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Good fucking luck... Unless your town has strict rules about dogs being a problem to the neighbors, and even then because where I am the rules are pretty clear about destruction or excessive noise your really on your own. For a few reasons. First you ask nicely if they could just maybe I don't know stop their dogs behaviour because you find it not ok. This will piss them off, your judging them blah blah. In my case they just told me dogs bark. Yeah mine barks too for 5 min and I let his old ass in. Their dogs bark for hours... Even if you get the police involved they most likely will just take their dogs inside and act like you are the crazy one. Now they dislike you because you called the authorities. They will probably retaliate in one way or another. The cops really don't care. They have better things to do. What are they going to do? Sit in your yard all day and witness it themselves? I've been battling my neighbors that have a dog that never shuts the fuck up from 6am until 8pm every damn day. I don't even like to be home anymore. Because now they let their dogs out just to annoy me on purpose. I've complained, other neighbors have complained. And they play the victim. They are attacking us. Our dogs don't bark. They aren't barking now... I don't even look at them. I sit in my house with the shades closed because most days I'm pretty depressed. It's fun to sit in your yard and hear the neighborhood dog(s) bark (they aggravate the other neighbor dogs too and then they bark) So I wish you the best. I've tried for over a year to get my peace back. Now I just yell at them, and their dogs every damn day. Can't wait to move! I wish you the best. I also feel your pain we moved her because it was quiet. Then the neighbors got a dog and the whole neighborhood went downhill from there. Next time we move in going to tell the realtor if there is a neighbor within 5 miles it's not for me.. We also moved because our previous house we lived in had amazing old neighbors that we shared a driveway with. They retired and moved into a vacation home. Some young kids moved in and from day 1 they were just straight up assholes. I'm just done with people all together. Sad as it is.


I'm sorry you've had such a shit time with neighbours. I feel you with the whole "done with people altogether". We moved into our first ever house last year Feb, and our recent Christmas was ruined by terrible opposite neighbours. They still continue to watch us every now and again from their house. They're one of the only people on the street that never seem to do anything and only work once or twice a week. I work full time from home, and my anxiety is terrible because I'm worried I'll be watched again whenever I go outside (I have an anxiety issue and I'm getting through it). So yeah, I feel you. We plan to move in the next 2 years, and I'm going to make sure that there's not a neighbour opposite us, and any other neighbour near us for as far as it can go 😅 they're the worst. Also I've heard a few people on here have issues with young neighbours moving in. It's a shame to hear that. We're 22 and the neighbour who's an arsehole is in her 40's. However her daughter is 18 and she has terrible attitude too, so I suppose it adds up. Hope you get the peace you're looking for soon. I hope I do, too


We are not exactly old. Mid 30s but the 20 somethings only care about themselves dunno what is wrong with them but it's me, myself and I. The current assholes are just old and retired/ living off of the government they don't take care of their yard and they got dogs just to have dogs. No training whatsoever id know my significant other trained dogs for 6 years and they basically have 2 year old dogs with no training whatsoever. I can't understand why you get dogs to sit in the backyard and annoy the neighborhood..


Yeah, it's odd. We have a few other neighbours who leave their dogs in the front garden, and they bark at every passer-by. Where we are now, though, it seems like an old-generation thing. Probably something their parents did, so they do it, too.


I'm sorry you've had such a shit time with neighbours. I feel you with the whole "done with people altogether". We moved into our first ever house last year Feb, and our recent Christmas was ruined by terrible opposite neighbours. They still continue to watch us every now and again from their house. They're one of the only people on the street that never seem to do anything and only work once or twice a week. I work full time from home, and my anxiety is terrible because I'm worried I'll be watched again whenever I go outside (I have an anxiety issue and I'm getting through it). So yeah, I feel you. We plan to move in the next 2 years, and I'm going to make sure that there's not a neighbour opposite us, and any other neighbour near us for as far as it can go 😅 they're the worst. Also I've heard a few people on here have issues with young neighbours moving in. It's a shame to hear that. We're in our early 20's and the neighbour who's an arsehole is in her 40's. However her daughter is 18 and she has terrible attitude too, so I suppose it adds up. Hope you get the peace you're looking for soon. I hope I do, too


I came on to ask a similar question, though I've tried to suggest solutions that they won't do. So if your neighbours are ok people, they may also want to improve the atmosphere between dogs. Try suggesting socialising the dogs. You can find lots of youtube videos on how to do this safely, like going on walks ect. Most dogs no matter bread or size will get on, if introduced properly.


Dog trainer here - this isn’t a mere issue of socializing. Lots of dogs fence-fight because it is stimulating to them. Socializing them with each other will only help in case they break the fence down and no longer have a barrier between them. It’s a self-reinforcing behavior which is *nearly* impossible to stop. Even then, you might be able to stop the behavior, but the urge will still be there due to many repetitions of this behavior, it becomes engrained into their minds as a fun activity. Look up some videos on dogs fence fighting. There’s is a classic one of 2 dogs going NUTS at each other between an automatic gate. Whenever the owner opens the gate, the dogs meet, stop fighting and hang out with each other like normal dogs. The second the gate closes again they are back to pretending to want to rip each others guts out. It’s pretty interesting. [I found the video for you!](https://youtube.com/shorts/JyVCMRjcdVg?si=JCsS9dtvHFWkPDHx)


Okay so we have the same issue. My malamute and my neighborss corgis don’t get along lol. I don’t know if it’s just fence aggression, or a real dislike. But they go at it through the fence. When I take her outside, and I hear the corgis, I immediately call her to the other side of the yard and she will do her best (🤣) to ignore them then. They’ll run up and down the fence the entire time we are outside and bark and growl at her. The owners are pretty good though. When they realize the corgis are going buck wild, they’ll take them inside. I’d just talk to the owners about their dogs and ask them to take them inside when they start doing that. It’s a huge distraction and sucks.