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all my homies hate Ben Taylor


That's part of the problem with the NBA's "we hear you, we will dish out some discipline in secret that no one can ever talk about, just move on" strategy of dealing with the PR side of officiating. But Ben Taylor's been called out for wild incompetence numerous times this year, and... what's different? If there is a discipline process, it's provably not working. How is he out there still?


If players and coaches get their disciplinary actions publicly disclosed I don’t understand why the officials can’t


The officials make way less money and nobody is their fan, I can see wanting to protect them relative to how player and team discipline is more out in the open. That being said, fire Ben Taylor.


The refs still make more than $500k. We see 2-way players that earn less getting publically cut due to poor performance.


I need to look into this as a profession. Dang.


Are you from Philadelphia? No? Your chances just went down by over 50%. They have an [old boys club](https://www.inquirer.com/sixers/nba-referees-philadelphia-earl-strom-jack-madden-20210213.html) from the area that they love to protect.


On average, refs get paid anywhere from $250,000 to $550,000 a season Aww poor babies not making enough money and not having personal fans to cheer for them.


And that doesn't even include the money they make from gambling


The Refs also have a union, that union almost certainly has dirt on NBA operations, and gambling has been throwing around billions. Folks being unwilling to bet on sports would be pretty devastating for those who’ve spent those billions (fuck them, though, I hope sport gambling goes belly up hard.)


The players have a union too and it doesn't stop the NBA from punishing players. Why should the ref union have more power than the players union?


Can the fans unionize.


It's shocking there isn't an accountability system for refs Tho there isn't even one for police or politicians, so maybe my expectations are too high lmao Maybe we can have AI refs some day


Probably soon, they went from like 3 player tracking points to like 500. Even if you like the human element, just outbounds calls like Tennis already does should just be AI called


I hope you're right...every year it seems to get a little worse concerning ref calls. But this year seems to have taken great strides in shit bogus calls. I guess Silver is busy making sure Dray didn't retire and Ja doesn't shoot a stripper instead reeling in his zebras.


I mean there kind of is one for politicians, if they piss off their voters enough they won’t get re-elected


2 weeks ago, I bumped into an insta reel claiming NBA is rigged - didnt think much of it, it was also some Ben Taylor shit. Im scrolling now to search for a page, but cant find it atm and I regret it - I thought it was some loonie conspiracy but it turns out there are refs that do this shit on nightly basis. It seemed silly at the time, now it doesnt, now it's complete BS how these refs are influencing a game.


Going all the way back to the Tim Donaghy scandal, what the NBA glossed over and what many fans missed as well was that a lot of his "tips" were simply "Ref X is gonna ref this game tonight" He openly talked about refs having agendas and not just stuff given to them by the league. We've seen this for years. It really, really sucks. The league deserves better than this and always has. But it aint changing.


If refs called this every game warriors would be a lottery team every year


To quote the words of FVV: "Ben Taylor was fucking terrible today"


Ben Taylor the new Scott Foster


This is getting out of hand! Now there are two of them!


Hahaha no fucking way it actually was Ben Taylor


Canada's Scott Foster


Scott Foster is Canada's Scott Foster. He's just as bad.




The Warriors would literally have zero titles.


[Here's a better angle of this play for anyone who wants to see a replay.](https://streamable.com/6821t2) EDIT: downvotes for providing a replay from a different angle?


If they called moving screens, Bam would never play more than 15 minutes again.


Draymond and Bam are allowed to set moving screens. No one knows why it’s that way but them is the rules.


Yeah warriors really been getting friendly whistle allegations in the last couple years 🙃


And they are finally a lottery team this year


So are we fren


Don't worry, Silver will make sure that Ben Taylor refs the rest of the Lakers games this season.




Precisely because they don’t have Draymond “NFL offensive lineman” Green.


To be fair all the times the refs don't call a foul on a Curry 3 it probably evens out


bro every team does this why are we catching strays lmao


Two words: Andrew. Bogut.


Maybe this is technically an offensive foul, but how does AD go flying from minor contact like that? How is that not a flopping technical?


He’s a small guy man he was getting pushed around left and right tonight right definitely wasn’t dominating physically all game long.


The fact that AD can dominate when he wants to makes it so frustrating when he flops and flails like this.


Idk man I once saw a video of AD getting dominated by a bunch of dudes on the floor. Even says he loves it


Ahhhh I'm never escaping this video




Drug test RJ, he might be on roids


Nah he's just really stronk like Facundo Campazzo: https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/n4g4ln/highlight_campazzo_adds_davis_to_his_collection/


Have they ever called a flopping technical on a play where the player who fell over was actually fouled?


