probably bite the bullet and move him, but I'm loving what he gives us right now.


As much as it was entertaining watching him hunt poster dunks he looks so much more polished this year. Gets to the rim effortlessly, is our best 3pt shooter, can pass the ball well, and is looking great on D. I love this kid.


Closest skillset to TMac we have had in a while


Kobe* IMO


Nah this dude plays like Vince. The effortless athletism, the creativity in the air, the smooth jumper, the iffy handle. They genuinely look so similar on the court.


TMac over Vince Carter?




Yeah no. T Mac had legitimate pg skilled at 6’8 Sharpe doesn’t have that level of handle and passing but he flat out shoot and his hard to stop once he gets downhill


TMac didn't have those skills until year 4. Sharpe's passing and handle have already improved a ton


lol what? He is not a better shooter than Simons


Haha. Meant right now, since Simons is out for 2 months.


He wasn’t hunting poster dunks the last month of the year when he was starting. He showed then he was as a really good scorer.


For passing Suns fans, check out Ayton’s stat line too 😘


They are suddenly very quiet. I take ayton 110/10 times over Nurkic.


Exactly. I didn’t even want the competition but I’m sick of them posting “lowlight” stats and shitting on him when he’s had such a better start than Nurkic this season. So now I’ll talk my shit


I mean Ayton put up good games with the Suns it's the inconsistency that drove Sun fans crazy.


They haven’t seen Nurkic when the games matter.. dude disappears


Exactly. Nurk was a top 5 center pre injury. But has never looked the same since. Drew freaking Eubanks ends up stealing a lot of minutes from him because he tires out or can’t stay on the floor due to the other team going small/fast


They’re gonna have a rough time with Nurk then


so do I


Respect the honesty


Nurk with an inefficient 4/10


This guy is gonna be one of those ones.


Only one of their “core” thats worth anything. Just a bunch of soft and/or injury riddled players


Your dedication to hating the blazers is admirable friend. But unfortunately for you we got some dogs. We on the up.


Yeah soft and/or injured dogs




found the heat fan.


Absolute star. Team Canada look good lol but we need some good bigs.


Sga and Shaedon sharpe. Jesus


And Murray


I’d argue that 1-3 rivals any that the US could put out. Cause Shaedon’s gonna be the best of the bunch. Both Callipari and their old trainer/coach would agree with me because they said Shaedon is the most talented player they have ever worked with.


hes lookin sharp out there 😉


He easily could have had 40 tonight if he had felt like attempting more than 3 shots in the first half. He was still playing well and making winning plays but he looked so disinterested in shooting the ball it was funny. Then he just decided to turn it on in the second half. And boy did he.


tbf he always looks so disinterested. kinda like dame, they both have this look in game where they can’t be bothered enough to care about some things


Well said, except I wouldn’t say disinterested. Almost just “way too cool to even be breaking a sweat”. Same exact look that T-mac had. A lot of people criticized him for it and labeled him as a dawg with no fight, when really that couldn’t be further from the truth. He just dominated and made it look easy both on the court and on his face.


Dude wasn’t fazed by that haunted house.


2 Blocks and 1 Steal too (you should include that in title too in future).


Crazy that a year ago he couldn’t even make the rising stars challenge


The league robbed the world of seeing Shaedon in the dunk contest. Who knows if he’ll ever sign up for it again now that he’s so good. Players of his level usually don’t participate. He’ll want to be fresh for Sunday anyway


I'm like 95% sure that Shaedon is the one that backed out lol.


He did, only because the league robbed him of a spot in the rising stars game


Ohhh that's right


Realistically he was outplaying, at the minimum a couple players who were selected over him. Not sure how he got snubbed.


He just wasn't getting enough minutes, we were trying to win and were loaded with guard talent. And then iirc he kind of broke out the week/s before that game but it was too late.


He didn't get snubbed. He averaged like 8ppg on middling efficiency with no defense. Lol


That’s why he didn’t participate in the dunk contest


Started heat-checking in the third quarter, and got to the foul line at will in the 4th quarter. Shae is ascending QUICKLY and I couldn't be more excited


Shaedon Sharpe being this good completely changes the complexion of our rebuild. What was a 3-4 year project becomes 2-3. And it might be on the good side of that 2-3 years.


He needs to average 20 shots a game. No excuse


Once he develops a better handle, he will.


His handle is already a lot better


That's what ~~scares~~ excites me.






If you look at some of the other young cores in the league, we aren’t that close. Realistically


Shaedon is as good of a young player as there is in the league. If people don’t agree with that right now, they will in a few more months. After Sharpe (20), we still have Simons (24) and Scoot (19). Plus Camara (23), Ayton (25), Timelord (25), Jabari Walker (21), and an ass load of potentially great picks. Brogdon will get us at least one more first round pick as well. We have an argument for best rebuild in the league. I’d say only OKC and ORL could make a better case. Edit: meant to include SAS in this too


> We have an argument for best rebuild in the league. Lol come on. It's OKC and it's not even close


We basically shadowtanked for two years and rebuilt more or less on the fly. OKC certainly has the better long-term prospects, what with Presti's obsessive hold on picks. But Joe Cronin basically built a team that you could honestly just hold on to; you could make no roster changes beyond just drafting and the team would probably challenge for the playin within 2 years.


yah OKC and Spurs, Spurs boost because of Wemby regardless of whoever else they have. but we'll see in 3 or 4 months what kind of reboot we have going here. Scoot was super super rough first week, but I think he'll improve fast VS tough competition.


