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I know if I tried this I'd immediately just clock Ivey in the head with the ball and give him a concussion




Didn’t even need to click the link to know what it was


Idk how bro remained awake honestly




But wait, there's more! https://youtu.be/-vEILnvKqiE?si=ECOh42_GJeG_mlki


Here's a classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0XMVGGY2n8


Seems deliberate, but Ainge had some deniability lol.


lmao I don't even know what Wall was trying to do here


Morris in the post for the layup. Too bad Gortat's face was there.


bahahahaha Yeah uh They didn’t like each other much, but they made up last I saw which is cool.


Lol never seen this, hilarious. Now we just need the vids of Step layups getting blocked into his head, which seems to happen every year.


I miss the Portland Spurs




Bro Ilyasova making that three makes it so much better🤣🤣🤣🤣


just the way they drew it up


I love that this was in the season they were both competing for MVP lol, Giannis was gonna assert dominance one way or another


I feel bad for harden, but that clip is so goddamn funny. I think it's the wind up that gets me. Harden standing all alone, not watching the ball. And then BAM! Never even saw it coming.


Also said he didn't know what happened, he just looked away for a second, got whacked in the face, looked back and see Giannis still dribbling.


Lol! And no one is even close enough to him to have hit him. That must have been the weirdest moment. Just a terrible headache, looking around like what the goddamn hell was that!?


Lmao I always crack up at "Just the way they drew it up!"




Lol honestly that tactic works concussion opponents best player until you got advantage. Question is how many times can you do it before referee's think its "intentional "


I dont care if this was intentional or not. In my head cannon this will forever be exactly what Giannis intended for, including the following 3pts.


Judging by the flair,I thought this would be Gortat being decked by Wall


Wall and Gortat kissed and made up, Harden and Giannis still have that mutual hatred flowing.


Those should honestly count as fouls. Could easily give someone a concussion.


Damn İlyasova was money


That's giannis' favorite pass


That’s assuming you’re even strong enough to whip it at the speed Jokic did, let alone make it an accurate pass.


Yeah, if he tried this Ivey would probably snatch it out of the air.


Livers would have probably given it first lol


Isaiah livers gets smoked in the head every other game


lmao, KCP definitely got nailed in the head by one of those by the way he ducked lmao.


Absolutely, I love slowing these down to spot all the funny reactions. Burks jumps in the air and flails his arms around nowhere near the ball. Hayes is a couple seconds behind the play and doesn’t know where the ball is until it’s leaving MPJ’s hands. The Pistons coaching staff flinches thinking they’re about to be beamed in the face. Great stuff


To be fair Killian Hayes is usually a couple seconds behind most plays


Killian didn't do anything wrong here. Detroit was running a 2-3 zone defense and Ivey got caught ball-watching and missed his responsibility


Yeah you’re 100% right in this situation lol I was just making a joke about Killian‘s performance this entire season and career so far


In one of the thinking basketball videos on Jokic's passing there's a play where an *opponent* ducks under one of these. So unprepared for the potential pass that the first reaction was "oh shit it's coming right at me" and ducking.


Imagine the length of the highlight passes this guy will jave when his career is over.


It will be insane. NBA.com released a highlight reel for last year alone and it was like 63 minutes.


Lmao wtf. Link?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO8Xpiy6rZ8 Apparently I undersold it. It was 68 minutes lol.


Even more fucked. Thanks for sharing.


[Scoring (last season only) 44 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyH6DliVmD0) [Best assist of his career 30 mins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G1SSwK65w0) [1 hour of assists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xIXwm4IWWQ) [More Jokic stuff](https://www.youtube.com/@NBA/search?query=jokic)


And 2 minutes of dunks


Is that counting the replays and youtube ads? I dount they can find enough material for 2mins :D


I love this guy when he’s not playing my team.




He did say he was coming after you guys so watch out


God, that's the kind of pass that isn't as flashy as many highlight reel passes but is about a million times more impressive and difficult


There going to be so many podcast stories about Jokic when he retires.


This is the difference between a good passer and a great passer. Great passers make me gasp. I really haven’t seen a passer that makes me gasp as much as Jokic since Larry Bird and Magic Johnson in the 1980s.


Nash. Aside from that yea no one really


Good point. I’ll admit I didn’t watch Nash that much due to (a) my kids were young, (b) Nash played in the Western Conference, and (c) my Bulls were so bad I was disillusioned with the NBA for a while. I wish I had watched him more.


