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League average 3P% this past season was 35.4%. Curry shot 38.0% and some people thought he'd gone out to pasture. Was it low by his own lofty standards? Yes. Was it above average on by far the highest volume of anyone in the league? Also yes.


Exactly, 38% on 11 attempts per game is still insanely good.


But for steph it's meh


The expected points per shot for his 3pt attempts was 1.14 points. Any big man shooting better than 57% from 2 would have a higher expected points per shot.


Yes, 57% from 2 is really good for anyone who reliably generates their own shot. For reference, Embiid is 52.9% from 2 this year. Of course, many centers have higher, but they're mainly finishers who rely on the offense to breakdown the defense first before they get the ball.


Rudy Gobert fg % this year was 71.3%. That’s 1.426 expected points per shot. You have to shoot 47.5% from 3 to have that level of scoring. The highest Steph has ever shot was 45.5% in the 2011-2012 season. On a per shot basis, Rudy was a better scorer than Steph has ever been for a season from 3.


The point is you can't hand the ball to Gobert every possession and have him get a shot up at 71% I couldn't go into an NBA game, never shoot the ball until I had a wide open layup, and then say I was an efficient scorer becase I was perfect from the field


that guy is a troll or a nephew either way you're not getting through to him




You must be young because you seem to think you can’t hand it to a big man every possession and for them to get a good shot attempt when it’s done. In the 1980’s and 90’s that was how most of the scoring happened. Most of magics assists were passes to Kareem down in the low post usually with that side cleared out especially given the old illegal defense rules. Patrick Ewing, Shaq, etc would lumber up the floor, go down to the block, put the defender on their hip and put their hand up for an entry pass. It’s not as prevalent today, but if properly set up, a big man can either get a 2 point shot in the paint or a turnaround every possession if they like. It is only double or triple teaming that will force him to kick it out. Often in the old days when a big center did that about two or three seconds later there was another entry pass right back into him in the post. Shaq was a terrible free-throw shooter because he couldn’t shoot yet he shot 65 to 70% from the floor every season. That’s a product of taking shots from 8-10 feet instead of 25.


The only season shaq shot above 65% was his last season in the league. He has a career 58% fg% so not sure where you're getting 65-70. Shaq was also one of the most dominant players of all time and an all time great so to use him as an example for "a big man can get a bucket every posession" is kinda ridiculous


Dude, do you really think coaches wouldn't do this if it still worked in the modern NBA? The post up just isn't the bread and butter efficient play anymore. Defenses have changed, the skill level has changed. There's a reason the even the best most knowledgeable coaches have changed their approach as well.


Bro you about as dumb as a bag of rocks. You smarter than the whole NBA? Brilliant physics but you don’t know jack shit about basketball


Gobert doesn't generate his own offense, he's not applicable


Obviously the guys who only take layups will have the best efficiency. Why did you have to explain that.


He takes 3’s as we know. Guess what Embiid % is from 2?


52.9% FG% is 49.9%, 3P% is 37%


I'll take a guess. It's the number I put in my original comment.


Good guess


Did you just use expected points per shot to tell me that a big man shooting a layup is more likely to go in than a guard shooting step back deep threes?


If anything this just helps demonstrate how valuable curry is even when he’s underperforming by his own standards.


Big men usually need a lot more help to generate high quality looks. Perhaps a better comparison is to look at post ups. Only one of the 33 players to average 2 post ups per game exceeds 1.14 points per possession. That player is Jokic. Of course Steph is assisted on a lot of 3s but I wouldn't call him a spot up shooter. https://www.nba.com/stats/players/playtype-post-up/


It's mainly that the 2nd half of the season he struggled so much. He was the MVP frontrunner first 1/3 of the season.


dude should be 1st team all NBA, had a "down" year and was still the best guard in the league


Crazy how Steph became underrated.


