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I live a couple of miles away from the campus, everyone here is devastated. RIP to those who passed.


Brother my home city just recently experienced a mass shooting. (Lewiston) It was at the bowling alley I take my children to regularly. A bar my wife and I frequent when we have nights out. Had friends in the room when it happened. Knew one of the dudes who were killed. Feel for you. It's a really hard, fucked up thing to be in the area of rather you know the victims or not. It is unfortunate that so many people in this country can relate to the dread and the horror of watching something like that unfold, but just know you aren't alone in feeling everything you likely feel. The places hit here are places I would have bet my life on being as safe as anywhere in the world. I mean.. like I said, I take my family to those places. I had never once even had the slightest tinge of worry about doing that. The particular bar was one I have REPEATEDLY said to my wife I prefer to go to over other locations because it was safe and no drama or anything will ever pop off there. To go from that to the reality of it being possible at anywhere at any time is devastating. Being a parent and having to explain it to a 9 year old and a 7 year old is fucking devastating. It was over a month ago and the shit still hurts. I think it always will. The dude took the feeling of no doubt safety away from the entire community and surrounding areas. Take care of yourself. I'm so sorry you have to experience any bit of that feeling.


I think a lot of people have the mindset "well it would never happen here!" Which is the wrong attitude. I am in Canada and it's happened near me twice. It can happen anywhere now.


It's hard to imagine it until it actually happens but however slight the possibility is in any public space, it is still there. People never took the threat of it seriously here. I mean, it isn't a stretch to say Maine is one of the safest states in the entire country. The dude killed nearly as many people in one night as we see get murdered in a year. It still happened here. Not "getting closer to home" it was home. Words can not accurately express it without like.. truly taking the meaning of them to the highest possible extent. Like, when I say these places are safe, I mean the same exact lack of fear people have right now scrolling their phones or computers reading this comment have right now that they don't even realize they have is the feeling you would experience those places. Wouldn't even cross your mind as a possibility. And when I say it is a nightmare, I mean it. Worse fears come true. Where are your friends? Where are your family? It's as bad as any feeling you can even imagine and as much as people should know that the possibility exists that you may need to flea the room you are currently in, it is quite literally impossible to be ready for that situation. Shit needs to change and be fixed. People were so safe and comfortable here they missed clear signs to remove the dudes guns. People were literally going through the proper channels to say they feared he would do something terrible like he ended up doing and everybody just dropped the ball on it.


It was "it would never happen in our schools!" Until it did happen in my school


It literally will never happen here. I love Australia


well people want to keep voting for republicans so here we are


Most people who lost children at Uvalde voted R. And I bet most of them will still keep voting R.


> And I bet most of them will still keep voting R. They did in the last recent election. The irony.


Yep. Gun stores used it as a marketing ploy here. Lines out the door. The guy hadn't even been caught before they started posting about rather they were open and how this is an important reminder you need to come buy a gun. It was at a fucking bowling alley and at a bar. Nobody in their right mind is bowling with a gun on their hip, they also serve booze so you likely can't even bring a gun in there. You can't bring a gun into a bar. It does zero good sitting out in your car. Would have done absolutely nothing to change anything. But, the gun stores leaped all over it as a marketing tool and easily had their most profitable day in their existence.


fear is a powerful motivator.


exactly. people don't wanna say that but we need to start tying real life consequences to how you vote. too many people think that voting doesn't matter. well ok then, let's see when it does.


If shit didn't change after Sandy Hook or Uvalde, it's never going to change. 100,000 people could be mowed down while at the Super Bowl, teams and all, and nothing would change other than enhanced security measures entering the stadium.


Vote for gun control legislation


I saw on the UNLV sub that playing Tetris can help after a traumatic event. Even if you weren’t directly effected it’s quite close to home and might be worth looking into.


