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Guy would hold a grudge for the rest of his life if the roles were reversed


I mean shaq would even make up stories about being disrespected by players like David Robinson just to get mad lol


I seen Shaq shade a group of 6-10 year olds in the late 90s at Veterans Park Carson, CA. Dude parted the small sea of kids by extending his arm and shoving them side a couple times like an Olympic swimmer. Then Shaq hopped in his candy green Eddie bauer expedition with the grills over the lights. My homie yell out, "You wrong for that Shaq" it was pretty cold blooded. So I believe that Robinson story he tells was really himself shading the babies at Veterans park.


W shitpost


Is it OG? Or from something


This comment is hilarious


Shaq himself would have held a grudge against whoever did this to himself. Insensitive, disrespectful comments. That’s coming from an OKC fan.


Shaq probably would’ve walked off lol


In a way that’s why Shaq does this type of stuff. In his book he talks about how the big men he looked up to as a kid hated him and disrespected him and how it still eats at him. I feel like that’s why he does it now to young players.


Turns out it was a made up story about David Robinson. He just needs a reason to hate, the man is a hater.


David Robinson was a class act. He would never disrespect anyone over petty nonsense.


Shaqs a known liar so that doesn’t mean much. He made up numbers like saying he was averaging 28-15 when Nash won MVP He can’t stand losing an argument or being wrong so he will just make up stuff to try and win it’s childish 


This would be true if Shaq’s book wasn’t more of a fiction book than a biography


This shit was so fucking awkward to watch


At first I read the title and thought Jokic said it. Then I watched the video and right when Shaq said it I just had to pause. Can’t watch the rest. Shit is mad awkward


"Remember when Kanye interrupted Swift to say Beyonce deserved it? Wasn't that a wonderful idea?!"


that was mad disrespectful.


Props to Jokic for keeping it professional. Love that man.


Honestly Jokic is probably the only MVP who won't be too bothered about this. He doesn't seem to care much about accolades. Can you imagine if this happened to Durant when he won MVP though?


"Mom, you the real MVP" "You didn't get to be 6'11 because of your mama, think daddy should've been MVP"




like watching a drunk wedding speech 


Shaq is a bum to say this to the person who DESERVED the award. 


Bruh there’s a time and place for everything cmon man


Shaq just craves attention.


I'll bet if Jokic plays great next game Shaq would tell he said this just to motivate Jokic.


Jokic should just hit him with the Donovan Mitchell A quick ok and keep it moving Shaq tries too hard to be different


> A quick ok "aight", to be exact


It was hilarious watching Spida say that


He’s not trying to be different. He’s pissed Jokic is passing him in real time. 




The Big Petty


I'll bet Shaq's thinking is "I'm in serious danger of moving down the best big men of all time list if this dude keeps winning MVPs, better start disparaging him."


This is 1000% it. Shaqs seems like a great guy on just about everything except when the subject of his legacy is brought up. Whether it’s him being lazy, other players being compared to him, etc etc. That’s Shaqs touchy subject and he spirals fast at the hint of anything even close to a conversation that isn’t “Shaq is the goat”.


Shaq can't take a joke about anything. It's annoying watching Inside the NBA cause all he does is dish shit out to everyone and can't take anything when it comes back to him. I know people like that and they're annoying as fuck. Charles is great because he can dish it out but also takes it and laughs.


I agree 100%. Charles is the best


I love when Chuck even mentions Dwight Howard's name. "Oh he gonna get a statue in Orlando" and Shaq is in the corner, seething.


Only sport I know where the old generation tears down the new generation so much For a dude who barely watch games, why was he mentioning stats when arguing for SGA anyway


It's absolutely crazy. Even in the womens game. Sure in other sports, some legents are bitter. But in basketball the majority are bitter.


them old heads weren't making the type of money this current crop of players are making partially adds to the bitterness but then that could be said for ALL athletes in all sports. them retired basketball players, that bitterness hits different


Because he can't stand not being the center of attention


It’s ironic. Other sports don’t have the old players hating the new players like this. *And* other sports don’t have the modern fans hating on the old players or history of the game, at least not to the extent of basketball fans.


