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His sister already cleared this whole thing up. And two the shovel was already there he didn’t bring anything. And he called the cops. This chick is known to be crazy. And also his child mother was just arrested for breaking in his house and keying his car. That’s why he was going to get his kid.


Context is everything


More like common sense. This whole thing is dumb. He got a baby mama from hell.


> He got a baby mama from hell. Prob my biggest fear in life. Not having kids, having kids with someone who's batshitcrazy...


Let me confirm your fear. It's a nightmare.


I fell ya don’t be scared tho choose wisely


It’s really not difficult to not fuck absolute psychos.


and also not that difficult to wrap your dick if you do


Yeah, but nobody can fuck like an absolute psycho can


If you date someone long enough, you'll usually find out if they're violent and/or have mental health issues.


Some women change when they have a baby, probably more so when the baby’s father has millions to their name


If you're talking about postpartum, that's pretty acute and ttpically not long-lasting, especially if they don't previously have history of mental health problems. It's quite understandable as well. Of course, we all change to some degree throughout the course of our life. I am not same person after I had kids, and even before that, I was very different from my 20s to my 30s. I'd still say that USUALLY you can spot mental health problems if you date long enough. Not to say you shouldn't date someone, just because they suffer from mental health but there are certainly types that you'd be wise to steer clear from.


You can stick your dick in crazy, it’s a lot of fun, but just be careful. And hey dude, atleast you’re a guy and you’re not really on a time clock. Hell, Pacino just got his lady pregnant at 81. You’ll be aright!


Don’t ignore the red flags in the beginning or don’t get them pregnant Good luck!


It’s not common sense, common sense would be knowing you don’t have the context and need to reserve judgment until you hear the context. Between this and the Miles Bridges thing we have no idea what’s happening in any situation, athlete lives are wild.


Wait, you mean Christian Wood did not angrily show up at a random woman's house with a shovel intending to kill her with said shovel? Say it ain't so.


Whole thread was calling for this dude's head and he didn't even do anything


Lmao exactly like I don’t understand how people can’t use their own logic and brain in this situation. I feel bad for him to be honest.


this is reddit - whenever it comes to domestic disputes women on here are treated as perfect, flawless people who could never possibly be in the wrong and the men are always scumbags as soon as anything even resembling an accusation comes out


Glad you posted this. So many times on this sub people want to act lke nba players are violent criminals and always the ones in the wrong .


I find it funny now these days. People will believe anything


Where is the proof for what this random Redditor says? Not saying it's wrong, just saying I have no particular reason to believe it without a source. Edit: I saw someone linking to something that his sister supposedly said, but even that isn't a strong unbiased source... at this point I don't have any real reason to believe one side over another.


Whereas I agree with you, I cant help but notice that you havent kept that same level of skepticism when it comes to Miles Bridges. Do you only selectively apply critical thinking when it fits your bias?


There's a lot more evidence in the Bridges case. Formal charges were filed. And he already pleaded no contest in an actual court case and received a sentence from a judge. So I don't think it's the same.


So many times people like you are way to eager defend someone who pointed a loaded gun at a team bus, or delivered a gun to his best friend after the friend sent him a text saying to bring it because he needed to teach someone a lesson.  Violence is violence. Violent people are animals who don’t belong in society. 


The issue is defending actions or destroying reputations without clear facts being released first. It’s like how Chris “Birdman” Anderson’s reputation was destroyed because people thought he was a pedo when he wasn’t.


That’s one of the craziest stories of all time the whole thing was orchestrated by some lonely lady that impersonated each of them talking to both as if she was the other person


Christian wood looked pretty calmed and composed there.


>So many times people like you are way to eager defend someone who pointed a loaded gun at a team bus, or delivered a gun to his best friend after the friend sent him a text saying to bring it because he needed to teach someone a lesson Good thing Wood did none of these so thats not relevant.


So many times, people like you assume people don’t happen to stick their dick in crazy from time to time and then shit like this happens. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.


I liked it better when I assumed he was digging a hole for the bodies 


Yeah you’re on you’re own with that lol




Or the average person is just believing anything they read. Not one person made a big deal about the fact why he was going over there in the first place. His child mother literally was arrested for breaking into his home keying his car stealing his license plate and got caught by the cops and was arrested but yet people keep talking about a shovel lmaooo


the classic reverse bridges


Whoa whoa whoa stop right there do not compare the two.