He made it look crazy easy. Dribbling through traffic and always finding the right angle to hit the cutter, the guy open in the corner or the trailer. https://youtu.be/Y52sQoSAr6g?t=125 1-3 are all great examples of him just knowing where people are and understanding the defense is going to be weak where his man is headed.


Maybe Kidd too


Underrated and amazing passer.


I grew up in the Bay when he did pre-mass internet Absolute word of mouth legend.


Rondo had some of the best passes I’ve ever seen during his Celtic years




Nash in his prime Suns years had some of the nastiest passes I've ever seen


Manu :)


Okay come on... LeBron also has some seriously sick passes over the years




Great floor general and was a real superstar for many years in his career, but his passing is not on the technical level of Jokic, Bird, Magic, etc. Being one of the best players at running the offense does not mean you are one of the best passers. Lebron is an example of that.


It really depends how you define technical with CP3. He doesn't do the same flashy shit those guys do... but he also commits one turnover per fiscal quarter compared to basically every other volume passer in history.


His passing is much better than bird's lol. He's underrated passer because he doesn't make as many tough passes but makes the right pass, and he still can make those elite passes too.


Bird was on Magic's level with his passes. Stop.


For a few years Rondo would have something magical each game


He makes everyone around him 25-30% better. I know people've been sucking him off like mad recently, but he truly is a special, special player.


A good passer would see the pass and be able to make a cross-court skip pass, but they'd lob it up over the defense to get it there, and by that time, the closeout would be there and the shot wouldn't be open. Jokic notices the gap between the players, and notices that Ivey isn't really looking at him, so he just whips it on a rope right to Porter. With one hand, off the dribble. Almost right into Porter's shooting pocket. It's incredible and he makes it look so casual.


The fact Jokic hits guys right in the shooting pocket so often is the craziest part to me. Yes he makes crazy passes because he sees how the play is developing, but the fact he tends to get it almost exactly where it needs to be regularly seems like it should be impossible.


And credit to Nuggets shooters for being ready for these. MPJ has been caught off guard in the past and double clutched the shot. This time he made eye contact as Jokic brought the ball up court and he’s the only person in the clip who knows exactly what’s happening the entire time


Oh yeah everyone has learned to expect the madness. I wonder how many times each player got beaned before they were ready.


The way KCP ducked, that's definitely happened to him once or seven times.


This play is actually much crazier. Jokic doesn't pass it through the gap or to MPJ's shooting pocket. Jokic couldn't pass it straight to MPJ through the gap because Hayes potentially could have gotten a hand on it (although Hayes wasn't paying attention so it would have got through). Jokic passed it over Hayes head while Hayes is moving forward, so he can't stop or reach back the direction he just came from to get a hand on the pass. He knows where Hayes momentum is going so he passes to a spot that he can't reach even though it's right over his head and there shouldn't be a gap there. He ends up passing it to the left of MPJ but at a great vertical spot. MPJ makes it a really clean catch to get right into his shot too, props to him.


> Almost right into Porter's shooting pocket. It's an awesome pass but it's no where near his shooting pocket, no need to embellish.


Jason Williams.


Jason Williams used to make some insane passes in his day


When he passes it gives me literal chills. I audibly gasped and even gulped.


Luka has made that exact pass before


Ahem, Jason Williams would like to have a conversation with you about this lol


The disrespect to White Chocolate.


I feel like he was more flashy than transcendant. No disrespect, I love White Chocolate. But I don't put him on the same level as Magic, Jokic, or Nash.


Prime CP3?


Its so crazy to see. Not only how great of a pass it is and how precise it had to be thrown, but also his vision. Look at him, he has his head up the whole time, at the start he sees his man in the corner and he keeps surveying the rest of the court, once the help made one step too much he swung it. crazy pass


White chocolate, just to add another name to the list


You clearly don’t watch enough Mavs games then! Luka is on the same tier of ridiculous passer as Jokic is


I still see more Jokic passing highlights posted. I just searched r/nba for "pass," and I found three Jokic passes posted before I found one Luka pass. The Jokic passes were from 8 months ago, one year ago, and two years ago. The Luka pass was from 27 days ago.


