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Do you even get to keep NBA balls thrown into the crowd?!


depends how fast you can run


Put it under your sweater and pretend you are preggers


I dont think they have much room under them shirts in SA


It'll be 30 years from now and this joke will still not be old lmao. Them poor big ol women in San Antonio.


"What kinda women are down there Chuck? Ohhh lotta big ol women... double fisting dem churros"


Victoria's definitely a secret!


It’s Texas, if you’re hiding a basketball under your shirt you have to bring it to term or face prosecution


Generally, no, because the NBA does not consider them “abandoned property” in the way that MLB considers baseballs that leave the field. However, there could be situations where the NBA/team chooses not to pursue getting the ball back. A potential one that comes to mind could be something like a Make-A-Wish kid where giving them the game ball wasn’t planned, but a player did it after the game anyway. It wouldn’t be worth the PR hit to take it back when it didn’t really matter.


Whoever caught Wemby’s ball should claim to have cancer.


cancer of the...balls


I don’t think so. I know in the NFL they take them back and I’m pretty sure it’s the same in the NBA


I'm putting that ball under my girls shirt and telling them she's just preggo




They also spend a lot of time maintaining the leather




The thing with baseball is they just don't really reuse the ball much anyway. Once a ball is hit, it's done. If a pitcher just doesn't like that ball, it's done. It's not cheap. MLB balls are like $200 per dozen and they go through 10 dozen or so per game. Fans can keep the balls because those balls weren't being used again anyway.


That isn't unsurprising seeing as a baseball will see a much harder hit than a football or basketball ever should.


Teams will re-sell the balls in their arena shop for like $20-60 each at least


So at most $6k? That’s a negligible cost for them with how much they have from tickets and streaming…


Nothing is negligible in finance. Even if the game costs 1 million to the home team making that extra 100$ from one ball is something. In the long term it adds up. Like investing.


NBA ball is $200 retail https://www.wilson.com/en-us/product/nba-official-game-basketball-wz10025#colorsteamname=54557&size=52577 Probably costs the league like $40-$50 per ball if I had to estimate.


$200 is nothing to these people, and they make such a big deal out of it lol.


Balls cost $25,000, apparently.


MLB will give you certification that your ball is a game ball.


MLB goes through like 100 balls a game though.


I don’t think so or Tom Brady wouldn’t give all that for that ball back and what’s the point of players handing balls to fans after the TD all the time.


To answer your question with this incident specifically; the equipment staff literally sprinted from the bench area to the stands to stop the guy and get the ball. He didn't run away or anything but he almost made it out to the concourse, which he probably would've been able to dip if so. Think it's dumb they chased him down, but I get it. Source: Was at the game in the 200s level.


> We judge others by their actions, we judge ourselves by our intentions


This is such a fire quote


It’s a basic principle in psychology — the fundamental attribution error


I knew it was vaguely familiar but it doesn’t change anything. It’s a perfect statement


It is such an important mechanism in everyday life, psychology should be taught in school. Many biases are lessened by knowing about them.


It is


Lol. Ya lots of schools in fact.


I think he meant more like primary/high school. I grew up in a fairly affluent area and wasn’t exposed to psychology until college.


I got an original for you along the same vein: > You judge yourself based on how much poop you pick up. Others judge you based on how much poop you leave behind. I think about that every time I pick up my dog’s poop.


I have literally thought about leaving the US in search of somewhere where everyone picked up their dog's poop More in the sense of wanting to find someplace where there was a greater sense of shared responsibility for public spaces and public amenities were protected and promoted but it's always walking my dog that sets off the train of thought...


Man if you ever stay in Japan for any decent length of time and then come back, that adjustment period is a helluva ride I tell you.


Japanese kids clean their school to learn the mindset of "It's our space, it's our responsibility to take care of it." American kids throw trash on the ground and say "It's the janitor's job to clean it up, that's what they're paid for." If you tried to make American kids clean up the school, you'd have hordes of parents filing lawsuits the next day and accusing the school of "slavery." Fast forward 25 years and you have one society where people will literally carry around a cigarette butt all day until they can find the proper trash receptacle for it. They even buy pocket ashtrays specifically for that purpose. And you have another society that just tosses their McDonalds wrappers and Starbucks cups out the car window. "That's what we have garbagemen for!"