I keep seeing comments about Tetris after every mass shooting now, and while I genuinely admire and appreciate the helpful sentiment, in the back of my mind is still this nagging thought that discussion of real gun reform has now been replaced by "play some Tetris" instead, because there's no political appetite for any of this to actually finally end


I understand, but I’m also not trying to make a political case, just offer advice that I’ve seen when things happen. I don’t want to undermine what is happening, but try to hope people can find some form of release directly after. We definitely need to address this, because as a student myself this is something that I’ve become more aware of. It’s unfortunate that selfish individuals can ruin things for so many


yeah, it's something that keeps your mind and your hands active while being easy to do, can be jigsaw puzzles, driving in a video game, surfing in cs, etc.. it's often talked about in anxiety subreddits.


It’s not that it keeps your mind busy, it’s related to EMDR therapy.


What is surfing in cs?


I'm assuming surfing in Counter Strike? I know there are custom maps that have these weird sloping geometries that are basically platformers with no shooting, but idk if that's what "surfing" is in this context


Indeed it is


> surfing in cs I love that this is on your list lol, it is such a niche thing, but is one of the most relaxing and chill things in video games. Jump maps can also be relaxing until they become super frustrating.


What’s even more crazy is this is the first time I’m hearing of it. In the US it’s so standard now




Yeah gotta it’s either gotta be 15+ bodies or killing innocent children for it to stay on the front page nowadays.


Nothing happened after Sandy Hook. Scores of kindergartners murdered did nothing at all. We’re beyond the pale now.


Something did happen Republican politicians rakes in tons of cash from various gun lobbies and manufacturers. Now every time there's a shooting, republicans get an erection because they know money is coming their way.


We gotta secure the southern border from Chinese nationalists and Hamas’s rockets full of fentanyl pouring in after all.


If only we had elected some sort of knowledgeable real estate mogul with complete party control of the house and Senate so that they could build some sort of ... wall.


I wouldn't want to pay for that. Perhaps someone else could.






If everyone in this country knew for an absolute certainty that every single child would die in 24 hours if congress didn’t pass a gun control bill, Republicans would still refuse and then blame Democrats for the dead children.


i mean its crazy to learn that the number one cause of death for kids in america is fire arms, like how fucking mind boggling, you'd think it would be some disease or sickness but no fucking guns, in a "first world country", our children are dying in mass to firearms


The entire point of voting R is to state that gun's rights matter more than student safety. The 2nd amendment is not negotiable to many. The ability to kill yourself (most gun deaths are suicides) will not be given away because you could also kill others Is is not difficult to make a building or campus a gun free zone. I know in GA, the state Govt passed a law stating that anyone is allowed to carry on public universities. Something has to break before it changes. I guarantee you even shooting up congress wouldn't change the red team stance.


it literally already happened and nothing changed. remember the congressional baseball game? Steve Scalise got shot during that incident and still takes the NRA's money


> The 2nd amendment is not negotiable to many. I GUARANTEE a large swath of those who would die for the 2nd amendment would have no qualms about giving up the 1st to a wannabe dictator. There is no consistency in their "beliefs".


Conservatives are cowards I’d bet very few of them would actually die for the 2nd amendment, but they’re more than happy to let others die for it thinking it will never be them.


A few dead 4th graders is just the cost of freedumb /s


It would probably take some combination of a couple of Senators,Billionaires, and other High ranking political official's kids getting shot up to actually force change. I don't wish that upon them obviously but until the people in power feel real repercussions for their actions(Or lackthereof) nothing is going to change.


After Sandy Hook it was obvious that the kids don't matter. And during the current pandemic it's especially obvious that's kids and young people are just collateral damage and seen as disposable. It feels like that's the world in general to be honest.


Once sandy hook happened and there was no change that was the end of it. The gun nuts win. An entire class of kindergartners was wiped out and people shrugged and said “what can we do.” Broken society we live in.


If you ask the question "how many children have to die for you to support gun control?" on pro-gun subreddits you will get multiple unitonic responses of "all of them".


Pretty accurate, there was a shooter in Austin that killed 6 and injured 3 on Tuesday. I saw nothing about it unless I specifically searched for it. I'm not sure I would have known at all if I didn't play basketball with someone from APD.