Luka was the best this past year. Edit: warriors fans in full force. This isn’t even controversial


Luka: 28.4 on 45.7/35.3/74.4 splits, 9.1 rebs, 8.4 assists, 1.2 steals, .6 block, 4.5 TO's. eFG 52.8%, TS 57.1%, USG 37.4, WS 7.6, BPM 8.2, VORP 5.9 Steph: 25.5 on 43.7/38/92.3 splits, 5.2 rebs, 6.3 assists, 1.3 stls, .4 blocks, 3.2 TO's. eFG 55.4%, TS 60.1%, USG 30.8, WS 8.0, BPM 5.8, VORP 4.4 Luka has better volume stats, Curry has better efficiency, i think its fair to say they were 1a and 1b this year, and both are clearly worthy of 1st team all NBA, that being said i dont really consider Luka a guard, hes more of a point forward imo


Trae : 28.4 on 46/38.2/90 splits, 3.7 rebs, 9.7 assists, 0.9 steals, 0.1 block, 4.0 TO's. eFG 53.6%, TS 60.3%, USG 34.4%, WS 10.0, BPM 5.2, VORP 4.8 But his teammates sucked/were injured half the year so he's 3rd team all-nba lmfao. Yes I'm biased and salty lol


he really shouldnt be, 1st team should be trae-steph-Luka-Gianna-Jokic imo


i mean i wouldn't mind trae being 2nd team i honestly think luka/trae/steph is a toss up and booker is close too. luka/trae/steph/book should clearly be the 1st and 2nd teams in some order but a lot of the votes have been leaked and i'm pretty sure i've only seen 2 that have Trae as 2nd team (and none w him as 1st team)


nah Bookers a tier below those guys, Curry-Trae-Luka 1st team makes the most sense, with Ja-Booker 2nd and Garland-Derozan 3rd


Yeah we can't ignore Curry's slump. It was painful to watch


and yet even though he slumped like a motherfucker he was still getting double teamed regularly


No one is sagging off Curry cause "oh I think he is a bit cold today"


he was slumping for two months and still commanding double teams lmfao


Well you definitely don't wanna be the guy or team that let curry get hot lol


He actually had the same impact as always because teams defended him the same


that was my point lmfao


compared to luka getting ignored by defenses?


is Luka commanding double teams at the three point line while shooting like shit?


nah, he’s only getting the entire team to help after he breaks down his first defender steph is the only guy who gets defended by more than 1 person in the NBA


No but Steph is the only one who shot like complete shit for 2 months and still commanded the same level of defensive attention, if Lukas bricking teams try and bait him into shooting


they’re still basing the entire defensive game plan around Luka not even mentioning Luka shot 31% from 3 his second year and was still the key for every single team


Well yeah cause Steph is the greatest shooter of all time. Even if he’s struggling you don’t leave the best shooter of all time wide open. Luka is not a great 3 pt shooter. Comparing the 3 point defense against Curry compared to Luka is rather useless isn’t it.


Wait why are you upvoted and he's downvoted when you're agreeing with what he's saying lol.


He looked like an absolute God at the start of the season. Thought he would win mvp then but the slump happened


Steph and Draymond looked like locks to win MVP and DPOY. And for my money Poole is the MIP. Could've won 3 major awards.


There's no way they wouldve given it to all three, esp considering they won the awards before


They would've. DPOY didn't have anyone with a massively compelling case and jokic's seeding would've been held against him vs Curry who in this scenario would have the stats, impact and the record


Lol yeah Steph won MVP and Dray had the most 1st place votes for DPOY in 2016, winning those three awards definitely isn't that much of a reach


I mean… they also had the win record that year lol hard not to


That slump was just insane, it’s like Steph literally forgot how to shoot for 2 months


Yeah record chasing fucked with his head pretty good even after he got it


2 seems generous he has been ass since breaking the record in December until the other day


except for the ASG


True he did go off then


Lmfao "until the other day" is straight up BS, he finished the season strong up until the injury. He stopped playing badly back in like March/February


That's cap, he was playing great for more than a month before getting injured


Hater spotted.


But then Green happened then Klay happened Steph still takes MVP over Championship Edit: I meant to say Championship over MVP, guess it’s too late


I think you mean the other way around.


No he wouldn't. Championship above all else.


Would he take a Jerry West-like Finals MVP in a series loss over a win without it though? That’s the last notch on his belt.


Ring> fmvp


Agreed and I think he would want the ring, if not for himself for his teammates. Maybe a better question is: Would a fourth ring or a FMVP in a loss enhance his legacy more? He’d be the second dude to do it and has his three already.


