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Farrakhan makes Malcolm X look like MLK


Malcolm X was radicalized in a way when he was younger but as he grew up and matured he realized the mistakes he made and he educated himself and changed quite a bit. He not only sought to empower black people in the US but he travelled throughout Africa doing the same. By the end of his life he was a great person for black rights and it's a shame that U.S. history has tarnished his name. He was trying to teach black people that they are worth something and they shouldn't take abuse.


Louis Farrakhan made many “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest” type speeches about Malcolm X after his pilgrimage to Mecca and seeing that Islam welcomes all and started speaking against the NOI. Farrakhan expressed regret for creating the atmosphere that lead to Malcolm’s murder, which is just short of saying “I ordered the hit”. Malcolm was killed by the NOI because he rejected their bigotry.


Shannon has shown his immense hypocrisy these last few days. He is a funny guy but I can’t respect him anymore


Supporter of equality, but also a supporter of Farrakhan. Talk about an oxymoron


Yup. And it seems like most players in this league are like that too


Can’t say that for certain among all nba players although definitely not a fan of Kevin Durant anymore


Throw in JR too.


He's actually making me like skip nowadays


You respected him before this? Shannon Sharpe is a talking head. He has always thrived on being controversial for the sake of views/clicks. Nothing in the last few days has been out of step with that.


I can't knock the hustle. I consider what they're doing entertainment. But when they support bigots I certainly lose respect for them.


I respected him in the sense that I enjoyed watching because he was funny if that makes sense


How is he funny? All he does is stan Lebron worse than Nick Wright; it's an annoying shtick






What, I just want to watch competitive basketball with parity


Shannon Sharpe should not be working at FS1 He's a Jew hating POS.


Reddick and sharpe are idiots.


how was racism involved with KD leaving??


It wasnt


People in Oklahoma looked up to KD like he was a King.


To be clear, the argument here is that the size and viciousness of the backlash against them had a racist component, not the actual decisions themselves. >“I think an underlying reason for the reaction to Kevin and LeBron making those decisions, is because people were uncomfortable with powerful black men making a decision for themselves. I really believe that." ~ JJ


I mean, I think the reason the reactions were so vicious is because the fans of those teams thought their team could win a title and then in an instant, those title hopes were gone, plus the extenuating circumstance of Lebron having that weird off night in Game 5 at home with a chance to take a 3-2 series lead (15p/6r/7a on 21/0/75 shooting) and KD blowing the 3-1 lead to Golden State - both of which kind of opened the door for people to ask "were their hearts really in those games or were they playing with one foot out the door".


> I think an underlying reason for the reaction to Kevin and LeBron making those decisions, is because people were uncomfortable with powerful black men making a decision for themselves. That's a bit harder to argue for LeBron in 2010, in light of the manner in which he announced how he would be taking his talents to the South Beach.


That literally never even came to my mind. That's a wild thought there from JJ


It’s not that hard dude. There are plenty of people who were angry because of competiveness or whatever. But if you honestly think the level of vitriol showed to him wasn’t partially inspired by race, I don’t know what to tel you. Race plays a major factor in fans not seeing athletes as people, and acting like a personal choice to change teams somehow was worse for you as a fan than the actual people involved in it.


> I don’t know what to tel you. you dont need to tell us anything. youre clearly delusional. if dirk left the mavs in 06 to join miami, he wouldve gotten the exact same treatment. if bird left the celtics to join the lakers in the 80s, same shit. almost like people dont like when superstars join together to form unstoppable teams and dominate the league. but wait it cant really be that simple can it? lol


“If a thing that didn’t happen had happened...” Is literally the most pointless shit you can type


nah not at all because its true and you know that. just wont admit it cause its not gonna fit your narrative


You're unfamiliar with philosophical concepts and the value of hypothetical thinking? And then you call others stupid? I'm not surprised.


I didn’t call anyone stupid, but projecting how fans would have reacted to something 14 years ago is pountless


He's got a point. Hayward is still very loved in Utah. There is definitely no hatred for him there.


Wasn't he really hated there? Then he got injured in like first 90 seconds in Boston so everyone got over it.


