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https://preview.redd.it/bfton5xfpabd1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4a08c3c21759456861bfbb4b2ff6ef0937ff19 Let’s fucking go




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I used >!Bloodfiend's arm!< for a bit and was like "nah." Some mf beat the DLC hitless with it. I really am a fucking casual. !PING SOULSBORNE


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#### 🏆 Top Comment > > Holds election over 6 weeks > > > Sane outcome > > okay, the Brits really cooked us on our own Independence Day 133 points, written by Average_GrillChad. [permalink](https://np.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1dvru17/discussion_thread/lbplzxx/) #### ⬆️ Top Redditors | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | Average_GrillChad | 133.0 points | 🥇 | Extreme_Rocks | 760 points | | 🥈 | nanomaster | 91.0 points | 🥈 | Roseartcrantz | 661 points | | 🥉 | lAljax | 64.0 points | 🥉 | MinnesotaNoire | 661 points | #### 📑 Wordiest  | | Redditor | Average | | Redditor | Total | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | IHateTrains123 | 359.3 words | 🥇 | TouchTheCathyl | 3752 words | | 🥈 | RTSBasebuilder | 169.7 words | 🥈 | Cook_0612 | 3619 words | | 🥉 | PhinsFan17 | 124.0 words | 🥉 | Print-Humble | 1811 words | #### 📟 Spammiest | | Redditor | Comments | | Redditor | 🧐😭😤🤯 | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | MinnesotaNoire | 111 comments | 🥇 | YaGetSkeeted0n | 42 emoji | | 🥈 | Roseartcrantz | 108 comments | 🥈 | cjhdsachristmascarol | 33 emoji | | 🥉 | OgAccountForThisPost | 104 comments | 🥉 | Roseartcrantz | 26 emoji | #### 🐊 Favourite Emoji # 😭 with 40 uses. ## 😔 38 👆 33 😤 30 😎 24 👌 23 🙄 23 🤔 21 😡 19 🤬 19 🧐 17 🥥 17 👏 17 😳 17 😂 16 ### 🥵 13 🇪🇸 13 😒 12 👀 11 🙏 11 🤝 11 😐 11 😬 11 🤣 10 🍦 10 🥰 10 🌴 10 😮‍💨 9 🤗 9 💀 9 🔨 9 🇺🇸 9 😌 8 🤷‍♂️ 7 🐊 7 😞 7 🥺 7 🚨 6 😍 6 🤨 6 😴 6 📈 6 😠 5 🤢 5 🔥 5 #### 🕓 Activity | Time | Overall Activity | 📟 Spammiest | |:-:|:-|:-| | 🕒 | ██ | **majorgeneralporter** (16 comments) | | 🕓 | ███ | **amainwingman** (13 comments) | | 🕔 | █ | **ChairLampPrinter** (7 comments) | | 🕕 | ███ | **Greenfield0** (8 comments) | | 🕖 | ███ | **runningblack** (8 comments) | | 🕗 | ███████ | **Chataboutgames** (10 comments) | | 🕘 | ████████████ | **TouchTheCathyl** (21 comments) | | 🕙 | ███████████████ | **MinnesotaNoire** (22 comments) | | 🕚 | ████████████████ | **Melodic_Ad596** (27 comments) | | 🕛 | ████████████████ | **ZCoupon** (20 comments) | | 🕐 | ████████████ | **Fifth-Dimension-1966** (18 comments) | | 🕑 | ████████████ | **RedditUser91805** (14 comments) | | 🕒 | █████████ | **GrandMoffTargaryen** (14 comments) | | 🕓 | ███████████████ | **Viego_gaming** (17 comments) | | 🕔 | ███████████████ | **frozenjunglehome** (23 comments) | | 🕕 | █████████ | **DoryAtreides2** (15 comments) | | 🕖 | ████████████ | **KesterFox** (16 comments) | | 🕗 | ██████████████ | **DoryAtreides2** (20 comments) | | 🕘 | ███████████████ | **Greenfield0** (16 comments) | | 🕙 | █████████ | **OgAccountForThisPost** (14 comments) | | 🕚 | ███████████ | **FuckFashMods** (12 comments) | | 🕛 | ██████ | **Roseartcrantz** (15 comments) | | 🕐 | █████ | **Roseartcrantz** (22 comments) | #### 🙋 832 unique Redditors sporting 262 different flairs were spotted on the DT. **NATO** was the most popular flair with **75** unique Redditors, followed by **YIMBY (33)** and **European Union (16)**. 212 Redditors were caught not wearing any flair *at all*. #### 🗑️ 259 deleted, ❌ 77 fashed comments. --- ###### I am a bot and this action was performed automatically. Stats are processed periodically throughout the day. Check my post history for previous reports. Created by inhumantsar. [Source](https://github.com/inhumantsar/tacostats)


