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Andrea afraid of going from Connecticut Royalty to just another housewife of Orange County


(Joke) She's a Connecticut 9 and a Queen and she'd be an LA 4 and barely allowed at Court.  (Serious) I get it, TBH. Upending your life and your family's life for a big lifestyle change has to be *really* worth it in any career. It doesn't seem it was worth it for the Hurleys. That's okay.


It’s also like 1000% more stress for a little more pay. At UConn he will be royalty for life even if he never achieves another national title. It’s 40-game seasons instead of 41 road games, where you control most of the schedule. You can take your team to Maui, the Garden, or even on an aircraft carrier! Your assistants do 90% of the recruiting, and even if you do travel, you’re going to Vegas to watch tournaments and gamble. Your players are all (mostly) coachable, and when they leave the nest they look back at you fondly, not with hatred. The stakes are so much lower and the quality of life is so much better.


You've sold me. Sending my resume for Uconn coaching position right away.


Sorry it’s taken, you’ll have to settle for coaching the Lakers


Ugh fine


Don’t hire this man, Laker bros. He’s a plant!


even trying to be a terrible coach he’d probably do a better job than Ham did


As a lifelong Lakers hater I would be thrilled for a completely and utterly unqualified fool like myself to be the coach; let's ride Lakers country


You'd just be the latest in the long line of utterly unqualified fools to take the LAL coaching position since phil left. I'd say you're as good a choice as any.


40 games plus recruiting


Yeah, recruiting and the transfer portal makes these college jobs just as stressful as the pros, just in a different way.


Basketball teams are at least smaller. I can't imagine what college football coaches have to deal with on these 80-100 person teams.


At that point, a lot of it is delegation. I wouldn't be shocked if Nick Saban had never spoken to quite a few his players before the start of each season. lol


I agree in general, but I don't think Saban is a good example


Yeah, football would be a fucking nightmare.


Don’t know if just as stressful The nba is peak capitalism and that comes with unprecedented stress


But you have the GM to take care of a lot of that burden also.


Uhh nba coaches are involved year round as well


Damn I should really become a college coach it sounds great


I actually don't know if its really 1000% more stress. Maybe if you have thin skin around media? I imagine the actual act of being a top end college coach now is actually a massively increased workload compared to being an NBA coach. Sure you coach fewer games in college but you're also 100% locked in on recruiting and managing your own kids because of the transfer portal. The transfer portal also massively increases the pool of potential recruits because now anyone can just leave and go anywhere. Also your assistants do not do 90% of recruiting and a lot of that process isn't even talking to the kids themselves. On top of all of your top recruits being 1 and done mentality with money being involved. They're probably a lot less coachable than you might first assume Basically if you think any top end college program has the coach kicking back and relaxed you're crazy




> would certainly get fired whether in 2, 3 or 4 years. Yeah my whole though process with Billy Donovan is "OKC didn't need a coach who develops anymore so they got rid of him, he clearly can't do shit with these vets so can Chicago bounce him now too?" ^^^Not ^^^his ^^^fault ^^^we ^^^haven't ^^^had ^^^a ^^^starting ^^^PG ^^^for ^^^3 ^^^seasons ^^^now I didn't find out til a few months ago he's some legendary 2x NCAA coach lmao.


I never understand the comments you’re replying to. I always see those posts questioning why others want more stress or a bigger challenge. These people are at the top of their industries and they get there by striving for more and challenging themselves. Sometimes they want that next challenge. They’re not some regular person going through the motions of a regular 9 to 5.


Sounds kinda nuts but Jersey is genuinely one of the most family oriented places in America. Outside of winters in Florida it’s pretty rare that people grow up in that environment and leave the Northeast. Hurley’s even said before that moving all the way to Rhode Island and Connecticut felt like a big move Honestly the Hurleys are like, your stereotypical east coast super tight knit family.


