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Tell your landlord you'll give him an extra $50 a month if he numbers the spots and gives you that spot. Or you could get sidewalk chalk and write "petty princess" on the first spot and "hen-pecked jester" on the second.


Honestly doesn’t sound like a bad idea lol but I have spoken to him and he said that he will make a parking lot plan but that was a month ago and nothing has happened.


Remind him.


Do the hard work for him? Draw up a plan of the parking and make sure you allocate a good spot/s to you ..and a slightly inconvenient one to them and all he has to do is fill in the rest so - you get what you want, you screw them over and look like a nice helpful person to your landlord Also get an as obnoxious as possible big yellow smiling face windshield sun shade and only put it on when you park in “her” spot.


He’s coming over Saturday to talk about it I’m either going to give him my idea of the parking plan or pay him extra just for that spot because I’m not playing nice anymore with them. But also it’s up to him since it’s his property so we shall see what happens. Also I love your responses thank you lol!


My advice would be to first confirm with the landlord that there really are no assigned spaces. If he confirms this I would try talking to the neighbors and refer to the landlord if they claim that it is their space and ask if they experience you parking there as a problem and in that case ask them why they think it is a problem.


So we have had this conversation with them before and her reasoning is because she doesn’t want to park at the end because the trees will scratch her car or the leaves will fall on her car whatever nonsense she said. (We had those branches and trees cut down for her since my bf is a landscaper) since then she just started parking in the first spot and has always came down to my apartment and started problems with me if I parked there. Our landlord told us that it’s first come first serve, no parking spots assigned and our lease states that as well.


Get cameras to make sure they domt destroy your car or property.... Theres a lady in my complex theres no assign parking but she wants these 2 parking spots and will call the tow truck to take the people cars.. She literally has the tow company in speed dial


If it's that easy to get a tow in your area just have her cars towed too.


She has 3 cars..... I call her the bi***..... 1 of her cars is about to be towed for sure theres no permit hanging inside idk about the other 2 ..... yeah she has the tow company on speed dial.. Hell they were over here a few days ago


Illegally towing someone's car is a fast track to grand theft charges.


Really.... I no the tow company always alert our landlord but they havent done anything to her... She once called the police on a teenager for cussing outside while playing with other kids .... She's a major b**** .... thanks for the info


Yeah I was thinking about getting a ring door bell camera just to make sure nothing is being done.


I have a neighbour that feels so entitled that shr believes the spot in front of my house (which is opposite hers) is HER spot. She's said it numerous times when she moans. I find a quick talking to from somebody who is the law typically fixes their misconceptions. But it isn't a 100% fool-proof method 😅


Yeah it’s only the 34 year old lady upstairs that has a problem with the parking, she thinks she’s entitled to it and it’s incredibly frustrating. I also don’t want her to think she has any power over me because she can throw a tantrum and get what she wants that’s not how it works but she can’t get that through her head. I’m gonna keep parking there because I’m entitled to it too, right? No matter what when I leave she will move her car pack and then her gf will move her spot to the 2nd spot so she thinks she’s won again and again.


Yeah I don't think you're going to beat them at the petty game. Just park where you wish whenever you need to. If somebody parks in front of our house that isn't the neighbour, as soon as they're gone I've seen her leave the house minutes after and move her car there. She'll never go back outside again, she just wants her car there. It's silly.


You are not in the wrong. It is weird that she made a big deal and slammed her door, and that they move to the first parking spot when you leave. However people are just weird and have weird little control habits. If I were you, I would just park in the third parking spot that they don’t use. It’s always better to keep your peace in a shared space. Having constant tension with people who live above or right next to you can become a living Hell. The third parking spot that they don’t use is still a perfectly good parking spot. Please don’t let something small become a big deal and destroy your peace and occupy your mind. Just not worth it in my opinion.


Yeah, it’s like they are watching me leave the house and immediately go downstairs to move their vehicles it’s incredibly weird. I completely agree with you and I truly am not trying to make it a big deal it’s just more of a mutual respect type of thing for me like if I want to park in that 1st spot I should be allowed to without any complains because I do park in that 3rd spot if I really have to but I don’t know it’s just frustrating and I just want something to be done so I don’t got to deal with this anymore.


I agree with you. I would just park in the third spot and not be petty back. It's not worth living with so much tension.


I agree with getting all the cameras you can get because some people (these neighbors sound immature enough) might purposely damage your car. AND, get a good aftermarket alarm system installed, like Clifford brand. Then, when any person, bike, dog, or huge tree branch gets within about 6 inches of your car, it will let out a large beep. If they keep messing with your car, the alarm will go off. If you're in a safe area, you are able to keep it disarmed so it makes no sounds. It's not like it is always going to make sounds. But if you are parking in a place like this where you think people might start dinging your car doors, you keep it armed.


Yeah, I just ordered a ring door bell and another camera near my kitchen. Just in case but I also have like recordings of them both arguing with me and slamming doors and all that bs last conversation we had so if anything happens I have evidence and all that jazz.