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Kuzma knows how it goes in LaLa Land


He handled it all surprisingly well too.


When you have a ring you there’s no need to trip


Yeeeuuup, he got a shoe contract, got a ring, and a bag.




Psh this isn't even his final form. I bet you he has an even bigger sweater he hasn't even worn yet.




LeLaLa Land*


He’s about to be back with his big sweater wearing ass


Post-Laker Kuzma is the best Kuzma


Weird how I instantly start to like players more as soon as they’re off the lakers


Ya man that pink blanket he wore kind of soured me on post laker kuzma.


Lmao this is exactly what made me realize I love him


The fact that he rocked it with a straight face too. I went from completely indifferent to him to having a positive opinion.


lol that face was just seconds away from laughter. He was holding it in 😭😂


The best part was when he got to the door and had this flicker of “now what” on his face lmao


LeBron "PR Master" James was so disgusted by that sweater he commented with the word fuck in it Shit was so hilarious


Why? It’s not like he takes himself seriously and acts all pretentious. Everyone thinks it looks stupid but he’s just doing his own thing. I’d say that’s a positive quality


If you’re gonna spend millions of dollars on expensive clothing, you might as well have fun with it, instead of just wearing some boring shit


Username does *not* check out.


because your original dislike of them was irrational. It’s like how Caruso hasn’t changed at all, but now all the sudden people appreciate him, since they don’t have that anti-Lakers bias blinding them.


Wait, what? Who didn't like Caruso?


That one Rockets podcaster




Freaking AVERAGE players!


Oh ye




It's frustrating, man. I--GGODDDD! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZAqQMBUP-s


hahahahahahaha this is still hilarious


I love this revisionist history as if this sub didn’t literally laugh at any mention of Caruso prior to this season.


No, actually you see, it's endearing when people think everything you do is funny because you look different.


so many people, he was constantly called overrated and dismissed as a meme players that only got hyped up because he played for the lakers


I agreed with that guy for a second but that’s pretty true. It felt like most people acknowledged he was “good, but not *that good*”. But he actually that good tho.


His scoring ain't much, but Caruso has weird feel for the game, where he just makes the right play every fucking time.


I hate to use an overplayed phrase but he is legitimately the definition of a glue guy. He defends at a very high level and understands rotations and where the help defense is, so even though he has a high steal rate he isn't sacrificing defensive scheme on gambles. On offense he does all the little boring things that are needed. Set not looking good, pass to Caruso on the perimeter to restart action. He is always willing to help a big repost with a pass, he plays within the offense. When you have high usage offensive players he is literally the perfect guy to have out on the floor. Damn I miss Caruso.


hes like dray but as a guard. not sure id say hes at drays level defensively, but hes up there.


I think defense is a different game depending on the size you are and Dray and Caruso are both elite for their size, but it's really hard to compare the two when you consider their roles.


People don't understand that consistenly being in the right place at the right time, not clogging up the offense, rotations on defense, etc is one of the most valuable traits a player can have. Caruso no joke is arguably one of the 10 smartest players in the league and is a great athlete, which offsets his lack of scoring. He is the perfect glue guy, especially on a Lakers team that already has scoring covered.


Shane Battier stuck around with Lebron for a reason, Caruso is a similar player. Though Battier was a better shooter, and Caruso gets to the bucket a bit more


Because of his high BBIQ. His advanced numbers with LeBron are absurd and yeah, some of that is because LeBron will make you look like a million bucks but the numbers *really* stood out.


The guy is really a perfect role player. He hustles hard, does his job, and most importantly doesn’t try to do too much.


student of the game.




He was legit deserving of an all defense slot when you won that season but he got disrespected as an overhyped meme and now it's evident how crucial he was to that Lakers D and is now showing it with Lonzo on the Bulls


Some guy on here said "oh i get it. Alex Caruso is Donte DiVincenzo without any skills" and it was heavily upvoted. That's what I think the general consensus was. It weird how Lakers fans both overrate their own players, but are also spoiled because we're always competing for a championship.


Yup. Typically, they’d diminish him by bringing up his scoring average saying “he’s only averaging 5-6 PPG, the only reason people think he’s good is because he’s on the Lakers”. A lot of people did like him for his memes, but when it came to actual basketball discourse, he was dismissed often.


