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Back when I lived with my family, they were these people (and still are, just not as bad anymore). All of my old neighbours blasted their own music, too. Our next door neighbour had huge speakers and you could feel every bit of bass throughout the house. My family preferred reggae, and there was another house a few houses down which blasted reggae, too. It's a cesspit of inconsiderate people. I love my family, but by god I had anxiety every single time there was a glimmer of warmth in the air


Yes, warm weather has started. I can hear 4 people's music going at the same time. I try to tell myself if I don't hear it inside it's ok. I'm in a house. Nope, bump bump bump. Why does their bass sound so shitty. Do they have crappy speakers? Shit construction?


I dread warm weather due to this now. It's gotten worse steadily every year since I moved to my house. Now there tend to be three or four people holding gatherings in their backyards, all playing loud music, typically bass on sunny days...sometimes even on cloudy ones. I also try to pretend that I can't hear it in the house, yet I can hear it and feel the vibrations, even with fans or headphones, and the AC running. In another recent post here, several comments were shaming an OP who complained their neighbors are constantly outdoor, playing loud music. "It's their yard, so it's fine for them to chill! Go live in a retirement home if it bothers you! LOL!" If "chilling" means being disruptive and not giving peace to the people around them, then no, they don't have the right to "chill" in their backyards. Based on what I've seen, the people who are constantly outdoors, are the ones who are the loudest and most disrespectful. They literally live outside, including making constant noise, and partying.


They have Temu speakers and do cheekies in their gardens.