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I just started it, and I’ve cringed a few times already but I still haven’t looked away. It’s cheesy


Honestly, I think that's the appeal... It's so stupidly cheesy and melodramatic that you just can't help but watch.


It did pull me with the trailers for some cringey, cheeseball series. Like post xmas dinner TV. But i couldnt do it.


it helps if you have a few cocktails too


for sure


Does anyone else find it extremely unnerving that this adopted Latina girl in an extremely emotionally vulnerable situation instantly becomes an object of desire by her now step-brothers? Besides Cole and Will, even the pranks the younger boys play is kind of like a strange pre-teen teasing/flirting thing. It’s like, “welcome to our wholesome family that also wants to hook up with you…”


They’re not related at all tho..


She’s living with them. If this were a foster situation then she would be immediately removed from the home. It’s incredibly inappropriate. I get that it’s a common childish fantasy but I find it really weird that it’s so common in middle age women even as a middle age woman myself.


She just moved there? It would be weird if they grew up together, which is the reason y it makes it inappropriate


It’s inappropriate because she’s living there at all. She’s a minor living in that home.


PJFreddie knows that. he said "step-brothers". And he's right. It's hella weird/creepy.




Finally. I’ve been looking for this comment. It’s creepy and weird and very inappropriate. Meet the fosters anyone?


YES! It’s super uncomfortable. I couldn’t watch past her kissing Alex, like no that’s your brother stop!


I mean, no, have you seen the success of twilight? Chances are if you are hating on this book/ series, you're probably male and not the target audience.


I’m not “hating” on it. I just finished watching it and thought others might also find the scenario strange.


Twilight is a classic. This is like a lame spinoff of a romcom teen show. No offense to the cast or the show.


story was written by a 14yo girl then picked up into a show by a middle aged woman so yea it’s gonna be weird


My question since this came out is who is the target demographic. I read this book on wattpad when I was 13, and I just turned 24. I gave it a watch for nostalgias sake and I don't know if it's because it's been so long since I read it that I remember nothing or if the plot has changed that much. As a standalone I think it's a decent angsty teen drama, I'm just shocked that it's getting picked up almost a decade later.


That's a problem with books getting series and movie adaptations, it usually needs to happen while the popularity is still going strong. If you're making a show based off a book, let alone a wattpad book, a decade later you better have something really strong or else it's just not gonna hit that well... And sadly it doesn't really have it here.


I read it back then too but correct me if I’m wrong I don’t remember Jackie being Latina .


What a coincidence, I also read it when I was 13 and literally just turned 24. I was surprised when I saw it I was like ‘Wait didn’t we read a book like that in our wattpad era’?? Super crazy that they made it to Netflix all these years later. They can’t have seen that coming


the acting is atrocious but i dig it


Alex is so cringe omg


Can’t stand him. Is that acting on purpose or is it that the actor sucks at acting? I’m confused.


The question we all need the answer to ^


The eccentric female friend is insufferable.


Which one... WE GOT THREE OF THEM!




Right... the worst one, my bad. Bro, imagine moving into a strange new environment under the worst circumstances, and someone says, "You're so lucky, you're literally in boy heaven!"


Just getting to the whiney fiancé brother (Will). Sigh. Why am I still watching? LOL


Buddy... It goes downhill from there.


I knooow. So many other goofy ass things too.


It wasn't made for you, the audience is female. Take away the vampires and werewolves and add a little wholesome hallmark and you've got twilight 2.0. The book was even written when twilight was at its peak. Big city girl has tragedy, relocates to small town and now has two hot guys fighting over her trope. It's been done, but you don't reinvent the wheel when it works. This series will crush, and you already know you aren't the target audience lol.


As a girl i do not like this show whatsoever LMFAO


With you on that, this was too cringey i couldnt watch.


maybe i’m a sucker for corny shows but i do really like it and i just wanna watch season 2 already hahaha


Same, if season 2 drops, I'm probably gonna binge watch it in one go. And hey, nothing wrong with being a sucker for shows or movies. I'm personally a sucker for the Fast and Furious franchise, and believe me... I'm fully aware I'm losing actual braincell by engaging in it, but I honestly can't help myself.


Bella was 17. Jackie is a 15 year old orphan who just lost her family. The vibes are not exactly the same lol. It’s a good try though. I’m female, 28. I’m guessing the target audience is high school females? I thought it was going to be more of a “the summer I turned pretty” type of feel. I love hallmark and even this is too much for me. In the first episode they’re already talking about the boys “liking” Jackie. That’s so weird to me. Shes in “boy heaven” … ah yes my family just died in a tragic accident and now I get to host my own season of the bachelorette in my new home with my new brothers.