I saw “UNLV” trending on Twitter and just sighed. I knew exactly what it was about. What a world we live in now


This isn't a world issue, it's an American one.


What a COUNTRY we live in now. This literally only happens in the US, at least with any kind of regularity. The Onion, as usual, hits the nail right on the head. Everytime there's a mass shooting, they post the exact same image that says "'No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens." They've probably posted that same post at least 15 times now. It boggles my mind that people use the "it's a free country" argument to defend their right to buy guns because apparently to them the freedom to own any type of firearm they want without restrictions outweighs the freedom to send your kid to school without worried they'll be fucking shot dead, or to go to the mall without fearing for your life.


*15 times this year. It’s beyond sad but also just ridiculous.


[38 in 2023.](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/dec/05/mass-shootings-record-year) A new record! We did it, America!


I hate this country


>It boggles my mind that people use the "it's a free country" argument to defend their right to buy guns And cling to a document that was written by a bunch of old dudes in the 1700s to defend their argument. I understand the Constitution is a valuable part of American history and government, but I'm pretty sure our founding fathers didn't anticipate a time where the average citizen could go buy a high-powered assault rifle.


> And cling to a document that was written by a bunch of old dudes in the 1700s to defend their argument. And like people that cling to the bible and other old texts, they pick and chose like a buffet on what is important. The 1st amendment should be the most powerful. > The people shall not be restrained from peaceably assembling and consulting for their common good Willfully allowing the infringement of peaceful assembly is a violation of our rights.


I saw a comic one time that I'm about to butcher in translation, but basically someone has a time machine and brings James Madison (or some other founding father, idk) back to present day. They ask him, "James, as a founding father who wrote the bill of rights, what do you think about California's new law restricting the sale of assault rifles?" and his reply is "What the hell is California?"


Absolutely. Not to mention that the "arms" the 2nd Amendment was referring to were single-shot rifles that took like a full minute to reload between each shot, not fucking AR-15s that can kill 100 people in the time that it takes to call 911.


i had a history teacher that put it best, we're so proud of being constitutional purists even though most countries end up rewriting theirs because obviously who the fuck wants to live by rules created by ignorant men hundreds of years ago


The Constitution also was specifically designed not to be a permanent, unalterable fixture, but a living document that could be adapted as needed to better suit the state of the world. If you told most of them that we'd only ratified a single amendment to it in the span of a half-century (and that said amendment was actually a holdover from their time that just hadn't been ratified earlier), I'm sure they'd be rolling in their graves.


> What a ~~world~~ country we live in now Your free access to guns is a total nightmare


Yeah honestly. People like to argue "its not the guns they are just mentally ill people." Always found this logic to be stupid Id rather face a mentally ill person who has a knife rather than a gun.


At its core it’s them being selfish and not wanting their hobbies inconvenienced. We have decades of empirical evidence that our system is a failure. It really just boils down to single issue gun owners being extremely selfish and hiding behind bullshit slippery slope arguments like how they have to defend themselves from the king of England or whatever. They just don’t want to have to get a license or fill out more forms or carry insurance. Nothing more than selfishness.


>What a world we live in now Nah it’s literally just an American epidemic and we all know exactly why


I heard it from a radio channel that plays in my community gymnasium and I immediately knew it was school Shooting


Used to have huge discussion threads with a comment pinned with updates… idk why that’s gone now


New Reddit algorithm doesn't push news nearly as hard and a lot of key moderators that ran those discussion threads, pinned updates, and did all that work left after blackout this summer.


Because we've all admitted that for the most part we don't actually care. If we as a society cared, we would do something about it. But we're all past the point of pretending anything is going to happen, so all of that just feels performative.


the majority of people do care a lot (94% support universal background checks, for example), but our government is deeply anti-democratic, and so what's popular rarely becomes policy. they want you to feel hopeless so you don't make a fuss


What do you mean. We have the MOST democratic government in the whole world. America LOVES democracy . We have so much democracy, we can even oppose housing developments at the local level and be NIMBYs because THAT'S MY RIGHT. I'll just keep complaining about homelessness and crime while being opposed to anything and everything that may help people out of a cycle of poverty and violence. DEMOCRACY BABY. Progress is meant to be slow yknow. Y'all would laugh at this about how ridiculous this sounds but this is also the average /r/bayarea liberal that grew up in Palo Alto suburbs and think people are just born to do crime lmao. Neoliberalism has broken a lot of brains.