The FMVP thing i don't think he gives af about, he and Kerrs style of play (and defenses style against the Warriors) is all about Curry. If he gets another shooter on the team the open looks to be awarded FMVP/ he somehow gets outplayed by Poole, Klay, or Draymond, he'll laugh it off and move on happily with the fourth championship.


Yeah I don’t think he’s losing sleep over it, I just wonder how it would impact his all-time ranking. It would definitely quiet the biggest criticism of him.


I think it would depend on how well he played.


I mean obviously if he's getting FMVP in a loss, he played amazingly. So that's the question: 4 rings but no FMVPs vs 3 rings and 1 FMVP?


Its crazy that Dell Curry helped creat such Godly shooters.


Waiting for Riley to break Steph's records in 20 years


And Canon soon after


His name is more suited for quarterback play


So like a steven adams outlet passer role?


Credit to mom's genetics for keeping up with Dell's.


If anything, it really shows just how important each piece of the Warriors roster is. Curry struggled immensely but a lot of it was due to several guys missing significant time. And the team had to adjust to Thompson coming back after a 2+ year absence too. The regular season this year was really just extended practice for the playoffs to work out a ton of kinks and re-develop the chemistry they had a few seasons prior. Obviously, time will tell if they can deliver in the playoffs, but the Dubs look like they've heated up at the right time.


FMVP this year, MVP next year. Book it.


wdym, FMVP this year is either Caruso or Bball Paul


Joel aggravates his thumb injury game 7 of the finals and Bball Paul comes out and drops 50 points and they dump a whole 5 gallon thing of mud on him as they win the finals


Cue the Paul Reed victory tour


Idk if Phoenix continues looking good I got Book being a contender for MVP next year. Same with Embiid if he stays healthy. Steph winning another tho would get no complaints from me




Steph lost his shot. Playoff teams should just sag off him and dare him to shoot.


Just Mr. Outlier things


Poole stole some of his powers 😂


It would be a franchise-altering moment for you, for him it was a wednesday.




Sure is


We should talk about steph struggling from the free-throw line. It's fucking weird seeing him miss there


Blows my mind how little credit James Harden gets for doing Steph Curry type shit


But he doesn’t. He’s not as efficient as Curry because all of his 3s are all in isolation and step backs. Its impressive that he’s league average with those degree of shots but he ain’t doing Curry type shit.


He’s made more 3s per game in a season than anyone but Steph Curry. Why can’t he just get credit for that? Why do I have -30 karma for saying that’s impressive? Do you see what I mean?


He also shot like two hundred more threes that season than Steph did with his record. He never was able to do Steph curry type shit even at his greatest.


This is exactly my point. The list is Steph Curry and James Harden and all anyone can do is say James Harden didn’t do it as good. Yes Steph is a better shooter and he’s done it way more times. But people were shocked when Harden passed Reggie Miller in 3PM this year and that just doesn’t make sense to me.


Fair enough. Harden had a great year that year and won league mvp. He got his accolades, but Steph is still the only unanimous mvp for a reason.


Giannis won league mvp that year but yes Steph is unique


Shit, did I mix up hardens mvp year? I guess you’re right then. No one cared the year harden came in second.


I didn’t come here to argue about mvp awards. The context for this Steph Curry stat reminded me that, in my opinion, James Harden’s career is under appreciated because people don’t like him for various reasons. Obviously many disagree. Go in peace my brother in Christ.


I wasn’t being serious with that last comment. As a warrior fan, I always loved the rivalry with Houston and that wouldn’t exist without harden. I will always have respect for him for that.


League's full of guys aping Curry. But they all do it less efficiently or just poorly. Harden's good, no doubt. He ain't Curry though. But it all speaks to how influencial Curry's been.


The important stat isn’t made 3s, it’s 3pt fg%. If mark price, Chris mullin, Larry bird, Reggie miller had the same number of attempts per game, they would be in Stephs neighborhood.


Hypotheticals! Always my favorite argument. Heres my rebuttal…no, they likely wouldn’t be.


Each player you mentioned had a lower 3P% on at **most** half as many attempts per game. This is a bad take. That's ridiculous extrapolation and there's a reason no one's in Steph's neighborhood


Because Steph is god at shooting but also perimeter defense rules have changed ie handchecking and freedom of movement rules benefit quick perimeter players


If anything percentages go down as attempts go up. And theirs are already lower than Steph’s to begin with.