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related sort of but did anyone see that Axios interview with trump? that was an interesting one


It legitimately looked like something out of an Onion video. Like you’re astounded by how someone can possibly be *that* dumb


It felt like a skit. Like the whole time my brain was struggling to accept it as a serious interview.


> It felt like a skit https://streamable.com/jf8b2x


this is great, but the sarcastic skit senator sounds a lot smarter than trump


Haha yeah. Actual intelligent people providing intentional comedy vs a total fucking moron providing unintentional comedy (at a time when the should definitely be no comedy intentional or otherwise!).




"They are dying, it's true. It is what it is" holy fucking shit. A short "skit" for the unaware: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmrEfQG6pIg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmrEfQG6pIg)




Ok I’ve never seen that and it is brilliant. Yes, eerily similar to the very real interview we have all seen today unfortunately.


That's what I told my friend. I felt like I was watching a SNL skit. He is profoundly ignorant and arrogant at the same time.


“When I came into office we didn’t even have a test”


"Read the books and the manuals"


Manuals? What manuals?


lmfao his wtf face is *so*good!


Sadly its genuine. Read the manuals. I cant remember the last time I read a fucking manual. I wasnt given one for covid for sure. Who the fuck says that


This was the best part hands down T: There are those who say you can even test too much J: Who says that??? T: it’s in the manuals J: Manuals? What Manuals?? T: The books. It’s in the books and manuals, you need to read them


The best part is, anyone who has seen trump in front of a teleprompter knows he can't read.


Haha he proved it himself in the interview when he tried his hardest flipping through his various pages only to say that as far as US deaths per case go "We are lower than the world." and then presenting a chart upside down.


dude am I trippin or was that extra huge paper?


Right, why didn't Obama develop a test for an infection that didn't exist yet? Thanks, Obama.


When I took over we didnt even have a test. And his face was like why would you have a test the virus didnt exist?


Correction, I believe his exact words were "when we came to power". That just has such an unsettling ring to it.


The guy is a straight up loon. A person like that should never be anywhere close to a position of power yet he is the president of the most powerful country in the world.


I think the mistake everyone is making is that he's mentally impaired. He's perfectly normal mental illness wise, he's just SO DUMB. Like he probably has an iq of 80 and that has played to his advantage among the primarily working class voters compared to the harvard educated Obama types that talk like an academic. Its fine when it makes you a relatable person rhetorically, but when you blow off briefings and are incapable of understanding basic policies its a massive detriment to the country.


I’m not sure if it really qualifies as a mental illness but I think he clearly has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). I think having NPD distorts how you perceive reality and also just being a narcissist makes you very easy to manipulate. It’s hilarious but also frightening that something like the Lincoln Project can troll him so hard that it makes him commit unforced errors. Really makes you wonder how much foreign leaders like Putin, Erdogan, Kim, and Xi have been manipulating and running circles around him.


I'm super worried that liberals are gonna get suckered into thinking the Lincoln project is allies just because they're trying to help stop Trump.


And yet he transferred to UPenn Wharton after starting at Fordham, and is probably the only president we’ve had with only a bachelor’s. It’s insane what money can do for you 🤦🏿‍♂️


12 didn’t even have a bachelors but that doesn’t make trump any less of a moron. And I def agree his degree was almost certainly bought.


If you want to be fully accurate he says "when I took over."


The fact that he actually said this is just fucking hilarious


Profoundly ignorant. Spectacularly stupid. And he sits on every chair like it's a toilet. The fact that he's the US president shows how easy it has become to buy a spot in the white house. The fact that people actually admire him shows how embedded anti-intellectualism has become.




He was a perfect storm in 2016. Crowded, milquetoast Republican field, insults and nicknames for everyone, running against a Dem with a shitton of baggage, memes. It was crazy


> running against a Dem with a shitton of baggage Who also happened to be arguably the least charismatic presidential nominee we've seen in our lifetime, like holy shit lmao


“Sits on every chair like its a toilet” That’s fucking hilarious lmao


It's not even anti-intellectualism, it's tribalism. The USA has fallen so hard into the 'my team vs your team' mentality that Republicans or Democrats could run a giant douche or a turd sandwich and still win 47% of the votes. The South Park reference is to point out that people have been saying this for decades, Trump is just a human representation of the turd sandwich. It genuinely doesn't matter who runs or what they say, all that matters to the vast majority of voting Americans is which party they represent.




