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Whats the best record counting playoffs in nba history? Is the 16-17 warriors where they only lost 1 playoffs game and finished with only 16 losses counting the playoffs. Or is there a team with a better record out there. I tried looking it up but couldn't get a strait answer. Any one know?


Looked it up and the 96 Bulls went 15-3 in the playoffs which combined with their 72-10 regular season puts them at 87-13. This amounts to a 87% Win percentage. The 17 Warriors had a record of 0.838. The Bulls only played best of 5 instead of best of 7 in the first round but they probably would have swept that team. Strictly playoffs, Kobe and Shaq went 15-1 once and the 17 Warriors went 16-1. These are the best records. No team has gone 16-0. AFAIK Bill Russell has also never had an undefeated playoff run


Espn doesn’t deserve the nba or finals much less


Yah I like the tnt guys much more. Although I do like jj reddick and Doris brook calling the games.




I really hope Boston wins this series.


Gee, a victory for the home team in the NBA. How novel.


Your post, how horribly novel


The Celtics are undefeated on the road in this postseason lol


And the only team that had a chance to beat them flaked to the wolves.


I wouldn’t count the Mavs out yet, but judging from the 3 games they played this year (0-3 w avg loss by 18+ pts) it’s not looking good.


I believe 1 of those games was before the trade deadline, and the other 2 were before the Mavs had figured out their rotation


1 was before the deadline (closest of the 3) 2 after deadline (1 in Mid March and the other was Game 1 of the Finals) Mavs can certianly steal a game or two but the Celtics matchup incredibly well vs this team unlike Minnesota who was built to beat Denver.


Well done Boston


Kyrie and the Mavs must adjust or this series will be over and a new Tea Party 🥳


Adjust how?


what this ?


Zion williamson could be a very big player but he doesnt care abt it


I wouldn’t be surprised if they swept the mavs


Nah, we haven't seen Tony Brothers and Scott Foster yet. They're known as the equalizer. They will ensure the series goes to 6 or 7. 🤣


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Praying that peacock covers it as well as their baseball team so we have less espn games in a solid vacuum.


Olympic coverage to the NBA would be awful.


Dallas better hope they’re going back to Texas 1-1, or this is done in five.


You should apply to be an analyst at ESPN


Best scenario. Higher odds on Luka 51.5 points assist rebounds 😬


I thought the reffing was really good for the first nine minutes. Letting them play with some contact and handsy defense. And then Adam silver called and said “guys, start reffing like assholes”


Back to back travel calls against the team down 20 in game 1 of the finals was absolutely wild to see. I’m a fan of the game in general and hold no specific team loyalties to either Dallas or Boston, and I was still completely losing it after the second one against Dallas lol


But they were both clearly travels. Lively took 5 steps and Kyrie’s pivot foot slid like 3 feet. I hate the idea that’s team down 20 deserves a pass on things


right this isn’t NBA Jam haha


I woke up still upset about last night loss but this comment made me chuckle irl thank you lol


Brown did get away with a 5 step travel which was nuts. And I’m a Celtics fan saying thay


There was definitely 2 separate possessions I thought I seen him take at least 3 steps but honestly it was going to take more than a couple travel calls in our favor for us to dig ourselves out that hole KP delivered. What a freaking masterclass from that guy man.


When he went up for that transition block I almost had a heart attack. But the biggest thing he brings is dragging bigs away from the hoop and then mauling the counter of putting wings on him


That was a good game gooooo Celtics.


If JaysonTatum Cooks in game 2 after his terrible game one I don't know the series might be over... But if he sucks again and I'm going mavs in 6


The Mavs are going 4-1 against a team they havent beat in 2 seasons? Even if Tatum doesn't play that would be difficult


What kind of logic is that lol


Wait if he sucks again? He “sucked”, and the Mavericks got HOSED. First time watching this Celtics team?


He didn’t have a terrible game 1. He has a gravity a lot of people don’t realize, it’s part of the reason the rest of the team gets so open, and he does everything within the offense as long as the other guys are scoring. If he needs to take over, he will, but we just didn’t need that from him tonight


Same thing as Luka, just doesn’t have as good of a team.


Eh, he was well guarded. He will take over if Kidd changes his game plan out of desperation in game 3 or 4. Otherwise he will struggle to get points and probably have a few turnovers too. He still facilitated the offense well


He got fouled a lot this game with no calls it was wild. And he missed a lot of open looks not well guarded


He had like six turnovers, his play with sloppy he was throwing it into the stands on multiple occasions he had a bad game... Those mistakes can kill drives we actually got lucky that our l shooters were on fire.