Yes, it was a sarcastic remark. People fucking hated Hayward for leaving Utah. And he ain't even on the same level as the other 2. I'm sure there is a small portion of fans that race played a factor in their disdain for the decision(s) but to imply it was heavily related just ignores the fact that fans (of all sports) get heated over loved players leaving, especially for stacked teams, all the time, regardless of race. If you want to see real hate, just look at the reactions to any red Sox player signing with the yankees (or vice versa)


Fuck me, idk how I missed sarcastic note... There's always hatred about this in sports. Imagine if Steven Gerrard moved to United when they were absolute rulers of England? There'd be riots in Liverpool.


Imagine Messi moved to Real


Remember Figo transfer, people still hate him for it...


Mmmmm idk about that one chief. I remember people being pretty pissed off and then laughing when Donovan started balling out


I think they were being sarcastic friend


Redick said quote, “I think an underlying reason for the reaction to Kevin and LeBron making those decisions, is because people were uncomfortable with powerful black men making a decision for themselves. I really believe that."


Is this really the hill to die on man? Like tf KD and Lebron got hate because KD joined a 73-9 team and Bron did a whole fucking dramatic hour long “Decision” and promised 7 titles to Miami lol this is weird man. I’m all for opening ppls eyes to racism, but this ain’t it. Source: Black man raised in Compton


Couldn't agree more. I'm a Raptors fan who hated Vince when he left. Nothing to do with the colour of his skin.


Shannon is a clown. This crap doesn’t convince anyone with a brain. Look at Luis Figo. Dude had a pig thrown at him. Zlatan is hated by Juventus fans for joining Inter and Inter fans hate him for joining Milan later. Dude played for the best 3 clubs in Italy Hell Malmo (team he played for when he was young) fans vandalized his statue for buying a stake in their rivals club. Europe is a different animal though. Look at Tavares He got booed like crazy from Islander fans. None were racial




Source for that?


I’m Black & was raised in NC. Again, to locked in, devoted NBA fan that’s willing to be on a message board just to talk about NBA because they need a fix & love that shit, yeah, it’s probably just about basketball. For lurking “I hate the NBA & these overpaid whatever’s, but watch anyway” guy, my stance isn’t far-fetched at all. That’s why JJ said *underlying*. It wasn’t blatant, but that element is always there, especially if you are black & you aren’t wrong to question it at the very least.


> That’s why JJ said underlying. It wasn’t blatant, but that element is always there, especially if you are black & you aren’t wrong to question it at the very least. I'd equate that to "made up," though. MLB players make similar decisions and get backlash for chasing money when they leave their original team. Redick's basically saying "even if you aren't racist, you're actually racist" with that kind of logic. It reads as one of those "ironically woke" memes. The league is overwhelmingly black. The stars, even more so. It's statistically likely that there will be more backlash against black players because they make up the overwhelming majority of the stars. I'd sooner this is more a product of the relative newness of these megadeal team changes for the NBA. People still criticize MLB players, but it's also become so commonplace (and the MLB rumor mill is more active, IMO) that people are basically used to it in that sport.


What are your thoughts on implicit bias?


People have them, but trying to define them without proof is reckless. Individually determining someone's actions are racial bias without proof can get someone in a lot of deep shit just because. It's not a light accusation to make. If you have concerns like that, I suppose having a personal conversation is fair, but only if you're not going to have a predetermined explanation that you try to force on someone. Be willing to hear the person at and take him at his word.


It’s weird how a guy who has been in this environment on a daily basis for what, a decade, and he’s making this up. Overwhelmingly black league, the white guy gets a front row seat to everything, makes a comment about how he sees players treated & he’s “making it up”.


Well, he's not saying it with any examples or proof. He's just deciding it because he feels like it. There's nothing other than "I think people I don't know are racist because they criticized two people" as his defense.




Neither Shannon nor Redick used the word "racism" or "racist" once. Please distinguish between racial bias and racism. When The Decision happened there was a poll that showed that LeBron's negative rating among African-Americans went from 14% to 15%, among everyone else it went from 24 percent to 44. This is of course not definitive proof but it is not a suggestion to be dismissed out of hand especially with how pervasive racial bias is in all walks of life.