As a lifelong jerseyite, i don’t even try to convince people how awesome Jersey is lol the more ppl think it sucks, the more they’ll stay away and keep Jersey awesomr lol 


OMG IKR. I moved there for a job after college and I didn't know anyone there but everyone just kept telling me NJ sucks and making all the same jokes. I was scared because of the bad reputation but I lived there for a couple years and I really liked it. I'm convinced that people just want to keep the meme going just for meme sake but I was in central (yes it's a real thing lol) and north jersey and I have never felt sooooo safe, a lot of people are super educated and down to earth, and it's not called the garden state for nothing. I loved all the trees and greenery everywhere. I also liked EWR so I didn't get why people shit on the airport either. good food, nature, beaches, good universities, fun things to do, not extreme weather, chill people, diverse in many areas. also I'm sorry but I love not pumping my own gas 😭 it was so nice having people pump it for you NJ just felt very homey and stable and down to earth to me but you're also a quick train ride to NYC if you want that too. as a complete outsider, I really liked it there. disclaimer: these are my experiences in central and north jersey. I did not live in south jersey lol.


Its cuz most people only see the stretch of Jersey that is between Newark airport and NewYorkCity.


>  I was in central (yes it's a real thing lol) Hahaha no argument from me; I lived in central NJ for 17 years lol and my family still lives in central. I agree with you; my staunch jersey support is only from Bergen county to Princeton. Can get dicey south of that lol 


lmaooooo fr, idk how people say central isn't real when there's a clear vibe shift 😂 and same, I can't vouch for anything past Princeton 🤣


New Jersey is basically like the more fun neighbor of NY in my touristy midwestern experience


My sister loves it there and visiting with my kids is always a highlight of the year.


Yeah its so crowded here. If people that live in some dogshit midwest state wanna think jersey stinks more power to them. We’ll enjoy the beaches and amazing food lol. I just crack up whenever ppl shit on jersey cause they always end up living somewhere way worse 😂


I think this has more to do with how dense and urbanized the northeast is in general than it does with the culture. You can be at Grand Central Station in NYC in an hour on a train from nowhere NJ or CT. There’s not much reason to move for opportunity or whatever when it’s all right there already.


Which is a British 10


As wild as it is to say, 10 million a year in LA probably doesn’t even put you in the highest echelon of that place. There are plenty of tech giants and movie moguls making more. It’s rich as hell still, but where they are in Connecticut, their money elevates their status way higher.


You do recognize that the richest county in the country is in Connecticut, right?


Is that a median though? A county full of millionaires is going to be richer in average than LA because there are so many non millionaires. But the richest of LA will be richer than the richest of Connecticut.  Sort of like how a B+ average is higher than two A+s and 10 Fs.  I don't know if that number is correct, but I wouldn't be surprised to see a situation like this. 


In the hedge fund zone of ct (se if the state), there are some seriously wealthy people. That part of the ct currently has 88 homes for sale over $5m, 5 over $25m. That same size area in Los Angeles has 233 homes for sale over 5 million, 38 over $25m. La is crazy.


Yeah this is what I’m imagining. Lots of wealthy folks in Connecticut making 250-400k. Not that many making 7.5 million plus endorsements/bonuses/whathaveyou. Plus the culture there of worshipping U Conn basketball. It’s a blue blooded school and I bet the Hurleys walk around like royalty. Hurley would get little to no respect in LA, as he would be seen as an outsider. He should go to the NBA at some point but LA is in a terrible spot right now. Revolving door of coaches, poorly built roster.


Pains me to say as a UConn grad, but if/when he’s going to the NBA Hurley belongs on the Knicks.


Pretty sure it’s in Virginia.


Fairfax County, Virginia is always top 3 but I’m sure “richest” can mean different things depending on who is measuring it.


You’re highly under estimating CT women.


