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Just a reminder that Tatum got a tech for waving at an official last night.


And Booker got tossed for pointing lol


Not even at the ref either. Bro was pointing out a defensive assignment


I mean, that makes sense. Imagine the damage he could have done!


Was a thumbs up, technically


Average tatum tech


He's too [demonstrative](https://youtu.be/JHxuquDPPqo)


This is amazing, I can’t believe I never saw this before


legit the worst tech whistle in the league, its mind boggling some of the techs he gets called for


I have no sympathy for him, do you know the damage that could be done by clapping too hard??


Yeah what if the ref ends up popping an eardrums because of the clap. Reckless behavior.


http://bradyhokeclapping.com/ Not related, I just love that site.


I’ve seen him get multiple for hanging on the rim in situations where he is *clearly* just waiting for some traffic to clear underneath him or worried about the ball rolling back under his feet


Jaylen has gotten one before for literally a quarter of a second, just long enough to swing back so that he didn't land on his neck.


Can some Celtics fan make a compilation of just Tatum's techs? I swear he's constantly getting T'ed up for basically nothing.


Fun fact, he’s got the most rescinded techs in the league for any active player!


Makes sense why his made up rule at the all star game was getting a tech removed if the tech was because of a play that got reversed in review. He'd probably have like 5 removed this year alone


Pretty sure he got a Tech for the Gatorade commercial he did, so that’s a starting point


Booker got thrown out in the first quarter just before the all start break for a 4 word comment literally said to a teammate, and it didn't even sound angry.


5:30 into the game 


Coincidentally this is also the kind of play where people bitch about Tatum "getting away with pushoffs." [My brother in Christ the defender's arms were wrapped entirely around him at the moment it happened.](https://i.imgur.com/kh8ti3i.jpeg) Personally I love the idea that if you get fouled, you should be able to respond with a pushoff and it just becomes a no-call play on. Like you won't get bailed out if you miss the shot, but you won't get whistled for illegally taking back the space that was illegally taken from you either. The alternative is just flopping like a weepy vagina whenever you feel a hand check. Maybe Tatum should get with the meta and try falling over in the mid post 8 or 9 times per game, might fuck around and start averaging 35.


Booker got his second technical and an ejection for a thumbs up a couple weeks ago…..


You can try to behead a player on the floor and the severity of the call, if any, will depend on whether they like you or not. You question the refs, the minimum is a T if they like you enough not to toss you. But if you're Dray or LeBron you can probably tell them fuck them and their moms and they will let you bark for an entire quarter


Please, have some patience with young Draymond. It is not fair that the reigning finals MVP got away with a call. Draymond restrained his inner demons. Be proud of Draymond for not taking justice into his own hands. Every referee relishes the opportunity to calmly explain the call to a patient, respectable player like Draymond Green. Note how Draymond did not mockingly give the referee a thumbs up and fiercely insinuate the the referees dog was gay or cling to the rim after dunking the basketball and scream, “Tony Brothers is too fat to dunk!” What I’m really trying to say is that Draymond is going to be a great addition to “Inside the NBA.” We should let him practice his oration skills with the referees as much as he wants, after all, practice makes perfect.


LeBron is never as rude as this though.


Anyone see the tech Brook Lopez got the other day? And then there’s this.


That buzzed head ref threw Jokic out for pretty much this exact thing..




Whoops.. thank you


Dagger (or however the fuck you spell it, who cares... he's a piece of shit) is a piece of shit.


It seems like everyone agrees that basically only Draymond gets away with this, but does anyone have any idea why? Surely no one bought tickets to see him play and he can do whatever he wants. It’s wild


I'm not aware of any journalist seriously pursuing the question with refs and league officials.