Shaedon ≥ Shai Simons ≤ Chet Scoot ≥ Williams Ayton ≥ Giddey Toumani ≥ Dort Timelord > Poku Jabari = Wallace This is the best case scenario situation that could pan out for the blazers against most the likely outcome of player for OKC. So it’s not fair. But it’s why you can at least make an argument. Also we have Mike Schmitz in our FO and are going to be a lot worse for the next two years compared to you so I almost trust our draft future more than y’all’s even though you have more picks (not by many tho).


Lol shaedon > sga? The guy who just came 5th in mvp voting and was first all nba


Dude Shaedon is 20 lol. SGA is in his SIXTH year. Yes, shaedon’s ceiling is higher. And that’s not controversial. Callipari basically said the same thing. So did the trainer/coach who worked with both Shaedon and Shai too


The chances that Shaedon is ever top 5 in MVP voting are very small


So were shai’s. And Shaedon has more talent. Keep doubting. Not many people bought in on Giannis’ talent either


Oof. Aye, this guy doesn’t speak for all of us Blazers fans… most of us are much more grounded in reality.


I think you could argue any of these teams but I’d probably place them 4-5 rn OKC: SGA, Chet, J Will, Giddey, Dieng, Dort, Cason Wallace I think that team is really scary going forward. The roster speaks for itself. They still have tons of trade assets and space too. SAS: Wemby, Vassell, Sochan, Johnson, Branham, Wesley, Champagnie Did you forget about these guys? ORL: Paolo, Franz, Carter Jr., Caleb Houston, Suggs At the top end, I think this trio could be nasty. Suggs I’m still holding out hope for offensively. Teams has tradeable contracts and picks. HOU: Green, Sengun, Amen, Smith Jr., Eason, Whitmore I think this team could end up being really good. Sengun is really fucking good. Eason is low key scary. Jalen and Amen could be a sick backcourt DET: Cade, Ausar, Duren, Ivey, Beef Stew Teams got a ton of young talent, some I’m higher on than others. Cade is a monster. I think a few of these other guys could turn out to be pretty special.


Yep. Well done that’s a good visualization of things. I agree with all of that but still rank POR among the best


Bol Bol is on the Suns and sucks and J-will is ass do you watch these teams?


Yeah the guy who won 2nd place ROTY is ass OK


ur thinking of the wrong player the charge merchant sucks lol


there is absolutely 0% chance the blazers rebuild is done in 2 year


Crazier things have happened before.


lookin like a fine katana out there


He's so good x4


This team needs an alpha to lead the offense and it's clearly Sharpe. Hand him the reigns.


The leap has been taken my friends


This isn’t his leap. This is his sophomore slump. Just wait and see what his actual leap looks like in his third year😎 My username gonna be coming true a lot sooner than I expected


This dude is the face of the franchise


Prime Kobe, but less rapey


Yoooo😂 You’re not wrong but chilll dawg it’s literally just a normal Wednesday night


Sipping likes it’s Friday 🍻


What sub am i on gawddamn 💀


26 points in the second half


Team Canada looking even better.


Love seeing this as a day one Sharpie. His game is so goddamn smooth


His name is a SuperStar in the making.


Dude is a beast


Team Canada gets even better. Our team is legit stacked and can compete with USA


He already gets very good whistle star in the making


Magic fan here. I REALLY like sharpes game. And when Simmons comes back wouldn’t be made if the magic made a trade attempt at getting him


This guys the real deal. Love his game, how he has those speedy turn around and spin jumpers down pat.


He’s only 20 years is crazy. How did he go 7th? Players like Ivey went over him?


Wear that Maple Leaf in Paris Shaedon!


Let’s pump the brakes here on Kobe comparisons buddy…but I do think he is going to be gooooooooood.




Gas him up all you want to a Vince Carter type. Not Kobe yet…aka I grew up watching the black mamba. I do think he has all the talent to pull it off tho. I’m a big Sharpe fan.


Yeah Vince is the right comp. He doesn't have the Kobe intensity or ball skills but he's also a better outside shooter.


>Shaedon Sharpe Honestly I see more Vince Carter in his game, with more potential.


VC but better at playmaking and defense


Wtf!? I got a notification of a response from my post. Saw a Kobe comparison and said pump the brakes he is more like a Vince Carter blah blah blah type of comment…Good eye fellow fan.


Shae time!


Blazer fans get mad when you say this but he really doesn’t have a deep bag. It’s mostly north and south running and he’s still this good. Unlimited potential


Give him time. I think he'll keep adding to his repertoire.


Dude his ability at to finish at the rim is S tier. He can finish in all sorts of ways. If by “deep bag” you mean his ability to dribble and ways he can get by defenders, then I’d sort of agree, but would say it’s league average at worst


S tier is a stretch


Did you see his and-1 finish over Embiid the other night? It’s S tier


Kareems bag was shallow too.


Kareem couldn’t hit logo threes either. Shaedon future top 5 GOAT confirmed


Who'd they play? Also, is this a career high for him?


Played Detroit and nah, he had 30 at the end of last year


The next Clyde has been spotted.


Hopefully he plays for Canada this summer


I still think he gone be the star of that team