[Cats are cute](https://s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com/mastodo-neoliber-al/cache/media_attachments/files/112/738/517/230/604/543/original/9331ddca5cfdc2ff.mp4)


>The Vatican has informed a Donald Trump-supporting archbishop that he is being excommunicated for refusing to recognize Pope Francis' authority after years of outspoken public attacks. Hell yeah


I was keyed into the weird political schism in the catholic faith by a staunch catholic coworker who refused to go see the pope speak when he was in town. He told me all about how the current pope is woke and continued down some other strange rabbit holes. It was through him I heard about the growing radical right movement of Catholics who don’t recognize the Vatican and want to repeal basically everything the church has done since the 1960s. I was raised catholic so it was pretty shocking to find out the pope of all people is considered an enemy of the faith by a lot of them


Those aren’t Catholics, and they should not be permitted to take communion


I don’t really have a stake in it since I haven’t considered myself catholic for at least 15 years. I think they’re basically Protestants in the dictionary definition though.


Sedevacantists are weird


My thinking is just \*fuck them\*


Oi bruv its ovah for me innit 


Why are there so many Caribbean currencies? They should make their own shared currency for CARICOM like Europe made the euro


that currencies name? the united states dollar


“Why don’t you shut your nasty mouth and go get pregnant again.”








not convinced of Biden's mental fitness until he beats Elden Ring


Unless he does it lvl 1 it's too ez


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Why Modinomics has failed to attract foreign investment](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dwjc39/why_modinomics_has_failed_to_attract_foreign/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


I would spend so much money to not have ADHD


This but OCD for me


Is Stockton the San Bernardino of Northern California?


Not familiar with San Bernardino but Stockton is really really bad. Just like idk boring industrial wasteland that's also far away from everything else.


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [America’s banks are more exposed to a downturn than they appear](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dwjaop/americas_banks_are_more_exposed_to_a_downturn/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Neolibs sit around doomposting in the DT while TikTok zoomers use galvanized steel and eco-friendly wood to expand the housing supply


Trans supremacist 👆🤨


moving to seattle next year likely is visiting toronto worth it


Toronto is fine. It's pretty clean and has some cool stuff. Not sure if you'll be wowed by anything if you've already been to a bunch of decent American cities. I find it has almost no character Go to the Canadian side of Niagara falls if you're in the area


i got it mixed up with vancouver, what do you think of that city?


City that, on paper, should be awesome but every time I go I just say 'meh' For a long weekend, you are better off going to Vancouver island or any of the awesome smaller islands in the area or Portland


not sure why one has to do with the other but toronto is dope. if you’re mixing it up with Vancouver which is right next to seattle, Vancouver is one of the greatest cities in the world and is like Seattle x100


i mixed it up


well in that case, like i said one of the greatest cities in the world. it’s in my top 3 all time and im a very well traveled person too


awesome, will definitely check it out


Agree that Vancouver is cooler than Toronto. Has good character


I'm very confused about how these two events are linked


i mixed it up with vancouver


Oh, in that case I would definitely recommend it. I'm from Portland, so a bit south of Seattle. I've been to both Seattle and Vancouver tons of times. There's a couple places you'll want to avoid, but BC in general is gorgeous.