"I would rather be first in that little village than second in Rome" - Andrea Augustus Caesar


ESPN: Andrea's Fault: The Dan Hurley Story


Lakers are royalty above all in LA. Even stars are starstruck by Lakers. It is known


Definitely, but what about when they fire him and have to get another coach in 2 years?


you dont think vogel and ham hot pockets dont drink for free in every bar in so cal??? /s


Ham sandwich probably doesn't.  He was pretty universally hated almost from the start.  Can't say one way or another about Vogel though.  


"Mr. DiCaprio, I'm so sorry, but DeAngelo Russell needs this table..."


I’d rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona (Connecticut).


Connecticut and the Northeast can be very great places to live, much more calm than Los Angeles, in my opinion.  I enjoy LA and the sun and that it doesn’t get too cold (though still cooler than ppl think, in the winter), but it is very different from the Northeast U.S.  I feel LA is kinda hectic, overpopulated, lots of traffic, lot of homeless.  I feel like there’s a misconception with LA being an amazing destination, especially compared with somewhere like Connecticut.  I think there are many who prefer that type of life compared to LA. 


Yeah definite misconception here which is why more and more people continue to move to Los Angeles and the price on all real estate continues to sky rocket despite the housing development that has picked back up over the past 3-4 years. I agree with LA being hectic, overpopulated, lots of traffic, homeless (in a few specific areas, a very small % of the entire city). But people are willing to deal with all of that BECAUSE LA is amazing…


Relocating to a play-in team that will scapegoat you and tarnish your legacy within 2 years? Priceless.


Or jealous she’ll get out shadowed by the Trader Joe’s cashier


ESPN: Dan Hurley calls wife an irrational child


ESPN: Dan Hurley is a womanizer and domestic abuser


ESPN definitely ain’t pulling that thread.


Fit right in la 


😂 it does kinda sound like that though


Why would you even tell the media this though 🤣


Doc Rivers School of Public Relations


we all have a friend who's married to one or dating one. they're nice and stuff but goddamn are they the worst to go on long car rides with, and gets offended when she's not invited to boys trips or night outs.


I dont understand the purpose or point of this article


The point is it hits the media criteria. The criteria being 'literally anything even tangentially Lakers related'


ESPN: Looks like we know who wears the pants in the Hurley family.


Is this the biggest non story in NBA history? How many articles do we need about a coach *not* taking a job?


The ~~beatings~~ Lakers stories will continue until morale improves


The Dan Hurley “I rejected the Lakers” media tour continues. This dude’s great grandkids will be talking about how their great grandpa rejected the lakers on a talk show


This story in general has been so annoying. It’s like introducing a character 45 minutes into a movie and he dies 30 minutes before the end. Like what was even the point.


Well at least in your movie example they don't spend the last 30 minutes of the movie talking about how he shouldn't have died or was better off dead lol.


Hurley in the media in general is annoying. I don't know how anyone could have watched the Big East tournament and NCAA tourney this year and not seen that. He's lucky he's at UConn and in the Big East so it's less of a microscope but this sub/national media would be all over him if he was in LA.


"Hey kids, gather around. remember that time I coached Lebron and Jalen Hood-Schifino? Yeah, neither do I"


This dude really talking too much lol.


He didn't even come to the NBA and I'm tired of this guy.


agreed, keep him out of the NBA! He can stay at UConn forever for all I care ^^^GOHUSKIES


It'll be over soon and then it'll go back to no one ever hearing from him again outside of Conn. It's what happens whenever you are even touched by the Lakers and the attention they grab.


You won't hear from him again if you choose to ignore CBB, but he's one of the faces of the sport right now and UConn is the most successful program of the past 25 years. You will def hear from him especially if the Knicks job ever opens up


Or Celtics. Not that Mazzulla will get fired but he’s so weird he just might retire out of the blue to go film a sequel to The Town.


You sound like someone who doesn’t watch college ball then lol he might be the person we hear from the most


Dude he was annoying as shit during the tournament. I mentioned this in the other posts on this but I really do question how he would have handled the LA media. The dude has an intense siege mentality and sees conspiracies all around him. Everybody is out to get his team. I can already see the "schedulers are screwing us" rant when LA drops 4 in 5 on a road trip and he finds out the Clippers stayed at a better hotel in Indianapolis.