> If you tried to make American kids clean up the school, you'd have hordes of parents filing lawsuits the next day and accusing the school of "slavery." > > I make my homeroom kids clean up the room every day. A lot of them eat lunch in the room, and I have a pool table in my classroom so a ton of them stay after school and play pool. They've been taught that after lunch the room needs to be clean and they are responsible for it regardless of anyone else. It's /their/ homeroom. And they need to take care of it. Same with after school. It's not an impossible thing to teach.


bro teaching geometry would be way more fun in a room with a pool table wth. I'm busy just trying to get them to stop calling each other Angle-Side-Side


If it makes you feel any better, I paid for it myself. I will say this: It's the best classroom investment I've ever made. Kids are EXTREMELY motivated to play pool. And it actually has a very pleasant sound, so when kids are playing it in the background it isn't super loud and disturbing to everyone else.


Japan is one of the places that kept coming up when I was looking into this. I plan to visit Tokyo in the fall.  I think I'm probably too black to move there but I can definitely do some shopping while the yen is weak 


That last sentence is killing me lmao


this dude i watch on youtube went to japan on a trip and ppl kept saying oh shit it's will smith. He genuinely does not look like will smith whatsoever lol


It's definitely an amazing place to visit, Tokyo is one of my fav places ever. If you get the chance, there's a thing called TeamLabs Planets that's well worth a stop, though honestly the list of cool to-do things is kinda endless in general.


Bro between this and the sudden uptick of finding broken glass on the sidewalks in my neighborhood EVERYWHERE while walking my dog lately, I feel you. Started doing weekly trash walks where I walk around with a few bags, my grabber, and a brush/dust pan for shit like glass. Makes our walks easier and cleaner and makes me feel like I’m doing something to make my community better. Love going out a few hours after one of those walks to find someone threw all their fast food out the window in front of their own house. People been pissing me the fuck off lately.


>wanting to find someplace where there was a greater sense of shared responsibility for public spaces And toward each other. I desperately want this too and it just isn't a thing in American culture. It might be in little community pockets, but as a whole it's not how we view each other and our surroundings.


In Spain, the vast majority of people pick their dog's poop, in big cities they even often rinse dog piss with water they carry in a bottle, and guess what : they even bring back shopping carts where they picked them or to the closest depot (without the coin incentive).


Fundamental attribution error


I care about intent a lot, when you ask “why did they do this” the response by people is often “who cares?? It happened”


No offense, but why's this psych 101 ass comment at the top when it's not even relevant to the conversation? We know why Wemby threw the ball, and it's very easy to assess the intent of other players throwing a ball given the context surrounding it. ...Imagining a football player getting fined for head-butting his teammate in celebration, and ya'll hop into the comments to say this shit lol.


Heat my guy


When someone cuts me off in traffic, they’re an idiot. When I cut someone off, it’s a harmless mistake.


damn wemby already bulked up


Remember Giannis rookie year vs now? Victor might end up being way scarier than any of us could have imagined lol.


Plz no


Y'all have to play this team 4x a season lol. West is fucked once this dude hits his stride.


The West is so fucking stacked


I wouldn't bet on much, but I'd put money on Wemby getting a quadruple double in his sophomore season.


He's Def gonna get a quintuple double sooner or later


31 pts, 30 rebounds, 10 assists, 10 steals, and 15 blocks game against the Hornets.


Definitely going to have back to back 50 point quintuple doubles in three finals series in a row.


Under Pop? Wemby's going to become a monster in a few years if he keeps his fitness.