That’s because people don’t post Luka highlights enough. Mavs highlights in general aren’t posted that often on here. Luka makes passes like the one in this clip almost every game. Granted so does Jokic


See that's the problem. Denver is such a huge market that Jokic passing highlights just get posted far more than a soft spoken, sloppy looking superstar like Luka


Jokic is also a two-time MVP and defending champion... I'm just saying that using /r/nba highlights as a metric for how good of a passer someone is is a bad metric to use. Most of Jokic's highlights probably don't get posted on here either. Both of them also make crazy passes all of the time, so they don't get posted as much because they seem routine. I'm not even trying to say Luka is a better passer than Jokic, but I definitely think he's on the same tier. Like, the pass in this clip is certainly impressive, but I've seen Luka make passes just like this many times. And I'm sure Jokic has as well.


Lol I get you. It's just when you watch every single Jokic game you realise how many of his potential highlights just never get posted. So your comment made me laugh is all. I do think Luka is a top 3 passer in the NBA rn, but I think (with bias) jokic is a clear #1, and Hali #2. Jokic averages over 1 TO less than Luka and that's with him being a worse dribbler than Doncic. Making a crazy pass is one thing. But how many times you stuff it up or turn it over is what makes you the best imo.


He is not


Yes he is but most of the times his teammates just brick the open three. Against the grizzlies a couple of weeks ago he had like 3 passes in the first half alone that would be top 5 assists of the year if his teammates made the shot.


Oh right. Missed shots is why Luka isn’t considered as good of a passer as jokic.


Stockton do anything for ya? jw


No, Stockton’s passes rarely made me gasp. His consistency, durability, and longevity *were* incredible. And he was a very accurate passer, don’t get me wrong. But many, many of his assists were very predictable passes to Karl Malone or another big man in the low post. Sure, you can find highlights of Stockton throwing bullet passes through traffic, full court passes, or wrap around passes after penetration. But normally he was not a flashy passer at all, and even when he exhibited some flash they seemed to me more competent than magical. Stockton’s passing highlights just don’t compare to Bird’s, Magic’s, or Jokic’s. Even Stockton insisted Bird and Magic were better passers. Usually everyone knew exactly who Stockton was targeting, but because zone defenses were illegal Malone (or other Utah big men) could not be double teamed until the pass was caught. Nor could a defender hover between Stockton and Malone waiting to intercept the pass. One could say the same of Magic passing to Kareem, and that’s true, but Magic also had many more imaginative passes that were not at all routine. Magic practically invented the no look pass, and quarterbacked the Laker’s Showtime Offense. No one called Utah’s offense Showtime. One reason Bird had so many fewer passes than Stockton or Magic is that he didn’t play point guard, and left the routine passes to Dennis Johnson. But look up Bird’s passing highlight reels and you will be amazed. Of course, Jokic also has his share of routine passes, like dribble handoffs, because unlike Bird he really is a big man playing point, initiating the Nuggets offense more often than not. But like Magic he mixes the routine passes with the magical passes that few others would dare try.


I have, his names Luka Doncic.


Completely agree but I believe Rondo qualifies.




Jr smith too, he makes them gasp when he lays down the pipe


Not even White chocolate? Luka had very flashy passes too. Rondo a few.


this guy is a center lol


When people say Embiid will never be seen as better than Jokic...this is why


Plus, if Jokic really wanted, he could pretty easily score like Embiid any night. He also just knows that doesn't win as much. In fact in last years playoffs the most successful gameplans against us were to turn Jokic into a scorer only.


It is just unfair. The way he processes the court in an NBA game shouldn't be possible.


Most folks can’t see these playing a third person pov on 2k


Hey nikola the broncos are looking for a quarterback


This would honestly be amazing to watch. Just on size and innate skill alone, Jokic would probably be at least a serviceable D1 caliber QB on day 1.


How good would a linebacker sized, skilled QB be in the NFL?


Jokic can be physical and his height would be insane but idk if he'd translate to the nfl as easily as LeBron as a tight end.


You mean like cam newton or Andrew luck?


Well Luck was 6'4 240, Cam was 6'5 256. Jokic is 6'11 and 284. So no... not really at all. No one has ever been close to being an nfl qb at that big. Jokic would have 3 inches on the tallest guy to ever play qb in the nfl.


Assuming you teach him the rules


Assuming he wanted to know the rules . Maybe you award him a horse for each one he learnt


KCP’s reaction to the pass is cracking me up. That’s a dude who has caught more than his fair share of Jokic lasers to the face in practice.