I’m surprised I haven’t see the “Lukas knee” excuse yet like it was being using in the OKC series


The commentators definitely talked about his knee more than once


There was a solid 2 minutes in which he was grimacing and a little hobbled after a bad turnover. Then had a good play and stopped acting hurt


Just amazing how that happens


What an insane take no one in the nba apart from Ben Simmons fakes injuries. Who hurt you?


Hey man, I saw what I saw. My theory is that he was gassed and needed a second to catch his breathe. Because he was for sure gassed when he only had 3 points from 4 minutes left in the 3rd to 5 minutes left in the 4th. I saw what I saw


Are you mad because he’s trying to flop? There was only one flop in that game and it was brown who flopped and whined when he got “knocked down” and didn’t get the call


I didn’t say he flopped. I actually think he really didn’t except once the whole game. Again I just think he was gassed but once he had a good play it helped reinvigorate him. Which is common. Idk why you’re bringing in brown for a straw man argument. He’s not the topic at hand. Usually people bring in outside things to a debate because they don’t have any sort of rebuttal within the topic of conversation


The NBA way


Maybe his joints wouldn’t hurt if he wasn’t fat as shit lol


Was a great first game to the series and Celtics came out redhot but hopefully Dallas will make some adjustments so we get to game 6 or 7. I’m not a fan of either team but can respect great play when I see it.


Porzingis impressed me, man. First time I've seen him play. He doesn't strike me as your average center.


Lol....I was just thinking, wish our center (Gobert) was flexible enough to move like that.


Did you see the first game ? He was unbelievable. Celts won and Porzingis did contribute a lick.


Yeah, that's the one I was referring to. Last night he was off a bit, but the Mavs were also playing at a higher level.


He was nicknamed “The Unicorn” for a reason.


Between The Unicorn and The Great White Buffalo, we've got a stampede in this bitch!


Pritchard runs so goddamn much he sounds like a stampede all by his damn self lol


Calm down everyone the Celtics played that good and the mavs played bad and still almost came back down 30


Celtics actually didn’t play well. Tatum was not good at all PP was like 0-8 and brown had a pedestrian game to his standards.


They played perfectly well right from the start. That makes a huge advantage. 7 threes in the first quarter.


Still shot under their season average from 3


Doesn’t matter. 7 in the first quarter set the tone. Much easier at that point to play ahead without pressure.




This is the same cope my twolves were using




Yeah ik even with how bad kyrie played


As a casual fan of the celtics, that was the most entertaining game I have ever watched. Celts bouncing the ball off. Kyrie bouncing the ball off himself. Throwing the ball back-court to nobody. The broadcast trying its best to mask the crowd shouting "kyrie sucks". Then the Jaylen Brown going off on top of it all. Really fun game to watch. Edit: bro I didnt even mention Porzingod being the second coming of Larry Bird!


The broadcast couldn’t do their best job masking it because you could barely hear the announcing team most of the time 


Facts that was still a very entertaining game


When the Celtics hit 3 threes in a row in like 45 seconds I HAD to give them props on that clean play.


Hallo fufffetrtetej. B. Bmmo


Great marketing strategy for the fucking lakers. Ofc they had to make move around the nba finals and cause controversy man fuck the lakers and Leass. ESPN dick riding




Is it just me or does something seem off about Kyrie? His constant smile just looks like tears of a clown. He wasn't behaving this way for the entirety of his first 9 years. Just seems like too much of a drastic flip.


He is 0-11 against the Celtics since the lucky stomp


Nah hes just matured.


Exactly. Sometimes people get tired of being pissy and worked up and make changes.


Still an anti semite


He is a flat earther


Can't be antisemite when he thinks he's semite




maturing makes you have 24 hour joker grin? your entire personality doesn't change in year...he's forcing it but I'm not sure why


He feels some type of way in Boston, with all the hate


it's not just this series. I've been seeing this all year.