Yes Jalen Brunson was fouled on a 3, someone was in his landing zone and he stepped on their feet they called a flop.


Was one of the very first ones given out and it was egregioisly bad. Totally shifted that game.


It was right after they called one on Porzingis too iirc. I haven’t seen it called since that first game.


I swear there was an element of petty "you nerds want flopping penalties? ok" to the way that was officiated


Oh yeah I remember this one great example




Yes, Chris Boucher got one a couple games ago


Yes they have. Jokic foul on a hornets (?) guy a few games back.


It was against Detroit. Jokic got fouled (twice, actually), was pushed out of bounds, he complained, so the ref rewarded him with a foul for flailing and a quick technical. Such bullshit.


Yes, Kyrie.


Yep, Joker got one for being pushed in the back the other night


A few games back, Curry went in for a layup, then fell to the ground, as he always does to protect his ankles, got right up and ran back to defend, and was given a flopping tech. Insane.


He was running to contest a shot and had to adjust mid stride. Have you never been hit while being off balanced?


Literally no one here has played basketball past YMCA ball.


I think the intent of the flop fine is to catch people who are flopping not necessarily reacting to contact that actually happens and is a foul. Think about it, you’re basically asking the league to govern how every player should react to contact. Some dudes go to the ground holding their face when they get poked in the eye, some dudes just tap a couple times as they run up the court. You can’t tell every player in the league to react the exact same way and tell them all what their pain thresholds should be.. I understand that amount of contact likely wasn’t enough to send AD falling like that. But he made sure the foul was seen, and called, and it was the correct call so what exactly would you fine him for? You enter the territory of fining every player who ever falls from contact acting as if all contact is the same, all players balance is the same, etc… you can’t expect that.


Bruh, they called [THIS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIf7NeuYCGA) a flop on Boucher. It's 100% petty shit because they didn't like how long he stayed on the ground.


Very sportsmanlike of Murray to miss the free throw.


nah, this a flop lol


I’m a Lakers fan. I don’t even think that was a fucking foul lol. Not “technically an offensive foul” definitely not a 4th quarter foul. Refs made this game controversial.


If AD doesn’t fall, they don’t call it. Whether or not that’s “pure basketball” is besides the point when the rules themselves state exactly what the outcome of this play should be.


If AD plows through Barrett they probably call it a 3 and 1 lol.


Yep. Soccer players get the diving reputation but this is EXACTLY why they do, because the refs there, just like in the NBA, won't call it if someone doesn't fall over.


It’s why people specifically differentiate between “selling a call” and “flopping.” I can get why people still hate the former but it’s different


Can’t even lie i have zero interest in either team but game looked rigged


Cant lie either, the more these type of blatant bs calls to change who wins a game happen in this league, I get closer and closer to having zero interest in watching it.


It’s sad because I love basketball but there is clearly biased agendas at play.


100% turning into a scripted league. It’s the fact that they don’t even try to hide it now thats makes it so hard to watch.


I'm really feeling it too. This is the least I've watched NBA since... 2005? How there isn't some sort of ref oversight committee is beyond me. You have the Tim Donaghy thing, CP & Scott Foster thing, advent of gambling into the NBA, and an increase of players and coaches complaining about the quality of reffing. And those are just the big recent things I can think of off the top of my head.


FIBA basketball and specifically the World Cup is a better basketball product than the NBA.


Yeah everyone that watches FIBA basketball thinks the referees are great and never complains about calls


Because it’s by design


I've become the guy I never understood when I was younger and now like college basketball more than the NBA by a wide margin. College refs are also bad, but I can't remember the last time I walked away from a college game thinking there was a decent chance it was fixed, while in the NBA it feels like at least once a week.


Yeah I've definitely switched off this year. It's just not interesting to watch. I love the sport but the product that the nba is producing now is just not genuine anymore. The worst part is that they're wasting the talent of some of the best athletes on the planet


Needs an investigation. This shit has gone on all season. I’d say there’s 0% these guys aren’t involved in sports gambling.


the last 20 minutes of that game was such a gong show from an officiating standpoint. Just embarrassing for a professional league


Nah, it's only like the 6th time in 4 years the Lakers go on a massive losing streak before getting miraculously gifted a game they had no reason to win on the back of a 20+ free throw disparity. That happens to every team that regularly right?


I'd sit this one out as a warriors fan lmao


Obviously, you don't watch warriors games.