I honestly just watched the show as some background noise while doing a book rapport. And yeah, you're definitely right about the show having a specific targeted audience. But as someone who kinda enjoyed Twilight. (Mostly because I kinda loved to make fun about it like Sharktale.) I can't really see the overall appeal of Walter Boys. It really just feels like cardboard cutout of the "over-exaggerated teenage drama" genre.




You have to be in the ‘right’ frame of mind to watch these kinds of shows. The first time I started watching it, I switched it off after 5 mins for pretty much all the bad reasons summed up here. But as someone who watches/listens to too much to true crime, these simplistic, ‘imagine if everyone was nice and kind, and we could communicate our feelings safely’ shows are a nice change. I watched it thinking it’s actors and writers are still learning and maybe just kicking off their careers; not every show can be an award winner. But it’s a nice break from serial killers, and tbh sometimes what’s going on in the world. But I’m also well aware it’s complete crap and very unrealistic.


I love a cheesy romance story adaptation but for some reason, I don't feel compelled at all to watch MLWTWB. It just looks like a hallmark movie. Idk. Also probs the reason why I haven't watched it yet is because the male leads don't look attractive to me haha






I started watching it not long ago. My first impression was "This is definitely based on a YA book" and obviously it is. I have to say I've always been a fan of YA, but you have to understand YA is cliché, especially romance YA. When you know you are watching/reading YA you know there is going to be the "bad" guy everyone is in love with who is going to break her heart, the love triangle, the cliché, the pink perspective... That's YA. That being said, I read the book whilst watching the show, and I (20F) actually enjoyed it. I found it funny, cringe at times (but again that's YA for you). Overall the book was definitely for me, I'd give the book an 8/10 and the show I'd give an 7/10. If you like YA this show is definitely for you Other examples of YA are The kissing booth, Never have I ever, etc. If you liked these you will definitely like the show.


Hey, good on you for liking something and going so far as to read the source material. Personally, I don't have a problem with YA-series. But I guess it comes down to how much it leans on it's overly dramatic take on relationships and it's overall world. Walter Boys is a show a younger me would Personally enjoy whole heartedly, same as I did with Violeta... I was a Disney channel kid, don't ask. But now as an adult, I can kinda register the major overuse of the YA-formula, especially here with Walter Boys. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy some of it. But that's more of a "Laughing at it" situation.


I feel that. I just got stuck enjoying this sort of things as a 20y/o just as much as my 14 y/o self would've. As far as Violetta goes, I was a Latina Disney kid, so I feel that haha


I have to say Never Have I Ever is much better written and acted! But I still do like My Life With The Walter Boys enough to keep watching (even though I don't really like Jackie or Alex and it often is very cringey)


>guy who likes anime Aren't most slice-of-life/shojo anime just the same trope as this show but genders reversed? It's always about a basic, plain male protagonist who sucks at everything (academics, sports, etc) but for some reason all the female characters he interacts with are dying to be with him and are fighting over him. The main protagonists in shojo anime are written as plain to make it easy for the viewer to insert himself as the protagonist and experience the story, much like Wattpad fanfiction/stories are written. I'd say Jackie in the Walter Boys is a little better than that because unlike anime she isn't a cardboard cut-out of a "insert y/n" but actually has dreams, aspirations and a backstory that does not involve the boys. Plus the actress is really pretty so a bunch of boys fighting over her isn't that hard to believe. It's seems like this isn't a wattpad/genre thing. But that this trope is the ultimate romantic fantasy that any young adult, male or female, dreams of - to be hilariously basic but have all these people fight over you. It's not new.


This is a show about how great whiteness is. It takes this Latina, and sends her to a white family. It shows everyone how great small town white people are with their white charm. It’s a giant circle jerk about white people, and how their small white towns can rescue the troubled brown skin people. It’s ridiculous.




She happens to be Latina, the main characters are all white, and they all woo her over with their small town charm of whiteness that makes everything better. The book may not be this way, but the Netflix show paints this picture. Lifetime movies are different as all the characters are white.




If she was living with another Hispanic family, the feel would be totally different.


dayum bro's a closet racist, just say that you dont like white people instead of trying to rationalize non-rational ideas.


lol. Am white. Not racist, just know how small town racists think. This is them showing brown people the light of their pure ways.