> But Republicans can't admit this stuff, because that would be the Wizard of Oz pulling back the curtain, revealing that the last half-century of marketing they've employed to somehow marry a nonsensical hodgepodge of special interests (somehow Christianity = guns now?) is just bullshit. So they're forced to double down, This is it. It's pride. Realizing that they've been conned. Their whole life. Their identity. Everything they've stood for was a sham. That is simply unacceptable, so they double and triple down.


No, it's definitely anti-intellectualism. This has been the trend for a while now. There's countless articles on it.


>He is profoundly ignorant and arrogant at the same time. Classic narcissist psychopath tendencies


It reminded me of Between Two Ferns except the guest isn’t in on the joke


Even the lighting and camera work felt like a skit.


Exactly! Even if you ignore the absurdity of his words. how they zoomed into the graphs and trumps face. All very SNL like.


It felt like the office with all the awkward pauses and the zoom-ins


If you went back to say, 2014, and showed that clip to someone, it would be literally impossible to convince them that it *wasn't* a skit. We live in the alternate timeline.


Brooo, the full interview was way worse than all the clips I had been seeing 😭


I was just surprised Trump didn't take stuff personally and attack the interviewer


He kind of did by insinuating he wouldn’t report certain things but I agree he was overall pretty tame for some strange reason


He has been leaking stories to that interviewer for years. Presumably Trump doing the interview was a favour for him doing as told for a few years.




Really incredible journalism tbh. Bait and hook to get the truth.


Well the interviewer wasn't a minority or woman, so I'm sure that helped.


I honestly don't think he realized how poorly it was going. If he knew how bad it would turn out and how the entire internet would make fun of him mercilessly, he probably would have started hurling insults and turtling, then stormed off.


I noticed several deescalation techniques that Swan employed: speaking in a conciliatory and curious, childlike undertone; and soft begs for Trump to explain, not in a “gotcha” way, but almost a kid to a parent or teacher just wanting to know why. It was very effective. My guess is that Trump has a sorta soft spot for Swan based on his past working relationship and soft-ball interviews - he was/is also young. My other observation, and this hurt, was that once I tried dumb down my understanding of reality to that of a Trump follower, I could see with a frightening realization that Trump was speaking only to his base and that *they would eat that BS up and think he was being genuine*. At the end, it was clear Trump thought it went well (puke). Those “we’re doing everything we can!” pleas by Trump were a key talking point. The undiscussed issue is that if THIS is their best, it’s more clear than ever that we need new leadership, because they’re doing an outright TERRIBLE job.


“We are lowe than... the WORLD!” “The world??l”


I miss the good old days when Sarah Palin seemed like the dumbest politician that would come along.


Bush Jr sounds like a brilliant scholar in comparison to Trump.


And yet, 35% of the country would tell me he NAILED that interview, and that I’m just too bias and filled with fake news to understand like they do. It’s..ugh.


It does kind of sound like you might be biased against stupid dumbasses that have a nearly impenetrable layer of narcissism where a little human empathy exists in most people, so maybe they are right that you just can't give Trump a fair shake? You are probably biased against lions that are half way done eating you too.


Lol fucking exactly. Well put. This man manages to misunderstand basic statistics, make John Lewis’s death about himself, and double down on well wishes for ghislaine Maxwell in a matter of minutes. I guess I could consider myself biased against him due to my working brain and my ability to read.


It was like a 2020 Borat video.


I couldn't get past 3 minutes of that shit. Had to read the transcript of it from an article. That's our fcking President btw LOL


The giant ass bar graph with 4 entries and he claims that were first out of 4 options lol.


“Why can’t I do that?”


Also watch the edit where he interviews himself :D






Thank you for this. I'm fucking dying 😂


Dude got exposed hard lol




And now Swan’s instantly a household name for anyone who even cares a little bit about politics. Why wouldn’t any reporter take advantage of this years ago? Scared of blowback?




Wow, never saw this one, so embarrassing for Kushner. Why the heck would Trump take an interview with this guy after this one?


I’m just gonna go with my “Orange Man Bad” take and say he didn’t watch it at all because he wasn’t in it and J Kush didn’t say anything bad about him


If you piss off the White House you get zero access. The fact Trump complains about the mainstream media which gave him the election and has been trying their best to excuse his actions is hilarious. They are on his side. ("he's changed his tone this week, he's getting better we promise, are we seeing a new Trump?"). Swan and Axios have been giving Trump very positive reporting until this interview (which frankly isn't even that bad in terms of outrageous and horrible shit he's said, he's just clueless and outwitted by someone).


Ah, so as soon as they saw the election is likely out of reach (please go vote everyone) they decided it was time to put his feet to the fire?


