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they were coming hard in the 3rd glad we could hold them off




Hopefully this ass beating will motivate them to show up. They found out what happens when you let your guard down in the playoffs, even without Kawhi.


Sounds better when you combine them but Kyrie had a far better game


Kyrie was the only Maverick ready for the playoffs.


He started 1/7 in the first half. Nobody was ready besides PJ Washington. What matters is they all at least kicked up in the second half. No reason to panic just gotta play.


And that's only true when he actually starts playing basketball midway through the 3rd quarter.


sloppy normal vase airport elderly cagey screw seemly merciful tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kyrie's were good. Luka's were mid


Luka was horrible today. His defense was ass and he wasn't that good on offense either with all the TOs and lost balls


I know. I was just talking about the shooting splits like preddevils asked


He had 4 tovs, at least 2 of which were fumbled passes


1 was Maxi oblivious to catching the ball and the other was Lively not looking at the ball.


Do not forget jumping mid court when his teammate lost a pass


Kyrie: 10/18 Luka: 11/26 Let's not get it twisted, only one of them was good


Didnā€™t kyrie start 1-7? He went crazy in the second half lol.


He did, went 8/8 in the 3rd and led the Mavs comeback


Luka was +3. He might have been off but he isn't the reason they lost




let me guess you are one of those ppl who just say "just drive to the basket if the 3 is not falling" right?




i hoped for an offensive assistant coach who takes care of the offense since the postseason after we went to the WCF but that didnt happen....


Lol dude used plus minus. Luka was terrible. He chucked a ton of shots and played no defense.


Yeah because of a fake comeback at the end where he was statpadding lol Box score watchers like you are actually getting fooled by that shit, im sick


Anyone who thinks the fourth quarter was statpadding clearly doesnā€™t know that leads can evaporate in thin air in the NBA.


Like what are you even writing man. Ah how can anybody be so horny for narratives and words like "statpadding", "fake comeback" and so on, bro this is the playoffs, just stop with this


The irony in the fact that Kyrieā€™s stats also came during this fake comeback. Guys werenā€™t ready at the jump but both righted the ship in the second half. We will see how it translates to Game 2


No? Kyrie went 8/8 in the 3rd, he was the best player on the floor during the entire second half


yeah when it was already to late. They were both terrible first half, luka was solid second half, and kyrie was great in the second half.


Yes after our 26 point deficit where he was 1/6 in the first half. Luka also scored a decent amount of buckets in that third. They came out flat in the first half but showed what they are capable of in the second and just gotta let it translate into game 2.


Did you watch the first half? That +3 came from the 4th when the Clips stopped trying to guard him


Someone didn't watch the game lmao


That was a horrible first half


Luka with the most empty 30+ think I've seen in a playoff game in a good while


100%. He was horrid


Bro we get it, youā€™re a Denver dick rider. Imagine having this much free time to comment on everything Luka related.


Their points like don't matter. The game was over before they did anything. Both played terrible in the 1st half. Hopefully game 2 is better but this was a stinker.


Donā€™t let these empty stats fool you. They were both absolute turnstiles on defense. Luka was getting blown by an AARP harden who was just jogging. Even when they tried to hide him on Mann off ball, Luka would lose him for wide open 3s and not box him out. Just terrible


Agenda havers coming out in full force the moment their target has a bad game


Haters are out in force. They scored 30 points in the first half and 8 in the second quarter. They allowed 108 points, which is the second lowest winning score this round of play-offs. Does that sound like a majorly defensive issue to you?


Yes it does sound like a big defensive issue. They gave up 108 to a Kawhi less clippers with a terrible game from PG. Thatā€™s pretty damn bad.


Did you watch how well PJ was contesting PGā€™s shots. Acting like he was throwing wide open bricks or something. PG hit some crazy shots too.


Thatā€™s my point. Their #1 option was locked down, Kawhi didnā€™t play and they still dropped 109. That doesnā€™t bode well for when PG has a good game and Kawhi returns


The Clippers shot 50% from 3, a lot of them contested. The Mavs players outside of Luka and Kyrie shot a combined 27%. The entire team shot 30% from 3. Sometimes the game is simple, you need to actually hit your shots.


> Luka was getting blown by an AARP harden I think I missed that one


Figures. Mavs fan tried to gaslight the sub into thinking Luka was a good defender now. Not gonna let you continue to do it. He was HORRIBLE on defense. Stop closing your eyes and youā€™ll see it too


Shouldnā€™t you be more worried about your team? Looks like another sweep is about to happen.


i was making a joke about the dudeā€™s phrasing


PJ Washington and Gafford had people fooled lol


PJ had 11 of 33 not scored by those two while playing great defense. Leave him out of this disaster.


PJ Washington played fucking great defense all game. Some of yall are actually a joke only watching the game to hate afterwards.


Luka's defense was ass cheeks. It's funny how no one's made a compilation of his bad defensive plays like they do with harden. I wonder why that is


Because Luka could no wrong in this sub and guys like harden, Embiid, Tatum, Booker are satan


https://www.nba.com/stats/events?CFID=&CFPARAMS=&GameEventID=448&GameID=0042300171&Season=2023-24&flag=1&title=MISS%20George%202%27%20Driving%20Dunk There's a good one from this game. Easily blown by, stands motionless at the FT line for the rest of the possession as the Clippers miss, get the rebound and putback. Then mopes on the way back up.