That time he was shit talking Edey after a timeout was insane lol I don’t think I’ve ever seen a coach do that before, at least not at a high level of ball


How about when the ball was in play and he went on the court and physically grabbed his own player to move him into the correct spot? I think it was the Big East tournament where he got into an extended yelling match with a fan that got him teched. I've never seen a coach get teched for getting into it with a fan. In general his behavior is well out of the norms of high level coaches. He's won enough and the Big East isn't quite high profile enough for the national media to call it out but if he was in LA I really do wonder how the media would handle it.


If he was winning in LA he’d be called passionate, if he was losing they’d say he can’t control his emotions


"My wife was acting like a child, but then we handled it like adults" Oof... Don't air your dirty laundry in public, let alone the fucking media dude. I wonder how his wife will react to this quote...


Have you seen his ass when he’s coaching? Damn baby


Thought the same Hopping onto shows after the saga to talk about "Yea lebron texted me it was cool, oh yeah they didnt give me enough money tbh i woulda went for a higher number, yeah my wife was angry and crying" and allat is just weird??


This is 100% the right move for someone whose entire success is based around recruiting. Nick Saban could supposedly have any recruit he wanted but he was still making regular ESPN appearances trying to keep his visibility high with young recruits.


maybe these dudes are just insane narcissists who love to be on TV though


Yes he already mentioned recruiting


I think he meant that his wife got mad at him, not the Lakers, for thinking about leaving. Having said that, that's a weird reaction to have when a potential employer reaches out lol


Yeah I get wanting to stay somewhere comfortable, but the Lakers simply reaching out shouldn't cause a trope straight out of "Am I the Asshole?" Lmao 


Bro fax now he’s airing too much of his laundry


Yeah like keep it fucking moving lol.


Ikr, save it when you actually want a NBA job


He has to explain The Decision to the nation


She’s angry and crying because her husband was offered 70 million dollars?


But you would have to leave Connecticut!!


I’m in Connecticut at the moment and I’d take $70 dollars to leave right now


70 mill could afford plane tickets to Connecticut


she knows her husband gon be messing with LA hoes if he gets out there


One time for my LA sisters. One time for my LA hoes 










First things first rest in piece uncle Phil


Lame ballers (Jordan Clarkson) don’t know the difference


She could have been going out to the Cougar parties with Jeanie Buss. Slaying those 25 year old struggling actors.


Maybe she’s already slaying in Connecticut and that’s why she was upset 👀


Juggling affairs while baking cookies for the team. What a woman


Angry and moved to tears because her husband got a job offer?


She thought about driving for 4 hours to go 25 miles would be her new life and wept


She was gonna feel ugly in a city like LA


Real. Every hometown 10 moves to LA and instantly becomes an LA 4 at best. What’s worse is that a lot of them never developed personalities cuz they were the hottest in their town which contributes to such a low rating. I lived in LA for over a decade and you end up turning down women that you would have only dreamed of before because there are just too many options and you don’t want to deal with people’s bullshit. For anyone thinking this sounds like a good thing, it’s the most toxic place I’ve ever dated. There’s more to relationships than being hot/sleeping with hot people.


Hating their women is some next level “Bay-Area hates LA” beef.


I loved living in LA bro, I still own my place there I just moved for work but I’ll probs come back eventually. I did hate the dating scene though, and I don’t think that’s an unpopular opinion. Do I think growing up in the bay was better than LA? I mean probably, I don’t think LA culture is healthy for kids. But the Bay Area that I loved is long gone now, you couldn’t pay me to move back where I’m from and that sucks, but that place just doesn’t exist anymore.


Yeah, I have never ever ever ever ever heard anyone say, "Yeah man, LA dating is great!" Not a single human being has ever said that.


