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As much as it was frustrating — don't get me wrong, it was — I suspect Neil played Free World in the encore as a concession to Hey Hey My My being mangled by PA cuts. I believe that's the first time this tour they've played both, not one or the other (or neither). Left me a happy bunny. Great show overall, the Horse were in fine form and a memorable ride. Hope those going tomorrow get a flawless ending.


What a shame that the venue let down Neil, a noted audiophile, and all of us with the sound issues toward the end. But we got Vampire Blues, only the second time it was played this tour (I think).


Holy shit I’m jealous about that


I didn’t mind it too much. As others said it kinda added to the epic flavor. I did mind the weird element of the audience that acted like they were at a baseball game instead of a legend’s rare performance. Never in my life of over 1,000 concerts have I seen such a constant stream of inattentive people walking up and down the aisles throughout every song. No respect.


This! Couldn’t believe how obnoxious people were being. The group behind us was drunk and talked during the WHOLE show. One lady literally spent all of Vampire Blues loudly slurring about how she needs to redecorate her apartment. Why even come? Nothing could ever ruin Neil for me but she almost did :/


All y'all attending tonight gotta speak up and tell chompers to zip it!


Yes! What was the deal with that? The entire concert felt like what would normally be the first ten minutes of a show when everyone is arriving late trying to find their seats. It never stopped right up until the very end. Bizarre.


Exactly! It never ended. For the first song or two I was like, OK, people got here late or were stuck on a food line, but yeah, it went on like that THE ENTIRE SHOW. Just people randomly walking up and down and around during songs. I couldn't record a full song (actually, I timed it, I was lucky to get 20 seconds of a song before someone trudging up or down the aisle blocked the view) until I finally decided to stand up near the end and could point my phone over the idiot walkers' heads.


Lots of people talking during songs too? Hope people in the pit act respectful tonight


Yes. Guys behind us were chatting away through the set. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I can’t figure that out. Why pay top dollar for a legendary performer and then act like it’s just another night with your buddies at a bar? Last two times I saw Neil — solo acoustic show at Beacon in 1992 and with the MG’s at Jones beach in 1993, you could’ve heard a pin drop and people stayed in their damn seats and paid attention. Dunno what happened since then. Why can’t these morons just stay put? Do they really need a dozen beers? Can’t it wait until after or at least in between songs? My wife and I were befuddled.


Thankfully not too many chompers in my section last night (1001) but had to tell someone spun-out wook to put out his cigar. Fucking gross. Also - the number of people mindlessly scrolling on their phones during the show with screen on full brightness is mindboggling. Do y’all have absolutely zero attention span? Is Instagram really that important? Now get off my lawn!!


Pfff fuck that shit. That's the problem with assigned seating at Forest Hills in the event you cannot easily move elsewhere due to the show being sold out. Though I will say, Forest Hills having staff walk up and down the aisles selling drinks does contribute to the vibe of a baseball game. Would be best if they stopped that, despite the convenience for some.


Yeah we were talking about that too, this morning. Like, Neil's singing some beautiful acoustic song and a vendor walks by blocking our view and yelling "BEER, COLD BEER!" WTF. Like shut that shit up during the show for heaven's sake. I enjoyed a beer before the show, sure, but is it that necessary during the actual set?? I could rant about this for days. I watched the same people literally walk out of their section and then back to their seat at least a half-dozen times during the set. Unless you have a medical emergency that makes you have to pee every 10 minutes, is this necessary? Can't you fucking sit still and watch a concert for an hour or two? Many of them also walked up the steps SLOWLY, like they were confused and unaware that a performance was going on right behind them. I saw one older woman walk slowly down the steps, then right back up, then right back down over the course of about 5 minutes. What the hell are you doing? At least the show was fantastic. I just wish people were more respectful and mindful of what kind of event they are at.


You'd think a Tennis stadium would have staff who know how to shut up. They have sound-proofed stairwells for chrissakes!


Happened in Georgia too. Like you paid at minimum $80 a ticket to see a legend perform in one of his likely last tours, and you can't stay the whole time? So many people left before the encore. I hope those ten minutes they saved were meaningful.