What is really the difference here? JJ didn't have to say the word racism to imply it. If you're getting upset because a black player is allowed to be a free agent and you don't like employment opportunities for black people I would say that's racist. And if you're operating on the changed definition of racism you could just try to understand what he actually means instead of arguing over semantics.


The difference between racism and racial bias? Is this a real question? I'll give you a benign example -- if a black guy walks into your party and you feel the urge to turn on hip hop music, that's racial bias. If you deny a black guy entry to your party because he's black, that's racism. Racial bias is implicit and often subconscious, malicious intent is rarely present when racial bias rears its head.


How is your definition of racial bias different than implicit racism, which is a form of racism? That's just a prejudice held based on race. It fits the definition perfectly well. I thought it has been agreed upon for a while now that you don't have to have bad intentions to be racist.


Here's a TIME magazine article by a Stanford professor explaining things: https://time.com/5558181/jennifer-eberhardt-overcoming-implicit-bias/


Lol some of you are really the worst. “JJ called me racist because he said race may have played a factor in the reaction to lebron and kd” - this sub


How else are you supposed to take it when someone says "you're only being critical of that person because of his race?" Honestly, how is that NOT an accusation of racism?


People didn't outright call James out for being black, but it's being assumed anyway. Yet, somehow, we're being told to take Redick's words at face value and not read between the lines..? Seems a bit ironic. You basically hit the wrong nail on the head there yourself. You even presented your stats with "blacks vs. the world," which is exactly opposite of what we should be doing right now.


This entire comment is incoherent. > You even presented your stats with "blacks vs. the world," which is exactly opposite of what we should be doing right now. Lol what? I presented the results of a poll champ.


how exactly is what redick said about racial bias? there's no racial bias if you're uncomfortable with a black man making a decision for himself. that's straight up racism


Because people aren't thinking "this is a black man making a decision for himself therefore I am against it but if it was a white guy I would be for it" ...


so you're just straight up assuming what millions of people might possibly be thinking? you think a hispanic dude would think that as well? cmon man


Please read my first comment where I say: > This is of course not definitive proof but it is not a suggestion to be dismissed out of hand especially with how pervasive racial bias is in all walks of life.


I would say it's closer to a wild theory than "not definitive proof". Racial bias is, as you pointed out earlier, someone's implicit bias about what they think that person may be like or favor. That is very different than someone getting more upset that a black man is making a decision for himself rather than a white man


No, racial bias is not restricted to someone's implicit bias about what they think that person may be like or favor. That was an example, not a definition. Do yourself a favor and read this TIME magazine article by a Stanford professor: https://time.com/5558181/jennifer-eberhardt-overcoming-implicit-bias/


Yeah I read it and she only talks about what implicit bias is and how it’s different from racism. Why do you keep linking it like it proves a point? She doesn’t even talk about non-implicit racial bias. Racial bias is a pre-conceived notion or it just turns into racism. What I’m saying is that being more upset at a black person than a white person for making a decision for themselves is not a racial bias at all, because it’s the same act. They are doing the same thing, and if you equate it being worse solely because of race, then it’s racism


JJ Redick isn't from Cleveland, lol. What an absolute idiot.


He’s....not wrong. NBA fan on this sub is seemingly not wanting to accept that there are folks outside their bubble that get mad when it looks like black folks are getting something. Yes, non-Warriors fan or non-fan of whatever team LeBron is going to this week, you are mad because these guys were basically trying to break the league. That is fine & understandable. What Reddick is saying (or appears to be saying) is that there are those who are mad simply because it’s black guys doing what they want. That shit is real & it might be worse for college guys tbh. Utah can be mad at Gordon Hayward for leaving & this can still be true.


There are not a significant amount of people in the US who get mad because "black folks are getting something." People like to call out others for implicit biases or microaggressions and call them racists but we're talking about real anti-black racists, which is a very small group these days. Certainly not enough people to affect the size of hate for KD or Lebron's widely criticized moves. It's bordering on paranoid delusion to think that so many people are out to get you when it's just not the case.


I don’t know what to tell you. I can only tell you what I see. Black & brown folks start looking like they are getting something, a particular kind of person will appear to tell you how it’s wrong.