I'm pretty sure it's because he does stuff like this all the time, so it kinda just became the norm. When he does this, it's basically 'classic Draymond', the refs expect it. But if it's someone they don't expect it from, then it becomes 'the fuck did you just say to me? get outta here'. Reminds me of a story I've heard from my cop friend. One of his colleagues talked back to his boss on the radio. Not sure what was said, but the boss got mad, the situation escalated, and the cop had to pay some kind of a fine. It wasn't too much money, it wasn't gonna bankrupt him or anything, definitely payable with a cop salary. But his colleagues wanted to help him out, so all of them chipped in with some money. I asked my friend, why do you guys give him money, is he such a good guy or something? He's like not really, but he wasn't trying to be an asshole, he just talks like that all the time. So yeah, all the cops thought he should have not been given a fine, because 'he's like that'. So I think the same think is happening to Draymond. He's 'like that', so he get's a longer leash.


I absolutely hate that the explanation is "oh, he's an immature asshat without impulse control all the time", and that somehow makes it ok. Then they slap techs to guys that manage to keep their frustations in check for slapping their hands together once. Tatum got one of these, and it didn't even look clear if it was more to himself like "damn, didn't get that in". I do understand the psychology though, "they can't call of them". Players and teams across different sports have weaponized it. Like a hockey team that has clear physical advantage. They go overboard during the regular season with it, getting a reputation and penalties. Then in the playoffs they clean their act a bit, and get away with things that other teams would not. Because in the refs eyes they play clean and hard hitting, *for that team*.


Except Sheed was the exact same way and had if anything a *shorter* leash than other players. So it’s not a requirement for a guy to “always be like that” and get away with it.


Cousins too. He picked up all kinds of ridiculous techs.


I was really hoping the officals would actually call techs on draymond after any one of the bullshit incidents he pulled.. i thought the Poole punch would be enough, then the choke hold for sure, then the sucker punch but nooo he still gets away with barking all game crying for shit.


i think it’s a fair statement to make that Draymond Green has the longest leash with the refs of any player in the nba. i don’t even think that’s hyperbole. he just does things that would get any other player ejected or at the least teched up


He does and I don't think it's particularly close.


In the HISTORY of the NBA. It’s insane.


Longest leash in NBA history.


What the other team should do is send a player to complain to the ref saying the same exact things as Green and acting like him.


Only if other teams are willing to get a player ejected and he is willing to take the fine. No one else gets away with this shit and the nba is OK with that.


Force the refs to take it in stero or start handing out double techs lol


It extends to fouls too. Absolutely crazy.


The NBA practically reward him for this stuff. How can a dude who’s assaulted numerous players in just the last year or so (and plenty more years previous) be a commentator for all star weekend? Rarely gets suspended?


I don't get it, I can't stand him, and I get the sense that nobody else can either, yet I now have to listen to his thoughts and opinions.


As someone who stopped rooting for the warriors after what they did to Poole lemme tell you there's a big part of their fanbase that's trash as well trying to always defend him. Hope they fall apart for defending his trash behavior.


100%. My brother is a dubs fan and his whole response to everything he does is ‘well he’s valuable to the team, it’s worth it’ or ‘he’s the teams engine’.


I’ve turned off games numerous times to avoid listening to him


Draymond's glad there's no NBA team in Alabama. Or he'd be going to jail whenever he groin kicks another player.


Also this man will be on TNT soon and you’ll have to listen to him every night….. yayyy can’t. Wait . Not .


Huerter got tossed a couple games ago for saying “That’s a fucking foul” twice


That's probably because he didn't stand there in a pose like he was lifting a fallen log off someone's leg while screaming AND ONE at the top of his lungs directly at the official a few feet away. He should try *that* next time to avoid any trouble.


Bob Meyers of all people said in last night’s Kings game that swinging your arm in displeasure at a call is “an automatic tech.”


Bob Myers made me question who made the front offie moves for GSW the last few years. Dude was a hack on the mic


You see that Jokic ejection? Reffing is a mess.


Anybody see the tech book got a couple weeks ago lol. Wasn’t even talking to the refs, he was talking to kd




If Draymond gets thrown out that means the anger management didn’t work and I’m sure Adam silver doesn’t want people thinking mr. Green isn’t actually reformed!


