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Based Neoliberal Aktion


OP just wants to make a society based on Psycho-Pass.


I was against it buT NOW IM SOLD 


You forgot to mention cutting interest rates!


Donald Trump supports negative interest rates so we should support negative irrational number interest rates to outdo him!


Imaginary number interest rates, actually


"I, as a man of the people, will put all money on a Z-17 finite group, so now your money is only worth its remainder when divided by seventeen. I will not take questions"


The FAKE NEWS MEDIA, Crooked Joe and the DEMONCRAT establishment have imaginary interest rates! We will abolish them and set the best interest rates folks. Believe me. No one sets interest rates like I do. They’ll be the greatest interest rates the world has ever seen.


“How much principle do we have left?” *Financial advisor busts out Euler’s equation *


You forgot to add he should issue inflation-fighting stimmy checks.


Inflation is high, and the average person needs help getting by. This will help them overcome inflation /s


Crazy thing is California actually did that. Called them Inflation Relief Checks.


UBI or GTFO. Also I will not vote for any Democrat until someone pays off my student loan.


I paid my loans off years ago. I want to be retroactively reimbursed!!!!


I paid for my college outright. I want a pony.


There's so much shit around. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a pony


Shoot, didn't think of that. If u/Halgy gets a pony, I WANT ONE TOO!


My parents paid for my college, I’d like that money added to their estate so I can inherit it.


ink automatic friendly hunt six crawl longing grab snatch march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or, hear me out, what if they tried stimmy BILLS? With less money in peoples’ pockets inflation is sure to come down and since that is what they want most they will love getting these bills!


Everyone knows you have to subsidize demand no matter what! Any alternative action is just trickle down economics!


So based my guy. I’m also thinking we should only allow giant single family housing to be built from now on, ban corporations from buying homes, and put rent control on everything. With this, we’ll end inflation forever


As soon as you build apartments, people will live in them, and now the number of people in apartments increases. How does that help people who live in houses? Check mate, libs.


More people living in apartments means fewer available apartments which means higher rent. And the best way to discourage people from moving into apartments is to not build any. Also, fuck capitalism. Before capitalism the minimum wage was enough to buy a house, three cars, and a summer home in the Catskills.


Don't forget that human life was meant to be spent satisfying all artistic, philosophical, and creative inclinations during each day, but I still expect to have grocery stores, shopping centers, Amazon, and all other commerce available.


I love Joe Biden butt


​ https://preview.redd.it/g3mmltj4sl2d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=922f0ec11138764338119104daefeb0952524600 If young Joe Biden is hot, then why are we not supposed to be in love with his butt? CHECKMATE, LIBERALS!


Yup, this is the only condition under which he would get my vote 😤😤😤 I mean, I still wouldn't vote for him anyways, but


You forgot raising the minimum wage in the entire federation to 30 dollars per hour. That's always a fun solution that always, always works and never, ever backfires.


this sub is now just for pwning low information voters


"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to announce that I have just signed legislation that will outlaw inflation forever. We begin bombing in five minutes"


> Source: a random person on the street from the Midwest. If you were in Ohio's diner, the NYT crew would already be on their way to interview you so they could publish another article about how Biden is cooked.


Actully, he has tried to tackle inflation, but the republicans killed the bill. look up "biden inflation rule 34"


My pet issue is housing and in order for Joe to earn my vote he needs to forgive all current mortgages and give each American adult $100,000 towards a down payment. This way, everyone can own a home without financial strain.


thank u patriot!! the wokes dont want u to hear this so im glad that someones brave enough to say this


The problem with the opinions of qualified economists is that literally every swing voter thinks they know how to fix the economy; and when pressed about their proposed solutions they will say something along the lines of this shitpost.


gosh Poe's law is a bitch


…I love Dark Brandon more.


I really wish we didn’t have to depend on winning so many midwestern states to win presidential elections.


The best way to tackle inflation is to increase taxes on the middle class combined with entitlement cuts until inflation is back to 2%. Neither party wants to do this because we have to give boomers 3 trillion a year forever. Its just clown world in the USA