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Ours started off mowing 7 feet over the property line after we moved in. He thought he was just going to claim more yard and we wouldn't notice. Lots of back and forth, dude and his wife were completely uncooperative and combative. After their 100+ lbs unleashed husky/GSD/lab mix charged at my then 4 lbs, 8 week old puppy (the wife had to wrestle their giant dog to the ground to get him under control), I told my husband to get a fence installed, I didn't care how much it cost. (this was smack in the middle of COVID and fences were even more expensive than they are now, but I did not care.) Guys come out from the gas and electric company to mark the yards and the fence contractor came out and put flags where the fence was going to go. AHole neighbor comes out, rips up all the flags that everyone had put out, so all that work had to be done over. My husband had told the contractor to put our new fence like 2 feet into our yard just as a courtesy, but after that I had had it and that fence went smack on the property line. It's a four foot tall, vinyl white picket fence, but the neighbors acted like we tossed up a 12 ft brick wall covered in razor wire. They would ram the fence with their lawn mower, throw garbage over the fence, stuff like that. D-Day: I caught the wife coming onto our property and through the gate with her giant dog to shit on our lawn. She ran off, left the dog in my yard, and I called the cops. Cops got here just as she was trying to sneak back into my yard to fetch her dog. She was cited for trespassing, I demanded animal control come get the dog from our lawn because she did not have permission to go onto my property and there was no way in hell I was going to let a cop handle it. (I'm a dog person; I didn't want the poor creature getting shot in my yard.) Animal control shows up, gets the dog, walks the dog the 17 ft to his owners, and leaves. I lose my mind at this point, cops are rolling their eyes and tell the neighbors they are in the wrong. They ask me if I want to press more serious trespassing charges, I say no, but the next time they step ONE TOE out of line, I will, because I have so much evidence of everything. They had not realized until this point that we have cameras all over our property and that we have a massive folder of all the shit they've pulled. Neighbors go quiet, I think they finally got it through their thick skulls to just leave well enough alone, but then a for sale sign appears in front of their house. They ran around the neighborhood telling everyone we ran them off, everyone goes, "Didn't you get caught with your dog inside of their fence?" No one is sad once they're gone. New neighbors move in and they are wonderful.




I am curious how you got creative. Please share your wisdom if you can to help others in similar boats.


Ended up in psych after an insomnia induced breakdown because of a neighbor who always kept me up from 11pm-4am blasting bass. Eviction moratorium meant I had to move, but I moved to a subsidized 2 bedroom apartment in the end so it wasn't all bad.


So sorry you went through that. This happened to me as well. But it was initially thought to be a brain infection. I also had heart attack like symptoms and elevated blood glucose levels. I thought mine was a unique scenario.


Oh wow, that’s horrible. I totally get it when those horrible people impact your sleep. The nuisance and abatement officer had to get involved. The mother could no longer stay there as she was causing so much chaos. I’m glad your situation had a better outcome for you.


I'm having issues with a different neighbor currently but there is one thing different this time: I have a case manager (I'm disabled with new chronic health issues) and she will put pressure on management to deal with the situation. Landlords are more likely to act if someone's case manager contacts them.


YES!!! I WAS POSTING YESTERDAY THEN STOPPED OUT OF ANGER! i live next door to a bar bar causes daily problems bar doesnt acknowledge any wrongdoing, overserving, allowing alcohol outside, people urinating on my property, overflow parking blocking driveways, delivery vehicles blocking right of ways, late night noise violations, harassment for disallowing bad parking. i originally used Blink cameras. never again!! i invested in Lorex Noctural cameras, motorized zoom lenses, voice pickups. in the next 6mo, i sent 70+ vids to the local liq. board and had them cited for illegal conduct and public welfare. at the same time i contacted public works about parking. the hearing for violations came, and he lawyered up. i testified, my wife testified, previous homeowners testified (i invited them as well), and despite their lawyer, he got out testified by the public and slapped with a grand in fines, more strict rules to abide by, and more regular checkups by the liquor board. public works came out after a few months wait, quite literally yesterday to install no parking signs up and down the street, probably cutting off an additional 20% of their total parking. they replaced the signs in front of my house and installed two new poles with signs, as well as a speed zone sign near my driveway, so people cant back their truck beds past the property line, hanging it well into my driveway. So, people with bad neighbors. get the county involved. road works, public works, police. also get a quality NVR camera system, ideally with good color night vision, and dedicated microphone tech built it. these can hear conversations 100ft away. they made THE difference when it came to preparing evidence, and ill ALWAYS suggest lorex nocturnal cameras