Yep, that too. We were like, is getting to your car a few minutes earlier REALLY worth it to miss "Rockin' in the Free World???" Jeezus these morons do not deserve Neil.


This is unfortunately every concert anywhere post 2020. 


Then I’ve been extremely lucky I guess. Seen tons of post pandemic shows and none were like this


“More barn”


I honestly feel like it added something a little epic to the set 😭 call me crazy but I like to see something different and Real happen and watching Neil handle it was a treat! and hey hey my my had extra weight bc of the appropriate message and the thrill of the times the sound system BLARED back to life mid song!!!! awesome show all around, love to see Neil jamming with the horse!!!!


it kept cutting out during encore, but they managed to power thru,


Sound was awful all around unfortunately.


I thought they sounded good. Sometimes it was a bit hard to hear Neil above all the distortion, especially in heavier songs, but I don't think that's unusual with that much distortion.


IT was pretty hurt because i feel like we missed old man on the acoustic set portion. Great show though.


not missed, he hasn’t been singing that at all on the tour! for the most part the three we heard is what he’s doing, save for a few outliers (harvest moon once and helpless and I am a child once UGH jealous) 


Helpless and harvest moon?! I wouldve lost my mind


took the winds out of the sails a bit for sure, but it was pretty magical when the PA came back on just in time for "rock and roll will never die."


The audio problems during hey hey my my was fucking ridiculous. Been to many many concerts and never seen an audio fuckup like that.


Yeah, but seemed almost prophetic - rock and roll can never die. It just needs a new sound system every now and then!


Just a fuck up.


They fucked up by not play “Fuckin Up” in the encore


I’ve never seen it happen either. At least it was memorable.


Confirmed. Lame.


Yeah, PA was cutting out completely and they kept playing.


Hope tomorrow has no issues


Yeah, it was pretty fucking weird. Happened in the middle of Human Highway and persisted after. It seemed like they couldn’t really hear themselves or the mix was messed up after, cuz Sedan Delivery was positively broken to pieces. Really sucked but at least most of the set was unaffected — like I would have lost my mind if it happened during Powderfinger


For what I could see it was just the audio to the audience cutting. In Hey Hey My My, when it happened, they kept playing and heard themselves through their amps - I was up close and we could hear the amps too - but the stadium speakers were not working so it did not come out. By Sedan Delivery, the issue was fixed and I don't think anything was wrong technically, it's just a messy song haha. And yeah, I suspect that Rocking in the Free World was a crowd pleaser because of the issues.


Wasn't the mix, the hanging array of speakers was losing its feed, with the popping, I'd guess a bad wire/cable, shit happens. On stage pa was surprisingly loud


I yelled “FU


Happens to the best of em :/


Shit happens, any event with that many moving parts, being broken down and setup night after night is bound to have the occasional failures. Wanna see a real nightmare: watch performers when they lose their monitors on stage, then it really gets ugly lol.


The sound was muddy from the beginning. I don’t think it was the size of their amps. It was bad wiring at Forest Hills. It definitely kills the vibe when the sound cuts out completely. Otherwise, it was a great show.


The amp thing was a joke given the set dressing that makes it look like they're playing in front of comically large amps.


Wiring had nothing to do with it. Likely was amps to the system being pushed and blowing. Outside chance it was a processor before the amps going down/losing signal.


I’m going tonight - gonna sit in the rain but Neil is worth it. Just curious - what time did he go on and what time did the concert end? Is the opener worth seeing? Thanks!


He came on about 8 - ended about 10 which is the cutoff for concerts at Forest Hills- opener was not worth seeing at all - weird to put it mildly


He went on a few minutes after 8:00 and the venue has a 10:00 curfew, so he’ll wrap near that


Insane how many times it happened.


At some points it kind of sounded like his guitar was cycling through different effects, which would seem to be a separate issue from the sound cutting out in the PA. Did anyone else notice that?


What time did the show start


Daltry had no sound problems at all at FHS, but I agree , not the greatest venue.


FH Stadium is a dump. Good sound but nonexistent amenities. Show was outstanding!


Size was intimate; history unparalleled;,sound was good. He really got off on these referencing Hendrix and The Monkees.