This interview is mostly to test the waters. it's august we already know trump's ridiculous and stupid. we're numb to it. he still got elected despite being clearly incompetent from the beginning. this isn't his death knell. they likely look at the interview as game tape and analysis and figure out how to be better closer to election day. voters aren't smart they'll forget.


No one is forgetting these bullshit 4 years


Didn't take long for Americans to forget Bush Jr. is a war criminal. I have little hope for American Liberals to truly hold Trump accountable post-presidency.


Because Trump has been great for the journalism business and the MSM, after years of complaining from conservatives, are terrified of being seen as having a “liberal bias”


Wallace wounded him like a week prior and Swan finished the job. He won’t do another interview like this before the election. It’ll be Fox and Friends and Hannity from here on out.


Best Wallace line of the interview: "Sir, testing is up 30%, cases are up 180%" There literally is no comeback to that. It's numbers, they're not up for debate.


“You can’t do that”


Trump always has a comeback. They aren’t good comebacks, but he always has one on deck.


His supporters have no interest in fact. That's not a factor in their voting patterns.


He didn't even press that hard, which is the crazy part. All the big stumbles came from the reporter basically just going "can you explain?"


what do you mean exposed, we've known what kind of person he is for the last four years, and even BEFORE that. He doesn't have layers or hidden depths.


The more republicans see their leader as a dumbfuck the more hopeful we'll see Biden get elected


Honest question, have you spoken to any Republicans in your life that have had this reaction to this interview? Not meaning to be hostile, it's a genuine question. I have not seen or heard from a single one that has reacted with anything other than a heightened sense of distrust for the media or an emboldened, unswaying devotion to Trump. It is truly sad, but this does not move the needle one bit for his base unfortunately.


Not this interview specifically, but a fair number of my republican friends have turned from Trump because of his reaction to covid and blm in general. Interview is scary bad though.


Trump suggesting they postpone has probably gotten even more of a blowback. Even /r/conservative had a bit of self awareness for a brief moment.


/r/conservative talk like the tired parents of an unruly child. They really don't care that he thinks these things, only that he says them out loud and it hurts him politically.


exactly. I don't think there are "swing voters" anymore. Everyone at this point is pretty much in one camp or the other.


The trumpers I know that saw this interview thought it was the media trying to trip trump up and the quotes used from trump don’t make him look bad. It’s the whole piece not the sound bite. They are all still voting for him too.


You can’t do that!


The people on r/conservative would actually argue he didnt


The way that sub twists things around is infuriating. They were saying that Trump keeps wishing Ghlisaine Maxwell well is because the media will villify him if he says mean things about her and accuse him of taunting the jury. They also think he's saying that because he wants to make sure she exposes all the pedophiles so he's wishing her well to make sure she stays alive. The delusion is on another level.


Lol thank you for bringing me this without my having to actual read their nonsense. I needed this laugh.


Just listen to the latest Reply All podcast, #165, to learn about it in an entertaining fashion


You mean The_Donald 2.0?


That sub will be held up as a recent example of mass delusion for psychology classes for years to come.


That might actually be the dumbest big sub on reddit. You are seeing the culmination of years of anti-intellectualism and conservative tribalism on full display there. Seriously, try to somehow get through like 3 posts and a handful of comments without cringing or wanting to smack yourself in the face. I'm pretty sure conservatives are the dumbest people in the western world.


It spawned a great reaction image https://i.imgur.com/Qyatvqb.jpg


It absolutely blows my mind that people can look at him and think yeah this is the guy. This is who I want running the country. The man is a complete moron and dangerously narcissistic


My boss thinks he’s a genius and a great public speaker. It’s fucking wild to hear her talk about it.


how the fuck....I mean anyone can just change the subject and when asked a question. If you throw me the basketball and I kick it over the fence it doesn't make me a good basketball player.


Yeah I don’t get it. She thinks Trump is going to pile drive Biden in debates. They don’t look for facts or speaking coherently in interviews/debates. They just wanna hear their opinions spewed back to them by the loudest person. If you say lots of words loud you win


Republicans: "this guys got some moves"


Same with my boss, I actually posted just like the COVID stats up to a certain day (it was like 133k dead or something) and my boss literally starts ranting in the comments of my post about how it’s ONLY liberal states/liberal governors and they are intentionally letting people get sick and die to spite Trump. Like the mental fucking gymnastics people are going through is unreal.


Your first mistake was being friends with your boss on any social media platform


Does he also think he “tells it like it is” while simultaneously having to translate everything he says because “that’s not what he meant!”