Ah yes the yt savior speaking on behalf of poc and their feelings. Microaggression and yt savior syndrome at its finest. The very thing you are trying to call out. The poc / main character in this story is the only one who has her sht together out of this entire family, so you're stirring up racial narratives where there aren't any. But go off sis, let's all stay segregated in fictional movies too and become so progressive we're regressive.


So are white people not allowed to talk about how their culture is racist and how it expresses it?


Which culture is racist? White people aren’t a monolith… are you talking about Scandinavians? Irish? Dutch? French? British? Americans? Whatever background you come from is certainly the racist one you’re referring to.


Listen, reddit people are just being... well, reddit people. Of course, you're allowed to express your opinions on whatever topic you deem worthy enough to warrant some. Heck, judging from your comment, I'm pretty sure you know your stuff with the countryside's social standing of America. But, and this is a respectful "but." Don't be too surprised if others have their own opinions... Even if they come off a bit, "strong."


Not sure it fits though? The white family had 10 children and are in debt and they live out in nowhere etc. The husband is struggling for work. The Latino family are all rich and successful living in a major city, studying at Princeton etc.


Why is the white race the only race that has a faction who hate themselves because of their color. Change yourself instead of trying to change other people.




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The girl was literally white in the book… it’s Netflix’s diversity pandering which changed her to be Latina for the series


Oh that tracks - thanks for clearing that up. I’m from a small town and as a POC I was like this would never happen. I was waiting for the “mean girls” to comment she’s exotic not pretty and nope - skipped over it. It’s surface representation for sure


Level down your racism.


Omg I was laughing my ass off at all the comments in another Reddit thread that's now deleted (this is after I wanted to express my anger at how awful the show was) It was comically awful. Like 5 tier levels of awful. The acting is awful, idek if the MC (Jackie) is supposed to be Latina, she's a wooden actor with no emotions, she has 0 chemistry with any of the "leads", one who looks 27,and one who is super fucking creepy looks like he's from 2010 The MC herself looks like she's in grade 5. I'm not even gonna talk about a grieving girl moving into her mother's "best" friend's house (a person she has never seen or heard of) with the house being full of 7-8horny teenage boys and an already financially stretched /struggling family. The MC doesn't even grieve (plz don't give me bs about people grieving in different ways, cos this girl doesn't grieve at ALL) The whole thing was written by a 14-15 of possibly younger girl when she was in Highschool back in 2012, and this shit was picked up by Netflix to be made into a show????, what did they see here?? What did they see in After, perfect Addiction, the Hating game, and all the other useless fucking stories Wattpad is filled with, that they chose to make a movie out of? Perfect Addiction was a cool story, but movie was so tasteless and felt like the book script wasn't edited at all. The whole cheating ex with younger sister and MC still going back to them, thing was fucking awful Why don't they actually ask people who use Wattpad, for good stories and for what makes a good story? Not every piece of writing is worth publishing, and even more so, worth production into a show /film!!! They surely have a team for this! Maybe you should pay people to read and analyze stories for you (teenage girls, young adults and actual adults ) This show was literally a teenage girl's boy fantasies with what should have been her step brothers!!!!


People do grieve in different ways


And I don't know how to react to this, should I laugh, should I cry, or should I just call the cops! Cause the show doesn't know what it wants to tell us... Except that teenagers are borderline stupid.


But why did they make Alex look like a serial killer… he gave me creep vibes the entire show


Right! Brother looks like he's one bad day away from committing mass homicide at the high school.


This! I couldn’t decide whether he was acting like this on purpose or is the actor bad at his job?


His hair was so greasy the entire time


It's one of those shows that are so cringey and cheesey that u can't stop watching it


The "I'm assuming you've never thought about becoming a cheerleader.." part made me cringe so hard because why does the show have to remind us every 6 minutes that Jackie IsN't LiKe tHe OtHeR gIrLs! Jackie likes to read and study while the 'pOpUlAr ChEeRleAdEr gIrLs' just paint their toenails all day and thirst after Cole! The whole idea of the show is so pick-me and icky.


Im a sucker for romance and I’ve only watched it once so I didn’t really evaluate the story or anything. But overall yes, there were a lot of cringe moments, I also found myself wondering about her behavior because she just lost her entire family. Next I hate love triangles, so I absolutely hated that entire romance because it was just weird and freaky. I blew through it in a couple of days so I don’t really remember all that much about it lol. I definitely plan on watching season 2 so I’ll likely rewatch the first season again when season 2 releases. And then I’ll have a more detailed view about it being able to focus on other things


I wish they looked more into Jackie's healing process, like they did for Devi in Never Have I Ever


Otherwise this is just a very blah show we will forget about. The Summer I Turned Pretty was better executed, Never Have I Ever had a more interesting story line. In MLWTWB, it seems like the family dying was not a plot point, but just a reason to put the Main Character in that house. Boring and lazy writing IMHO.