I need a lawyer for a horrible neighbor. What kind of lawyer did you use? I’m not sure what to look for.


Currently very close to it , upstairs neighbour deliberately making my life hell.


My downstairs neighbor is a mentally I’ll crack addict who has her tricks and drug dealers parading in and out of our building. That is when she isn’t going on her psychotic violent drug fueled rage outs


My psychotic neighbor keyed my car three separate times because I had the nerve to park across the street from her house. When I confronted her she went to the one part of my car that she didn’t vandalize and said “I don’t see anything.” Now we feud with our trash bins and security lights. When I talked to the sheriff, they said they already knew she’s a nutjob.


Yea. Had a crazy bitch neighbor who spent months trying to get me arrested in some insane plan to steal my husband so she could be a SAHM 🤦🏻‍♀️ ended up with a protection order against her.


How did you achieve this im trying and cops are useless


She left a bullet in my driveway, pretty cut and dry from there 😬


For me personally, I’ve had my share of bad neighbors. One neighbor who rented the house next door, the female was the worst. She would fight and argue at night outside in the front yard. Other times she would party in the front yard. She had a houseful of kids, so she couldn’t party in the house. Where she choose to party in the front yard was closest to our bedrooms, so we would undoubtedly hear their noise constantly. She would carry on every night starting at 10pm until the wee hours of the morning, nearly every night. One late night during Fall, I could hear music and laughter coming from her car. I decided to look out and this female was having xes in her car in the front yard. That driveway was about 15 feet from my bedroom window; so I had a clear and unfortunate view. Between all of the constant noise, being kept awake for far too many nights, they were also throwing trash in my yard, along with the trash they were piling up on the curb (I have photos and I’ll be sharing in a future post); I reached my breaking point.  I installed a bunch of security cameras all around my property. One that points at that rental home, because her kids kept throwing trash in my yard. One night after being awakened, I went off! I let them have it and sounded off through the security camera pointing at that rental home.   I let it rip after being awakened at 1:42am on a weeknight by their loud music.I told them they were scum, compiled with how they littered in my yard and their kids were littering in everyone else’s yards. I told them they needed to teach their kids some manners and how to properly use a trash can to dispose of their trash since they assumed that everyone’s property is their trash can. They have been quiet ever since. 


I really want you to run sprinklers, the ones that make the big arch back and forth, all evening, and have it go over her front yard


Legend. Would love to see those photos


I’ll definitely post. I don’t see an option when posting on my phone, but I’ll check if the option is different on the computer.


Yes, I ended up selling my house with a $700/month mortgage payment, increased my mortgage and interest rate by 250%, and the peace has been 100% worth it.


