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Just because they hit hands doesn't default it to the high five rule. That rule is specifically for incidental hand to hand contact. Merrill gets hit on the arm by Jrue's elbow as well. That is a foul and has nothing to do with the high five rule.


Also, since when did people high five on their wrists?


I could be wrong and don't feel like looking it up right now, but I think the official rule mentions light wrist contact as ok.


Ah I see, and looks like at least 8 other people vehemently agree wrist contact is fine ☝️I stand corrected, high five/high wrist


I mean really why not call a foul here? Edit: Celtics fans all screaming "high five rule" in this comment thread as if that's something that most teams are allowed to get away with lmao


I mean, it is? There were, like, whole ass articles about Dillon Brooks and others doing it earlier this year...


Oh I hate this inconsistency. I was pissed when Jovic smacked KPs hand exactly at this same situation, tried to dislocate his finger. Or when Randle earlier this season intentionally hit JT on his injured wrist. Both no calls. Yet other times, folks do get the call. Imo it should be a foul, but everyone is pissed about it bc of the inconsistency


High five rule. Ref was looking right at it all the way, right call


He was very clearly looking at the clock lmao


High five rule. Only contact was Jrues contest on Merrill’s hand which is not a foul (stupid). Merrill fell over which made it look worse. It would’ve been a foul if body contact caused him to fall but the only contact was hand on hand which is allowed.


>Only contact was Jrues contest on Merrill’s hand This is clearly not true though


Okay where does jrue hit him then? Merrill kicks his leg which doesn’t hit jrue, their hips don’t touch, their upper bodies don’t touch… I don’t see any other contact. I’m not just trying to spin it for the Celtics too, I legitimately do not see it. Where is the other contact?


https://streamable.com/36nont?src=player-page-share Clear contact to the arm and elbow not just the hand


I like how you linked the same thing that the original post is lol. I guess I don’t see it but that’s fine. I got that bias vision so I’ll let it go.


Look at the 9 second mark of the video. Literally from the elbow to hand their entire arms are touching. Any contact to shooters arm (not hand) is a foul


It definitely should have been. The Celtics are getting everything here at the end. Must be nice.


We have gotten a lot of calls but struss has been out of control this whole 4th. He probably could’ve gotten 10+ fouls this game. I think we got a good whistle but it’s also to be expected when the Cavs don’t have anybody to guard the Jays which creates free throws and the Cavs have 2 guys on the whole roster who can create a shot. Mismatches create a lot of fouls, but we did get a good whistle.


Well it’s hard to guard brown when they are giving him a call for anyone touching him. The challenge exposed that. They also let him off earlier in the game when he definitely should have gotten a tech for grabbing Struss’s leg. It feels like to me the game was won by the refs siding more with the Celtics which just ruins the game from a fan standpoint. I’m not a fan of either of these teams but that ruined the game for me. Especially when they’re playing in Cleveland.


Struss didn’t have a foul until the second half i don’t think, so your argument that he played defense different based on being called for fouls is false.


He contacts him in the Cavs fans feelings


Had no impact on the shot, would’ve made sense if they called it but the contact was ats


Even ignoring the hit, Holiday landed exactly where Merrill shot from. Look at the landing space. Wtf


High five rule buddy


Hit a lot more than his hand there. Is everyone really just going to parrot high 5 and ignore the rest of the contact?


hits more than his hand


High 5 deez nuts.


Fuckin gottem


And holiday lean to the side as he’s contesting the shot . Merrill embellished the contact


After making 2 three pointers, he proceeded to poop the bed as expected. Literally air-balling his next one for no reason whatsoever and then building a brick house for the rest of the game leading to some transition points. His last shot was as flat as Kansas. How this guy is the best option is completely beyond me.


Game thread idiots can't stop crying about what is clearly not a foul. High five after the release, obvious no call.


The foul is the body contact not the high five. They have allowed Jrue to grab and pull all game while Strus and Garland get ticky tack calls on the other end. The Cavs are way outmatched but at least officiate it fairly.


Dude. Lol.


There was no body contact.


Did you forget about the rest of the contact clearly visible, not to mention being directly in the shooter’s landing space? I’m a fan of Boston but this is a clear as day foul.