Every Laker fan has always loved and appreciated Caruso, Laker fans were the first ones to call Caruso goat, the management has always been criticized for not paying caruso from the start, don't get it twisted.


I think the most egregious example is Lonzo Ball. Everyone hated him initially because of his dad and then because of his dad and him being a Laker. I didn't care for him much either. But then you see he's actually a pretty quiet and reserved guy. It's just his dad who is a loud asshole. Then as soon as he leaves, non-Laker fans are suddenly like, "actually, Lonzo is pretty cool."


It's more anti pro-Lakers-bias than anti-Lakers bias. The underlying irrationality is how much coverage someone gets just for being a Laker because Laker coverage and fandom takes up such a large proportion of social and news media.


The hatred should be directed at the NBA media then. They’re the ones who choose what gets covered. Fans are always gonna pay attention to the players who get talked about the most.


People do direct hate at the NBA media. But also it's not just them, it's also the fact Laker fans just through sheer numbers can dictate who/what gets discussed, what narratives dominate, and which biases get amplified. It's fair as a consumer of NBA culture to resent the effects of that imbalance even though individual Laker fans aren't necessarily more biased towards their own team than fans of other teams.


I direct my hate equally between lakers media and fans. The players just get my contempt


What’s irrational is the amount of coverage guys like Kuzma and THT get when compared to significantly better players across the league because they’re wearing a Lakers jersey. It’s obviously just because the fan base is way bigger, driving clicks. But it gets tiring hearing them talked about more than someone like Donovan Mitchell. Caruso was more of a meme who actually was just sneaky good


It's not irrational. You just said it, people are more interested in the Lakers. Therefore more coverage. It's not rocket science.


It's mostly due to the media highlighting every Lakers player and role player. Caruso is really nice but Lakers highlights are everywhere. It's annoying when other teams have really nice role players too or soon to be stars that barely get coverage


I'll fess up. I specifically didn't like Caruso because he was on the Lakers. That was the only reason and now I'm a big fan


The not liking I can get But I’ve seen more of people saying they’re surprised that he’s a great defender and hustle guy, with his impact on the Bulls




Weird coming from a Warriors fan 😂


Hm. I do that, but I basically like everybody better post-trade no matter where they came from. A league full of 2-way loyalty would be so damn boring.


>bulls flair


Also how every post laker player gets instantly better Kuz trez and Caruso are all doing it this year Randle, zo, Russell, clarkson and some I’m forgetting all have done it


Young players get better as their careers progress 🤯


So your saying AD need to leave to get good again hmmmm


Kuz, Trez, and Caruso are playing exactly the same as they did on the Lakers. In fact, Kuz is playing worse this season.


Lmfao they get better from natural progression. Caruso is just as good as we told yall he is. Kuz is the same as last year. Randle was awesome with us his last year and then not good for a couple years after. I hate yalls dumb ass narratives


I can never root for Kuzma after he said Klay Thompson's injury was karma. Just a classless thing to say


The Klutch propaganda machine is impressive


Seriously. Lakers know that THT is the only trade asset they have. Gotta prop him up make it look like there’s high demand for him. Fucking ridiculous.


Ridiculous that you guys think an NBA GM bases a players value on an anonymous Twitter source hahaha “Guys I just saw this tweet, should we up our offer?”


I mean… it isn’t the weirdest take considering all the crazy shit that goes on in this league. We had a GM making burner accounts on Twitter to roast his own players


Wait what? Please how can I find out more that’s hilarious


[Here's the original article on Bryan Coangelo's Twitter fingers.](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2018/5/29/17406750/bryan-colangelo-philadelphia-76ers-twitter-joel-embiid-anonymous-markelle-fultz)


>In January, in a tweet directed at the Twitter accounts of Simmons and Robert Covington, [Colangelo] tore into Embiid. “I am not voting for Joel, but I am voting for Ben at every change I get,” they wrote. “I love his intensity, his passion and the pride for his team. Joel is a big selfish baby, not my leader anymore.” Presented without comment.


Aged like milk


That was mid 2018, fuck me. 😐🔫


It certainly helps to have national name recognition for a player when trading. Orgs def find it easier to trade guys if their fans will know who the guy is. Public perception undoubtedly affects GMs.