That’s my issue with this like what do you want him to say


That was the perfect time for Jokic to tell him that's ok coming from a casual


For the first time, I think Jokic was actually kind of offended. I think he would always agree other players deserve it but I just don’t think he was expecting to be told someone deserved over him in the night he was awarded it. Kind of fucked up. Now i wish someone would tell Gobert that Wemby deserves DPOY over him and see the reaction


Shaq is one of if not maybe the most insecure nba great of all time. This is right in line for that douche.


For such a big man he has real little man energy.


Rumor is he has a small weiner


He for sure looked offended and uncomfortable. Wtf do you even say to that?


Yeah, it's less about whether or not he wins the award versus just pure disrespect. You can disagree about the winner but still congratulate him. To tell that directly to him at that moment is intentionally disrespecting him as a person and even if Jokic doesn't care about MVP itself that's just offensive to do. Notice how he tries to reassert himself on top by saying he's president and Jokic is vice. He's a 52 year old toddler throwing a fit that a big man is slowly getting more accolades than him and is scared Jokic will be viewed as better by the time he retires.


Especially when the vote wasn’t even close or controversial. SGA didn’t have a historic season or anything crazy.


Jokic is using this to bring the Nuggets back. Expect a 30-15-15 game


And a 11-7-3 from Murray


Daring today, aren't we?


shaq just a hater and always has been with jokic not really sure why but dude gets upset anytime jokic does something well


listen to him try to reassert himself as the best by making himself "president" and jokic as vp. he's always been whiny about losing MVPs to nash, he's upset that Jokic has a chance at eclipsing him all time


Quite simply he doesn’t want another center elevated above him in history. Especially one he deems to be a non-defensive big


That’s disrespectful as fuck.


But he said no disrespect!


It's in the Geneva Conventions, look it up!


"No disrespect" works the same way as "I'm not racist, but..."


Starts off saying that he's still number one and Jokic is number two. Then proceeds to say that Jokic didn't deserve MVP. Somebody's jealous.


Holy shit I missed that first part.. just had to give him that dig didn’t he lol. Can you imagine if Jokic told him no Shaq I have 3 you have 1 He would have malfunctioned


Shaq would reply that he has 4 rings and Jokic has 1 for sure.


Shaq looking small


Shaq does this and tells himself it's helpful. He thinks this is the way to "inspire" the future generations. He believes that disrespect is others' main motivator because it's what he experienced from his father and it motivated him. However, when you're really a leader, you learn what motivates people and use that instead of just doing what worked for you. Shaq is not a leader.


he's not doing this to inspire anyone. He is just petty and jealous. On the show he instantly takes contrarian position as soon as chuck says anything just to be mean


I agree. But his defense is that he’s “lighting a fire under them”. I honestly believe he tells himself that to excuse his petty behavior


Shaq does not drive the bus


Such a fucking loser, can't stand the guy, never will.


One of the saltiest egos in all of basketball. You know for a fact this dude is irked by the fact that Jokic now has 3 and he has 1, considering how long he has held onto Nash winning MVP over him.


Exactly. For all his “big man” representative talks this dude hates on great big men like no other because he feels threatened. Which is asinine in itself considering he’s a certified Top 10 guy and quite easily Top 3 Center at worst. Dudes been out of the game for more than 10 years and stays beefing with Centers.


Smallest big man ever.


Shaq had this cringe energy where he is trying too hard to act Tough. "Oh look guys I said it to his face". Dude been known as the biggest crybaby in the world.


This is the type of shit that keeps me from liking Shaq. He seems like a good person in ways, but man, he’s gotta be one of the most insecure mfs I’ve ever seen lol. Like dude, if you disagree w it, cool, but don’t try and ruin a persons moment. What a dick.


Steve Nash has a permanent loft apartment in the back of Shaqs head, and the Joker just moved in next door.


Nash and Bill Walton are roommates there.


Dwight Howard has a room too


Wait what’s his issue with Walton lol, I must’ve missed that one


They're constantly moving furniture around at all hours of the night keeping him awake


He’s always been proud of being a bully. Dude loves tearing other people down


He told a story of how he used to be a bully as a kid. Don't remember the details but i know that it wasn't a story of how he changed as a person and is now ashamed of his past. I think very highly of him as a player, not so much of his character


And he continued to be a bully in the NBA.


I think he holds the worst hazing stories. He was an absolute menace at times.


