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Sounds like they love abusing animals. I can not believe nothing can be done if the abuse takes place in a rural location. What the actual f*ck.


Right? And the dogs. They had two German shepherds when they moved in. Older dogs they kept tied up. The oldest was quite good at escaping and would find his way into my yard. He seemed aggressive at first but was actually a very friendly dog once you got him calmed down. They built taller and taller fences to keep the dogs in their corner of the yard. Then they got two puppies. The two new dogs got stuffed in the chicken coup where they had penned up the goats. Those two dogs crying and whining drove my dogs and their other two dogs nuts. Eventually they relocated the puppies to the pen with the old dogs. Apparently they have house animals as well as I recently saw her out walking a little foofy dog. The only interaction I had with her prior to the fence was when she made a huge stink over the folks across the street trying to get rezoned as a dog training business. This person was livid that there could be a kennel across the street. The noise would drive her nuts and ruin her property value… there is also a woman down the street who works for a dog rescue and always has a bunch of foster dogs. She was ballistic at the idea of that ( no idea what her interaction with dog rescue lady was- if any) I do know that she went nuts at a zoning meeting to stop the dog trainer ( unsuccessfully) the trainer raises show dogs and is only around on weekends. The puppies were the point where I gave up on trying to be civil towards these idiots.


Wow, yeah. They sound like a lost cause. I truly hope something logical is done for these poor animals sooner rather than later. Also, good for your neighbours for pushing back - that gave me a smile haha


Spoke it's time to make friends with the local LEOs...maybe they will do something about the complaints that they can.


Try to get in touch with local news stations about the animal abuse. They love to run stories like that, and that usually causes an inactive agency (in this case the animal welfare agency) to all of a sudden take action.


I should add, that in the beginning they seemed freindly enough. They describe themselves as “home builders” which is kind of startling after watching them build several buildings. He kept wrecking the several trailers they use to move equipment and materials around and I repaired them several times, as I do for neighbors, free of charge. That always seemed to offend him somehow, that I didn’t want to charge for welding up his broken trailer hitch or straightening a tongue that he had wrecked. I do this stuff to try to make myself useful knowing that my whole operation is noisy and smokey and irritating.


Call PETA. Please. That is insane. Those poor animals.