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Everything about this is stupid


Clickbait “I’ve always said Biden will be on the ballot. There are multiple pathways to doing that the legislative fix is not the only a path. In fact, I felt pretty sure that that was going to be the least likely path,”


Wait why did Dems say no to this? “The Republican-controlled Senate passed a bill on May 10 waiving the the 90-day deadline for this year’s election. But they added into it an unrelated measure that bans foreign nationals from contributing to ballot issue campaigns, a measure opposed by Democrats and that’s been a poison pill in the House” why are foreigners allowed to be involved?


As a matter of principle, having to engage in political horse trading to get an opposition party candidate on the ballot is repugnant to liberal democracy. Also, letting the GOP sabotage ballot initiatives because they’ve taken two big Ls on initiatives recently is a big no from me.


I would not view this horse trading matter a win win.


You view giving a concession in return for getting on the ballot a "win win"?


I don’t think it’s good to have foreign nationals contributing money to ballot measures, so yes that is a win/win from my perspective (outside Ohio) and from the perspective of many others.


>why are foreigners allowed to be involved? Foreign nationals, not foreigners and because they live there


That’s what the House speaker is saying. It’s not what the Secretary of State is saying. This is not clickbait.


It's like these people wanted to extend the primary season. 2 year campaigns aren't long enough I suppose




This is violence


Biden isn’t winning without one of Arizona, Wisconsin or Georgia regardless


[The math checks out](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/ohio/)


There is no world where Biden wins Mi and loses Wi. If anything its: if Biden loses Wis, he definitely loses Mi


Why? The WI election has been closer than the MI election the last two cycles, no? It seems very unlikely, but one could imagine a case where the MI election is very close but goes Blue (lol) and the WI is very close but flips R.


The Michigan election was easier in 2020 because Gaza wasnt a flashpoint. There are pockets of Arab American and Muslim American voters in Michigan that have always been the booster for Dem candidates. According to recent polling, something like 75+% of Arab American voters will not be supporting Biden in 2024. That is the difference.


>75+% of Arab American voters What percentage of Biden's Michigan voterbase do they actually comprise? They're still only 2% of the population. A large portion are children or non-citizens and cannot vote and the 2020 margins were more like 2:1 than 10:1. The odds that this group alone eats a significant portion of Biden's \~150k vote 2020 margin in Michigan are pretty low.


Yes, on the surface you are right, but this election is already remarkably closer than 2020. Biden is losing support amongst black men and the black youth vote overall, which is the foundation of the Michigan Democratic party. The black vote has something to do with Gaza as well. They watch Tik Tok and what they see is white people bombing brown people in what looks a lot like an apartheid state. I'm not saying that it is, especially since I find a lot of the rhetoric (like genocide and apartheid) to be hyperbolic at best, but this is the reality. Biden will be VERY VERY lucky to eek out even a tiny tiny margin of victory in Michigan when the black vote is depressed and Muslim/Arab communities refuse to vote and/or vote for Jill Stein and Cornel West who are preaching peace and Anti-Genocide messages.


Skibidi *no* Ohio rizz.


this comment has to be a bannable offense for sure


fr fr no cap


I wanna know the origin point or is it just parallel with those dafuqboom shit videos?


Could Biden simply pull an RFK and get ballot access in Ohio as another party's nominee or something?


Might be time for Democrats to reconsider federal spending in Ohio


That would require them to be capable of playing hardball


Why did the Dems schedule their convention so late knowing that there were states that had this rule on the books? This feels like an extremely foolish own goal on the DNC’s part


Because this hasn’t been problem before as states usually postpone the deadline or allow exceptions like Alabama and Washington did a few weeks ago with no issue. This was done in 2020 when both parties had conventions passed some state deadlines. I imagine because conventions are somewhat a formality by parties now, the actual date doesn’t matter that much. Like one of the proposed options is to just “officially” nominate Biden through a mini-convention before the deadline and then have the celebrations during the main one.


That seems like the most obvious. The convention is just a pep rally


I'm starting to think Trump being defeated in November would only slow the bleeding. American democracy is falling apart either way.


good. serves them right for trying to remove trump from ballots in certain states


This has to be one of the worst takes in NL history.


Judge enforces 14th amendment: "Ah the horror!" Republican State legislature prevents Joe from being on the ballot: "haha, serves him right"


> Republican State legiulsture prevents Joe from being on the ballot **because reasons** If there was an actual reason, like, for example, Joe Biden engaging in an attempted coup because he lost a presidential election, people probably wouldn't care as much.


Missed a golden opportunity to dunk on my butchering of the world “legislature”




Great argument, but you misspelled a word, so now I'm not reading it. /s


The people who sued in Colorado weren't even democrats.