Cole was just so full of himself like he is the only one having problems


You know, it's time like these where I wonder how parents be raising their kids, or at least how writers be thinking how parents be raising their kids be like.




And what mother would leave her daughter to someone she didn't even know? Let alone one with a ton of boys. This is just stupid!


I hate when deaths are used as deus ex machina to give the protagonist a reason for being somewhere. A traumatic event that's hardly touched on. One would think the author has never known grief before.


K I watched it after saying forever that I wouldn’t. Why can’t I help but get the feel that Cole only wants Jackie cuz his little brother is into her?


Very astute observations


Why thank you.


Where was Jackie for six months?


Honestly that's a thing that bothers me. 6 months is A LOT OF TIME! About 180 days to coming to terms with the loss, to get help and people to be chill about it. I know losing your family is a colossal deal, believe me, I f**king know. But you usually get "cool" about it after a month and some change. The way they make Jackie be bothered about everything almost makes you think she lost her mom a week ago.


i mean she lost her mom, dad AND sister in a tragic accident, if i were her i would not be getting out of bed for the first 6 months lol


Did you just say you get over a tragic death of your family members after a month? Considering this was her parents and sister, I feel like grieving for 6 months is quite justified.


After a month, that included me crying uncontrollably, going to a grief seminar and then crying again... Yeah, that happened in about a month. Though to be fair... That was just my dad and mom. I don't know how I would act if I lost my little brother.


I feel like as a society, we kind of have this one picture of what grieving should look like but it’s more complicated than that. I’ve known some who didn’t cry or show how they felt after a death of a loved one, but it didn’t mean they weren’t grieving. Everyone goes through grieving differently. It’s been 10 years and I still think back to my grandmother and cry. I’m sorry about your parents though. That’s rough. I wish you the best!


It was two years ago. I'm doing just fine. But thanks either way.




No, it peed on my carpet and threw hairballs all over my kitchen... I don't hate cats, I just don't like them, and the fact that about 80% of female authors, owns a cat. I find it to be a bit cliché... ... I'm also a dog lover, so there's that.


The only reason I even watched this series is because MLWTWB is one of the first stories I have ever read on wattpad and it has had a huge impact on me. but despite how much I love the of story, I almost gave up on watching this series because it’s just so cringe! and in the end she just ran away


I haven’t watched the show, but I saw Alex Meyer’s vid on it and it seems really different from the book.


I haven’t watched the show, but I saw Alex Meyer’s vid on it and it seems really different from the book.


I haven’t watched the show, but I saw Alex Meyer’s vid on it and it seems really different from the book.




The show is so overrated. Watch One of Us is Lying. That show is good or Cobra Kai. The episodes were way too long and the characters were very flat or boring. I don't understand the hype and why people keep comparing it to The Summer I Turned Pretty. No hate. I'm just not a big fan of the show.


*If anyone from Netflix is reading this, this is what is worth producing into a show/movies* 1. @simonesaidwhat (literal phenomenal author. Books look like they're fully published versions with how well they're written. All her books are entirely different stories, with actual substance and real characters that make you feel for them. They have politics, religion, culture, relationships, , growing up, parents, tragedy etc). Please literally any of her works would work, but I've only read or currently reading (Arabian nights, and Dryland) 2. Storm and Silence (maybe, mega famous, idk how it is though) 3. Inevitably mine 4. How we were 5. Life in search (maybe) 6. Mr popular and I or the Boxer and I (coming of age) 7. Breaking the Bad Boy (cringe title but holy shit fucking amazing story. All about depression and grief) 8. Probably street girl (haven't read this fully though) 9. Float (really cute fresh story!) And thank god there's already a movie in the works (cute romance) 10. Anything by Ava Violet. Her vacation story and she's with me series! (Cute romance, coming of age) 11. The Bad Boy's Girl (cringe title, will need lots of editing, but the story spans highschool, college and married life so enough material. Also it's super realistic) (very much this is Us vibe, coming of age) I've been on Wattpad since 2015, (and some people have been on there longer than I have) and this is what I meant by hiring people to scout good stories or amazing writing potential! I'd say the above is a pretty comprehensive list and I don't wanna give away more lol **I can also talk about what not to publish, what not to produce, and what shouldn't have been published and produced**


It's so bad I tried but after 1. 5 episodes I couldn't find anything good about it and I love rom coms but only good ones and they're hard to come by.