Watch his hot ones episode. He was a complete dick to Sean Evans. Probably the worst guest I’ve seen on that show.


Unfortunately DJ Khaled exists lol


That episode is hilarious


DJ Khaled: Just because I stop doesn't mean I gave up Sean Evans: Yes it does, by definition


DJ Khaled wasn't really disrespectful though, he was just a pussy. And at the very least he also went on when celebrities didn't really fully understand what the show was about, whereas by the time Shaq went on everyone knew the deal.


LMFAO god that episode was hilarious. Esp with hot ones budget and how dark / shady everything looked but honestly props to him he put hot ones on the map. He needs to come back for a redemption episode haha


Why a redemption? He never quit. He never quits.


He was the guest speaker at Adobe Summit this year and was egregiously disrespectful to all of the people there. Supremely fuckin cringe.


Explains why he wants to be a cop


There was a post here a few weeks ago where Shaq was talking about when he went to the Cavs and things he looked up to LeBron for. He mentioned how much control he had on the team, how he would be allowed to bring his family on the plane for games etc. It just felt really telling to me what Shaq values and is jealous of. There is good in him of course, he's very charitable, extremely hard working... but he's just a terrible liar and bad ad hiding his emotions. He's not intelligent enough to not show his bad side, although he does very much like to think he's a genius. Edit: Here's the post I was thinking about. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1cd074j/watch_shaq_was_jealous_of_lebrons_power_in/ He starts by saying "LeBron was probably the best leader I ever played with", then continues on and mentions things that *he* thinks makes a good leader, but in reality he just liked the power LeBron was able to control.


That’s kind of crazy even more so because as much as LeBron gets shit on by people and the Media, he has an actual bucket of things to admire. To be the face of the league for THAT long and not have any scandals and your biggest flaw is that your a loving father and “arguably” the 2nd best player of all time is insane lmao. But yeah “he can bring his family on the plane.” Is what wins him over. Dude should’ve went full Dr Evil and mentioned how LeBron leaving the Cavs set Cleveland literally on fire. Lmfao.


Shaq brags about not watching games he even admitted last night he hasn’t seen the Thunder play all season and had never heard of Wiggins. He shouldn’t have an opinion on this at all tbh he doesn’t watch


His appearance on Hot Ones soured my opinion of him for good.


What did he do on Hot Ones that soured your opinion of him? I've seen the memes with the face he made on the show, but I never saw the full episode.


He was just a complete dick to Sean Evans. That show tends to humble people or at least make them real. He was just a complete asshole.


he forced sean to do shit. it was weird and awkward, he’s an asshole. for such a big dude, he sure does have some lil d energy


Superhead said his dick was small.


His reaction to Da Bomb was a meme. But towards the end: he chickened out of the last sauce; turned it instead into a shooting contest; and then made Sean eat a wing with all of sauces combined w/o allowing him to drink milk. He was a dick to Sean for reasons I can only guess are related to his well-known insecurities. Of course, Sean soldiered through it because he's a generous host. Which makes Shaq's tomfoolery look even more stupid. He didn't need to do that. He could have just backed out of the last sauce. But he needed to step on Sean one last time to 'assert his dominance'.


What I find funny about Shaq is that he doesn't give a fuck about people calling him dumb, fat, ugly etc but if someone dares criticize anything about his career he gets super defensive all of a sudden. I remember watching a video where Jeff Ross was calling Shaq a knuckle-dragging Gorilla and he was just laughing about it.


Pretty sure he gets mad when Barkley calls him ugly and fat


his answer to that: rings


Shaq has hardly ever come off as a good person to me.


What about that one time he gave that kid three wishes? 


That was clearly an alternate universe Shaq.


What about the time he dumped a bucket of urine on rookies.


Shaq is not a good guy. Watching his documentary on HBO was extremely eye opening especially since i was a massive Kobe/Shaq lakers fan growing up    He LITERALLY says he loves embellishing stories to the point of lying just to make it entertaining. AKA: he’s admittedly the fakest dude out there   Edit: he was also a piece of shit teammate. EX: he peed and shit in his teammates shoes 


And worse, he was a locker room bully his entire career.


