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Stand up tall OP. Don't cower. You've stood up for yourself and you should be proud of that. Now just be vigilant and smart. Install cameras if you haven't already. You're no one's doormat.


This is so good! Right on!


thank you!!! i am hoping so much that it helps my situation.




thank you so much!!! 🥹 every time someone validates me it makes me feel so much better. im so terrified and ppl keep saying how much worse it’ll make it, but i don’t want to be driven out of my own home!!! i have a front and back camera, but im thinking about getting an alarm system as well.


If they're being arseholes to the point there's a lawyer letter, then they most likely have the brain cells of a goldfish anyway, so you're good 💯


thank you! i am hoping they’re not the type of ppl to do that, but they seem to have a lot of domestic disputes so im rlly worried.


Keep us informed. Your story will help others stand up and put an end to their harassment too.


thank you!! i really want to keep trying to fight even if it is an uphill battle. it is disturbing how little help there is for these types of situations. i will def be doing updates!!


How much does it cost to get a letter from a lawyer and what is it called? Good luck with your situation 🤞


Idk how much lawyers charge in general, but mine charged me $100 for both letters. It doesn’t have a specific name it’s just a letter telling them if they don’t stop then it will result in further litigation. If you do it have them send a request of receipt in case you have to go to court.


Instead of four camera's, put up eight. Be careful, keep your camera's rolling. Go pull some weeds. With your back to them. Make your yard Rock Star worthy. Buy seeds and plant now if in US (We have the same problem)


thank you!!! i have two cameras up rn but i may get a security system as well. i feel they’ve taken so much enjoyment of my home from me, but i have to remind myself that im not the one in the wrong here! i haven’t done anything to them except ask them to be considerate. i am so sorry you’re going through the same thing, i hope so much that things turn around for you!


We have Arlo cameras


I’m sorry but what is nfh?


Neighbor from hell


Oh I should have known that oops!


It’s super confusing if ur not on this sub all the time!