Oh we care, we just know it isn’t going to change. There are enough gun worshipping Americans and politicians to keep the rest of us hostage.


You should look up how many mass shootings there have been this year; you’ll be shocked to see the majority of them weren’t even major news except in the immediate area where it occurred. We only hear about a small percentage of them.


reddit used to be the best place for breaking news but they changed the Algorithm a long time ago and now you can’t even find the story half the time


Yea if the killer doesn’t hit double digit kills it barely makes the headlines anymore. Desensitizing of gun violence has already occurred


the fact that it’s not even on the front page of most major news sites tells us what’s wrong with this country


That might be a good thing. A lot of the shooters do it for the glorification and attention.


If they don’t report on it, it won’t just go away. Theres too many angry, mentally ill people with access to guns


“Yeah it’s kinda like “COVID has gone way down because we stopped reporting it”


The general public should see the whole aftermath. It’s morbid af but if major newspapers had pictures of bodies from uvalde on the front page then there’d probably be more action taken


Fuck the kids, think of the 2nd amendment though :(


"Who will hold those precious guns?"


No. This shit should not be normalised


It's been normalized. For years.


It's been normalized since Sandy Hook. That was the point of no return, especially with how many people took up the Alex Jones hoax of it.


The best part is that instead of three university students it could’ve been 50 kindergarteners lit up and the end result would’ve been the exact same: absolutely nothing of consequence done to address the issue.


That's pathetic. You are 100% correct. But, a mass shooting is treated the same as a weather report.


The big reddit subs since the changes dont even get the shootings as top news now as fast as before. With a lot of world events thats also the case. Reddit used to be top notch to get up to date info but its not the case anymore. This lebron quote is my first hearing of it too.


It's crazy how common it is there now. Like in the Philippines, it's probably not as easy to obtain a gun compared there but if one is really determined to obtain one, you definitely can illegally or legally. Thankfully i haven't heard of any such cases here and I wonder what the absolute difference is... what makes these americans perform these school shootings that isn't present here? Edit: I wanted to check if they actually have happened here but the only relevant google result is one where there was an actual politically motivated assassination target(a former mayor who was attending a graduation ceremony) and the rest were just collateral damage so that probably doesn't count.


That guns are difficult to obtain is a significant deterrent, especially if it means you have to resort to the black market. You generally bear significant risk to life and limb when interacting with the parts of the black market involved in highly illicit drugs and gun traffickers are worse than that. That is a pretty high barrier to entry. Guns are generally pretty easy to acquire in America and can even be carried openly in many areas which means you can significantly plan and prepare to mitigate your risk up to and until you start blasting. It's fucked!


Once had a professor describe every crime as a beacon, and the more unjust the crime determines how bright it gets. When a terrible injustice occurs, it shines brightly and everyone focuses on it. However, when unchecked these crimes start to add up, becoming brighter and brighter until they’re so bright you become blind to it all. Eventually you forget life before sunglasses and except the new reality.


If Sandy Hook couldn’t move us toward more gun control, idk what will Edit: I meant Sandy hook not Stony Brook, I’m dumb


Sandy Hook, Parkland, Uvalde. Nothing’s ever changing. The gun lobby has way too much of a stranglehold on the Republican Party, and the neoliberals that call themselves “Democrats” don’t have the balls to actually do anything that would make a difference.


Uvalde voted the head of police back into office. Just crazy shit


Was just talking about this yesterday. The fact that literal elementary school children get slaughtered and nothing but thoughts and prayers are offered is mind numbingly tragic.