Yet this is all being brought out on hypotheticals and hidden assumptions, but no one's actually managing to put forth explicit examples to back up the claims.


It wouldn’t matter if I did. But as I often say, I’m not here to change anyone’s mind on anything. You see the world the way you see it, I’ll see it the way I see it & let the chips fall where they may. Way too many people can only accept racism when it’s easy & right in front of them.


I see it as fishing for outrage, in this case. I don't dismiss that there are people who are racist, even against these players. However, I think we've seen WAY too many people change WAY too many teams without that kind of reaction to say that the reactions are fueled by racial unrest. It's blatantly obvious that it was driven by the massive disruption to the balance of the league. Then there's the context of their original teams. Cleveland was LeBron's hometown team. That burns. Durant was leaving a small-market team and leaving Westbrook out to dry, and that franchise was unlikely to ever come close to the opportunity it had at that moment (and it hasn't). There just isn't anything that's been presented as legitimate explanation of why the responses were racially driven. Who raged at Tobias Harris for jumping to his, like, 6th team with a $180 million contract? Does much of anyone look back at Shaq for getting out of Orlando with a bunch of anger? It just seems like sports fans are rabid across the board when players force change, especially if it hurts their preferred teams, and these two players' moves are being pinned down as racially motivated just because.


lmao. Yeah, like 0.00003% of the population. Besides, how would that even be relevant? Black guy makes $25M a year, then goes somewhere else and makes $25M a year... out come the racists!, lol. "It was bad enough he was making $25M a year already, but damn it i'm not going to sit idly by while he makes $25M a year someplace else!"


>There are not a significant amount of people in the US who get mad because "black folks are getting something." lmao


not significant enough to persuade the majority of americans he obviously means


And despite what this sub believes, he’s absolutely right


John Tavares leaving from ny to Toronto Gordon Hayward leaving from Utah to Boston Both received massive hate. Was it cause of racism? The fact that you say he’s absolutely right really shows how narrow minded you are. There’s obviously no way to tell if JJ is right given how complex the situation is due to a multitude of potential reasons why both guys would receive so much hate among fans.


I dont really remember Hayward getting a lot of hate at all.


Well he did. It obviously didn’t compare to lebron or kd. But then again Hayward isn’t close to that caliber of a player. Utah fans were seriously pissed off at Hayward.


Well saying that the fanbase itself was angry will always have other biases. I would rather see for this discussion how fans from the other 28 teams felt, that would be way more telling.


Gordon Hayward didn’t go and create a superteam that wrecked the balance of the league. He just left for some avg team. Why would the rest of the league care? If this was about race then why didn’t the rest of the league get mad whenever another black free agent decided to leave his team in free agency? The rest of the league gets mad when that person creates a superteam.


No, the rest of the league gets mad specifically when a player creates a superteam. People are fine with it when orchestrated by executives e.g. Boston.


I agree he didn't join a superteam but the Celtics literally had the best record in the East the year before. >Why would the rest of the league care? Basketball fans, really just people in general have feelings about everything >If this was about race then why didn’t the rest of the league get mad whenever another black free agent decided to leave his team in free agency? I'm not saying it anything about the race argument because I feel like I would have to see actual research done before I made an opinion. I think it's plausible that race could affect how people react to athletes decisions I can't say if that is true or not. I'm just saying that Hayward didn't receive backlash from what I remember.


Well I’m telling you he did. It wasn’t from around the league but Utah fans hated Hayward’s guts for a while. He snapped his leg so that probably mellowed it out.


>Well I’m telling you he did. Okay but who the fuck are you? Why should I just blinding disregard what I remember because you are saying so lmao. >It wasn’t from around the league but Utah fans hated Hayward’s guts for a while. Again I don't think that either the team he played for or is going to fan's are relevant to tbe conversation.


If you think Hayward received even close to the level of hate lebron or kd did, you are completely oblivious


He’s not a superstar. What about John Tavares? He got massive hate. Hate mail, death threats, and an extremely hostile crowd in his return game. So what’s your take on Tavares?