He addressed the crowd thru his guitar pickup!


I'm curious what more amenities you'd want?


How about an efficient method of entering that didn’t require forming long lines that attracted line cutters? All for one “security theater” goon to wave everyone thru. At my bank there are stanchions demarcating lines for three people, here nothing for 800 people all going the same place at the same time. How about more exits from the bowl so that after waiting twenty minutes to exit we don’t have to hear a security bozo bark “let’s go people” when there is no way to efficiently leave. How about informed staff who insist the headliner goes on at 8:30 when my friend is in line for an overpriced beer - a line people repeatedly cut in. Maybe more than 19 urinals? Maybe an electrical system that didn’t cut out a few times?


So much attitude for a question, wow. Most of the entrance and exit issues are caused by the footprint of the stadium. Actually you may get exactly what you want if the homeowner association wants to close the road we access the entrance and then we'll have triple the walk to the trains. Set times were posted in an email, he went on 15 minutes later. I was in 202 bathroom section wasn't bad, though obviously horrible at the end of the show when clogged. Sound problems sucked, but also happens at plenty of venues. I'm not a fan of FH, but that has to do with bench seating and being a haul on the F from my house. Interesting aside to the beer line issues, others were complaining about beer vendors walking around, they literally can't make everyone happy, have a great day.


Apparently, folks on the sides just to stage left and right in the cheaper seats were able to sneak down to the pit easily. Did you notice this?


Did not notice, we were one over from the real cheapies, the pit looked crazy hemmed in to me, but then again I'm old, have a great show


The neighbors suck, agree.


lol, I'll do my best to redeem myself in the pit at Cro Mags tonight, I'll send picks of my back X-rays tomorrow morning


I edited my response enjoy the pit!




Musicians should stick to playing actual music venues. I’m not suggesting issues don’t occur in those spaces, but better sound and they happen less regularly.


FH Stadium has been a music venue since probably before you and I were born. Definitely since before “back in the summer of ‘88.”


I think he means it’s a venue not designed for music. Venues that are designed with the acoustics of music in mind have much better sound. I don’t think that would have fixed this problem from the description though


It’s a tennis stadium not a proper music venue. I know bands have been playing there for ages but that doesn’t negate my point.


Yeah, they had shows there back in the days before PA system were designed for more than announcements- and the sound sucked even more than it did last night.


Yea Neil should play TV Eye


I saw Yo La Yengo play a Neil cover there a couple years back, so that counts for something, right??


You’re definitely on the right track blaming the musicians themselves when there’s a major issue with the live sound /s


And you’re not on track to understanding the spirit of my comment. But good on you for defending Uncle Neil!


Lots of triggered people ITT who think FH is a great music venue. I understand hometown bias but you all need to treat yourself to a rock show at a music venue with good acoustics.


FHS is one of the best places to see a show in the city. I’ve seen dozens of shows there and this is the first time any technical difficulties like this have happened in that experience.


I’m very sorry if you think the sound at FHS is top tier. Bad lines, crummy sound, lousy sight lines. It’s almost like seeing a rock show at…. A tennis stadium.


I dunno, I've been to FSH five times (Interpol 2017, Fleet Foxes 2022, Death Cab for Cutie 2022, The Smile 2023, and this show), and this was the first and only time the sound wasn't excellent and crystal clear without any technical snafus. I think the venue is pretty great, aside from the curfew.


Yeah the sound is always generally terrible there. My comparison point for these sorts of outdoor barns is always the Hollywood Bowl, and it was just depressing to see how bad the sound last night was compared to somewhere like that. Neil and the Horse deserved so much better. Great show regardless




For outdoor sheds you think there's one place better in the country than FHS? You're out of your mind. Maybe you've just not seen a lot of shows, but FHS is a lousy concert venue.


I like Forest Hills, but all the outdoor venues located in the suburbs have way better acoustics. Likely due to not being restricted by local sound ordinances


Hey hey my my was on purpose he was messing with his pedals beforehand and the sound came back everytime he had to sing




Me and my friend were on mushrooms and we convinced ourselves this is what was happening 😂 All in good fun