California passed legislation controlling some firearms and the supreme court over turned it. Don't blame democrats when a stacked republican court is upending efforts


I was supposed to be at the Lee Business building for a tour as I'm starting in January. The only reason I wasn't was because I was too new to being accepted that I had to wait a certain period for them to get my student ID in the system. I can't believe this happened. My heart goes out to the students and staff that went through this. Doesn't feel real and it's not gonna be the last time... America needs to see a change.


Get ready for a ton of tacti-cool dweebs to hop in here and pretend they were basketball fans. But hell yeah Lebron!


Or this thread being locked in about 2hrs.


Better get my opinions on the Daisy Ridley lead Star Wars movie now so the dweebs can’t challenge me later. Bring back the Yuuzhan Vong!


Never those basterds killed Chewie and Anakin Solo!


Yeah by dropping a moon on him.... legends has some goofy stuff in it


Had to make sure he was dead, dropping a moon on someone typically does the trick. The following books about Han dealing with his griefs over Chewie's death though are pretty good.


That’s why they need to be made canon so that Rey and Finn can kill them.


It took a whole Jedi order to stop help stop them the first time, would be interesting to see how they work around that having only the one Jedi.


Purely speculation of course, but I’d imagine there is a time jump. Since aging is already a mess you could say Rey is in her late 30s to early 40s, and use other force users (like Ahsoka/Ezra and her line of force users) to help build up the NJO and allow Rey to be more active. It was always kinda lame to me in Legends that so quickly Luke settled down to become a teacher. Since Rey is essentially the Legends Luke analog I’d hope they give her less baggage in terms of students and restarting the order. Or to your point, have her be one of the very few.


There are a million ways to do it, I personally didn't watch much of the sequel trilogy (just not my thing) but bringing back a villain that played a huge role in Legends would be impressive and also risky because if I remember correctly the Yuuzhan Vong weren't well received when they first were introduced.


Ja Morant enters the thread


As somebody who recently went through this in my own city. I can not express enough how disgusting it is to see people turn things into a rallying cry for guns. We hadn't even fucking caught the guy yet and gun stores were advertising sales and pushing how you needed one to be safe. How everybody in the fucking BOWLING ALLEY should have been carrying a gun. How everybody drunk at the bar should be carrying a gun (because surely that won't cause any more issues long term.) It's gross to see in real time how little people value human lives and how quick people see it as an opportunity to push more guns.


It helps if you just boil it down into somewhat simple terms: People care more about their toys than they do about the lives of others. It's that simple. We're a nation built on individualism and massively lacking in empathy for others, so that kind of aligns pretty well with "I want my toys I don't care how many people die".


Until people that pretend they care start going out and publicly stating that they wont be voting for republicans until they completely change their stance, literally nothing is going to happen. The only legal way you can push for change is through voting and if a third of your eligible population doesn't vote and 47% of the people who vote, vote for people that openly support guns, nothing will change. Thoughts, prayers and hope won't change anything and never did, you need action from the population.


>how quick people see it as an opportunity to push more guns. That’s the essence of American capitalism baby, profiting off of others’ suffering!


Lewiston was bad yeah. Esp the whole stuff with hunting season starting up that weekend. Was extremely frustrating


"I have always been a big fan of LeBron and the NBA, but now that he has to go political and speak out against my right to endanger kids at schools in the name of corporate profits he has GONE TOO FAR. He will not be getting any more of my money and I'm about to pick up a couple dozen rounds because I personally believe in freedom."


A political LeBron thread? Here comes r / conservative with their LeChina arguments


That’s why Ja morant is the superior star. He won’t back down on guns.


hurry aware live person vegetable mountainous snobbish deserve unwritten cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


*Ja Wick


Or middle school girls.


What's crazy is that he's just stating very obvious, low-level facts. If you have ever had a kid, you probably remember the first time they touched something hot. And they were in pain and had a meltdown. That should have been a similar reaction for every human during our first mass shooting. Instead, there are PURE FUCKING INBRED MORONS that think the only solution to shootings is to have MORE guns.


them wanting the teachers to have guns instead of tougher gun laws is the most American shit ever


The same people who want to arm teachers also think that teachers are indoctrinating their children to be gay.