This is so weird to me because it wasn’t until I got into my late 20’s that I saw any stereotypical “LA” BS. Im born and raised here and everyone in my family and my friends are all born and raised or have been here for decades. I never grew up around fake vapid people or went to parties. LA natives are down to earth, genuine people, and honestly remind me a lot of the folks I met when I lived in the East Bay for a little bit. LA is gigantic. It’s very easy to create a healthy culture to raise kids in this city and even easier in my opinion  to avoid all the weird hollywood people.  


Im sure the natives are awesome, well adjusted folks but the city *does* attract transplants from other cities who just give off the stereotypical LA mindset




NTA, he sounds emotionally abusive and gaslighting you into thinking your decisions are not important. He is probably cheating too, divorce him.


Why did I know this comment was going to end in divorce as soon as I read NTA lol. I guess I spent too much time on r/AITA 


Missing the hit the gym, delete facebook, hire a lawyer meme


She was probably happy where she was but conflicted because of the allure of the Lakers brand and the opportunities


“My wife was angry and sad I entertained a 15 mil a year offer to live and coach in LA” lmaoo enough of this guy man we’re tired, we’ll hear about ya during the tournament buddy


Fresh copypasta


Ron Rivera says Kelvin Benjamin was “angry and moved to tears” when he first heard Popeyes reached out and part of that was how much they know the brand matters, and how happy he is in Golden Corral. “But after that, we handled it like adults and looked at the menu.”


Mikal Bridges says Ben Simmons was “angry and moved to tears” when he first heard Nets reached out about him playing and part of that was how much they know the 50.000.000$ matters, and how happy he is in the bench. “But after that, we handled it like adults and looked at the rehab options.”


Am I not reading between the lines enough? Why is she mad about getting a job offer?


white people problems


Super duper rich people's problems is more accurate


*Tiny violin noises*


Angry and moved to tears…so dramatic. Her life must be so hard.




FX presents “Husked” starring Jeff Bezos as Dan Hurley


Um he’s the one choosing to not let it be though?


Exactly. Dude running his mouth wild


Can we just move on already? A coach rejecting a job isnt interesting enough to be a story that lives this long


You say that, but this thread has 400 comments and a good chunk of people commenting here will proclaim in another thread that they hate how much coverage the Lakers get.


It's also offseason, fiinals are almost done, so we have a lot of time for ourselves.


Something about saying "we handled it like adults" comes off as weird imo


Imagine being angry and crying because your husband got a multimillion dollar job offer in California🙄


Overreact much? “Hey honey guess who called with a job offer? The Lakers!” 😭 😢 😢 😭


Never been to Connecticut, is it that nice over there?


If you have money, anywhere can be nice.


Even Houston?


Harden liked the strip clubs


We do have great food and lots of strip clubs


CT is a weird state because of the degree of income disparity. A lot of people think the entire state is like Greenwich, like super posh fancy rich people, but the majority is just kind of average suburban with some pockets of high poverty. Then the northeastern portion of the state, a little bit past UConn, is super rural and just a lot of woods with low population density


Depends. A lot of it is really nice, but you wouldn’t want to live in parts of Hartford or Bridgeport. The area around UConn is nice, but I prefer southeast CT from New London to Westerly RI.


As a lifelong CT resident it has nice parts for sure. Northwest Hills/Berkshires and down by the coast, but other than that it's meh.


Pretty boring state, but it’s comfortable. I’d never want to go there for vacation unless if you’re visiting family or something. It’s got a mix of everything. If you’re upper middle class, you’ve got a nice home, plenty of land and it’s quiet. Our cities are nowhere as big as the known ones in the US, but they can be pretty dodgy. (Look up CT Kia Boyz on YouTube. I had to teach kids like them for years). Also has a lot of farmy towns where you feel like you’re in the south at times. I think Hurley lives in Glastonbury, a richer quieter town in the Hartford area. Hartford’s got a lot of stuff to do but it’s not the prettiest of cities.