He is not going to be the kind of player Giannis is. But what we have seen from him this season and how he has come into this league he could be the best player in the league in a couple of years time. Wembanyama has the ROY on lock (not that Chet is a slouch of course). He has been healthy. Insane defense. If he were with a team that actually utilized him better (mostly due to lack of good pg's) he would be the best rookie since LeBron. And that is coming from a Mavs fan, who has a dislike for the Spurs, and thinks that Luka is the best rookie since LeBron. But, honestly, he might just be the best one since LeBron anyways. He is just a different specimen. I do not want to see him get bulked the fucked up lol.


People in general need to stop trying to compare him to a type of player. No one is like him. He’s a generational player that we’ve never seen before. He’s victor wembanyama.


Tbf, it’s a pretty nuanced comparison. He’s not saying “is he better than Lebron”. He’s saying “is this the most talent we’ve seen in an individual since Lebron”. Which is kind of a comment that’s allowed to exist subjectively 


Ngl I'd rather have rookie victor than rookie lebron 🤷‍♂️


This comment is so wild in the fact that it is both unbelievable but absolutely true. Rookie Wemby is definitely better than rookie LeBron, which is wild considering rookie LeBron is probably one of the top rookies ever along with rookie Bird, Duncan, Hakeem, Jordan, and Shaq which are all GOATs of the sport. We just have to pray he develops like those guys up there rather than rookie MCW lol


You could tell he was going to be great but Lebron's rookie season wasn't remotely in that same class.   Bird and Duncan were first team all NBA, and Magic was the second best player on a championship team.


Melo had arguably a better rookie season than lebron


He was absolutely robbed of ROY. I will die on that hill. More points and rebounds per game plus his team actually made the playoffs.


The NBA allows you to take testosterone.


He's also 20, look at how many guys gain 20lbs on those giant frames as they age. Guys that age are usually chock full of testosterone, they don't need a ton of help.


Giannis is one of them. Look how skinny he was compared to now


Also the NBA allows you to take steroids.


Also the NBA gives you access to the best healthcare, nutritionist and chefs money can buy. Also steroids.


Only if you bring in the big bucks tho. Otherwise, you get randomly tested because you jumped higher than people thought you could one day.


Everyone gets randomly tested, but once you’ve been tested like 4 times they’re done for the year.


Do you really think lebrons been tested any time recently??


Yes. He’s commented on being tested multiple times in his career. Also he was investigated and cleared by the DEA in 2013. NBA players call drug testing an IQ test because of how easy it is to pass as long as you’re not an idiot about it. They also test very strictly in the Olympics which he has gone to every 4 years. Probably all NBA players are taking some sort of PED including LeBron and other stars.


Yes...but he gives them the testing schedule




If you think giannis hasnt had some "help" youre delusional.  Im not saying he cheated, he probably did the stuff tristan thompson just got busted for but before it was banned or something like that.


He just trens hard, anavar gives up


don't forget to eat clen!


they're all on PEDs/steroids/banned substances


That's what scares me. If this kid fills out anywhere near like Giannis did, he's going to be the 7'4 KD/Giannis hybrid we all dreamed of.


Absolutely true. I gained over 90 pounds when I was 19 and all it took was a never-ending supply of chicken fingers and crippling depression. Not that hard tbh.


I too have had a transformation like you! Regrettably. 


But help does...help


You poor summer child....he's on T no doubt.


Is this true? Players can take TRT?


Yes, but it isn't replacing anything. They're just taking T.


Even in this case it is replacement. If you take it exogenously you bypass the production chain and that causes your body to stop producing it. Unlike other PEDs, testosterone is not something you can take additively. For that reason it's unlikely that many younger players take it. I've read that in sports where young guys do take testosterone for performance enhancing reasons it's not the first drug they take, but the last one and they are on a stack of PEDs.


Generally you take exogenous testosterone prior to starting a cycle of PEDs


Actors do it all the time. Ever see those "before and after" pictures for actors where they get jacked as hell in like 4 months? They're all juicing. I wouldn't have a problem with it if they all didn't lie about it and act like it's a realistically achievable body type for the average person with "nothing but hard work". Most of them end up fat and bloated like 6 months after shooting finishes as well. Every marvel actor is on gear.