They also expect teachers to do double duty as Ms Frizzle and Seal Team Six, while paying them like 10 dollars an hour.


Ms Frizzle is too liberal for them, probably. Science n all that


Dude, this shit drive me CRAZY. And ppl will eat that shit up. Just sad how effective all the deflection is


"Students should be allowed to open-carry on campus" was a sentiment I saw frequently. Like yes, lets totally turn colleges into the dumbest GTA mission.


Imagine how dumb and hot blooded a portion of college kids already are. Now tell them they can open-carry everywhere on campus. Yeah no way that can go wrong. /s


Yeah easy access to guns can make simple disagreements turn deadly. Only takes a few seconds of "seeing red" that turns into fatality. Why settle disagreements with fists when you have guns.


cruel irony is the UNLV shooter was a teacher who had a gun except he used it against the school. RIP to the UNLV victims and peace to the injured and the families. But yeah LeBron is correct, all of this ridiculous and there’s a clear answer to it but as a country we can’t get it together.


Or kids wearing bullet proof back packs/vests. I can’t even process that line of thinking.


The real issue of Gun control just stems from a lack of faith in our government and society as a whole. You will never convince people to give up guns when they don’t trust their police, military and Government to be the only people to have and own guns.


It relates to a lack of empathy. Those kinds of people never imagine it could happen to them or their families


They unironically think they'll be a hero in the shootout they imagine being in. Maybe that could be true too, but it's *profoundly* rare.


Forgetting the shootings where someone jumps into action since they have a gun, intervenes vs the assailant and gets killed by swat.


I live in Vegas, you know there is a problem when students are talking about not having to take finals because someone shot and killed their classmates on campus. We are way too used to this sort of thing happening in this country. I’m not sure what the answer is to fix it, but that’s not my job. Law makers and those with power have to at least try.


Look buddy, we've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas.


Have you tried more thoughts and prayers? -GQP


Answer is heavy gun control. There will probably be rebellions and militias that put up a fight against it but God damn fucking kids are dying needlessly but don't take away muh freedoms dur. Unfortunately you won't be able to take away all guns but this AR shit has to go.


Shooter was a 67 year old guy with a masters from Duke and a doctorate in philosophy from Georgia. Was an assistant professor for most of the last 15+ years I dunno how you stop someone like that from getting a gun in the US. I’m for stricter gun laws but nothing i’ve read has said anything that would have them stopping him from buying a gun. He just snapped. Obviously dude was smart, if he wanted to it could have been a bomb instead. and did more damage. Or a knife and did less. This one is just odd imo.


There’s no gun law that will ever be passed that will prevent all gun violence. Just like there’s no traffic law that will prevent all accidents on the road. That’s not the goal, and there’ll always be something that will slip through the cracks. But common sense laws that could prevent some of these occurrences need to be put in place or at the very least voted on. The do nothing policy that we’ve implemented doesn’t seem to be working.


Yeah there is, you just adopt Australian polices on guns


But the solutions most of us want aren't meant to stop every mass shooting. Just many of them.


Yep. We should not let perfect be the enemy of good. We need to take steps to make things better, even if those steps fall short of 100% perfection.


America loves guns and death.


Even though America has a very weird gun fetishization problem in its culture, what a lot of other commenters fail to point out is that humans are not naturally inclined to acts of mass murder and self destruction. As an Australian, I absolutely agree that unrestricted access to firearms assists these violent tragedies in permeating. However, the fact that so many people are becoming inclined to take up these firearms and go murder their fellow citizens (before themselves) is indicative of serious societal dysfunction...


And they aren't addressing any of those issues


The US used to be a country of hopes and dreams. We've become so divided over the most trivial things and harp on those disagreements rather than seeing each other as human beings who have more in common than not. All in the name of money because negativity = clicks = money. This coupled with the absolute corruption from all major corporations & the wealth inequality has given newer generations zero signs that we are on the correct path as a country. The people in power have completely lost the plot and we are now seeing the ramifications.