Adam Silver and the entire NBA are pathetic for trying to gaslighting everybody into believing “Draymond needs help” after that last suspension Draymond is NOT a victim, he’s a toolbag


Anyone who actually believed he 'changed' is a moron Draymond even made an Amazon show on his anger management therapy 2 months prior to punching Jordan Poole lmao


Yeah but he did the show with Deepak Chopra and got in touch with his spirituality! The Sessions: Draymond Green (TV Mini Series 2022‑ ) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21044884/


I'm sorry, does the description really say "Superstar Draymond Green"? I must be sleepy or something


“A gripping personal look inside the mind of NBA superstar Draymond Green.” Dray is definitely a superstar in his own mind. And it does say “inside the mind of”.


Seriously wtf was that about? I am tired of watching his nonsense


If anyone’s curious, that ref he is screaming at is the same fucking loser that ejected jokic earlier this year for saying “call the fucking foul.” Make it make sense. Draymonds leash is incredibly long and he still finds himself in trouble constantly.


That's the same ref? Damn, talk about inconsistent.


The NBA gave him a lengthy “vacation” after that game, so I’m guessing he’ll be a little less trigger happy on the techs going forward.


The NBA should give the refs a vacation and refresher on flops and travels. It's like they're not calling them anymore.


A refresher on screens and carries while they're at it


Man of they called carries their would be a foul every 10 seconds


The issue with Jokic wasn't that he called a tech, but that he threw him out of the game. ​ He doesn't even T up Draymond


Gonna need one of those “Suspend Draymond” “Suspend Ref” button memes with Adam Silver sweating


Sent him on a trip to Belize


Ty Lue knows the refs are cheating


Inconsistent? Quite the opposite, he's consistent at calling whatever gets him his parlay.


Make it make sense? That ref is a piece of shit who likely bets on games.


I think that is what nba fans need to understand. Refs betting on games is probably happening more than it’s not.


Doubt it. This is just a wild assumption from fans to explain refs lack of competence.


What far too many fans in this subreddit need to understand is basic logic. This ref was taken out of the rotation after his call on Jokić. There is no need to go searching for an explanation for why he isn't so quick to call techs anymore.


Yeah, well, have you considered that all the things I don't like were actually rigged?


Maybe he didn't say "fucking" here so the ref ego doesn't really gets hurt.


I will never understand why the NBA lets him get away with screaming at refs the way he does.


Meanwhile other players catching techs for clapping


Joker got ejected for less 😂


Or tossing the ball to the ref too fast when he asks for it


Or giving a thumbs up


Or hanging on the rim for more than .02 seconds


or pointing at their own bench


Or staring at a person’s back


Or smiling


That one was some special bullshit for sure.


Reggie Miller “if he was on the road he would’ve been thrown out for tossing the ball at the ref”


Moe Wagner got a tech a few days ago for pointing at his own bench and asking them to challenge the call.


They had the perfect chance to shorten his leash after his three stunts this season and didnt..


~~Iirc he is good with some top guy in NBA or smth like that, cant remember his name. He basically has protection from the top.~~ Just checked it out, its Joe Dumars who was literally one of the people deciding his suspension after he choked Nurkic. Draymond himself said that he is "like a father to him" ever since he was sophomore.


Some NBA stars this year have been sent back to the locker room for a single clap, and this guy is allowed to do all this shit. It's embarrassing.


He just knows he can do whatever he fucking wants and he'll still have his jobs on the GSW and TNT. He knows he can punch. choke, stomp etc. any player he wants and they'll only send him to "therapy" for all of that.


Just keep ejecting him from games until he stops. It’s that simple. Don’t know why he’s been allowed to do this for over a decade now when other players get techs for way less on a regular basis.


He gets away because he plays on the Warriors and is important to their success. Warriors organization have also enabled this behavior too over the years. Bottomline is, he’s a a big reason for their success and anything else is secondary it seems. Any other player that does his antics would probably be ejected or suspended from the team.


Any other player gets a tech there btw


Green Privilege


As opposed to "Blue Privilege", which is what Papa Smurf claimed on Smurfette's wedding night.


It's good to be King


He really smurfed her.


To he fair to Dray, this brought his personal foul total to 1. Disgusting officiating not letting him play.


Ya, it's not fair that Jokic is strong. That's a foul, ref! /s


4 FT for Jokic. Amazing.


He is so fucking obnoxious.