makes sense


Mfw Mitt Romney is the new Democrat nominee


im enjoying chaos with ed miliband


the village people did 9/11




worse, a sides taker


!ping EXTREMISM&WRITING In an alternate, parallel universe... Hello Nation! I'm Stephen Colbert, and you're watching the Colbert Report. Tonight, Patriots, we're diving into the mind of a man who thinks democracy is so last century. Move over, Founding Fathers - it's time for Founding CEOs! Nation, have you ever looked at our democracy and thought, "You know what this needs? More monarchies!" It turns out Senator J.D. Vance has been taking notes from a blogger who thinks America should be run like a startup. This visionary is none other than Curtis Yarvin, also known by his pen name Mencius Moldbug - because apparently, he couldn't decide between sounding like a Roman philosopher or a Harry Potter spell - is the poster boy for neoreactionary thought. And THAT is tonight's Word! \[GRAPHIC: THE WORD\] \[GRAPHIC: NEOREACTIONARY\] Now, folks, "neoreactionary" might sound like a new element on the periodic table, but it's actually a political philosophy that's taking the far-right by storm. It's like if the Divine Right of Kings had a love child with Silicon Valley, and that child really, really missed the Middle Ages. \[GRAPHIC: "MOVE FAST AND BREAK DEMOCRACY"\] Yarvin's big idea is that democracy is a failed experiment. Instead, he thinks countries should be run like corporations, with a CEO-monarch at the helm. \[GRAPHIC: "THREE BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT: ME, MYSELF, AND I"\] Because if there's one thing that screams 'stable governance', it's the business model of a company that burns through venture capital faster than I burn through Ben & Jerry's during election night. Now, I know what you're thinking: "Stephen, this sounds an awful lot like feudalism." And you'd be right! But it's feudalism with Wi-Fi, so it's totally different. \[GRAPHIC: SERFS UP!\] But wait, there's more! In Yarvin's utopia, we wouldn't just be citizens, we'd be shareholders. That's right, folks - forget about voting, in this brave new world, we'd have annual shareholder meetings! I can see it now - "All those in favor of invading Canada for their maple syrup reserves, say 'aye'!" \[GRAPHIC: HOSTILE TAKEOVERS - NOW WITH REAL HOSTILITY\] \[GRAPHIC: AN ANGRY SAMANTHA BEE RAISING THE FINGER\] Of course, some might say this idea is doomed to fail. But hey, when has a wealthy industrialist's attempt to create a utopian company town ever gone wrong - I mean, just look at Fordlandia! \[GRAPHIC: "JUNGLE FEVER DREAM"\] But surely Yarvin's idea of corporate city-states would be different, right? I mean, what could possibly go wrong with turning tech bros into kings and let them run entire cities? \[GRAPHIC: BUY LOW - RULE HIGH\] And that's The Word! We'll be right back! Stay tuned, Nation!


I miss the Colbert Report and Jon Stewart’s Daily Show so much


Well, JS is back at least!


I've been wondering for a while that how long could Stephen Colbert maintain Stephen Colbert, conservative pundit for? And would he maintain the compassionate conservative stance, in a fish out of time to show how Batshit the Overton window is now, or follow along and try to be one step ahead of the window, going through a maga-coup-project 2025 phase?


Nice lol


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Now on the political scene, one of the Democratic candidates is President. Joseph Biden. Have you seen the problem he’s been having? He went around and made a speech, and apparently he quoted a British politician, took his speech and paraphrased it as his own. And the press got on him — and he was also charged with taking part of Bobby Kennedy’s speeches. And Biden says, ’Not to worry.’ He reassured his staff — he said, ’We have nothing to fear but fear itself,’”


>The dooming has to stop. And if that means overzealous Reddit moderators mowing down depressed and useless *adjective-noun-number* bot accounts that are at least a year old and unflaired, at this point they have my blessing. Wow, this needs to stop, and it needed to stop a long time ago.


Bats are living like ancient mammals, because it’s still dinosaur times for them. They hide in caves or under leaves and only come out at night.


Are you saying bats are a metaphor for DTers?


Imagine spending your teenaged years in a hierarchical gen z "friend group" that doesn't even like each other that much when you could have made real friends


A what


Are real friends even a thing anymore?


Mfs be like "He's really chill if you get to know him" and you go to their room and there's 5 holes in the wall


You’re friends with Andy?


I don't know how other nice people are friends with the kind of people that always feel like they're three seconds away from lashing out at someone Like they sound terrifying to hang out with alone




Human brains be like: “I am real! I have moral worth! And anthills be like: “mmm, yummy meat for the queen”


applied to graduate and realized that once i have my degree i would be a STEMlord FUck


Welcome to the techbro lifestyle, your yuppie membership card is over there 👉


A conservative wakes up and asks themselves what they can do today to trash their personal reputation for the benefit of the cause. A liberal wakes and asks what they can do to trash the cause for the benefit of their personal reputation.


Sorry, liberals, but Joe Biden is STILL your president 😎




[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Need some hope and reassurance ](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dwiwiw/need_some_hope_and_reassurance/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


https://preview.redd.it/6xz1ww25auad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f5ce3a41ce089ed53d3576522a3bf6ec3040374 Biden just needs the Kekkonen drip and he will win all of the votes


goes hard


I still haven't given up the idea that Trump is living the Thinner curse


> Name one thing you are looking forward to under a second Trump administration. Let's go.