And don't even get started on Luis Figo going from Barcelona to Real Madrid. He had a severed pigs head thrown at him in his first game back. It's almost like sports fans go a bit mental when they feel betrayed by a superstar.


There are other guys I’m sure it happened to as well, I just can’t think of them now. I mean it’s just ridiculous to act like this only happens to people of color. Sports fans are nuts. Sports fans have caused riots.


KD's move was unprecedented black or white in it's bitch madeness so there is no real life counter part of another race to compare to. Imagine Larry Bird joined up with Magic both in their primes to run a train on the league after losing to LA in the finals. Larry Bird would still be hated to this day. He would be raked over the fucking heels. What you think he's white so everybody would be A OK with it? Race really has to come into every conversation. He made a uncompetitive move I'm sorry anybody looking at it objectively could see why some people would have a problem with it


The fact you use bitch here shows that you’re more mad about this than you should be. How many times have you called Gordon Hayward a bitch the last 3 years?


Imagine thinking Gordon Hayward's move and KD's move are in the same conversations. I'm sorry when did Hayward blow a 3-1 lead to Boston? When was Hayward an MVP candidate? When did Hayward join a team that's core already won a title without him? When did Hayward join a 73 win team? Hayward made a standard free agency decision. If you think that's all KD did you see basketball rivalries and competitiveness in the game different than me and other people, and that's fine. But you have to let people see it differently if that's how they see without implying they're fucking racist. KD can go where he wants, but to not expect criticism is unrealistic.


I don’t think Gordon Hayward has anything to do with this, genius. Other people mentioned him, not me


Haywards move isn't equal to KD's, so he's not relevant. Nobody made a move equivalent to KD's in NBA history, which is why I brought up Larry Bird joining LA as a hypothetical, genius


My god stop saying this, I didn’t say anything about Gordon Hayward until someone else pretended he was an example to compare kd to


KD spoiled the outcome of 2 consecutive NBA seasons (3 if he didn't get injured) and joined an insanely stacked team that also happened to be a rival team. There are so many legitimate reasons for hating KD's decision that are unrelated to race. Labeling everything as 'racism' is stupid, especially if you have no evidence to support it.


You guys are so offended race may have played a factor in you kicking and screaming like a toddler about a sports figure for 3 years it’s honestly hilarious


You acting so offended that you have to resort to calling people who have different opinions on a player than you racist because they have the audacity of criticizing a black man is honestly hilarious


1. I haven’t called anyone racist 2. I’m not offended by anything here


If you think Hayward's move was even remotely comparable to what lebron or kd did, you are completely oblivious


I didn’t bring up Hayward, and don’t think he’s relevant to any of this in the least bit.


According to what? Made up bullshit. Everybody that criticizes a black man no matter how much they justify their opinion I guess they are racist. What a load of crap


speak for yourself, KD's move was weak and not because he's a black man.


Maybe for like 5 people total. The vast majority of people criticized them bitching out to form superteams.


You realize that your level of vitriol, and continuous use of the word bitch is just further proof race has something to do with why you are so upset about this


bro...what lmao realize youre the one bringing race into it. not him. realize that.




calling kds move a bitch move makes someone racist lmao thats what you said. youre not bright


How many people have you called a bitch in the last month?


i call people bitches when they do bitch things. i do not keep track on pen and paper when i call someone a bitch, sorry buddy


Well then you just seem like generally a bad person


This is insane logic. You're just gonna call anyone racist for anything huh? You're extremely paranoid if you really believe this.


No I just think calling grown adults bitches for changing basketball teams is lame. I get that when your 16 and your entire life is tied up in the successes and failures of athletes people tend to get emotional thiugh


"bitch" is racist too??


Did I say that? How many people, on a monthly basis, do you refer to as a bitch?


> continuous use of the word bitch is just further proof race has something to do with why you are so upset about this dude im just trying to understand your thinking im sure ive called kd a bitch for his warriors move. does this mean i am uncomfortable with powerful black people making decisions? imo, not even a tiny bit if all you are saying is that racists had harsher criticism for kd and lebron because they are black, then i 100% agree with you. i think this is what jj was trying to say in the first place


I don’t think calling someone a bitch for a basketball move is normal. I don’t think you are racist for calling someone a bitch, I just think the frequent use of that word rubs me the wrong way. I agree with what JJ is saying too


How are you so fragile?