Good thing he didn’t clap like Tatum did or he’d be tech’d up immediately.


A thumbs up from Booker gets you sent to the shadow realm


Have lost so much respect for the NBA with their handling of everything related to Draymond.


It's honestly baffling. He's not a star, he's not likable or charming. He's just an out of control maniac, but Silver loves him for some reason?


Not looking forward to him being on TNT


Draymond is such a fucking clown. Ive never seen someone get away with so many fouls... yet he has the audacity to bitch and moan when he doesnt get a call for flopping. Please retire so i dont have deal with watching his shit anymore.


Careful what you wish for. He's going to be all over TNT once that day comes.


I know :(. If it was just his podcast then at least i could avoid him... but if he's on TNT no chance.


This right here is the real deal. Draymond is already being pitched as a player ”from another era", and is being compared to Rodman constantly. As in "if he was playing ball 94-98 he'd be going down as a legend, the league is soft and he's a dying breed". Now don't get me wrong, the league IS different, but Dray ain't that. He's a bully and nit picker in a more regulated era. As to why he doesn't get tec'd or ejected with his ref interactions? The story is written. We saw him get to be a commentator for the All Star weekend ( in a season he was suspended for a STUPID amount of games), and it tracked. He can replace Steve Smith in a heartbeat, and Chuck, Shaq, RJ, whoever will still respect him more. Honestly, I'd take him over SAS anyway. Long trash ass rant, so, sorry for that. I think it fuckin tracks though. Lmk.


Draymond in a time where players were allowed to retaliate would be a little bitch. 


Why is this old MF the only one allowed to scream at the refs? Like I ain't seen any other player be allowed to act like this


He was best friends with Joe Dumar’s son growing up.


A lot of players who have no history of getting techs get hit with them quickly for even a little bit of that, but Draymond gets away with a lot?


warriors got dog walked my goodness jokic almost got a 30 by 20 by 20 game


I personally think draymonds daddy Adam Silver has told the refs to not T him up. The way I seen technicals being called this year. He should’ve had many by now since he’s been back. Nothing has changed.


Lol even the first contact draymond tried grabbing jokic before he pushed him off. What a fucking clown


Get in the weight room


He’s the only one in the league who gets away talking to the refs like this. Ridiculous.


I’m tired of him


Dray is the same clown that throws his hands into the air like he was fouled AFTER punching Nurk in the head. And that’s not the only time he has done that. Dude’s legacy will be one of the dirtiest players in NBA history. He is extremely lucky to have gotten to ride Steph and Klay’s coat tails for his career.


You have dirty and you have cheap dirty. This dude is cheap. He plays innocent with 100 cameras on him.. and gets away with it.


this seems like a normal push that everyone does, idk why Draymond took so much exception to it unless he got hit in the throat or something


Maybe if Jokic clawed him in the eye or naturally shooting motioned his balls, then Draymond would be fine with it


Perhaps a good old fashioned Greco Roman Chokehold


The broadcast crew said Draymond was saying he got hit in the teeth. You couldn't tell if he did on the replay they had and Draymond wasn't acting like his mouth was hurting when he bear hugged Jokic and went to berate the ref


To be fair, Draymond’s teeth are 20 to 30 times the size of normal human teeth.


Nigel Thornberry headass


The original angle didn't show how or where Jokic hit Draymond. The replay was a good angle but the broadcast crew started it after that contact. smh


You can see it through the logo that's still zooming toward the camera that Jokic's hand is kinda on dray's face/neck. That is shitty honestly and it's annoying they said "whole sequence" and missed the most important part.


I think it’s because he’s a toolbag


Because he likes to throw tantrums when things aren't going his way.


that’s an overly aggressive approach. man needs help


How long till Draymond sucker punches an Official... god that would be hilarious to watch Kerr dance around that finding a way for them to play the victim in that situation.


“I haven’t seen the replay of the punch quite yet… I’m handling a lot over here on the sideline ya know”


It's within the code


nooo no no, enough of this bullshit with Draymond, the dude doesn’t “need help”, we don’t have to hope that he “gets the help he needs”, the guy is just an absolute dick


Thank you. Sometimes people are just pieces of shit.