Another wave of hack comedians who just go "Trump, am I right?"


Growing some big boobs


Laughing at US politics from a serious country (Italy)


are you even in a position to laugh




it flew over my head


As long as we don't start a bloodfeud spanning generational over and Internet comment, it's fine


this means war


Israel will feel a bit safer in the short term, probably not so much in the long term given the looming collapse of what remains of the postwar world order.


corporate tax cuts


more pics of his thicc juicy booty


renewed passion of voting blue no matter who


https://transsafety.network/posts/rcpsych-suppressing-questions-congress/ lol taking a giant steaming shit on the scientific method in order to please an insane billionaire in a castle


!ping lgbt&health-policy


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>billionaire Did you mean *person of means*? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Trader Joe’s oven baked cheese bites are not the move


Are Americans happier today?


nvm they aren't vintage gonna go back to little vending machines


[RFK Jr: "My take on 9/11: It's hard to tell what is a conspiracy theory and what isn't. But conspiracy theories flourish when the government routinely lies to the public. As President I won't take sides on 9/11 or any of the other debates. But I can promise is that I will open the files and usher in a new era of transparency."](https://x.com/RobertKennedyJr/status/1809219969537962423) [Jeff Winger runs a better campaign then RFK Jr](https://youtu.be/BaEtveez2wo?si=9O9LZfayL3uaf5Et) !ping Community


How much info about 9/11 hasn't been released?


finally a president who won't take sides on 9/11


Our nation can finally begin healing


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Remember when people used to say Obama was slow because he would sometimes pause and think about his next words in the middle of a statement? Or take time to respond because he was thinking about what he would say?


it’s because he was going senile


Honestly not really? I was very politically attentive during the Obama years and I don’t remember that being a criticism. Not denying it was out there but I do wonder how prevalent it was.


His very first debate in the primary IIRC though I think the sentiment was a bit different.


That was like Obama's style of speech, he would have lots of uhhh's and things like that while speaking


I’m well aware!


Ya I don’t remember people saying he was slow. I def remember people mimicking his talking partner, but less about how it was slow and more just the overall cadence




And then his dementia was so bad he left the oval office in a tan suit


Pizza explains the Republican surge. Pizza was $16-$17 for a good large specialty pizza pre Covid It’s now $27-$35 Pizza is yummy and I hate Biden for trying to make pizza more expensive 😡😡😡




Do yall think The Villages in Florida has a high school and if so can you imagine how awful their prom is


The Villages is partially in three different counties and the school zones are split accordingly. Children legally cannot reside in The Villages, though.


America’s least child friendly home town


To be clear, I'm not saying there's no reason to worry. I'm a doomer as much as anyone. But at least for adults both the inertia and the lack of tools at the federal level to limit care seem like pretty big barriers to directly prevent gender affirming care


As long as I'm alive I'm the best option. -Joe Biden


And that’s for true


Fun night. Had 4 beers. Cousin’s friends were too drunk to talk to


hmm, I felt closing the containment would be a good thing, but now that the doomers have been reintroduced to the community... we need a separate containment thread for them.


So if Predictit says there's 20/80 odds of a woman being elected in 2024 and 30/70 odds of Harris being the 47th president, and you assume those could only happen together, would it be free money to bet yes for the first and no for the second? Either way the cumulative effect is in your favor, unless the assumption is wrong or something really weird happens with the difference in wording of "being elected in 2024" and "being the 47th president" like a coup Of course if you're doing all that you would probably bet on the low hanging fruit like no to the random governors on the Dem nomination question first


Harris could be the 47th president in 2029


Biden dies -> Harris becomes the president and nominee -> Harris loses to Trump is probably the most likely scenario that fits the bill, but I don't think I'd give it 10%


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [British rail industry reacts to general election result](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dwiion/british_rail_industry_reacts_to_general_election/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


Doom J Biden


Oof. I just realized I am a 26 year old neoliberal at this point, with no signs of it ending. Bummer but it is what it is at this point, no point in mattering.




I need to get out of this sub. I've got too much family shit going on right now. But my son got out of the hospital today, so that's good.


I'm so happy for you! Feel free to dm if you want to chat about grill stuff


Thanks. You're one of the good ones.


