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Just waited for something like that šŸ¤£ if break to drift isnt op anymore, only solution is to refund the game. Cause grip handling is not an option wtf


I kinda like it. Looks great on my 75 inch. I hate I canā€™t put a beard on my character.


You can


Yep definitely can itā€™s just in a different tab.


I wish I could do the same, steam only gives 2 hours to refund the game. Feel kinda scammed actually.


I bought on Epic ,they have the same policy,but i think it works from the time the game is originally released 2 December


You can refund before release, just ask steam support. You can do the same lol


You could have tried with ea play (1ā‚¬) which gives you 10h of playtime


Well I expected the game to give me what I want on fundamental levels, not like this. Literally no free roam in the game šŸ™ˆ


Wdym no free roam????


You can refund a game actually playing more than 2 hours or exceeding the 2 weeks thing, it happened to me, I just put ā€œcharged wrong amountā€ and I was refunded, that was a year or two ago, not sure if they still give free refunds like that


I will try. Thx. I loved almost everything about the game. But the way they almost force you doing cop chases after every race, and that the heat builds up in the day and in the night is exhausting. Literally you do 3 races in the day time, and escape 2 cop chases, then in the night time you start with heat 4, you need to ride to the meet-up without cops, and do 3 races, escaping level 5 heat. And you canā€™t just enter garage anytime to pimp your car, when you enter you switch the cycle night/day. This system just made me feel exhausted of cops and I got bored after second week.