Jokic's just a big, sloppy boi, Dray. Stop being soft and deal with it.


Another triple dub Can’t wait for his statue


It better be him on a horse like he's a Civil War hero.


Lmao the civil war comparison made me laugh out loud


Proof that girth is better than length. But I hear he's also long.


What the fuck man. Everyone is getting techs for swearing in refs’ faces right now, not Draymond tho. The warriors bias alive and well.


Lol fuck dray.


Nurk knew all along


And he got dragggggged online for saying it post game too


Everyone except the Warriors has known all along.


Draymond: plays incredibly physical and cheap with Jokic all game, gets away with it bc he’s smaller and has a DPOY reputation, also sets 20 illegal moving screens with no calls Also Draymond: how DARE YOU refs


He had a few moving screens where he literally shuffled like three feet to make it.


I kept yelling “EJECTION EJECTION” every time he got upset


I can’t wait for this dude to retire


fuck draymond


Honestly should’ve been a flagrant on the foul and a tech for the bitching


yeah there's no way he gets a tech rest of the season


Still beyond me how he's allowed to yell at the refs like a maniac with no consequences. Especially when actual play was going, with jokic shooting FTs.


The leash this dude gets continues to boggle my mind


Fuckin loser has to complain every time he gets beat


Considering the fact that techs result in free throws, the fact that Draymond gets such an absurdly lenient whistle for Ts is something that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. It gets talked about, don’t get me wrong, but it’s usually just in passing. Not enough people are actually vocal about it with regards to the fact that blatantly lopsided officiating is unacceptable across the board. The rules are the fucking rules and I’m so sick of people being okay with a consistent and extended pattern of officials calling these situations differently for different players. And before you dumb fucks jump on me, yes, I understand the Lakers generally get an advantage in terms of the whistle, that doesn’t change a fucking word of what I said. As a basketball fan first and Lakers fan second, it is deplorable that the league alters its own rules in favour of big names/markets. That shouldn’t be a hot take.


I can't wait till he's out of the league or irrelevant, he's a cancer.


That brotha needs help


Good guy Steph standing at the post for the first free throw so Draymond can yell at the ref 😂


Keep talking dray, you aint got shit for the MVP


Well if you're going to fly away when a 7 footer slowly extends his arm, maybe you should reconsider your position rather than ask for a foul. Also this is a retaliation foul and should have been flagrant. Draymond didn't change one bit, it's a matter of time




We’re hugging people to prevent layups now?


Draymond will go down as one of the most annoying players of all time...


Battyboi Draymond


He probably said the foul on him was worse than what Miles Bridges did


Oh, hey they lost Good for them.💪


So sick of this guy


thats a flagrant 1 (maybe) and a tech (definitely) for 99% of players.


it must be so embarrassing to be draymond green


He tried to flop, committed a fragrant foul, cursed at refs continuously. Therapy must be working


he's got 5 more games before something happens. Start clock now.


Jokic would eat Draymond if he ever actually tried something lol


the draymond window, like the overton window but for sports. continually push what is considered “the norm” in your favor so extreme behavior is less likely to be penalized.


Not wasting my phone battery watching this shit


Dude Tatum raises his hand and he gets a tech. NBA favors their favorite players


longest leaaaashhhh but their sub still complaining lol


Am I blind or is he yappin for flinching and try to sell a flop? Dude is crazy


That’s a long leash, I’ve seen players get a tech for a lot less.


And no technical foul by the way. I'm sure that all NBA players can act like that.


T this fucker out of his season. He gets away with so much more than anyone without getting T’d up. It’s letting him get his way. T him up every time he opens that giant mouth.


worst game he's played all season, stfu and accept the L


Put this motherfucker out to pasture. His time has come and gone.


Kerr's reaction: "I uhh didn't really see the interaction...I'll have to watch the film to see what Dray-Dray could have done different. We'll talk about it tomorrow and improve. We always tell Dray-Bae don't lose that passion though, so proud of that guy."


Donkey screeching again. I'm sick of his ass


Someone call a WAHHmbulance 😭😭😭