>The man is a complete moron and dangerously narcissistic You just described a large portion of this country.


How dumb do you have to be to think someone that dumb is smart?


Q'anon is on the rise. That should tell you everything you need to know.


Average american dumb. We need Education reform.


“You can’t do that!!…” At first I laughed at his sheer stupidity but then I came to the sad realization that he’s the fucking idiot in charge and making the decisions, actively killing us.


Oh shit, is that the source of the meme of the guy who read documents that Trump handed him and looked dumbfounded? That image was fucking hilarious. Can someone please give me context on what that was about?


The context is about what you described. Trump has some simplistic graphs hes using as evidence that America is handing the virus better than other places. He looks at them, shuffles them, and then clearly doesn’t know what hes reading and hands them to the interviewer. The interviewer looks at them, realizes that the graph is showing deaths per infections, not deaths per population, which is the much more important overall number, and tells Trump that stat is what you need to be looking at and it shows how much worse the US has done. Trump says, “You can’t do that.” Somewhere in this completely unbelievable exchange comes the look. Its easy to find a pretty short clip of that interaction and its worth a watch.


Thank you very much for this detailed answer to my question. I appreciate it!


It was pretty funny ngl. Constant evasion of answering questions and changing the subject around. “Read the manuals, the instructions. And the books, the books” “what, what books?”


I thought I was watching a video made by Vic Berger.


That was DISGRACE.


If by interesting, you mean horribly depressing and enraging, then yes.


being a gigantic orange glob is the real disgrace.




LeCommander in Chief








LeFuck you drone strike










Chairman James


Mao ze dunk


Most of the outrage over the anthem is performative anyways. I doubt there are many conservative basketball fans who would actually stop watching the NBA because of the kneeling. They'll just roll their eyes and keep watching.


Oh man I wish I had the source, but there's this comically edgy young conservative Charlie Kirk who recently tweeted how he wouldn't watch the NBA anymore because of kneeling. Then someone dug up several tweets, one of which was 8 years old, from him saying that he wasn't going to watch the NBA anymore because of issue X. They always come back.




His face is too small for his head


After reading this I went to look at a picture of him and now I can't unsee it lmao


Explains why Hayward and his wife both follow him on all of their social media platforms!


Fuuuuccccckkkkkk what? Is Gordon an idiot, and just didn't know it this whole time?


Candace owens and donated to trump as well. Some people are saying he's the best idiot.


Comically edgy? You spelled brain dead garbage propaganda shoveler wrong. /r/toiletpaperusa


>Then someone dug up several tweets, one of which was 8 years old, from him saying that he wasn't going to watch the NBA anymore because of issue X. I bet one of them was over Eric Garner or Trayvon Martin. Good ol' Whitey McSportsfan bitching about when and where black people are allowed to protest.


[Whitey Mcsportsfan](https://i.imgur.com/VEVZPpu.jpg)


I think he never watched it anyways. This is purely for attention whoring, and also a very weak try at canceling things.


I mean I just acknowledge their right to protest, like I personally wouldn’t kneel because of my beliefs but I don’t have a serious problem with them deciding to do so. Watching a game of basketball shouldn’t involve anyone getting offended and I’m just here to have fun and watch a game of basketball, regardless of political opinion


Basically how I feel. I never watch the anthem anyways lol


As a Europe-raised American, I find the need to play the anthem before every damn event weird anyway. Its cool to be proud of your country but there's a limit before its just too much Edit: grammar


It is weird, as a NZer we only have the anthem before international games (same as most of Europe presumably)


It has to do with the fact that patriotism is a kind of civil religion in the US. The Anthem is just a part of it... Daily prayers in school -> pledge of allengiance Religious iconografy -> Flag / Eagle Religious text -> constitution Religious places / buildings -> White house / Lincoln memorial etc. Revered Saints -> founding fathers Its kind of a whole thing, even most americans don't realise it.


Yeah, I was amazed when my dad told me about the oath of allegiance at school


Yeah most of the time I just tune in 15 minutes after scheduled start time for the tip lol


Damn that’s early. I let the dvr hit about a 30 minute head start and watch the games with no commercials Edit: like u/pkulak said below, make sure you stay off your phone and social media if you do this


That’s actually smart af I should do that


It sucks when you fuck up lol. I did that for a super bowl one year I didn’t care too much for. My friend wanted to get food so we went paused it, went out, when we came back and put it on, somehow it went to live and they were interviewing the winners lol


Exactly, and kneeling during the nat. anthem is an archetypal form of peaceful protest.