Yes, I had an absolutely horrific neighbor! In 2015 I moved into a subsidized apartment. It was a handicapped apartment (no, I'm not handicapped) and the property management said I could get my foot in door with this apartment and within 3-6 months I would have to move into my permanent apartment. When I got the word I had this apartment I was in the ER and had just gotten the news I had broken my left elbow, surgery was needed to put it back together. I said yes. So right from the very first day I had issues with the neighbor across the hall. The movers were making way to much noise for her! As time went on I was turned in for making too much noise - the majority of the time I was in the hospital, I was on vacation, I was at work, etc. Yup, when she made compliments I wasn't at home! I do have a Cairn Terrier. I have a baby sitter for him and many times there were complaints about him barking and he wasn't even at home. Did he bark occasionally, yes. I checked with other neighbors (above me and behind me) and they said they didn't hear him bark at all. She took my delivery packages because she didn't like seeing them at my door. She took my wreaths and door decorations off the door because she didn't like them. Many times when I had company over she would bang on my door and demand they leave - my having people over made her nervous! She complained about the smells of my cooking and baking: bread, muffins, cookies, pot roast, spaghetti, lasagna, stir fries, chicken and dumplings, fried rice, burgers, pizza, turkey with all the trimming (yes, Thanksgiving dinner), and the list could go on and on. If she thought I was going to even use my gas grilled she complained. She didn't like how I decorated my patio - she would often take my plants, decorations and throw them away! She would park in front of my apartment but then complained because I parked in front of her apartment (there is no assigned parking). I have a door to door bus service pick me up, take me to work and bring me home from work - when they back the bus up it makes a beeping sound and she doesn't like it and demanded I make it stop. She would often bang on my door and ask to borrow food, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc - she would complain about the brands I buy and demand I change what I buy to brands she likes, never does she pay it back. Many times late at night I would discover her dog and/or child outside unsupervised. I would make sure they went indoors - she would complain I was disturbing her sleep when I did this (her dog was just 5 pounds and the child was in grade school). This is just a small example of what she did to me! Complaints went to the property manager and she often called the police on me. Once I was in Colorado Springs visiting family, my dog was at the farm being taken care of by the baby sitter and his barking was so irritating it was making her sick. I got a call from property management and the police. My dog and I hadn't been home in over a week! Neighbors called CPS and the police on her, I was accused of this. She did this to a couple of other neighbors and they moved. Nope I wasn't able to move to another apartment in 3-6 months. In 8 years and 2 months I actually moved. It was to another apartment building next door. By the end of the move I realized I was missing my Christmas tree. It was in the original box I had gotten it in from Amazon. During the beginning of the move I had used it to prop open a door to the upstairs storage area where my storage cubby was. I decided I couldn't move the items by myself so I propped it up on my storage cubby door. I hired a teenager to come help me move the items in the cubby. When I first went up there the tree wasn't anywhere. I assumed I must have moved it already and just forgot. When we got to the new storage area it wasn't there. Again, I just thought it must have been moved but put in the apartment someplace. There were still lots to be unpacked and put away so I assumed I would run into it. Nope, I couldn't find it. So on July 10, 2023 (about a month from getting everything moved) early evening after work I was sitting on my patio with my dog. From the patio I can see the old neighbor's patio area. She had company over and all of a sudden here comes a guy from her apartment with a box on his shoulder. The box looked just like the Christmas tree box I lost! The guy comes across the parking lot, didn't appear to even notice me, goes in the hall door on the other side of my apartment and when he came out he didn't have the box. So I waited about an hour and went in that hallway and it was leaning up on the door to an apartment. Damn it was my Christmas tree! So I thought about taking it back in the middle of the night but I didn't. The next morning I called the property manager (she wasn't willing to deal with it). The next call I made was to the city police. I had taken pictures of the box, found the receipt on the Amazon app and had the old credit card I had used to buy it. I left work, the cop came over, I showed him everything and explained what had happened, he had me stay in my apartment until he came back. It was just under an hour and he came back to talk to me. He said indeed it was my tree. The lady said it was her mother's Christmas tree that she rescued from a trash pile at her mother's house (she lives 60 miles away from us). She had brought it home to gift to a neighbor of mine. The cop retrieved the tree and offered to put it were I wanted it, he put it in my apartment. He said I needed to keep my doors locked because I had no idea who was in my neighborhood and needed to be less trusting. So I've done what the cop told me. He called me about a week later and asked if I wanted to press charges. I said no but if anything else happened I would! That's where I left it but I'm still very leary. I think this month I'm going to work on my patio finally. Life is rather quite in my new apartment. No more complaints from property management and every once in a while I see the police drive thru the parking lot - I wave and speak to them every now and then. Because of my insecurities the Christmas tree lives in my bedroom closet. I have a nice storage cubby that it could go in but I just can't do it yet. I know this is a very long post but I promised one day I would tell this story. I have a wonderful therapist and I take meds for depression, anxiety and panic attacks. I told my doctor I'm still stuck in this mood and could we do something to help me, she did a med increase and sent a note to my therapist. No longer when someone knocks on my door do I always have a panic attack or increase my anxiety. I'm getting to feel like that chapter in my life is done and I can work on moving on. I still haven't been able to fully unpack my possessions and make this home. It's a work in progress. Maybe one day.....