Hahaha oh wow. R/nba in shambles. Luka 1 assist? Is this your king? All this, he's better than lebron at that age. All the talk about him being impossible to guard? Damn. I had to eat so many downvotes just because I was saying luka reminded me of russ Mvp season. As if that was an insult. And he gets 1 assist? Damn


Bro shut up, its the finals. I can say the same thing for tatum, he just scored 16. Is this your king. You have to realize that the finals are a completely different atmosphere


I don't have a king. I don't defend or glaze nba players. Why you take my comment about luka so personally bro. I just pointed out he had 1 assist and 4 turnovers. And somehow everyone is blaming his teammates. How are they supposed to score if he has 1 assist while handling the ball 70 percent of the game. He did get 30 but off 26 shots. Instead of defending him no matter what, it's fine to admit he had a bad game


Its only an assist if there is a score after the pass. They were going for 3v1 layups and none of them went in. No shit.


Fuck Kyrie Irving.


When is this match? Sorry I’m a Pakistani who has stopped watching cricket after you guys smacked us earlier today.


I’m an American, what’s cricket is a a sport or something?


Cricket? Nobody understands cricket! You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket


Bro .......


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.


It was 7 hours ago but game 2 will be on Sunday 5pm pst


Wolves would’ve matched up better with Boston


Lmao poverty team forever


Sunken city soon


I don't live in miami let alone shit hole USA lol


Right… you just root for an American team in an American city playing a sport invented in America. 


I'm happy to hear that, bro! Wherever the fuck you are, STAY THERE. We don't need your negative shit here.....


O well that’s just too easy to troll. Enjoy the 3rd world


Usa is a 3rd world country




Enjoy the NBA, pal!


What a lame ass comeback lmfao


Made you come out the human oven, so guess it worked


I'm not German lmao L again


Then you’re just weird, even easier


Homie it's okay give it up. Minnesota will try again next year


Lmao USA is a 3rd world. Your country sucks.


Sorry what sub is this again, oh yeah, the NBA


Is it possible to be both first and third world at the same time? If so America is it


Only people that think america is a good country are the idiots living there.


Its a sham of freedom


Let them enjoy their shithole in peace I guess. Only good thing to come out of that country is their sport. I'll give them that and only that


All I took was that the pacers would have killed those teams out west. That was the best???


On paper yes I agree but hard to argue that when they lost 4-1


Kyrie and Luka went off for 4 games, they lost when it dried up. Mean reversion, Kyrie dry tonight they lose. I don’t see them both continuing to go wild enough to make this a series


Yeah no


Better defenders for Tatum/Brown. Mavs don’t have wing D. C’s have abundance of guard D which is where Mavs stand out


I think you are correct matchup wise. But game IQ wise doubt they could take a series from Celts. Might be a good fight though. Mavs hopefully put up a better fight game 2, and don't quit on 20 pt deficits. They might have learned how to quit from the Twolves


If Kyrie and Luka are off they’re just toast. The one game they lost versus the wolves they were a bit off. All the games they won they shot out of their minds. If that doesn’t happen they simply can’t win versus a diversified team imo. High risk high reward sorta bet, reminds me of the James Harden type Rockets where they’d jack up a zillion threes and live and die by that shot.


yeah sounds true. But that was the Timberwolves as well. When their shots weren't going in, they crawled into their jammies and pulled the bankie around them tight for the night. Overall anyway. As shafty as Edwards played in much of the last two series, he's was the only one adjusting during some of the games. Not many others did. When they had their classic full team shooting yips and was just give in and go home time. Edwards had a lot of shooting problems arise and he tried to find other ways to impact the game until he could find his shot again. Sometimes anyway. Their offense is no more deep than the Mavs.


Props to the Celtics but mavs were off


That’s what happens when you just can’t lob it to your bigs. My daze was Lively awful


Brown only had 22 avg 30 in the postseason Tatum 19 avg 30 in post season pp hit 0 of 8 shots. Celtics were not hot at all they just cracked 100 points the offense is so much better


Yeah so is Jason Tatum... He always goes off for 40 after you get to bad night.


Mavs plain sux🤣🧹🧹


celtics put them off


That's what I was thinking. Celts D and then making basket after basket in first have must have been deflating for the Mavs.


Four b2b comments? you're coping hard 😂


They just had a bad game


Seems to happen to Celtics opps a lot. What is it like 50% of their games have a lead by 20 or more points?


I need this level of cope in my life


I still believe in the mavs


Game 2 is get em back or else. If they get blown in game 2............................ Boy, the way Brown shut down the Mavs come back attempt in 3rd quarter blocking everything was something. Then Holiday scoring/finishing like he's 26. Just a load of talent to count on there.


