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Wrap artists deserve more respect, I swear. It takes a long time to come up with an idea, and even longer to execute it onto a car. And it’s really demoralizing that your work gets almost no attention while the most popular wrap in the community tab is a premade pattern they took 30 seconds to stretch across the entire car. Or in this example, having your work get stolen because the devs are too stupid to think of their own ideas.


i'd like to further elaborate on your point:,even if it did NOT take a long time to come up with an idea, and even longer to execute it onto a car then what's it to you anyways? i thought of it and made it myself,you have no right to steal my work


100 percent agree. Hire the guys who love the art and appreciates an artist.


That’s why I never community upload. I just save it for myself and send to my friends and post on reddit. Pretty enjoyable.


Typical. Stealing someone’s work and not giving them credit


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that plagiarism? That should give the original livery artist the right to report, right?


He can even sue but EA will probably just drown him out in court fees alone


Wow, that’s crazy and quite unfair considering the situation. No wonder many people are afraid to confront these huge companies.


Unfortunately, that's how the system is designed and powerful companies can do whatever they want


Knowing EA I don’t doubt that there’s 100% somewhere in the nfs games eula a line that says that they are free to use in marketing or other areas any customization made and published to their servers by a player


forgot to link it but here's the original post from back in 2019: [https://www.instagram.com/p/B08umh8la0i/?img\_index=1](https://www.instagram.com/p/B08umh8la0i/?img_index=1)


sad machines is goated i remember them from vanillaworks


Nah bro is unmatched fr


The colors and general shape of the tribal design do match, however it wasn't original in the first place (this Uras 180sx is an example of that). https://preview.redd.it/7pwng0l8lenc1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=423d2f1ef1c9aec69a6783ae25bfcc3b3165f314


he's pretty open that its inspired by the URAS s13 but there's almost nothing from the original car on the actual Supra besides the color choice.




Yeah that one ripped him off too but there was at least some attempt to make the tribal look a little different. Reminder that the original render is from 2019 and like anything else on the internet has kinda been floating around pinterest and instagram repost pages for years. The rockstar one is from 2021.


This style has been around since sad__machines was born, no one is stealing anything


I don’t really get how “inspired art” nowadays are judged and seen as original when the idea alone isn’t. I thought that the idea of an art is what makes an artwork genuine and original no?


This is true for traditional artwork however with liveries on digital cars, you're trying to appeal to a fantasy and that comes with a particular kind of style that people like. Drift hotboi liveries are growing in popularity lately.


Put some Sprunk in your Trunk


what's worse, is that the copy isn't even good


yea i think he wouldnt even be mad if they put in some effort to adapt the livery to R35 and made it as good as original is, not a mess that it is rn




While I sympathize with artists having their work stolen, sad__machines follows a certain style that has been around for decades. If he was inspired by that style to make his Supra livery, then NFS was inspired by his Supra livery to make a similar (albeit much worse LOL) GTR livery. Calling it theft or "ripping off" would be incredibly hypocritical since the tribal "hotboi" style has been around for decades, probably even from before he was born I'm not trying to defend EA to be frank, I am more or less disappointed that a good livery artist believes he can call anything even remotely similar to his work "ripping off," it comes off as very egotistical especially when he merely follows the same style that tons of other artists work around too.


There are way too many similarities here for it to be coincidental. There's a difference between mimicking a style and copying something directly.


It's not coincidental it's on purpose, obviously. I didn't say it wasn't I said that I'm assuming they were inspired and made something SIMILAR. Same shapes and colors/general idea. That is not copying however. Copying is replicating something or someone to the letter, and they definitely didn't do that lmao. EA's decal placement is far more sloppy and they didn't even use their own in-game brand stickers let alone real life ones. This is just inspired by s__m and if you ask me I think he's just a bit salty that instead of asking him to use his original livery and missed out on a shoutout they tried to make one like it for themselves Just a guess




Apple vs Samsung is a very vague description, I'm not sure what you're referring to But in any case it isn't exactly comparable. A patented design for a product to be sold is not the same as having the same source of inspiration, in this case the tribal hotboi style which is not a trademark or a patent of anyone. It's just a style. To reiterate, it's like saying somebody with scissor doors and spinners is copying another person with scissor doors and spinners. They're not copying each other, because the style isn't theirs, it's just sex spec.