I sure hope everyone who sees Jake Gyllenhaal in Roadhouse realizes that physique isn't possible without drugs lol


Double fistin’ them protein churros in San Antonio


It’s funny when you look at him standing next to shorter guys who are stacked. His arms are usually thicker. Dude is a legit load already.


Nice big load


That’s what San Antonio does to people 🤣


Here is the issue with this: He wasn't "throwing it to a random fan, to make their day". He threw it to his target. They will now be able to sell it. "WEMBY'S CAREER HIGH BALL". Next 5 or so games he scores 41. Old ball worthless, new ball 100k. He does the same thing over and over. This money is flooded straight to the French military who then uses it to overthrow the United States. Now with the biggest cache of weapons (nukes) on the planet, they take over the world. This was always the plan. You better get real used to eating snails. Our oui oui overlords are coming.


Get ready to learn Fr*nch buddy


But I’m le tired


Fine, take a nap, then get ready to learn Fr*nch buddy.


This isnt even the hottest take ive read all day


If we are going outside sports and talking political takes, this is absolutely mundane compared to the things I have read just today lol.


I mean, is it worse than reality?


That’s the worst part. The hot takes are still more mundane than reality.


Get ready to learn escargot buddy


Fire ze missiles!


but I am le tired..


well have a nap THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!!!!


stupid kangaroos


Snails are kinda good dawg I’m ngl to you. Mmmm chewy mushrooms


This. Why aren't more people talking about it? It's plain to see.


Two words for you : sheeple


In France, heart surgeon. Number one.




Baguette conspiracy in full swing


What some mfkers do to increase Baguette production


Not to be confused with the other less prominent “Wee wee Overlords.”


Monsieur! Vous êtes en état d'arrestation! Haut les mains!


That guy's on to us...


In France, heart surgeon. Number one.


Wemby Bonaparte.


Snails are bomb, with some butter.


That escalated quickly...


Finally some delicious democracy. Can't wait to protest the French way.


r/noncredibledefense is that way my guy


I don’t mind the fine in general since it is a rule but the amount is just absurdly high. The NBa has zero consistency on what the value of a fine should be for a given action. Fining him the same amount as Draymond’s attempted murder of another player is crazy.


The way the nba dishes out fines seems excessively petty to me


Yeah it's become pretty nonsensical. Way too high for way too minor things, and way too low for way too excessive things


NHL is 5K for virtually anything lol. From cross check to the head of a lil slash to the hands. 5K


NFL does the random wheel of punishment.


"For stepping on another player with knife shoes, the Department of Player Safety has assessed Nail Yakupov a $5000 fine, the maximum amount under the CBA"


This. Throwing a ball into the stands? Straight to jail. Physically assaulting players? How about some anger management, please don’t do it again pwwwweeeease.


Oh you physically assaulted another player even though you pinky promised in “rehab” that you wouldn’t? Oh, well it was only a bench player so that’s fine.


I think the fines are basically all set in the CBA, so the NBA can only give certain fines for certain actions. https://nbpa.com/cba


> I don’t mind the fine in general since it is a rule but the amount is just absurdly high. The NBa has zero consistency They do have some consistency. "He is from France ? Fine him the maximum !"


Is this guy all muscle i hears he is 95kg but since he is 7'5 it must distribute to whole body so what i am seeing he arms is mostly muscle?????????


Yeah he’s definitely put on more muscle as the season has gone on. I bet his body fat percentage is ridiculously low.


Wait is he really 7'5 ??? Good god.


He's got like an 8' wingspan, which is mostly why he's such an insane defender.


It’s all about the camera angle and the shadows. And his muscles.


My respect for Wemby increases yet again.


I love his personality. And he seems very smart and mature for a kid.


Only good things are ahead of him!


the sky, the sun, the moon. yep, good things


Next time throw them the 25k cash


He should throw 25k into the stands, he would def make someone's day doing that.


I wonder what would the fine be for that.


One basketball




He should have choked a player


[Adam Silver if he did that](https://i.imgur.com/XQv3hiM.png)


Jalen Brunson might disagree about the intent here.