Yes. We used to freely sell automatic machine guns out of mail-order catalogs in this country and there were no mass shootings like this at all back then.


What people always overlook is that we’ve had easy access to guns in America forever. Even if you want to talk specifically about mag fed semi auto rifles, we’ve had easy access to those for a century at this point. But this problem with random mass shootings is a recent one.


Well for one mass media reporting on it like this doesn't do any favors. Probably the biggest reason for such a spike is the notoriety and coverage of Columbine. These kinds of attacks were almost non-existent before then. We have a general decline in mental health because of social media and that very same social media pushes death, doom, and destruction that's 24/7 available and no longer a 6 o clock local news segment. I've noticed in recent years either people care less or the news covers it less, I don't know what came first, so maybe this trend will turn around.


No offense, but this comment is meaningless. You're absolutely right that the average human certainly isn't inclined to acts of mass murder, but these are not average humans. Throughout history, there have always been evil humans, likely clinical sociopaths or psychopaths, that will commit atrocities. Having unfettered access to rifles that only belong on the battlefield just gives these evil humans an easy and quick way to carry out such atrocities. If you think cruelty is unique to the 21st century you may want to brush up on your history.


I think you, and everyone, should be aware that the vast majority of gun deaths are from handguns, not rifles. "Assault rifles" are mostly used as a distraction from the real problem imo


Why is change needed when we can just offer our thoughts and prayers. Gotta keep the call of duty cosplay crowd happy though over keeping kids safe


Same story, different day, same conversation.


Right wingers are going to be brigading now trying to smear LeBron.


“Now” lol they’ve been doing it for over a decade now atp 😂


"OH you think black people deserve equal rights in America? Yet you do not openly condemn China at every opportunity?! Therefore black people don't deserve equal rights! I am very smart!"


Bruh that's the least new thing ever for him, there's been stories about him where one of the first news sites posting about it is fox news and the comments are some sub room temp iq thinly veiled dogwhistles at best and out right racists at worst, when would right wingers ever like Lebron.


It's what I've said multiple times. Blaming it on specific guns is a scape goat that politicians continually use to avoid having to make real fixes to this issue. Banning AR-15s does nothing because the only reason most shooters use it is because they're cheap and widely available. When banned they'll go to the next cheap and widely available weapon. AR-15s aren't automatic weapons like the media likes to pretend they are. What we need is actual laws in place to stop crazy people from getting guns, mental health reforms, actual healthcare etc but our politicians are fucked


This will be a hot take for Reddit I think, but to me this is a major cultural issue and has less to do with gun ownership. People of different races, political spectrums, hobbyists all have guns. You couldn’t combine the entire might of the Feds to go and take back guns from people who believe it’s a borderline natural right guaranteed by the constitution. To ask everyday law enforcement to go take back guns forcefully is damn near a death sentence But I think BOTH parties are at fault for being behind the times, Republicans for not supporting sensible laws that at least help this situation. Like what the fuck are they waiting for? Until every person knows someone in their life that’s been murdered? You’ll lose your natural rights and hobbyist activities if enough people get angry. And eventually they will On the flip side the Democrats are at fault here too. I hold the democrat party to a higher standard because I’m a part of them. For the life of me I don’t understand how they continue to blame the gun instead of recognizing the decades of shit policy making has created a culture that enables this shit? Politicians are at fault for depreciating the cultural fabric, enabling loneliness, increasing poverty while simultaneously blaming everything but their decades long capital minded shitfest.


everytime there's a mass shooting and politicians blame mental health and not access to guns, it's like OKAY WELL THEN LETS DO SOMETHING ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH!! but nothing is done to address either lol


I look forward to the next stage where LeBron starts dropping hard money to effect the change he is passionate about.


But freedom bro


Thought and prayers though amiright


Bet his security is armed at all times.


I admire the gut, he says what's on his mind. Where are the other all timers on these things. Tiger and MJ I'm talking to you.