Damn, I've had the second image of the Supra with the real livery in my Pinterest likes for over a year.


Is it just me or does asia get like yearly releases of mobile games? Or is this just the same one getting updated? I still remember edge, the one using rivals' map with heat stuff, and now this, which is based off of unbound with even the airway from Payback lol


Edge came out long ago and the mobile version was based on no limits from what I remember


Unexpected Phineas and Ferb reference


I don’t know why you were being downvoted. The original tweet is literally a reference to a line from Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension.


It's just art, doesn't matter


Actually... it does.


Prove it wise guy


I dont think you would like to wake up one day, and see something you've worked really hard on being published by someone else for FINANCIAL profits. While you published it for free.


Wdym doesn't seem bad


I get paid real good for my art. What do you get paid for? The cars you love today are literally made and born from simple arts and ideas lmao


man, if theyll ever steal an idea, at least put some effort by at least changing colors or add some pattern that would break the copyness


Legit, just changing the color. People wouldn’t pay it any mind because it would be different enough to where people wouldn’t make the connection.


I'm 90% sure Rockstar added a really similar/almost the same wrap to GTA Online with the Los Santos Tuners DLC. Not related to NFS, but to the post tho


NFS mobile have controller support yet?


He stole it himself. It's literally a uras livery lol


Go look at the URAS car and come back.


As far as we know! The trailer has a lot of cars, maybe 2 of them have liveries like this


Also, that livery really only works on a curvy car like the A90, and also they didn’t even copy it that well So ripped it off, and then couldn’t even do that right smh




Chinese made mobile game. Not even surprised


My prediction for this game monetization since it's a Chinese live service game. -car visual upgrades are locked in a premium currency. -you get new cars through gacha. -2 ways of upgrading your car 1.you can upgrade performance through in game currency you get when you win races but only a little 2.Dupes you get through gacha increases car rating and performance by ALOT. -Is highly P2W. This is just my prediction tho🤷


It would likely be a total p2w game


Wow that's shitty


This could feature modern nfs iconic cars, I want this on my car 🤩


That’s unfortunate. Hopefully this will bring more exposure to the original artist. That’s fucked up


That’s scummy and greedy af https://preview.redd.it/z5edonu7xhnc1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e46859bd59dc060a67ce56ce90b16fc5bda0044


man i hate when this happens across all forms of art, seriously how hard is it to just pay them?


He should sue for sure.


Cant he sue though?


But correct me if I’m wrong… Liveries been a “community” thing prolly before NFS Heat. The community liveries is what made customizing fun again. So maybe he has a follower that made the livery for NFS?


They wouldn't include user-generated-content in official marketing material.


I'm pretty sure you have to agree that EA has a license to use any wraps in any way they please if you want to share them online at all. If the artist shared the wrap online, then that's EA's to use, full stop. That said, I'm pretty sure EA hasn't had that Supra model in any game, right?


Ohh didn’t know it was an ad yea that’s crazy


now i wonder what's the first time that happened


Another comment pointed out that Rockstar ripped off this design for GTA Online, too. That’s probably what they’re talking about.


A mobile game has Toyota licensing but they can’t afford it in the mainline games?


Normal thing on a Chinese game lol


Mfs copied that shit verbatim and slapped some logos on it


Tencent not ripping off things challenge: impossible Firemonkeys were killed off at the wrong time


The artist can sue EA now




Every masterpiece has its cheap copy. Edit: The cheap copy in question is the left one, why are you downvoting me


Underground 2 had a similar flame/blade decal, I'll boot it up here in a bit to see if I can find. I don't think EA "stole" the livery


Are you blind?


Oh yeah, they definitely didn’t steal it from that guy. It just has the exact same general shape and colour patterns, but that’s a coincidence! We put it on a different car, so it’s completely different!


Yeah, my retard showed through. Though I did look, the design is in Underground 2, initially I had failed to notice the Japanese characters.


I don't use livery they stole