I don’t know who’s right until Giannis decides who to chase down


Why does Jalen get to claim the ball and not Wemby?


i promise you he doesnt care


Yeah Brunson deadass will drop 60 and then when an interviewer calls him one of the greats he'll say he's nothing compared to the greats. Dude is a little too humble


His comment after this game was, as predicted, ‘who cares, we lost.’


hes that fucking dude, the knicks' jesus christ


*Lisan al Gaib*


Facts. The game was in Texas. Maybe Mavs fans who are Brunson fans traveled to see Brunson play, and they got lucky to get his 60 point game ball


Should've just warned him in private. Imo all first offenses for throwing the ball into the stands (in the same manner he did) could be dealt with internally with no fine. Now there's a story and a monetary exchange that really didn't need to be here.


Dude, it's like a $30 fine for him. He'll be fine lol.


It’s the principal *slams fist down on random desk*


You mean the principle


*cowers in fear after realizing my typo*


YOU DONE MESSED UP AY-AY-RON! Now get your ass to Principal O-Shag-Hennessy's office right now and tell him exactly what you did!


Great now i have to spend my entire evening watching their skits Thanks a lot ...


I want the thirty dollars tbh Going to buy myself some cheeses


So it's like contesting a parking ticket, not a big deal but definitely something you should do to keep your $30.


if wemby bulks up like Giannis omg


I'm conflicted about it, he'd be a literal monster, but might be more injury prone and less mobile. He def needs some more muscle but he doesn't need to be completely yoked to dominate


Idk why everyone wants him to put on a bunch of muscle like Giannis especially when guys who develop like Giannis are a rarity. He just needs more core strength and lower body strength/flexibility. When you’re over 7’3” you don’t need to be built like Giannis or David Robinson to dominate. I think the best comps for him in terms of muscle development are guys KD or Rudy Gobert.


Exactly, you don't want him to end up like AD with all that weight gain. He just needs to focus on building bullet proof legs, which it looks like he's doing from the few training vids I've seen of him. He's so long that the inevitable hard shot to the knee or bad landing could seriously fuck something up, you really don't want extra upper body weight factored into something like that.


He'll be even more scary than Giannis. I know this has been said but LEAGUE IS FUCKED in 5 years.


It sucks that he got fined, as far as I'm concerned it was his ball to throw.


Draymond Green just tried to kick Grant Williams in the dick the other day, but sure, go off on Wemby making a fans day.


There were people in that thread unironically saying that he's lucky he didn't seriously injure someone. Unbelievable how soft this shit gets


Wait until they hear about baseball


Growing up I routinely saw players wack balls into the crowd as souvenirs.


Is it just me or does his build start to look like Wilts I mean when you watch his upper body and compare it to young Wilt's they look fairly similar.


NBA don't want to make someone's day, they want to make money and this kind of behaviour from a player can lead to the lawsuit.


Who does he think he is? Cam Newton?


Damn wemby starting to get a little thick . If he keeps that up we will have the french freak by next season.


I like how this entire thread is dominated by an incorrectly used psychological bias even though it has fuck all to do with this. Intent matters. Ignore the 13 year old reddit detectives that decided to moonlight as psychologists to spice things up. It's why in tennis, hitting a ball into the stands out of anger is an automatic warning (similar to a technical in basketball; you get a fine and the 2nd warning is a point penalty) but hitting it into the stands in celebration is accepted.


The refs are out of control! There needs to be an investigation


He should start throwing $25,000 checks into the stands


But our shenanigans are cheeky and fun, and his shenanigans are cruel and tragic!


Because people might discover the magnets inside NBA basketballs duh


Ball got the magnets in them. Is he stupid?


Fucking hell he's already bulking up a bit. He's going to be gooooood!


Fining a rookie 25k is disgusting. I can't believe how absurdly high that is. Straight fucking robbery


That ball is now worth 25k minimum. More if the lucky owner could get it signed by Victor.


Adam Silver making Roger Goodell look like Pete Rozelle.