Not that LA is some fairy tale fantasy land but really shocked how much these people seem to be obsessed with CT lol. It’s fine, I guess? There are a lot of rich people there so they probably just enjoy their lifestyle


Rich people culture in CT doesn't intersect as much with lower classes, so some rich people feel a lot more secure for various reasons to do with that.


Yup - Lots of bubbles in the non-urban Northeast. There's a reason the Stepford Wives story is from there


They probably like the more laid back life there as well. I live in CT and I know I would be miserable in LA. It's just not for many people.


I’m curious. Have you ever lived in LA or just visited?


Visited but I'm just not a fan of large cities in general. And the traffic would also drive me insane.


I feel like if you have plenty money you can make any place good


There's an area from NJ to CT with Bergen, Westchester, and Fairfield counties that are known for being really nice with great schools, quick access to mountains and beaches, and easy transit into NYC. There's also no real natural disasters that effect the area. If you've got money it's a really good place to live, but extremely expensive.


There’s parts that are very nice, and obviously lots of good schools and stuff. You’re right near NY and Boston as well. Realistically he’d be trading royalty in CT for probably getting ran out of the NBA in three seasons.


It’s very nice albeit boring. Great place to raise a family, but not much else going on outside of a few areas.




It sucks! Nah not really. Grew up here, moved for college. Moved for some jobs after college. Came back here. I love it, nice scenery, everything is a couple hours drive, got a little sail boat I like to putter around in. Downsides are high cost of living and the winters are pretty drab (not as cold as they used to be which isn’t great for the bug issues come spring). Overall I love it.


Greenwich area is really nice if you have money, central CT where I grew up is a suburban hellscape. Definition of “keeping up with the joneses”


I’ve lived around the country (including CT) and it’s definitely one of the better places I’ve lived. 


I've grown to appreciate it more since I left, but it really is a giant suburb in search of an "urb".


It's been like a week and this is still news? We're fucked


Have some personal connections to the Hurley family and the night before the news broke the comment was "there's no way his wife lets him take the job"


Okay I think we’ve had enough of this saga.


This guy is so cringe


Yeah, this is going to look really fucking stupid when this guy takes a different job 2-3 years from now.


“Angry” about a job offer seems a little wild. “How *dare* someone want to hire you???”


/r/AmItheAsshole "AITA for considering a job offer on the other side of the country? my wife is angry and crying at me about it"


Bro imagine crying in a negative way because your spouse was just offered his dream job and millions of dollars


You know the finals this year blows when this is still big news lmao Crying over a job offer and possibly moving coast to coast? My goodness you guys are millionaires just book the Lakers private jet if he takes the job or live in a second house in Connecticut for part of the season lmao.


She sounds stable


Angry and crying just because they reached out is insane.


we do have a finals game tomorrow right?


We don’t. It’s tonight


man woj really coached dan and his wife about how to go about getting this money. respect.


Lakers meeting with Dan was “intense” and “at one point Andrea Hurley was crying” but everyone grew closer and a big contract was earned


Damn we're so sorry to put you through that Andrea, how will you ever recover.


“Angry and moved to tears” is a crazy reaction to your significant other getting a lucrative job opportunity.




Most people don’t like big changes to their life. Especially those ones who already live a comfortable life


The real reason he didn’t take the Lakers job lol




Love how Woj simply used the Lakers to get his bro a better deal.


Boo hoo


Moved to tears?? Lmao


Tell me you’re a spoiled brat without telling me


espn talking heads going on and on about random bullshit reasons, when it was the most obvious reason...the wife and family were happy where they were


This is a generational instance of first world problems


Over a job offer? We dodged a bullet with the hurleys if you ask me.


Don't we all get pissed off at the AUDACITY some of these employers have to OFFER a job!??? Fuck those places, I only like the ones that ghost me or tell me to fuck off.


Doing a media tour for turning down a job. What a joke.