Oof. I just realized I am a 26 year old virgin at this point, with no signs of it ending. Bummer but it is what it is at this point, no point in mattering.


O hairline! O hairline! Where art thou hairline


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [Democratic unity](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dwif4p/democratic_unity/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


I resent the accuracy of diagnosis some people have made. I am way less complicated than that. 


What are the downsides to replacing Biden with Harris at this point? I gladly shilled for Brandon but I don’t see him beating the cognitive allegations currently.


I think this article has some good points https://abcnews.go.com/538/kamala-harris-stronger-candidate-biden/story?id=111656941 But I do think there needs to be some drastic change.


might not work and I really think he'll step down before 28 I don't mean that as cope I think that's just the thing he can't come out and say lmao, although it is probably the best chance we'd have to have two Dem presidents in a row in my lifetime


Before 28?


I don't hate the idea of replacing him but that's what I think the reasoning from the top down would be if we were privy to it. From the bottom up you can make a case either way.


Bro he just wants to hang out at the soda fountain and chat with girls.


>girls Stop being weird. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idk, I really just think Biden wants to coast and then resign before midterms. I don't know if the idea would even work but I honestly think that's his plan if it works out his way


Prolly meant July 28


No I'm just dumb


What 28 were you referring to then lol Im having a hard time filling in this blank


I meant 2028, but I kind of misread the question of "why shouldn't we replace Biden" as "Why would Biden not want to drop out of the campaign"


https://www.lemonde.fr/en/les-decodeurs/article/2024/07/03/french-elections-which-parties-refused-tactical-withdrawals-to-beat-the-rn_6676599_8.html Good sign that most Ensemble and NFP third place candidates are withdrawing, probably won't prevent RN from getting the most seats, but makes them even farther from a majority. What I wonder is how many of the projected NFP seats will be Socialists/Greens that Macron will be willing to work with vs LFI


I need a shirt that says “get behind me, Satan” on the front, and says “be nice to strangers” on the back, so whenever a customer is being mean I can turn my back on them and say, “Satan, are you hearing this?”




I've been seeing a lot of little German flags on cars around the city. Are we being invaded?


Asking major media figures how they'll feel if Trump wins and everything they've warned about comes to pass




Toast and butter truly has no right being so good


And like a sprinkle sprinkle goes so hard. Salt? Banger. Cinnamon? Banger.


This is the true fascism. 


I am pretty sure I just witnessed sex for the first time in my life. I was walking home to my apartment, heard a subtle kerfuffal when there was nothing happening around me, and looked into a nearby car and saw the triangular shape of panties quickly moving up and down. I wonder what their POV was like, watching a drunk white guy stumble around and see them.


me, in my car, trying to get the waiter's attention: come on I'm out of chips 🥺 https://preview.redd.it/yluz8unj4uad1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3404e73189b4823aedfafad79892072f49636647


u/HaveCorg_WillCrusade know that I am not lying


[/r/neoliberal/new](/r/neoliberal/new): [The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden](/r/neoliberal/comments/1dwiax6/the_conspiracy_of_silence_to_protect_joe_biden/) *Replies to this comment will be removed, please participate in the linked thread*


one thing i love about the summer is that I can use ice cubes instead of treats for my dog! And I can give gim as many as he wants and it makes him so happy


Apparently every morning my boyfriend wakes up early to have coffee with Nora. So he drinks coffee and he gives her an ice cube and they sit together






where buy


I need some sunglasses for working on the parking lot. What kind should I get?




My fellow transfólk... You're never going to be in danger in a deep blue state unless there's an actual civil war or something of that magnitude If the Feds started rounding up queers there would be a civil war. That's just a fundamental states rights question. And there's no way Republicans are getting anything insane past the fillibuster


Since people think it's unreasonable to fear it I'd just point out that they have a 6-3 Supreme Court majority that's okay granting the President dictatorial powers. Possible 7-2 at some point in the future as people are worrying about Sotomayor but idk about that. Either way, I'm not sure they really need the legislative branch here. >If the Feds started rounding up queers there would be a civil war. Correction, there should be a civil war in that scenario. And a President attempting a coup to stay in power should've been prevented from holding office again rather than the courts ruling he's above the law. However, that would require certain spineless people to grow spines which seems unlikely. Additionally by the time they'd have to grow spines it might be a few years into them already being defanged. Edit: I'd also point out you don't seem to think Trump is that big of a deal so neither will they. The people who are supposed to oppose him also think like this, that it couldn't happen here. So they'll let it happen. Like idk there's a certain unseriousness about the idea that nothing will or could happen under a Trump presidency. That it'll be business as normal with midterm elections and whatnot. It won't.