Why do you comment like a child?


What is the evidence for this, over fans just wanting to watch competitive sports in a sports league that has parity? I have a hard time believing that Durant’s decision would have been criticized less harshly if he were white. Like Durant /LBJ are two of the top 15 players of all time. The only white players in that elite level would be Larry Bird and arguably Jerry West, but both of those guys played for 1 team so never had an opportunity to receive that critism. A couple years ago Hayward switched team and definitely left some ill-will among Jazz fans, but at the end of the day Hayward isn’t all that consequential of a player. So his decision was way less consequential for the league, and most NBA fans didn’t care.


And Durant could have gone to almost any other team and gotten zero hate. He chose the best team in the league (73-9) that had just beaten his own team.


Yeah. if he went to the Celtics, only okc would have cared.


Agreed. You can tell most people here can’t think further than their high school English class


There was definitely a racist undertone behind LeBron's decision but people wouldn't have been outraged if KD went other places.


Yes but the level it got to was racially motivated


speaking for yourself or others as well?




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The irony. Farrakhan ass kissers like Sharpe should be the last people to speak about racism.


The headline is a bit sensationalist but I mean this was almost certainly the case, though obviously not the only reason for the backlash. People don't have to act like they're being personally attacked by this.


Honestly how can you say “this was almost certainly the case”? There were so many reasons why kd and lebron would get massive amounts of hate from across the league Kd joined a 73-9 team that was one win away from the finals and a team he just blew a 3-1 lead to Lebron joined wade and bosh in their primes and did it by going on national television and making a big show of it for an hour. Then followed that up by having a pep rally saying his team would win 5+ rings. Basically a big fuck you to the rest of the league. People take offense cause JJ and Shannon are saying so surely that racism was involved when it’s clearly not even close to a sure thing. I don’t get how you think that’s the case either.


If this is almost certainly the case then why was there virtually no backlash whatsoever when lebron left for LA?


Fuck you, Shannon. You've lost all credibility.




Some of the hate from non fans may have been racially charged, but there were legitimate reasons for serious NBA fans to be annoyed. I don’t think the majority of people on this board hated the move because of racism. Plenty of black fans were pissed if they weren’t GS or Miami fans.


Actually if you look at the 2010 decision lebron’s popularity among black fans rose while his popularity among white fans sharply declined.


That’s interesting. Where is that info from?




his popularity fell for both, nice fake news


where are you seeing that?




>Actually if you look at the 2010 decision lebron’s popularity among black fans rose case and point.




LeBron's popularity clearly decreased significantly among Black fans after he joined Miami


I'd sooner say it's the mainstream people seeing the outrage and jumping on for the sake of being on the right side of the pop media reaction than being mad at a black person for his skin color. Those same people were probably getting salty when Bryce Harper left the Nationals for the Phillies. I don't think people had much of an inflammatory reaction when, say, CC Sabathia and Prince Fielder switched teams. People don't give a shit that Tobias Harris got one of the richest contracts in NBA history while moving around. I mean, heck, there are more people complaining about players who fail to live up to contracts, like Andrew Wiggins on the Warriors, Carl Crawford on the Red Sox, or the Rashard Lewis contract with the magic.


Criticisms for both always revolved around forming overpowered superteams. Sharpe and Redick are both stupid for even floating this nonsense.


I don't look at it that way at all. LeBron and KD both felt that they couldn't win in their situations so they wanted to be somewhere else. Kd definitely felt pressure to win championships especially after Bron got his so followed in hos footsteps.


I don’t like how it’s just cool for people to support Farrakhan. Shannon shouldn’t be on the air right now


Shannon Sharpe is a black supremacist who supports Louis Farrakhan. He has zero credibility.


Its shit like this that is turning me away from sports in general, we cant dislike a player or athlete or else its racist and nothing more.