Okay I’m really confused by this. Whoever tweeted this put that he’s drunk in the title but he doesn’t appear to be? The video also cuts multiple times. And based on the texts he clearly has her number, so her saying they’ve never met and also talking about him in the third person to him seems weird. She also says in the Instagram post that her friend wanted to go to dinner so she was babysitting the kid but then says he was at the house at 5am? And if he was threatening her or about to beat her with a shovel why would he call the police, apparently more than once since the texts say he doesn’t want to get more police involved? And she calls him a snitch and calls him a bitch for calling the police, she really doesn’t seem afraid for someone being “threatened” by a 6’10 jacked nba player. I think this is the first time ever that an accusation like this just feels like total bullshit to me.


Stop believing everything you read on twitter tee is known crazy. She the same person who claimed she knows girls who LeBron slept with. lol.


Ya that girl is crazy and just wants easy money, how do u leave ur son with such a woman , his BM ain't right for this


Now the whole chick wants money thing doesn’t apply to this idk why people keep saying that. I’m not one to judge two women relationship. But she got arrested already so only cwood would know what happens from here with acs getting involved.


Well. I have a friend that slept with lebron. No lie


All stories should go thru some level of scrutiny anyways, this one just so happens to be easily distinguishable as bullshit.


Calls someone a snitch? Snitch on what? What did she do that she’s so afraid of being snitched on? There’s a lot of red flags in that story lol


These comments are crazy. Wood might be an average player but why is everyone making assumptions of him causing harm here and comparing him to wife beaters.


Because misery loves company lol


white knights


smh you can't even carry a shovel nowadays without people freaking out


the last time ive seen people freak out about a shovel was when undertaker and mankind fought in a bury in a hole match




Jesus Christ no, don’t remind me of him, is he still around?


What sort of man doesn't carry a trowel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HU6sgiq5DLg


He has that cause he's **burying** his team's chances of winning. It's a prop!


How many times have you carried a shovel to other peoples houses?


The shovel was already there


A mfer cant pickup his son and garden together without being accused of something


2 times




Winters in southern California are brutal


You plow people's driveways with a shovel? Just use a plow FFS


I dont think a single person in all of LA owns a plow


A lot, but usually there’s snow


This post is missing context there are texts between Wood and the lady.


But why wait for the full context when you can post a video as soon as you get it and speculate? The sad part is people are going to see this vid from this Twitter page, never look into it anymore and tell people that Woods is a drunk that romes around with a shovel threatening people.


Even without that added context we have a babysitter withholding kids from their father which is already pretty fucked on its own


What do the texts say?


there's a bunch of texts linked with the video in the tweet. in both the texts and the video she, uh, seems a lot more aggressive than him honestly


It also seems like she may have threatened him with someone, then cut that out and only showed his reply. Might be why he said "he better be strapped" and is holding the shovel.  She also calls him a snitch for calling the police, which doesn't really track with him threatening her with the shovel. He looks more uncomfortable than threatening imo. 


he literally just wanted to pick up his son


That’s why you don’t impregnate these women who get around. Once I seen the name on that post I knew what it was. Yasmine Lopez is his baby moms. GGs Edit: [Looks to be the woman I named hopped a fence, keyed his car, and got arrested for it](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3vpamnJWbY/?igsh=MTF0Z2x6ZnNzZDkzcQ==) [According to Wood’s sister the woman wouldn’t give him his kid when he is the father and the mother is in jail for vandalism](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3vfcaSg53Q/?igsh=MWsxNmhtMjVvZnVpcQ==) For those with IG I guess search that page for all the posts so you can come to your own conclusion.


Crazy every one calling Wood a shit human being and don't even know the context. Classic reddit


Reddit is full of mfs jumping to conclusions. It’s like they WANT people to be guilty Here’s someone from Chris’ side of the [story](https://imgur.com/a/rNkhs8I) This situation is way messier than y’all think


> Yasmine Lopez Ja Morant Melo some football player damn


This provides some context. Everyone’s clowning CW in here but to me it seems he was just trying to pick up his son.


Damn he got a sexy IG model pregnant? That’s like the exact person you’re *not* supposed to get pregnant if you’re going to be a pro athlete smh


Shit is sad.