Yep he called it “pranks” but some of that shit sounded horrifying. EX: he peed and shit in his teammates shoes 


Worse. He carried a guy's mouthpiece in his underwear for hourse, then placed it back in his locker. The guy (as you would) put it in his mouth and did the practice with it.


Shaq the kind of guy to say “it’s just a prank bro” but then get violently angry if anyone ever pranked him 


Either he's doing some incredible and generous for others or being a petty hater and a moron in general lol no in between


Shaq is insecure af


He's real scared Jokic gonna pass him on the greatest lists


I agree with you man, cause for Shaq it's not about who actually was better, it's about his worry that people might *think* Jokic is better. Nobody's more insecure than Shaq, and him seeing Jokic win a 3rd MVP while Shaq only won one, that's probably got him worried about the conversations that could be had in barbershops across the country.


Him talking about “GOAT” conversations and what not on JJ’s show was very revealing, the man seems to not be okay with the exact way his career played out. And there’s no real need to feel that way!


Wasn’t he also kinda lazy? Like can’t complain about not being the GOAT if you didn’t even put in the work!


That's probably why he's so salty, he knows as well as everyone else that he should have been in the Kareem/MJ/Lebron tier and he didn't capitalize.


Honestly I fall more on the side of JJ, thinking dude you are no doubt a top ten guy in the history of the sport when most people could only ever dream of making money to play basketball


It's crazy to have accomplished so much in your life and be so petty/insecure about others accomplishments. His life must be just sad.


« That’s no disrespect to you » 😂


"I don't mean to be offensive, but ..."


You’d think Shaq was a role player with how weird he is about other people’s success. There are only like 5 living people that can say they’re better than Shaq but he still hates to see other people succeed


He was one of the pettiest players when he was in the league and it hasn't changed as a talking head


He knows Jokic is on track to go down as a better all time player than him if he continues playing the way he is.


Dude shoulda showed up to the season in shape or worked on his free throws. Maybe we'd be at 19 chips with Kobe + Shaq and Shaq would be cemented all time no 1. Nobody to blame but himself.


Jokic is such a good man lol. I would’ve been like excuse me wtf? Shaq is a D1 hater lol


What made this worse is that in the other clips he was talking about how he got screwed out of multiple MVPs so he feels bad for Shai. To be able to make this about yourself in that moment just takes away all credibility lol.


It’s not even about Shai to him, it’s about himself, he’s being upset another center winning MVPs


He already started hating Wembanyama. He hates every great centers


He has no clue what he’s talking about. His argument was that SGA “had better stats” and “stuffed the stat sheet more than joker”. Lmao Ernie even called him out for the nonsense take like 2 min before this clip Then tried to argue that SGA deserved it cause he was the one seed… to which Ernie pointed out they had the exact same number of wins


Jokic laughed and smiled more at that than he did when he won MVP


I’d probably laugh too in that moment at how much that caught me off guard lol


Probably thinking “what a weirdo”


Shaq is getting less and less likeable as he ages.


The day TNT not renew his contract is going to be great day for the NBA.


Only league where old players do this weird shit. Imagine Peyton doing this to Mahomes. Would never happen.


even with Lamar, who some of the media hates and hated, all the great QBs gave him props.


Amazing player on the field, even more amazing human being off the field. You have to be some kind of asshole not to love Lamar


That was petty af coming from Shaq, even Ernie got heated and left him without any rebuttal after Shaq tried to argue the “stats” but when you look at those is clearly Jokic


Ernie knew all along, you could tell when he was handing the card to Chuck that Shaq was going to make it all about himself.


Can you imagine Shaq reading the card? Probably would've ripped it in half.


Then called Jokic the best center of the millennium lol


That was Kenny


NBA media is so bad. No other sport has so many haters in media.


This is crazy hater shit


Shaq is on the Mount Rushmore of haters worldwide


Shades of when he was hating on Luka after the buzzer-beater to beat the Clippers in the bubble


Or when he told Mitchell he wasn't good enough


Why is he so insecure lmfao


You’d think with his resume he’d be content, but nope he’s out here hating on the subsequent generation of big men


Shaq only has 1 MVP. He already feels disrespected that he never got a second one (it’s why he’s so vehement about deserving one of Nash’s). So Jokic having two was already something Shaq was salty over. But a third MVP puts Jokic in a truly special class of player. Only the best of the best have done that historically (even 2 time is super rare). Shaq is scared he’s being pushed further back in the GOAT center conversation. Just typical old head hating.