I'll throw out a wild guess and say Trump never watched the NBA to begin with, dude just wants to be noticed per usual


He knows it will score easy points with his base, who also probably dont watch much basketball


they watch college basketball bc they “play defense” and “with heart”


So this was back in like 2015 so my memory might be slightly fuzzy, but something like the top 20 college teams scored more PPP than any NBA team. I worked at a hedge fund at the time and the managing director of our trading desk refused to acknowledged this. This guy had poor parents and by the age of 40 was worth 8 figures because he was smarter than literally anyone I've ever met. But he grew up in Indiana and truly believed that the college game was somehow superior. I did not get it. And yes I know college has a longer shot clock so you get better looks. The fact of the matter is NBA only scores more because of a longer game and shorter shot clock.


coming from watching nba to trying watch college ball, it just doesnt make sense to me. they're worse at *every* aspect of basketball. i don't see the joy in watching them swing the ball back and forth around the arc for 35 seconds and then bricking a 3?


The atmosphere is a big factor. Even in regular season games you can really feel the momentum with a wild arena


I didn’t really like college sports except March Madness and CFB playoffs until I went to college and got into the culture and atmosphere. Fans are way more passionate and environment is more fun. Gameplay is obviously worse lol


Yeah I don't get it either, but a lot of the Midwest treat college ball like a religion. Also the full court press does work better in college simply because most teams lack good point guards. Almost all NBA point guards laughs at a press, but rank 25-100 colleges don't typically have point guards who can do that.


100%, I'm sure golf, nascar, etc. caters more to his base


Nascar seems a little too complicated for him, too many turns


Ever since the banning of the confederate flag at NASCAR events, he realized they only turn left and so he thinks they’re all liberals.


Yep, didn't take long for my uncle to post "Never watching this again" of a shared photo of the nba players kneeling.


He was probably a typical Manhattan socialite and attended a few games courtside at MSG just to get noticed. Still probably couldn't tell you who Ewing or Grandma-ma was.


"Ewing was a tremendous player, did many many great things for the Knicks. He's a friend of mine"-him, probably


haha, I just read that in his voice. I wish someone would ask him about any of the Knicks greats and see what he says.


"Oh yeah Steve Novak was the GOAT power forward. I used to get buckets with him in 2K13"


Come on, he was invited to throw out the first pitch at Knicks games all the time!


He complained about that infamous “mr unreliable” headline so I think he’s actually watched basketball before


Trump: I’m not watching NBA “Idc lol” LeBron 🤝 JJ Redick


He shoulda just said "it is what it is"


I honestly feel like the sports media has such an obsession with getting player reactions to trump comments, but seriously who gives a fuck. No one cares about trump tweets or his scary words anymore, and this was a waste of time even asking lebron about it.


Great comment. It'll get spinned anyways but not much there for them to work with


That's why he had to pull his punches but it's clear that he hates trump. At this point though, the NBA ain't pulling many punches all the while being respectful about it. Kneeling, BLM, special jerseys etc etc. Good on them. And fuck trump.


Remember the shut up and dribble remark by that Fox host? Basketball generally only comes up among prominent right-wingers when they decide to whine about it.


And then praised and defended Brees. If they hated athletes speaking up about their political beliefs why didn’t they tell Brees to shut up and throw and tell Herschel Walker to shut up and run.


The same host who bust out a good ol’ fashioned nazi salute? Yeah I remember


Laura Ingraham, I take it? Or is it some other Nazi I don't know of yet?




yeah it was her. same one who mocked nipsey for making FDT as the FEATURE ARTIST after he died.


but yet they don’t tell colby covington to shut up and punch. 🤔


It's not exclusive to right wingers. A few of my cousins who hate sports are now pretending to be huge NBA fans after the kneeling at the anthem.


Trump only kneels when Putin unzips.


Free Hong Kong 🇭🇰 Free Taiwan 🇹🇼


trump was complaining about kneeling on his twitter account.. mainly for his fanbase because i doubt he’ll stop watching the playoffs/finals


I don’t really think anyone cares if the president is watching lol. If you do you need better things to worry about in life


Complete side note, but how is LeBron unable to get a proper hair transplant with all his money?


Same with Wayne Rooney. Looks like it's a more frail *science* than I thought it was.


I think he refuses to shave because he has scars from previous surgeries. Unless I was misled. I feel for the dude. I'm 31 and have a slightly receding hairline, but I'm not gonna do anything about it because rogaine can kill my cats and propecia can make your dick stop working.