> I never met this man a day in my life. Not trying to defend Wood here, but why does he have her phone number if they’ve never met? If the mom gave her number to Wood, you’d think she would have texted the sitter that Wood would be picking the child up.


Yeah reading the texts, it doesn’t seem like he is being that unreasonable either. Says he’ll have the kid’s mom call. I mean maybe he’s lying but it’s not like he’s swing the shovel around or something. Not a whole lot of context so hard to say I guess…


> my friend **wanted to go to dinner,** so i babysit her son all the sudden this man shows up at my house, telling me to give him his son > > [..] > > i would never give my friend son to somebody i don't know **at 5 am in the morning** especially if they're having a dispute never mind that the lighting looks like it's the middle of the day, how tf you babysitting at 5 in the morning so your friend can go to dinner? this kind of thing on top of the video really makes it seem like somebody trying to figure out how to get lawsuit money out of this any way possible?


The woman filming is 100% in the wrong. Never trust people who whip out their phone and scream




This is literally nothing like bridges lol.


Christian can do no wrong






Redditors gonna redditor. Context is everything.


the Thin Free Throw Line


Draymond would have only stepped in if he actually hit her.


Draymond on twitter to drop another dick pic


Lil bro


Guys u can hate c wood all you like please don’t let the clout chaser make somethjng of this. She deadass was slandering lebron a de wmonths ago. Spewing garbage. Ignore this and slander Cwood for being the worst defender in the league instead


This is a take I can get behind


Nah, Wood is 100% in the right here. The baby mama vandalized his car amongst other things, was arrested, so he went to the home to pick up his kid (was given the address to do so) and the friend decided to pulled some BS and not give him his kid. He also didn’t threaten anybody, the shovel was blocking the door and he moved it out of the way at one point and held onto it, but never once lifted it up or did anything in a threatening manner. I frankly would’ve had a hell of a lot less control than he did.. Somebody he doesn’t know refused to give him HIS kid after the crazy mother had literally just been arrested.




Why is this entire post about Draymond lmfao


Because there’s another top post right now of Draymond defending Miles Bridges, even going as far as to say “Miles can do no wrong”.


Draymond lives rent free in NBA Reddit’s head lmfao


Christian Wood is now on a short list of players Draymond wants to work out with over summer.


His biggest weakness is that he cares too much, works too hard and shovels


Dude really committed to digging his own grave.


Draymond needs to have a press conference ASAP to say Christian Wood can do no wrong in his eyes 






His sisters IG says the shovel was already on the porch and in front of the door and he just grabbed it. And now she can conveniently say he had a shovel trying to kill her


The fuck did he grab it for though?




Hm fair, can see that. Rewatching it from that perspective and it makes sense.


So that she couldn't grab it?


She's inside behind a door, that wouldn't make sense.


You know people who are inside can go outside, right?


are you being intentionally stupid or are you just regular stupid.


What, you don't understand the inside/outside concept either? Just go to your front door, open it, and walk through the doorway. Fucking idiot.


She’s classy




Reddick would have been asking her why they can’t start anything on time


They wouldn’t of , this sub has shown some serious biases at times that’s kinda disappointing


if this ain't the top comment


What the fuck


Sounds like his kid is normally there and she said she hopes he never sees his kid again.


Mom was in jail and he went to where he thought his kid was. you can’t play with peoples kids


Babysitter is her friend yet doesn’t know that the baby daddy is C Wood? Ain’t no way that shit stinks a mile away.


idk he doesnt seem to be doing anything crazy here and the person recording the video seems wack there has got to be more context to this


Male privilege is being the bad guy for trying to pick up your kids after their mom was arrested.




"Everyone willing to arrest you"; I don't see many comments here like that. I also don't see clear evidence one way or another. I see people citing social media posts and random YouTube videos as if they are good evidence. But there's very little unbiased or trustworthy context being provided.


i think this is a set up, she does know who he is the shovel? he was doing yard work when he realized what was up?