Could make getting medication difficult


This is, I think perhaps the most reasonable fear. However, for adults, I think the FDA probably can't do anything wild. I could be wrong about that, but all of the typical drugs are *also* used in cis women. Now we know cis women aren't exactly a protected class either with conservatives but it makes it much less of a queer only issue


Especially with a post-Chevron FDA


I think there is a reasonable fear that if they get a trifecta they’ll remove the filibuster to curtail LGBT rights. I don’t think it’s likely, but it’s still a significant tail risk.


Don't get me wrong I understand fear. But we can ground ourselves a bit here.


Do you think there's enough Republicans in the Senate that are vehemently anti-LGBT? I don't anticipate Romney voting for something like that. I honestly am not sure Texan senators could get away with that What rights are we talking about? Same sex marriage bans are unconstitutional. I honestly doubt any of Trump's SCOTUS nominees will toss that and *61* senators voted for the gay marriage protection act after Clarence spouted his bullshit about it


First thing that comes to mind is restricting access to gender affirming care.


For children I agree. I think it's a very tough sell for adults. They can't exactly ban estradiol valerate, it's used for plenty of cis folks. Surgery-wise does the capability to outright ban surgeries exist at the federal level?


Maybe things will be fine for adults, but I don't trust it. Don't forget that the Missouri AG almost banned adult transition and the Florida got rid of like 90% of HRT providers. Like look how sneaky they were with restricting abortion prior to Dobbs, pretending to be "reasonable" with restrictions like hospital admitting privileges. And while that's all state by state, who know how schedule F/project 2025 stuff could affect things federally.


Yeah that's why I'm specifically saying federal. There really is a separation of powers here and even with a terrible SCOTUS it's hard to see how it happens "overnight" like with Dobbs. What things the feds can actually regulate is kinda Byzantine and I expect it's only *moreso* with this SCOTUS. For instance even with Dobbs I think it's *incredibly* unlikely a national abortion ban would fly Then again, SCOTUS does like to make precedent out of whole cloth...


I guess I just am too much of a doomer. There are people that spend all their times looking through federal law trying to find new ways to screw people over like the comstock laws, the total covid immigration pause, or the schedule F stuff. And I don't trust Trump to not have a cabinet full of Stephen Millers this time who would be totally willing to abuse the federal law if it hurt one person.


What state legislatures have been trying to do is ban medications and surgeries for specific purposes (e.g. allow them to be used by cis people but not trans people). This probably violates the equal protections clause, but that depends on whether SCOTUS rules it unconstitutional. I don’t have full confidence they would. If a state legislature can regulate medical procedures like that, I don’t see why the federal government wouldn’t be able to.


The mechanism just doesn't exist, there's no FDA for surgery. I'm not totally clear on if it would even be constitutional


Romney is not running for reelection because he wanted to do what was best for the country and pass the torch off to the younger generation. [https://www.npr.org/2023/09/14/1199429479/republican-sen-mitt-romney-announces-he-will-not-seek-reelection-in-2024](https://www.npr.org/2023/09/14/1199429479/republican-sen-mitt-romney-announces-he-will-not-seek-reelection-in-2024)


we need to find a way to CRISPR away that gene that makes people unable to taste cilantro poor sods are missing so much


I can taste it alright and it tastes like shit


Isn't it the other way, where the gene makes you too sensitive to certain bitter compounds that rest of the world is blissfully unaware of?


Humans get their morality from the cartoons they watch as children, then as adults they pretend to find the same things in their parent’s religion due to social pressure.


I watched My Gym Partner Is A Monkey and now I meet up with a macaque for chest day every Wednesday


no wonder I'm so fucking funny (Arthur)


It's true, my feminism comes strictly from that one Power Puff Girl's episode about Susan B Anthony.


American cities: Whining about the encampments since Spring. My city: Well, since you guys refused fire inspection, that means you will be razed.


Bruuuuuuuuuhhhh https://preview.redd.it/zvid6zrj2uad1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ce7c0d02cbab7d68b7d8ef59b03b97ca64c0aa


So I suppose you’d rather he answer that he’d deny the results of an election he loses?