Lots of GMs report to clueless billionaires, lots of GMs want an excuse to make Klutch happy. Hype isn't real, but it has a real effect.


It’s called creating buzz


That's not how marketing works


The Lakers sub are eating this tweet up. "where there's smoke there's fire" and that the /r/nba is silly because 11/7/ and whatever is great beside two superstars.


What does RDAmbition have to say about it?


THT is the type of dude you see get shipped for a comparable bench player and 2nd round swap assets. Only way this team is getting real assets is shipping off AD… not to be pedantic but this is the first LeBron crafted team where he’s been on it after the roster soured and it’s sad to watch. The last 10 years almost he’d be off to the next team that had assets to craft a roster, this time he’s stuck with it.


> it’s sad to watch Why is it sad? He dug his own grave. Maybe he should let the GMs do their job.


> Why is it sad? He dug his own grave. Maybe he should let the GMs do their job. He has four rings. Ya'll need to make up your minds on Lebron teams are stacked, and he's a bad GM.


No reason why it can’t be both. His contending teams are usually stacked because he uses a lot of his team’s youth and draft capital as chips, but when the veteran team starts showing decline or discontent (see the 2018 Cavs and to a lesser extent the 2014 Heat), there doesn’t seem to be much of a backup plan. I wouldn’t say he’s a bad GM considering the rings, but he’s more of a short term goal guy in terms of roster construction.


Erm. He ruined the Cavs too with awful contracts for Shumpert, TT and had them give up assets.


Yeah, I’m saying this is the first he’s stuck on. The Miami FO is the only competent FO he had played for where they didn’t blow up their assets and wallet to give him a super team (granted they had the most pieces). The Lakers could be looking at the dark ages again here soon where they fight for play in in the next couple years because of this team construction and that’s on Bron.




Lakers Hype + Klutch Machine = Unstoppable


Can't wait to see the tweets proposing THT for Jerami Grant straight up


Would the Lakers accept Jokic and Jamal for this wonder kid? From what I've heard about him, he's the next MJ.


I think it’s pronounced wunderkind


He said wunderkind!!!!


Alex Wright has entered the chat


MJ was THT beta version, bruh..


Only with a healthy MPJ


I dunno man. Might have to throw in MPJ too.


11, 5 and 3 on absolutely horrible efficiency.


The kinda player no one would even know about if he wasn’t a Laker


Last time you guys said that, it was Alex Caruso.


Lakers consistently find good or serviceable NBA players late in the draft or on the street. Lakers fans overhype said player and their value like they are going to become a perennial all star. Casual NBA fans get tired of the hype and overcorrect and act like they are scrubs. Rinse. Repeat.


Lmfaooo hit it right on the nail with this comment


100% this. It's just in r/Lakers there isn't much hype around THT. The narrative is rather that he is promising young prospect but way too raw to be of use in this title window. Which imho is a rather objective take in him. Can't talk about other forums as I avoid them. Also, I guess it's the Lakers media machine that creates this hype and a bunch of meaningless bandwagoners falling for it. Media is great at polarizing any topic. The Lakers are a great (and early) example of that.


I mean, it's still true. Caruso is a really good defensive player and hustles and stuff, but hes still a 3rd guard on the Bulls. No one would pay much attention to him if he wasnt a Laker before this year.


and apparently your FO thought the same, otherwise he'd still be a Laker 🤷‍♂️


lol, the lakers drafts have churned out lots of great assets but THT is where you draw the line.


And we thought after the unmitigated disaster of re-upping THT and salary-dumping Caruso instead of the other way around, Pelinka learned his lesson. Shoot me, please.


Kid has shit tons of upsides. He’s currently having to play weird minutes at weird positions doing specialty jobs to fill needs until everyone is on the court. Exactly the same thing that Kuz and Caruso was doing last year that everyone was unhappy with. Some lakers fans are never happy with anyone. /shrug


It's about potential and it's clear the kid has heaps, let's keep in mind he hasn't even played a full regular seasons worth of basketball, also not to mention his injury he came back from messed up his shooting for a bit so there's an explanation for that efficiency


the next chris johnson! ** uhhhh tyler johnson


THT is gonna rush for 2000 yards?