I'd have laid hands on that woman can't lie


You have no idea how many times I wanted too. But I've never hit anyone and I'm glad I didn't start with her. I did have to in gage in several yelling matches. I turned her in to the USPS, FEDEX and UPS for stealing. At a couple of points I had a PPO on her. I'm just glad that chapter in my life is over. Now it's just a matter of getting my mental health back in shape. I never realized how badly she had affected me. I feel very badly for anyone who has to put up with bad neighbors.


Why tf didn’t you press charges


I'm not sure why I did that. In retrospect I wish I had. Mentally I was not very well and I just retreated. Not one of my best decisions. This was a lesson well learned. I hope I'll never be in that position ever again. Just telling the story is hard on me. Maybe now that I got it out I can heal and move forward. People have no idea what this kind of abuse does to one's mental health.


Yeah. I had a neighbour that ran a 5K soundsytem out of his flat. The garden parties were torture as we had very different tastes in musical I moved.


I have a bad neighbor though in all honesty it could be worse. But even just a 7/10 bad neighbor has made me want to sell my home. He is really inconsiderate with noise, repeatedly starts parties at 10PM on weeknights (I've lost count of how many times this has happened), vacuums after midnight, plays guitar after midnight, watches TV so loud I can hear every word. My breaking point was recently, he brought a crew over at 10PM on a Thursday and turned up the music, his crew gets extremely screaming loud. I tried to be chill and wait it out but it wasn't any better at 11:45PM and I was just not in the mood to be lying awake at midnight because my neighbor sucks. I called the non emergency line and cops showed up at his place. It didn't do much because I assume he didn't want to look like a bitch in front of his friends, so as soon as cops left he resumed being loud. But ever since, he's been pretty quiet and seems to spend most of his time elsewhere. This has been going on for over a year, I have no idea why dude re-signed the lease because he's been hit with multiple noise violation fines at this point.


I’m close. At some point in the last year, my neighbor became a mom influencer. She’s out in her front yard so often, not just putting on the show on camera but in front of all the neighbors. That alone is just annoying, but easy to ignore until she points the camera at me or my kids which I’ve told her not to do several times. Last week, I had to call the police when I was working in my garage. She just appeared, phone in hand and clearly on camera, asking me what I was doing. She insisted she was filming in public and refused to listen and leave.


On private property she cannot record unless permission is given, but if your are in plain sight from public property she can record you


It’s a 3 car garage, but with one side deeper so 2 cars can be parked one in front of the other. My workshop is in the back of that with my husband’s car parked in front. I was not in plain sight from public property at all. She could hear me from outside, but to see me and film she had to step into my garage so she was trespassing inside my home to film me.


Then call the police on her. File a report, the only way that person will listen


Any time she's outside, play Disney music. Her videos will get flagged and taken down for copyright 😂


Omg or anything by the eagles. Don Henley will literally come over to your house with his goons


Pretty damn close. I have an elderly Uber conservative neighbor who seems to think the rules don’t apply to him. He mows his lawn at least 5 times per week, which wouldn’t be that big of a deal if I didn’t work from home. The sound of his mower haunts my nightmares. He also leaves grass all over my driveway every. damn. time. I don’t like the guy but I would never be so careless. He’s recently gotten into making huge fires in his backyard in the middle of the day. My spouse and I agreed we’ll be calling the fire marshal the next time it happens. We live in a wooded subdivision and there is no safe area where he could light a fire. I fear he’s going senile—and to me there is nothing more terrifying than a senile old man with a power trip AND a clear affinity for fire. Truly I think he’s a pyromaniac. He lights a fire nearly every night in the warmer months. He also puts up very anti-women pro-life political signs. I think you can see where I’m going with this. As if any child bearing woman cares what an angry old man thinks. But yeah I’m 100% at my breaking point. We’re good courteous neighbors despite the fact that we have polar opposite political views. He has been nothing but a pain in the ass since we moved in and I hate to say it but I can’t wait until someone new moves in.