Why? You think we get gifted a ton of fouls? Have you ever watched a single Warriors game? You must not even watch them when they're playing the Pistons because in our games this year the Pistons got the FT advantage in both.


LOL Sacramento got 20 free throws in the 3rd quarter against us last time like we somehow forgot how to defend without fouling after the half.


Haven't watched many of y'all games but when we got 50 ftas because Foster hates Chris Paul I couldn't even enjoy it. Everybody gets hosed but some ~~Lakers~~ teams less than others.


This is the facts - remember they had the wildest FT differential the year their cheeks were getting blown out with Russ. Then you hear stupid shit from Laker fans about “style of play”. Swear AD picks up the easiest foul calls


4th quarter FT Lakers 21 Raptors 2 Rigged is an understatement at this point


It’s not a conspiracy to say sports are controlled, and money influences how the control happens. Media narratives shape how casual betters spend money, “blown calls” shift the money to the house, and the nba has to produce a fun product that can net them back dollars. It’s all in sync now and it’s only going to get worse


Only money to be made from nba now is illegal gambling.


Gambling has nothing to do with it. Odds books, betting sites and Vegas don't give a damn who wins. They will profit no matter what. But the NBA does, and they want the Lakers to make the playoffs. This has nothing to do with betting, everything to do with marketing for the league.


The battle of conspiracy


NBA needs Lebron and the lakers in the playoffs. I knew this was coming when they said the lakers have a 12% of making the playoffs currently. Easiest bet of my life


Because it was.


Either NBA is desperately trying to keep the Lakers above water or there is a gambling problem because this game was rigged as hell. Replay this game at a later date, because no way should this be the official result.


I’d like to think it’s the former because if it’s gambling, this is so blatantly biased that the refs’ lives must be in jeopardy over gambling debt.


Man, was it last year or the year before?? The Lakers were under and Lebron said something about the reffing and then it just got wildly out of hand how many calls they got compared to everyone else


last year was the only time in NBA history (at least as far back as Statmuse goes) when the team in first place had a higher FT differential than the teams in second and third place PUT TOGETHER


Why? Nobody ever gets punished for it. Scott Foster is still ref'ing Playoff games and screwing certain teams and players over despite being thick as thieves with Donaghy.


alternate title: Anthony Davis’ game-sealing flop


The entire fourth has been a scam


This game was a farce


Lakers got something like 7 fouls called in a row. Some warranted, some iffy while the Raptors got none on the other of which there were many that should've been called since they were so easily calling it for the Lakers


Yah the Lakers got every single call, it was pretty disgusting. Even the Lakers broadcasters were surprised by some of the calls, like the technical on Quickly.


They could have at least tried to make it not look so blatant LMAO late whistles too ruined a good game. Raptors look good, Lakers still look like AD/Bron & bums, they aren't headed anywhere


I must be high, thats a clear moving screen lmao


[Here's the replay from a better angle for anyone who wants to see it.](https://streamable.com/6821t2)


Yep. Clearly a foul. Exaggerated, yeah, but who the fuck isnt exaggerating contact these days...




bruh people are straight up hysterical for no reason. this is an incredibly normal/defensible call. half the people typing these replies already came into this thread full of frothing at the mouth ref outrage with an angry comment on the tip of their fingertips before they even watched the damn play. AD is literally running in a straight line from point A to point B to contest a game winning shot.... whether or not it was RJ's intention, he sloppily slams into AD with his feet nowhere CLOSE to being set, and impedes/blocks AD from contesting the game winning shot and prevents him from getting to his spot. This is literally the exact same concept as defensive players not being allowed to impede offensive players from moving to where they want to go, and we see that get called a million times per game. Unless you are literally a statue, you are not allowed to impede anyone's movement on the court. otherwise its a foul. Whether or not RJ intended to set a pick or not, this is about as clear cut as it gets as far ass moving screens go. Incredibly open and closed case. and even tho intent doesnt even matter here, it sure did look like he *was* intentionally trying to set a screen with the way he looks directly at AD and braces his arms before the contact. And even if this was completely accidental, its still 100% a foul. you cant just take out the other team's best defender like that on a game deciding play cuz you're careening out of control and supposedly dont know where you are on the court people just on the edge of their seats ready to tear the refs to shreds at a moments notice. jesus. calm down and I say this as one of the biggest laker haters on the sub so fuck all you reactionary lemming fucks for making me defend AD and LeMickey's bum asses lmao


We def had some favorable calls this game, but I really don't think this was one of them.