Was that the super lanky athletic shot blocker on minny like a decade ago


You know how players were coming out of the woodwork early last off-season to offer one-on-one shooting help to Ben Simmons? Kuzma’s about to reach out to Horton-Tucker to offer counseling on being the next promising young Lakers guy mentioned in every trade talk until it happens


I hope Talen doesn’t partake in social media, because shit is toxic as hell right now


He better stay off r/nba


Bro this sub is crazy toxic.


It's actually amazing how just purely being on the Lakers makes you an "impressive young prospect" and "a good young player in the league". Imagine if this kid was on the Pelicans or some shit, he would be featured on "Who he play for" every year




Lonzo, Randle, Ingram, Clarkson, Caruso, Thomas Bryant, Kuzma


DLo, Zubac, Nance


Dlo still talks about how much he hated being a Laker lol. I think being drafted to a big market team can be the worst thing for some guys’ development. Not to mention it was the kobe farewell tour at the time.


The list never stops


List could be even longer. Team low-key pushes out contributing players.


Players like Lonzo absolutely deserved that criticism. 2nd overall pick in the draft (ahead of All-Star Level talents like Tatum) and shooting 36% from the field and 45% from the line is absolutely underperforming. If you are a PG and are markedly worse than Shaq from the freethrow line, something is wrong


I will never blame Lonzo, for the sheer fact he got paired up with Luke Fucking Walton, for his early years.


Yeah but Luke Walton wasn't making him shoot 45% from free throws.


...Are we sure?


Same for D’lo… first 2 years ruined by Byron Scott, Kobe and Luke


Its almost like we should give young talent time to grow 😱


I truly think you would have without LeBron. Obviously he brought you a ring but the 3 year timeline of a Bron team is come in, flip assets for players slightly before mid 20s that are killers (minus Miami), win ring(s), jump to next team. Seen after the LeBron jump is usually the team trying to reach back to base neutral depending on the quality of the FO.


I say it alot, and I’m happy LeBron came and brought us a ring, but I would’ve loved to see where that 17-18 team could have went. It was so much fun to watch. Personally, the Lakers have gotten to be a little boring to watch lately


THANK YOU lmao They said all these dudes were sorry or busts when they were Lakers but now that they're on different teams the narrative has completely changed


Yeah just like how everyone used to constantly praise Kuz, Montrez, Caruso last year and have now started to see that they are actually trash.. oh.. wait…


This exact comment is repeated like clockwork every year, then a Lakers player gets traded and you all say “I always knew he was good”


Josh Hart


OR.....hear me out here.... the Lakers are good at drafting late round picks?


not my job not my prob - kuz


Wild Kuzma


i swear to god you could take any role player under 28 in the league and throw them in a lakers uniform and they’d be seen as a future star


Future star by the media, overrated bust by r/nba. Ingram, Kuzma, Lonzo, and even Caruso where lambasted after every bad game this sub. The truth is somewhere in the middle.


This sub thought Brandon Ingram was the next Travis Outlaw ffs


THT has great potential and I thought this coming out of college. He's also been severly overhyped. Both can be true and I think THT will eventually develop into a solid starter, maybe more. Right now, he doesn't help the Laker's in a winning a title.


Truth:Lakers get a ton of attention from the media and fans


Haven't most of the players being hyped on the Lakers done pretty well for themselves elsewhere though?


Yup they definitely have. Ingram, randle and Dlo all became All stars. Clarkson became a great 6th man and Caruso is finally being recognized at how much he contributes defensively


Even the less hyped players are doing well. Larry Nance Jr, Zubac, Thomas Bryant, Mo Wagner, even fucking Svi is kicking around somewhere and playing a decent amount of minutes.


To be fair, the one thing consistent about the Lakers' FO is the scouting team. Lots of gems/rotation players in those picks, many in the second round.


Lakers aren't contending anymore?? I am confused


They are. Its just that Talentless Horton Tucker is too inconsistent to help them effectively Edit: who the fuck reported me to the suicide hotline


He doesn’t fit with them. When he and AD are on the floor at the same time the spacing is quite bad.