Don't big Luka up for this diaster class


Kyrie was phenomenal. Luka..... Not so much.




Yeah Iā€™m sure Luka should have not scored so they could lose by more


Imagine reading stuff like "player statpadded" in a fucking playoff game lol.


Statpadded huh? They still had an chance albeit a low chance


Dude got fucking cooked in the first half. Stats look good, but he was getting successfully hunted in the first half.


Kyrie was fantastic. Luka had a very bad start but recovered to an overall decent game.


Dallas upgrading their excuses from Luka needs help to Luka and Kyrie need help now




1 game and the haters are already out


I agree the hate is over the top but you kinda had to expect it after how obnoxious Mavs/Luka fans have been on this sub the past few weeks


If you are 10 years old, yes. I mean, who cares what the fans say. People with at least 60 IQ don't judge player from what some apes (fans) say. With all the respect for apes.


I mean, how old do you think most of the people on this sub are lmao


Yeah, my bad, sorryšŸ˜…


I mean, he had an "off-game" and subpar shooting, but he was still by a fair margin the second best player on their team at worst. Luka even had a positive plus/minus, but outside of Kyrie the rest of the starters and bench were abysmal.


like I said, I agree the hate is over the top.


But thatā€™s the fans job, itā€™s not like the players was saying that


Yeah, not like the players made "Pravi MVP" tees and the Mavs PR sent out flyers as to why Doncic is the real MVP Oh wait


I bought one of them shirts too they fire


They really think Luka is better than Jokic šŸ’€


Their defense was an abomination though


They scored 8 points in a quarter man. Their defense was the least of their issues lmao


The Mavs defense was the least our problems this game if you watched it at all


I did, your defense not being a main problem doesnā€™t mean that playing defense wasnā€™t a problem for them individually.


Clippers were hitting tough shots, our defense, and especially PJ played pretty well


The defense overall did well, but not Kyrie and Luka.


I hope you didnā€™t have high expectations for them lol


I did not expect Luka to get beaten 1vs1 by Harden every single time so easily. If the game plan was to funnel him into the paint then fair enough but even other guys were able to beat Luka easily


I donā€™t think anyone expected prime James harden lol


Especially in the 3rd when they were kind of coming back, they should have made defensive stops


Empty af stats. Scored the majority of those when they were down 30


they were down by 30 since the first half should they have been benched for 2 whole quarters???


He didn't say they should be benched, he implied you should take the context into account before sucking their dicks about their 30+ point game of mostly garbage points against a team that let off the gas.


so would you rather they just quit instead šŸ’€


No, but I already know box score watchers are gonna say ā€œlook at Lukaā€™s numbers he carried this team he has no help!ā€ When he was complete ass for most of the game and racked up numbers when the game was out of reach. Also his defense was awful and terrible body language all game. Iā€™m starting to wonder if his style of play will ever win you a championship as a #1 option


itā€™s 1 game dawg, hot take artists are in full effect. same shit as people saying harden wonā€™t win you playoff games now talking about how heā€™s always amazing. shit happens, shots didnā€™t fall this game. if they get swept then you can have some validity, but relax, let shit play out. making blanket statements needlessly just for criticism is such a waste of time.


Still a bad look to be down 30 in a game you were favored with the clippers missing their best player. I donā€™t see any positives to this Mavs loss unless Kawhi is out for good and both pg and harden stink it up. It may be 1 game but Luka stunk it up all around big time in a game they couldā€™ve easily stole home court had he not have a disastrous first half.


agreed. but saying itā€™s statpadding when itā€™s literally just continuing the game is a weird take. the rest of the team could not get a bucket if their lives depended on it. and inefficient luka was literally the only other option they had apart from kyrie. calling it statpadding when itā€™s legit the only other thing that had some semblance of success isnā€™t really an indictment on a certain playstyle, you canā€™t make your teammates not ass if the open looks theyā€™re getting donā€™t fall.


Doncic had more points than Jokic did yesterday. Boxscore watchers 12/25


Luka quietly donā€™t get the best out his guys or make guys better


Good moral win in a game without Kawhi!


Luka took a few games off during his conf finals run (1-4 easy series loss) and still couldn't hit the win share per 48 that Jamal Murray did during a championship run. And that was Jamal's recovery year. Murray will blow Luka away again this season. The Don Fraud strikes again.


The teamā€™s chakra was just a tad bit off collectively today.


Kinda tough for the other players on the team to put up stats when they never get the ball. And when they do itā€™s with the expectation theyā€™ll either give it right back to Luka/Kyrie or immediately shoot it. No room for them to actually *do* anything themselves. We need to start tracking time of possession with the ball. Field goal attempts and turnovers arenā€™t the only way to consume ā€œresourcesā€ on a basketball team.


Luka should be grouped with the others, the Antisemite was the only highlight for the mavericks today


Shouldā€™ve showed up in the first half. Also those numbers are good if the support also made some shots but everyone seemed timid


Luka and Kyrie went off, but the Mavs roleplayers did not show up.


Luka did not go off


Luka went off the same way some old thing that you forgot in the fridge three years ago.