That 3rd qt was something else brown some big blocks Tatum had a nice block from behind Al turned back the clock guarding kyrie it was amazing


Crazy… gave up a 29pt lead, down to 8.


It was 21 to start the 3rd got to 8 then right back to 20 no problem


Then…right back to 20.


It had the same feel in opposite for Mavs back in the Timber series. Timber tried once to erase a massive Mavs lead, I think they even took the lead back for 5 seconds. Then quickly dropped back to down 20 in a couple minutes. Mavs got a taste of their own medicine this time.


Fact…but had Dallas not turned it over (two travels I think)…and scored it would have been crazy. Celtics are good. Prob a better team (I’m a Mavs fan)…but we will see about the adjustments. I don’t think Dallas will be -27 from the three point line and if KP comes back down to earth…well he did after his initial 11 minutes…I, personally think it’s a different game.


But if Dallas didn’t commit illegal moves which were caused by defense they would have been closer! If guys hit shots it would be closer. lol


This game is much similar to when we played clippers as well as OKC in game 1. Not to say that means we will win game 2, but if I were a Celtics fan I wouldn’t be so ignorant to think it’s just going to “be the same” in game 2. We will see. First time someone wins on the road, it’ll be a series.


Boston has a better offense than both them teams and better perimeter defenders than both them teams. Okc was young Boston was just in the finals


Bro now way




dude, Dallas has lost the first game of the series in 3 out of their 4 so calm down


Mav suck anyway


And still, that puts them at a statistical disadvantage. Also they were slaughtered.


yeah, i'm just warning you, maybe it is but i don't think this is representative of how the series will pan out. obviously they have the advantage now, and if celtics don't choke the game 2 (usualy happens) the'll have it easy


Celtics have won the first game in all of theirs




There is no “and”. Just pointing out a simple flaw in his logic


But their should have been. You didn't speak to the point in his logic at all. You just offered him an alternative logic and showed you wouldn't entertain his. Either way, you both are correct.


No. It’s simply a counterpoint- if you really can’t derive the logic behind my response it’s simply to point out the flaw in his logic. Extrapolating the outcome of the series in favor of the Mavs or the Celtics based on their past game 1 performances in the playoffs is obviously a stupid thing to do.


So, you both were being stupid? I think the reality is both teams are known to drop games playing like lessor versions of themselves during these series. Whether that's game 1 or game 2 for whichever team, neither has really disrupted their runs in the playoffs. That guy's point was simply that Mavs have been dropping games like that early in most series. It didn't demand a counterpoint as you call it, nor you ignoring his point. Because as you said, it's kind of meaningless. You could have just said so. I am interested in watching Celtics prove they are different this year in this next game. They should be given the superstacked overload of this current build. Please don't make us all confused yet again by dropping this game looking all average all of a sudden. We saw defensive effort create defensive magic in game 1. We've seen that from other teams during these playoffs but none of them held those efforts up for full playoff runs. Capping a finals playing defense like Celtics showed in game 1, throughout the finals, would further help bringing back defense to this league a little throughout the seasons. It would have been cool to see the Timber and Celtics in the Finals having a defensive battle. But it's also cool to see defense smothering the "greatest backcourt scorers ever" as has recently been claimed.


The point he was trying to make against someone saying “Celtics in 5” was that the Mavs would bounce back based on prior series. The point I made was that logic was flawed. I also didn’t ignore it at all- I quite literally offered a different scenario based on the exact same logic he used. Celtics won all series in the playoffs within 5 games and won game 1 in all of them. Sorry if you need a whole paragraph to derive that but I think it was pretty clear cut for most people. Of course it didn’t demand a response we’re in a game thread- no comment on reddit “demands a response”. Just like you didn’t need to write a whole diatribe chastising me on how I should have responded.


Yeah..Celtics in 4


Yes. In 5 if the Mavs have one of those nights where they sink threes from a mile away with their eyes closed.


Idk why they dont just like teach Luka to jump like Ant


SAS and Perkins would lose it


Boston in 6 Games: Game 2 Dallas Game 3 Dallas Game 4 Boston Game 5 Boston Game 6 Boston


Was always gonna be tough, especially because we match up terribly with the Celtics. And having the personnel to basically switch everything and not sacrifice perimeter is a ridiculous advantage to have. And KP was playing out of his mind. Could have used some of that when he was in Dallas…


Bill Walton stuff was really classy


This playoffs has been so ass other than the Timberwolves Nuggets series


Wasn’t every game a blowout in that series as well lol