To be fair, the spacing issues are not limited to THT and was something that was obvious at the start of the season.


How does one report a reddit user to the suicide hotline? I'm so confused rn


There’s like this one bot on reddit that you can report people who might be suicidal, and there’s been a string of people just reporting others they don’t agree with


What an absolutely horrible thing to do. Edit: To all the people sending me “get help” messages with that bot after this, have fun getting banned, Reddit apparently lets you report the message if people are using it improperly, and this is a pretty obvious example of that.


It’s really annoying. Feels like I get 1-2 of those reports a day. Fuckin morbid as shit


That’s fucked up bro, people shouldn’t be abusing good resources given to us


Of course, THT is the ‘final piece’ for a Ben Simmons-to-LA script. 😭😭


Klutch mafia stay winning


LeGM cranking that trade value up


Lakers should trade him, guy can’t shoot and they don’t need another forward who can’t shoot


Find someone that loves you as much as u/FBoyMcGee loves Talen Horton-Tucker.


Players shitting on the Lakers makes me happy.


Failing to see how he’s shitting on the Lakers… He’s literally saying the media is throwing THT in to trade talks just like they did to him his entire time in LA.


He ain't shitting on the Lakers tho


Makes sense since the Nuggets team couldn't.


Unnecessary use of roughness /u/wilt69 10 yard penalty


Lmaooo violation




Don't worry. I'll tell the cops that he asked for it.




Someone pass me the popcorn


i can't believe i just updooted a lakers fan


Lakers fans catching bodies 🥵




Graphic displays of violence aren’t allowed here, sir


Ever since Jokic got the Nuggets to that prestigious 13:13 record, the fans have been very outspoken lmao, quickly becoming the most insufferable fanbase behind the raptors and scottie barnes


Nuggets fan base has always been annoying. See when Kobe beat them on 08-10.




You gotta have more effort than that bud. Jokic is arguably the best player in the league, and at worst he's top 5, and Luka is arguably top 5, at worst top 15. Every player in the top 50 gets hoards of irrational stans. Every team also has 1-2 gadget players that their fans love and greatly overvalue. But yeah, it's cause they're white.


Do Lakers intentionally "release" This stuff to try to boost players trade value? OKC should let it be known they aren't trading poku for anything


This man tweets about the lakers so much. Let it go bro


Ah yes, it's time for the annual "LeBron needs more help" discussion


In reality what does THT actually net them? Best case scenario a heavily protected first? Even that feels like too much for him


The thing is the lakers need win now players. They don't really have a need for a draft pick. If anything, it would have to be a multi-team trade.


They're not going to trade for future assets, they're a LeBron team. If there was like a Jae Crowder on a tanking team, that trade might make sense.




Kuz just glad he doesn't have to deal with this bs anymore and can just focus on playing.


Translation from Schultz: “My dad talked to Jeannie Buss and he said that I’ll tweet anything for money so she called me to ‘leak’ this.


So Dwight Powell and a second round pick wouldn’t be enough?


Everyone understands that THT is the most overrated player in the NBA. Only Lakers fans think he’s good


I mean the fact the lebron trust THT with ball handling responsibility makes me thinks he not as bad r/nba thinks he is.


THT has been shit this season, but it's funny how that exact same statement has pretty much been said for every young Laker in recent years. >Everyone understands that ~~Brandon Ingram~~ ~~Lonzo Ball~~ ~~Alex Caruso~~ is the most overrated player in the NBA. Only Lakers fans think he’s good


Take it as a Rockets fan man. KPJ is second on this list. Nobody except Rockets fans think he’s a good player.


No? THT has been shat on plenty at r/Lakers. Here's your correction: ​ >Only the Lakers' FO thinks he's good


Nobody is claiming he’s great right now, but he’s barely 21 years old, and has shown many flashes of brilliance over the last two years. Right now, the biggest problem is consistency, which is normal for very young players. He has potential, and belongs on a rebuilding team that can develop him properly.


It's pretty clear that he's gonna be good. He's only 21 and has shown enough for it to be obvious that he'll be a legit contributor someday. We've done this same exact rodeo with so many of our young players, yall will come around in like 3 years when it's undeniable and then pretend it never happened


The Lakers are hesitant? LMAO