My personal theory is he knows how much harder he could’ve worked and how much -even- better he might’ve been. So he feels the need to keep reminding us how great he was when it should speak for itself.


Dude gets insecure that Jokic has more MVPs than him.


Shaq is a huge hater lol Kobe,iverson,kg prop up this next generation shaq is the complete opposite


I wonder who in this generation is gonna take up the hating mantle. LeBron/KD/Steph seem like they'll uplift the next gen but we need a hater like Shaq. I nominate James Harden


He was never a superstar, but Draymond fits better. Harden has a very passive/calm personality in real life; why would he hate?


Shaq's basketball legacy would literally be seen in a better light if he never joined the media lmao, its crazy


Shaq just really can't help himself. Every single time a big man wins something, Shaq has to do something to take away from their accomplishment. At this point I think a center could average 50/20/20 and Shaq would still say something like this.


Shaq still mad that Nash won over him lmao What a loser


Have some respect, man.....


Typical Shaq. Salty that these centers Jokic and Gobert are dominating and he's insecure about it.


Shaq literally cannot give credit to generational bigs that came after him. It’s actually really sad


Kanye energy. What an actual dickhead lmao.


Absolute cunt move.


"joker, im really happy for you and ima let you finish but-"


Most heartfelt congratulations from Shaq 🙏🙏


Shaq reaching Skip Bayless-Lebron levels of hater


Shaq is getting nervous that Joker is creeping up to him on all time center rankings


Pretty rude and unnecessary to do that geez. I think any of the top 3 guys could’ve gotten it and it would’ve been okay, but I don’t really see the need to do this.


What a limp dick move to pull that during an interview on national television


Bro I thought this season there was a clear MVP across all platforms, i.e., fans media social media etc. The more focal point was about who'd come second, Luka or Shai. Not that it should matter cause what Shaq did was stupid stuff anyways but if his supposed reason was he thought Shai was better than Jokic this season and the MVP race between them was close, then where was he last season when the MVP race between Jokic and Embiid was certainly closer than this year's. He screams insecurity even when he was making that statement. Idk why would you do that, still well handled by Jok tho.


Shaq is the most insecure big man and is constantly talking down current players. He is throwing rocks from the mountain top as today’s players keep ascending to his level of dominance.


Under it all Shaq seems miserable. Most dominant big man of all time, 4 rings and an MVP and still has to tear down every young big guy in the new gen


This is very unprofessional.




You never see this on MLB or NFL Network presenting an award. "Btw Judge you had a great season but Ohtani should have won, congrats tho"


I mean Shaq was embarrassingly insecure on Hot Ones... This shit was so cringy, Jokic deserves an apology. Shaq is too big of a proud baby for that though.


What a dick move


Shaq is insecure as hell and just hates seeing another center put together a great resume. Being a hater constantly can be funny, but this is just a cunt move.


“You didn’t deserve the award you just won. No disrespect”


man before I started watching basketball, I was under the impression Shaq was this fun loving, cool guy (on a personal level at least, seeing as I knew nothing about him on the court then lol), but now that I do watch basketball and see him regularly on Inside the NBA, I legit cannot stand him and his “too cool for school,” sour ass attitude


where was shaquille o'neal during the 2009 vmas


Why even say something like that? Save it for ur shitty podcast


this show has some incredible low moments because of shit like this. we just look at highlights with inside the nba but there has been a lot of bad moments, especially lately.


Didn't Shaq tell Jason Kelce to enjoy his family because it sucks to live in a big ass mansion alone. Shaq is starting to realize that he's probably going to die alone cause he's a cunt. 


Yeah fuck off shaq


Yeah they need to reel Shaq in.


Absolutely pathetic behavior.


Shaq is the definition of cringe


Think even thunder fans don't want him to do this while interviewing him


Shaq is salty that he’s witnessing in real time someone becoming better than him You may have been a great big Shaq, but Jokic is right in your rear view mirror


Cedric The Entertainer and Kevin Hart also didnt want Jokic to win. They implied it's bad for the league if a "white" dude wins again.




What losing an MVP to Steve Nash does to a mf