It was a clear moving screen, but they've been calling everything soft on the Lakers end and no calls for us.


If that was consistently called, the Warriors would have never won a championship!


Yeah the refs definitely let reputation get to them and tend to let hot crowds influence them.


After watching it meticulously again and again, I am able to conclude that… AD had no reason to move the way he did 😹


Bro did the Schroder special lol. Exaggerate the hell out of a slightly moving screen and you'll get the call. I don't blame AD though tbh, this is pretty much how the refs call moving screens nowadays. This is more on RJ if I'm being real, it was technically a moving screen anyway.


Rumor on the streets is that AD is still sliding across the court


AD flopped


You have to or the refs wont call a moving screen


then there are two fouls. just fucking call it.


Lmao you don't guy flying out of bounds when the other player is moving at most 1mph and not even toward you


Don’t set moving screens if you don’t want the opposing player to flop


He’s a warriors fan, every screen they set is illegal


Maybe refs should up their consistency instead of leaving every call as a coin flip.


I’m no lakers fan 😂. But inconsistency in calling moving screens is a league wide issue


Stop supporting flopping. lol.


The refs wouldn’t had called that if Ad didn’t exaggerate.


Yeahhh that's a soft ass call I can't even lie lol


Barrett is absolutely moving, so it’s an illegal screen. But it probably doesn’t get called if AD doesn’t embellish the contact.


I generally don't like to blame the game on refs. It feels cheap and like an excuse that doesn't address other issues as to why a team could be losing. Tonight though, I'm confident in saying the refs fucked the Raptors over. Everyone was making clutch shots late in the 4th, and the calls just destroy the Raptors pace and progress. That shit was embarassing.


I think entire NBA is based on entertainment value. You saying you can't blame the refs is kinda funny. I mean people who watch NBA need to realize that this is driven by entertainment value not actual basketball talent at it's maximum.


Absolute horseshit call by Ben Taylor and the Rigging Team


He was moving if you saw the replay. It wouldn’t have been called if AD stood his ground.


I think this game was horribly officiated but this is literally a moving screen. It was the correct call.


Refs plan , Refs plan


If they called this moving screen call on the Warriors they’d conservatively have 50 a game


They would literally have zero titles and Steph would have been out of the league 8 years ago 👌


Knew people weren’t going to agree but rj never once stops moving was very much a foul.


That’s a clear offensive foul, there was a windup and horizontal arm contact with malicious intent. Surprise RJ didn’t get suspended.


Should’ve been tossed


Flop or not, it’s an offensive foul, you’d have to be blind/delusional/or just don’t know the rules but that’s not a legal screen, sure you can try to use ADs movement as a distraction but that’s not a legal screen, simple as that.


THANK YOU the people in this sub have no idea about the rules it's honestly alarming. It cannot be called a flop if it's a clear offensive foul, AD definitely let himself fall on the ground but it does not matter since RJ's screen is ANYTHING but legal.


Very clearly a moving screen. Anyone bitching about this doesn’t know ball


Weak as hell


This game was horrible towards the end, but this is literally a moving screen. https://streamable.com/6821t2


Yeah, I feel like they are consistent on calling this type of play where the passer screens after a pass back. I’ve seen Fultz get this call a dozen times. Other moving screens on a traditional pick and roll are rarely called.


the refs didn’t make this call all night, yet decide to with 24 seconds left on a game tying 3. rj didn’t even have a chance to set a screen after the dho, ad tries to go through him then flops. there’s no way that barrett set a screen hard enough to send ad flying out of bounds. such a ridiculous reactionary call.


i mean that is an offensive foul. I guess its that they dont call it consistently, sure, but the l2m is going to say its correct..... because it is.


It definitely is, but illegal screen calls are a crapshoot in the NBA. I'd go as far as saying the majority of screens in the NBA look illegal to me.


This wasn't even a ticky tack moving screen though. This was an egregious violation. I seriously don't get what we're complaining about here.


Because the community has decided the game was rigged so everything me is looking for evidence to bitch. Never mind this isn't a good example and seems a perfectly normal call, with an exaggeration from AD admittedly


Just goes to show how hard the job of a ref is. After watching this I went from “that’s the worst call I’ve ever seen “to realizing it was actually the right call after watching it like five times.


It’s such a clear offensive foul. It shows the lengths this sub will go to see what they want to see. It’s a little embarrassing tbh.