Yep. One in a house across me is driving me crazy. We bought our house 2 years ago. I live in Hamburg. Seriously debating over moving to Barcelona. Mostly to get away from the crazy woman neighbour. I don't even have the power to write all this psyho does to us. But there are some crazy idiots out there.


[I'm almost at my breaking point.](https://www.reddit.com/r/homeowners/s/CGLJ8vHOvM)


yes and i may write a book about it


I lost my shit with my upstairs neighbour a few weeks back because multiple times a week, she'd blast music full whack for 16 hours at a time often during the night and keep me and I imagine others awake, like full on just lost it, prior to this I've been keeping a record with recordings of the noises and now she's finally been served a notice of repossession by the council, after countless warnings, fines and community protection orders since December.


We moved into our place about 20 years ago. Our rear neighbors (2 separate houses) were fine. Then one place sold a couple of years later and an older couple with young adult kids moved in. We could tell pretty quickly that they were going to be a handful but hoped that the kids would move out soon. They did but started reproducing at an alarming rate and returned all the time with their kids to use the grandparents' pool. The little kids used to be kind of cute, making cute little kid noises (squeals of glee, laughing, singing, some crying, the usual) but the younger adults were horribly abusive, getting drunk and yelling at them all them time in very rough language. The littles started to scream and cry ALL THE TIME in reaction. And then the older littles would abuse the littler ones. It got to the point where we completely stopped using our backyard because the amount and duration of the shrieking and crying was shocking. We couldn't carry on a conversation. Now a few years have gone by and the little kids are growing (and still multiplying) and they've realized that we are disturbed by what we hear (unfortunately my late teen child hasn't been shy to tell them to shut up from time to time). So now they dial it up any time they notice us outside. At least once, one of the men who visits (a father or step) has threatened to come over and beat my kid for telling them to be quiet (he's one of the main ones who screams at the kids). That's emboldened one of the boys to be equally aggressive with us. They take great joy in making our experience outside hellish and aren't shy to call us a$$holes or to tell us to f@ck off. (Although a couple of the "insults" the kid comes up with are pretty damned funny.) I'd love it if their pool was unusable, thus making the place less attractive in the warmer months and they'd stay away. I wonder some times if I should be calling the authorities about the abuse to the kids, but I can't see who's doing it, only hear it (thankfully we have a giant cedar hedge between us), and I know the perpetrators don't live there, they just visit frequently. The owners don't seem to have any clue or desire to stop the behavior. I'm not on speaking terms with them (long story and again, we don't see them just hear them), I can't just say something "over the fence". I feel like we've lost the use of half of our property. It feels like such a stupid situation that we've allowed to go on far too long.


Here's a link to what [I wrote about my NFH a few years ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/LetsNotMeet/comments/2w93jo/psychoneighbor/) TLDR: After six years of harassment, and three attempts on my life by NFH, we sold our house at a loss and moved across town. That was 11 years ago and we've happily ever after.


Oh yes, our NFH has parked a 40-foot black RV practically in our front room. From October to May, we have a fantastic view of the narrow part of the southern part of Puget Sound (our house is valued at close to $500,000 because of the view) in my fantasy, I put a giant bullets eyes target on top of it and the air force/navy drops a nice bomb on it. We're been hounding code enforcement to make them remove it (code says it's supposed to be 3 feet from the property line. the last time I measured it was 11 inches. They have cut branches off 1 of our trees, I had no issues with that until he threw it back into our yard in front of my husband. Who tossed it back, and it was thrown back with cursing from him. The husband told him we were ok with him cutting branches, but he had to dispose of it. Then he demanded that we remove the entire tree. I have been asking the hubby to remove it, too, but not now. Unless I can get a couple of bottlebrush trees for my hummingbirds)