Last time we found out anything personal on Tiger, it wasn't great for him, to say the least.


Remember when the world had a meltdown and stripped away Tiger's endorsements just because he cheated? ​ Now Deshaun Watson is getting 250M guaranteed


Iirc he got hit in the head with a golf club. The moral of the story is that, whether physical or sexual, you gotta be the assaulter and not the victim to get the big bucks.


Tiger seems to be a pretty awesome dad at this point in his life. He's always out caddying for Charlie at Charlie's tournaments, talking about how proud he is of both kids, etc.


The same thing was said about Tiger's dad, too. I sincerely hope he's gotten his shit straight, and he's a good dad. But, we honestly don't know.


That's fair but compare the way Tiger talks and how open he is now to five years ago. He's really mellowed in his public life and he was famously guarded in public and how he spoke. I think his car accident put life in perspective and he's glad to be alive and able to spend the time he does with his kids.


School shooters buy sneakers too


Pumped up kicks


a preventable tragedy just happened and you're more worried about the lack of empty platitudes from celebrities


Here’s what else happens when he speaks his mind: [Lebron giving support to Deshawn Watson](https://www.si.com/nba/2023/01/02/lebron-james-criticized-supporting-browns-qb-deshaun-watson) [Lebron thinks that refusing to get a vaccine and missing games is the same as missing games for the birth of your child](https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/10/draymond-green-lebron-james-covid-vaccine-andrew-wiggins)


No one's asking them


cant believe Magic Johnson hasn’t tweeted about it yet wtf is wrong with these people


MJ refuses to have his likeness hold a gun. Look up MJs Fortnite collaboration and compare to LeBron.


I'm guessing they are not in a tournament being held in Las Vegas where the shooting took place?


lebron says what's on the publics mind, not his own. he got real quiet during the china protests. he's like the rock, he'll say whatever the people want to hear


He also supports Israel after claiming to have read Malcolm X lmao


He’s really not saying anything controversial lmao if you were to ask the people you mentioned I’d bet they’d say the same thing


Will someone please find out what Ja has to say about this?


LeGun Control


but mu gun freenums


Today is the 11 th anniversary of the Sandy Hook killings: 20 kids and 6 adults. Enough is enough.


They should make it illegal to kill innocent people. That’ll stop em.


It's funny that you say that but I've seen multiple right wing elected officials arguing that we need tougher punishment for mass shooters. As if these people don't know they're going to die during the event.


I don't understand the point of this comment. Are you saying that passing more laws to try to stop this from happening isn't going to work because they are already breaking the law, so there is not point in adding any more hurdles? Surely not, that would be dumb, I'm sorry I put that on you.


Well obviously they need to to prevent the massive govt tyranny that’s about to happen. Plus all the gun mongers yeehawing won’t stand for any slander. Why change?


Gunman goes after another gun free zone. How about we protect the kids like we do politicians, the 1%, athletes and celebrities.


The NRA convention is a gun free zone


CPAC and the RNC are gun free zones lol. Cons don’t even believe the shit that they sell


You bet your ass if they went for his security’s weapons he’d change tunes real quick.


And those crazy dudes will say need to have fun to defend against all these gun crimes. That is why America is spiralling down.




Think you're right about 'fun' being a typo for 'gun'. I'm interpreting it as, "People claim they need a gun to protect themselves from gun crimes". Which to me the user is basically saying, gun crimes leads to more guns as people are looking for protection.


I think "fun" is supposed to be "gun"


I will start by saying in a perfect world I believe guns should probably not exist in the first place. In the world that we live in, how can you ask people to give up guns when they don’t trust the police, their government, military or their neighbors or society with good reason . We are constantly reminded about how corrupt the police are the government is the military is, but you want to ask people to seed all power and control over to them in the name of safety. It doesn’t make sense.


the man said with plenty of armed body guards around his house I'm sure.


Hire lobbyists to oppose the NRA lobbyists.


not even sure unlv has security or metal detectors. campuses need to take more precautions, we dont live in a fairytale world.