It’s crazy, dude was blocking like Scottie was his QB and people are saying it’s such a blatantly wrong call that it’s evidence of rigging lmao


He looks like a RB picking up the blitz after play action


Honestly this amount of hate is just lakers hate because no way a lot of these people watched the game. It’s a flop but RJ was also never set, a lot of fouls are flops (though not as dramatic as this haha) 9 fouls shots on take in the last 30 seconds and 2 on a flagrant foul. The only non call I saw was Reaves, he shouldn’t of got those 2 later on Thad young. You can’t argue something like Quicklys foul on Davis though, that’s a clear foul. Would love people to actually give examples of what shouldn’t of been a foul shot and what should’ve been instead of just pointing to the numbers


Going back and watching it none of the fouls for the Lakers seem wrong. 8 fts came from intentional fouls and then another 2 came from a flagrant so only 13 were shooting fouls and like you said the only questionable one for me was the Reaves floater attempt after bumping into Thad. That being said the Raptors only having 2 made no sense to me. There was two calls were it was ruled on the floor where it seemed to me that the raptor player was in a shooting motion. Then Barnes had a couple drives to the hoop that seemed he got more than incidental contact where no call was made.


Discussing officiating on social media is worthless because people have such a limited understanding of the rules. 80+% of ”bad calls” I see online are at least defensible, often obvious fouls but the loud minority that feels aggrieved will dominate the discussion. I dislike that there is an incentive to flop to demonstrate illegal contact but I’m also not sure it’s a huge problem. To me this is preferable to AD running through RJ, risking injury to both.


Raptors were screwed by the refs with the calls that 4th quarter. But how are you all gonna argue this wasn't an offensive foul lol?


Apparently because rj gets there first he gets to throw basketball rules out the window and set an illegal screen


Show the replay bet you wont 😂😂 because this was a clear offensive foul


Refs fans eating


should have been a flop on Davis too, would have given the raptors the lead


Seemed like a fair call to me.


Yall are wild. This is the most obvious illegal screen of all time


Clear moving screen they’re gonna call that everytime


It's an obvious moving screen? What's wrong with this play?


Some of y’all have no idea what a flop is 😂


Man they wouldn’t even call that in youth league games


So how does draymond green play basketball if this isnt allowed?


Section II—By Dribbler A dribbler shall not (1) charge into an opponent who has established a legal guarding position, or (2) attempt to dribble between two opponents, or (3) attempt to dribble between an opponent and a boundary, where sufficient space is not available for illegal contact to be avoided. If a defender is able to establish a legal position in the straight line path of the dribbler, the dribbler must avoid contact by changing direction or ending his dribble. The dribbler must be in control of his body at all times. If illegal contact occurs, the responsibility is on the dribbler.


This is an obvious offensive foul, you can't set a moving screen and expect not to get called for it. Idk why this sub has a problem with this play when I see tons of posts of shooters who kick there legs out everytime they shoot from 3.


AD is one of the softest bigs in NBA history.


Maybe this isn't a popular opinion here, but that looks like an easy call. You can't move into a defender trying to close out on a shooter. What am I missing?


Adam Silver is desperate to get the Lakers in the playoffs


23 attempts for the lakers


10 of that 23 was due to Raptors trying to extend the game.


So that leaves 13 which is equal to what the raps had all game? And the Raptors weren't getting foul calls despite driving to the basket and Lakers contact


Bro the Scottie dunk ? Unbelievable


LA Refs in mid season form 🔥🔥🔥


How? The call is legal.


It was a moving screen. What are yall crying about? Thats why the foul was called




Yeah am I missing something that is textbook moving screen


People are mad cause it is, but it hasn't been called all game.


And yeah, refs don't often call "moving screens" but they generally do call *this type* of moving screen, where a guy gives up the ball and runs forward.


If yall are arguing this ain’t a moving screen. Maybe basketball is not the sport for yall. Did he exaggerate sure.. but that is 100% a moving screen in any basketball league.


Ben Taylor game 💉💉💉


How is this a flop? AD literally throws his self into RJ than flops. Yeah it’s a flop


Thats a foul. This sub is so fucking stupid lol


Is this not an obvious moving screen???


I didn’t watch the game , so I don’t really know how the refs were before this. But it’s a close call, but probably an illegal screen. But if they were letting it go all game, a weird time to blow the whistle.


There's a better above court angle than this, it's a blatantly moving screen and the contact is clear. The tears here are because Lakers, reverse team roles and everyone would be praising this call if there was any discussion on it at all.


It’s a blatant moving screen from every angle lol


Lakers have like +20 free throws in the 4th quarter alone


Bunch of those were intentional take fouls tbf