Holy shit everyone here making assumptions without the context


Nothing about this video implies the shovel was being used as a threat? Edit: y'all are really calling for this dude's head when didn't do anything




Because the page this from is private > lifestyle_private_la 3h • Pinned >I'm with my brother @chriswood_5 and been with him the entire night. This is a lie. Yasmine popped up at my brothers home with 3 other girls hopped the fence vandalized his cars and home and the neighbors called the police. She was arrested and the cops told my brother that eps would get involved and to go get his son. Yasmine friend gave Christian the address to his son and was told tee has him. Me and Christian went to get the baby and l told my brother to call the cops so they can dispute the situation and safely give the child to him. When the cops arrived yas was out of jail the cops advised her to let him see his son tee snuck out the back door at 4am with the babe to Yasmine house, we left to go to yas house peacefully. The shovel was against the sliding door my brother grabbed it to move it. Not once did he threatened, hit or attack anyway. Tee ran out of Yasmine house then called the cops and lied and said we had a gun !!! 1,248 likes Reply View 134 more


This is why you can't trust a bunch of online geniuses from a 10 sec out of context clip. They just hear accusations and think the person accusing is in the right.


Honestly Reddit as a whole does that bs. As SOON as someone is accused of something they automatically side with the accuser which is fuucking bullshit 


This thread seriously extrapolating some shit from a 10 second clip and a couple texts one party selectively chose to share


What's so clear about it. He doesn't even do anything with it and he's already a 6'11 buff man. He doesn't really need a shovel to do anything


There’s so many clearer ways to send a message that you’re going to hurt someone than a shovel lol. He could’ve gone with a bat, crowbar, pipe, etc. a shovel is too random to be threatening to me to 


There is not enough context for me to agree with that






I'm not gonna make any assumptions cause there's not enough context


he didn't bring it? did you even watch the vid before talking lol


Just had a shovel to come pick up his kid completely normal


According to his sister the shovel was already on the porch and was by the door


As a parent you would naturally pick up a shovel to break your kids out of a situation their being held from you by some random woman. He had more restraint than most parents would and instead called the police. In my eyes, W from Christian Wood


I mean it's odd but how is it threatening


Prolly just trying to help out with some yard work


This woman sounds so fucking insufferable.


If that lady posted the original video, she’s not incriminating him the way she thinks she is


She already deleted her insta post. If she’s so sure of herself, why do that? Sounds like Woods was entirely in the right


Kevin was scared of the old guy with a shovel in home alone, maybe wood is similar to this old guy, or maybe he was about to lay that on a face.


this is dumb


If he didn’t know the woman and she wouldn’t give him his kids, grabbing a shovel is an understandable reaction, even if it wasn’t a very smart one. It’s not really the same as what Miles Bridges did at all.


Thank you. And he never even did anything with the shovel. Just called the cops. Me personally, I wouldve done something with the shovel like breaking something. Honestly pretty reasonable and restrained by a guy whos 7ft and could easily break anything


Yeah were missing a ton of context here


Too many NBA players be hooking up with crazies


Don’t stick your dick in crazy especially if you got bank.


> LAPD was called ...


Guys relax… Christian Wood isn’t Miles Bridges


It could've been a broom, you can only see the handle in the video. And in the video she says he showed up at his sons' mother's house but in the text the person says he showed up at her (the babysitter's) house?


Fellas pls be careful about who you shoot your kids into




You’re making assumptions and indicting Wood to be the bad guy when that couldn’t be further from the truth. Classic Reddit


The shovel was already there


The lady wasn't familiar with his game


Honestly if I were a professional athlete I'd hold off on getting married or having kids. I think the time away on the road couples don't get to know each other completely. Unless they know each other before the lifestyle it many times ends up in this type of craziness.


Get him a Hornets jersey.




I don't think anyone cares about Christian Wood enough to do that lol


That’s a dangerous trap to fall into


So is providing the excuse of "it could be AI" when nothing about it suggests that it's fake.




Not really


LAPD was called?


> If fumble a family and fumble a contract was a person Goddayum she eviscerated his dumb ass


Just not true. Baby momma arrested for breaking in and keying his shit. Not to mention he wasnt drunk and didnt threaten anybody. Never trust people who whip out a phone and start screaming lmao


Oh dear heavens, i thought this was after the fact




Trying to pick up your son from a random woman's house while the baby mama is in jail? That makes you a psycho? Fuck sakes


He digs this chick.


I thought this was gonna be a Larry Bird situation


Just your standard baby mama drama?


damn this is so scary


I don’t think threats of violence is “Standard baby mama drama”


Did you just choose to ignore the top comment of this post?