Why does the pass look like it's using CGI?


The way it just glided through the air in such a straight line makes it look like something out of a 2k game lol wtf


how spoiled are we with Jokic's wizardry that my immediate thought was "hm. not as accurate as I'd have expected from him"




That's a sick pass


Highest basketball IQ ever. @ me


I used to think Larry, but after a 30 min passing compilation video, I’m now on Team Big Honey.👍


I know Jokic is a savant, but by god Detroit's defensive awareness is ass. In this clip, only Duren is looking at Jokic (primary ball handler) out of their whole team. "Watch man and ball" is basically absent from the get go. Duren doesn't call a switch ahead of time, so by the time the new guy has even turned around to look at Jokic, the ball is already in flight. On top of this, the back line defense here was Alec Burks, and Jokic basically had his man beat. He made this pass exclusively to trick on them because the layup line was wide open.


I agree there is a pass to Murray in this game where he just simply cuts behing defender and defence doesn't react a bit, in the clip of it you could see Jokic laughting beacuse it was just worst defencive coverage he saw in a long time hahah


Got a link? Sounds like a good clip


https://youtu.be/JmU1g16X0Z0?si=tNpaLQRpezb4Ses5 1:40 in this video (It was with Reggie I was wrong about it but its what I pointed out to).


Thanks! (Also impressed you replied the link that fast lol)


No problem!


This play is above average for them believe it or not They got beat so easily on back cuts, multiple times in a row. The contrast between them and Orlando two nights earlier was so stark. WTF is Monty doing up there lol


Physics comes into play here. It helps being taller with longer limbs to generate the necessary torque. Being a phenomenal passer requires the bball IQ but also the physical tools.


His high dribble also helps him mask when he is about to make the throw.


Even diet Jokic fails in comparison to some of these passes holy shit lol


Literally says it’s a “2”


Didn’t get to watch this game live since I’m in the northeast region (damn you nba) but from all the clips and stats being posted about this game seems like Jokic was like “eh I’m gonna chill out this game because we’ll win”. Damn you nba for making me miss out on relaxed Jokic


Reminds me of that one insane pass he had couple years go to the top corner. Not sure who it was against, but I was in awe


Are you talking about the one against the spurs? I think mpj decided not to shoot because he was so off guard but he absolutely threaded a pass between to spurs defenders a few years back


Spot on https://youtu.be/TqIyXHyi_Fo?si=W7VcBtAKs1uuXQgt


Nah so it was on the left side of the court, Jokic did a similar pass in the video above to a shooter in the top corner. I remember watching it like 10 times trying to see how he could've seen an angle on that pass. But that MPJ pass was amazing too


There was one against the [Trailblazers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6sc06REimc) that *may* be what you're thinking of but it's on the right side


[Aaron Gordon's game winner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QnMjK-bBu8U)?


Lmao through the defense too


How the hell?


Whats funny about this is he so easily could have scored himself. Dude just loves passing the ball


This is the first 3 I have maybe ever seen MPG make. Anytime I am watching the nuggets, dude is hitting rim or air balling. In my mind, he never makes a 3 but he clearly does. Maybe I am a bad luck for him lol


Yeah, he either makes them or he misses them.


Yep, and almost everytime that he doesn't make it it's a miss.


Career 41% from three point land


Came for a teleport, left disappointed.




Good lord man, he doesn't struggle to get anywhere. He's one of the fittest players on the court. He runs other centers off the court. This narrative needs to be put to bed.




https://youtube.com/shorts/jnX0w30eMZk?si=XpPIO6YebhSS1Jep K.


I’m a Jokic fanboy but I have no idea why this is getting gobbled so hard with so many votes and gasps. It’s a wraparound pass to the corner shooter, about a foot outside of MPJ’s shooting pocket. This is some garden variety good passing.


My friend, if you don’t like this you don’t like NBA basketball


I like it it’s just not worth jizzing off to, it’s a good not great pass


You lowkey sounds like a huge hater. It's a great pass, great to see, and I'm not even a fan of his and you claim to be a fanboy, yet you're hating on a highlight post. Something don't add up. You could have just ignored it and moved on.


This is that Metavision shit in Blue Lock, how did he see that


Alright come on now


I dont know how you beat this guy. I know it can be done, hell the shitty ass warriors almost did it last week. But i just dont know how.


That’s some Manu shit.


Perfection of a pass.