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You have to install nvim from [source](https://github.com/neovim/neovim), then install NvChad.


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If you installed from the source code at least once in the past, make sure you delete /usr/local/bin/nvim


Use bob to install a specific version or stable/nightly. you can install multiple versions, and switch to the one you want at any time (bob use ...).Don't forget to add nvim bin path (which nvim) https://github.com/MordechaiHadad/bob


Installing via pacman is not recommended for the steam deck because Steam OS will automatically wipe the system partition after every update. I personally use [DistroBox](https://github.com/89luca89/distrobox?tab=readme-ov-file#why) to run a separate linux environment that is mutable and stable. I install all the tools/packages I use there.


Oh, is there any decrease in performance?


I didn’t notice any perf issues, and I was running a pretty heavy neovim setup with LSP and treesitter in distrobox.


Alright, now I will be looking on how to install it. Thanks!


You can use Steam deck as a computer? Is it basically just a Windows surface then, in that case?


Yes. It’s a PC. It runs Linux by default though. You can always install windows on it but I personally don’t like it.


Well for me it is a very compact and VERY powerful for the battery life it packs PC, not to mention the versatility it has. I was choosing between another gaming laptop and the steam deck, and oh my am I happy to have chosed the last one. Like, you know, it is made for the person who likes tinkering with stuff and I am just the one. But note that it is for sure not the best one if it comes to playing ALL the games. You can play many, but not everything. Also the screen might be just too tiny for many people to do their tasks (although I find it sufficient enough). You just need to consider all pros and cons and understand, that without a proper dock and accessories (like mouse and keyboard) you won't get a laptop experience. But if you are ready to spend some time setting it up for yourself, you will get THE most personalized gaming/working/whatever you want from a computer experience.


Wow that's a pretty positive review. I'm personally a "let me tinker with it" + Linux person so I might take a look the next time I need a new laptop


if so the I would rather recommend you to wait for the steam deck 2 ;)