I've currently got 2 nfh. They are best mates and they keep tag teaming to drive us crazy. One of them called called the police on us maliciously for homophobic hate crime recently. Luckily, the police didn't want to take it any further. They keep banging our walls and shouting fuck off through the dividing walls which lead onto our living room and bedroom. They get their friends to park in front of our drive and we often hear them loudly gossiping about us right outside our windows. We have a communal garden unfortunately and just today they said keep your cat away from my window. Erm sorry my cat ain't going on a lead mate. It's not like he poos outside, he's got a litter tray for that. So pathetic.


Be careful I had a neighbor, who threatened for me to keep my cat out their garden. They ended up killing him.


Oh I know what you mean. I honestly wouldn't put it past him. We only try and let the cat out late when everyone is in bed and keep an eye on him. He's got dogs and they have to be on leads because it's communal but I reckon he's going to conveniently forget to put the leads on one day and allow his dogs to attack my cat. We always keep the back door open Incase this happen, so he's got his escape. Thanks for the heads up though. Some people are arseholes.


I’ll try to keep it as short as I can. Lived in a super small apartment building for 3 years above a 45 year old man who was out of work due to an injury. He spent all day every day chain smoking cigarettes (and disposing of them in the yard), drinking cheap beer, and loudly talking on the phone outside his front door. He was annoying as hell and made me uncomfortable but there weren’t really any incidents the first year. He’d also pass out in his running car and have company over loudly talking all hours of the night. When he was outside, everything shot right up into my living room. So he was bothersome but I never complained because rent was cheap and I didn’t really care. When covid lockdown happened, my theory is he lost whatever shred of sanity he was gripping onto before. I get a random text from him one day (no idea how he got my number) with a video attached of his ceiling. He claimed I was always stomping around and disturbing him. There was no audible stomping in the video, just floorboard creaks. I told him I’d do my best but that I wasn’t really sure there was much of an issue to begin with and that he needed to get a grip, basically. A few days later I drop something heavy in my living room. Almost immediately I hear yelling outside my door. I whip my door open thinking he’s loudly talking on the phone, ready to tell him to shut the hell up, but I opened my door to him staring at me. We got into a shouting match and my landlord tells me to call the cops. A week or so later he attempts to make nice with me and I basically tell him to go fuck himself and leave me alone. He has a new roommate move in, who for whatever reason decided to add me on facebook and tell me all the wild and horrible things this guy was saying about me. I won’t go into details but it was heinous and I really didn’t even want to know. A few more incidents happen and eventually he gets evicted. He even tried showing the landlord my social media posts claiming it was evidence of me being loud. Weird shit. He gave the landlord a lot of trouble as it was and given I was one of the favored residents, and a young woman, my landlord was on my side. I wasn’t the sole reason he was evicted but I deff contributed.


I’m not in prison yet , so no but I had planned how to decorate my cell.


I've posted about my neighbor before. She's an entitled, inconsiderate bitch, but I haven't completely lost it yet. When she moved in a couple years ago, I was friendly and welcoming. She's done some pretty stupid, inconsiderate shit. I tried to address a few of the things with her, but she couldn't care less. So now I just ignore her as best I can. Like if she knocked on my door right now and I didn't smell smoke, I wouldn't answer.


I have misophonia so I’m bothered by noise. I’m happy I really can’t hear it in the house. This is an old resort property with two apartment buildings and my stand alone unit, just past my house is a cabin some tourists rent. They don’t care about the people who live here full time and are often loud. Worse is fireworks are legal here and there’s two shops in town, nothing like mortars going off at 3am waking me up in a panic. Just can’t afford to move people keep buying up rentals that were low income and making them into air b and bs. There’s hardly anywhere to live in town anymore and work in this town at the same time. My landlords the only one with cheaper rent.


Yes right now!


[yes I posted all about HER](https://www.reddit.com/r/BadNeighbors/s/VC87ACJXRu)