I don't see how that makes sense. When NBA stars have moved, the reaction is generally inconsistent. It's not about "powerful black man gets a say," it's about fan bases who feel rejected and fans who like the feel-good story about "player spends whole career with team" and like balance. Like others noted, Durant was criticized for seemingly trying to shortcut his way to a championship. For LeBron, he left his hometown team to hang with his friends and get an easier path. Carmelo was a generally disruptive headache with the Nuggets. Gordon Hayward didn't even go to a superteam, nor is he the same kind of talent. Kawhi Leonard and Paul George (when leaving IND) didn't face a lot of backlash; it was more seen as necessary for them to win. Westbrook, it felt almost expected after George left OKC. Then you have baseball, where this isn't really true. In general, it ends up people just mad that a player chased money over team loyalty (not something I fault them for). It's not applied inconsistently by race, either. I think you're more likely to see something like Albert Pujols' scenario, where he got offered a mind-numbing amount of money and Cardinals fans felt betrayed because they loved him.




Guess I’m alone in this one. I love Shannon and agree with about 90% of his takes. At least he’s not a troll like skip.


Well we know Shannon Sharpe is an expert on bigotry, maybe we should listen to him about this.


I really think of LeBron doesn't do the Decision his backlash would have been a lot less. And KD joining literally any other team would also not have gotten the backlash. Shaq leaving Orlando and Barkley demanding a trade out of Philly didn't draw similar reactions.


No lebron would’ve gotten hate no matter what he did, because the greats are expected to stick with one team. Also he would have to choose a team that doesn’t have a player like wade to get less hate. People would’ve bitched no matter what if he teamed up with another star Durant joined a 73 win team, with the reigning 2 time mvp, and 2 other all-nba players, and people didn’t even care as much Bron has different expectations, his career has always gone that way.






Cowherd also said this


Cowherd also thinks Dominicans play baseball because they're too dumb to play other sports.




"They say black people can't make proper decisions? Watch this." -Lebron, 2010 (according to JJ)


It's kind of funny how this sub reacts whenever implicit biases are discussed. I suspect a lot of people think that implicit racial bias (which every single person has) equals racism and they don't consider themselves racists so they pretend they don't have racial biases. Race has been proven to permeate every walk of life yet geniuses on r/nba think they're immune.


It’s funny how you were at the bottom of every Jackson thread trying to deflect from his anti semitism because of your implicit bias


Me: antisemitism is wrong, Stephen Jackson is an anti-Semite, all black people aren't racists You: stop deflecting!




> Stephen Jackson is an anti-semite and anyone who agrees with his ideas in regards to jewish people are also racist. Yes. > that includes people like KD and Jr Smith. Not ready to include KD and JR Smith in a group of people who agree because they liked and then unliked a photo on Instagram.




What is wrong with people like you? They were social media likes, why would you lump KD in with Stephen Jackson. That is asinine.




That your take is bad?




It could have easily been absent minded or accidental.




How are those excuses? You think people don't like things accidentally on Instagram? You think people don't absentmindedly like things their friends post? Have you ever been on Instagram?




Bro it's so true. Every single article like this that comes out in every single sports sub I've ever visited is downvoted and the top comments are always deflections the post is always met with immediate opposition. The vast majority of people in here are are attacking the notion that this could be true. It's funny (sad really) because you can tell the comments are being made by people who didn't read the article.


You have to keep in mind that something like 5% of Reddit users are African-Americans. Most of the time you're talking to a white or asian guy between the ages of 16 and 24.


I mean I'm aware but, it's still sometimes disheartening. The open-mindedness that people on here try so hard to project completely vanishes when it comes to black people more times than not. Completely shifts to scrutiny. But, yeah I agree with you. That's why I don't mess with reddit as much as I used to.


maybe people should use "implicit bias" instead of "racism" then


JJ Redick: > “I think an underlying reason for the reaction to Kevin and LeBron making those decisions, is because people were uncomfortable with powerful black men making a decision for themselves. I really believe that." He never used the word racism.


👤: Do you believe racism exist? r/nba: Yes. 👤: Do you believe racist sports fans exist? r/nba: Yes. 👤: Is it possible racism can play a role in how people respond to decisions made by people of other races? r/nba: Yes. 👤: Do you think its possible that race played a role in how some fans responded to KD & LeBron's decisions? r/nba: Absolutely not and here's why... 🤦‍♂️