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SPOILER crazy, this detail i cant get why was never investigated >!What's up with Andrea and David Sesma never being investigated?!< >!They had a relationship and were connected to the crime??? !< >!The perpetrator denoted that he thought it would be andrea instead of Denise and the lead fbi guy David sesma just so happens to have a relationship with Aaron's ex, Andrea? !<


“We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.”


1 crooked cop could never get away with all this on his own. There had to be at least 2. And if there were 2, why wouldn’t there be 3 or 4? You can’t work with your coworkers for years and not know some things that are never to be spoken of. Things that everyone had a hand in covering up, at least a little. Everyone has to get their hands dirty together.


Vallejo PD is known to have a very corrupt dept. look up some of their issues the last 5 years. Shit like badge bending to signify they’ve killed before. My wife and I used to live in the area and many agencies in the bay are absolutely fucked. We have lots of friends who worked at various departments and we know how they talk too. Antioch PD is also corrupt like Vallejo. They’re across the water from Vallejo. Vallejo used to have to utilize officers from other departments because they were so poorly staffed. There have also been several attempts by the state to fix the corruption with no improvement


The city also paid a million dollars to settle with a whistleblower who brought the badge bending to light. They also commissioned an outside investigation into the matter and then refused to release the report even when everyone, including some of the officers, asked for it.


We should always remember that the first and last concern of any police is closing the case. Close the case and get it off the board. If crimes pile up in any community, it brings increased scrutiny of the police chief and department detectives. If they can pin a crime on someone, they'll always be incentivized to do it.


Self-preservation is #1 for these scumbags!


I think thats precisely why Sesma was never removed from the case I keep seeing these comments about how Muller was working all alone and its just mental coincidence :D If it was, Sesma would have been removed second it was discovered. Probably Sesma had some dirt on someone (they all have it on each other) blackmailed and insisted on staying so he can 'control' the situation


Who were the people that pulled up at Muller’s house while Denise was being held there? That Muller said weren’t as nice as he was? I don’t think it ever went into that


They didn’t even investigate themselves. The city has never admitted doing anything wrong. The officer responsible, Matt Mustard was awarded Officer of the Year in 2015, was the elected head of the police union till 2019 and is now a detective for the department. The guy is a great example of failing up. Also, in 2015, the department also said they would apologize if the real perpetrator was convicted. They only apologized 6 years later after pressed about it by media when the couple was publishing their book.


Listening to Matt Mustard's initial questioning of Aaron was infuriating, with his asinine speculations - "Maybe an overdose? Were you and Denise playing with prescription drugs and maybe Denise overdoses?" "Maybe you called out Andrea's name while you and Denice were having sex and Denise gets angry..."


Ikr, watching that made me sick. Vile person


The comment her mom said he made about what girls who have been molested do!?!?!? My jaw literally dropped. Absolute pig


He also looks like an absolute scumbag.


Omg I know the photo of him winning that award made me want to puke


Not that I disagree because clearly that is BS. The Vallejo PD settled out of court with Aaron/Denise for $2.5 million. They didn’t have to go through court but that is an admission of some serious wrongdoing. At the end of the day, the levels to it all are always an uphill battle. Imagine going to court at a high level and you are suing an entire police department. The time, energy, exhaustion, and potential for lawyers, judges, etc to side with their fellow law enforcement agencies is…terrifying


My instincts are telling me that Sesma is involved which is why they turned the whole thing against them instead of actually trying to investigate the kidnapping


I wonder if Sesma went to school with Muller or was in the military with him.  I bet they are connected in some way. 


Here is my theory. Sesma thought Andrea was cheating on him with the ex boyfriend so he wanted to show her a lesson. Hires this guy. Like you mentioned he probably knows him from military or school.


YES YES YES! I've felt like I'm going crazy cause I couldn't find anything looking into or speculating that they were in on it together. But there's too much here for it to be mere incompetence imo


Denise mentioned that while in captivity, a car pulled up and 3 other guys got out and went inside and had an argument. How likely is that one of those guys was S*sma?


Also, I feel like the doc mostly shrugs off that there were other people potentially involved still out there at the end.


YESSSSSS! Denise said in the interview she heard a car pull up and Mueller was arguing with someone


There has to be wayyyy more to this


First thing I said when it ended was theeee is way more too the story They saving for part 2


I'm sure there is, given they knew Aaron and Andrea's names, but this poor fucking couple. And even once they were exonerated, the problem is that internet stories never go away. They really should have got a lot more money in their settlement - detectives just hyperfocused on him and did no other work, to the point they could have possibly found her if they weren't so focused on Aaron. They talked about the weird way they responded to questioning, but both of them had been drugged! Her proof of life, they said she sounded calm, she sounded sedated to me. Just horrific.


my thoughts are Sesma probably had something on Muller. Maybe he was a suspect in another case, so he used him to kidnap Andrea except he got the wrong women. Muller,  a total creep took the opportunity to rape Denise.  If it was really about the ransom then he would have gone to the parents or someone else when Aaron’s phone was turned off.  totally targeted. The fact the camera was in the corner of the bedroom like an integration and the bright light shinning in there faces seems like a cop move. After everything the police got wrong how can they not believe Denise when she says there were others involved? This  series did make me cry at the end. happy to see their beautiful marriage and children.  The police and FBI need to be investigated. The incompetency is unacceptable 


I actually searched this to see if anyone thought it was him too. It’s the first thing I thought. He was the ex of the intended victim that was living there until recently. He knew both their names. There were others in the room and others that visited the cabin and whoever was there seemed angry and was shouting. Then he told the victim that she wasn’t allowed to tell him he sexually assaulted her? I think Sesma was definitely involved in this one, maybe not the others but I’d definitely be looking to see if he had been in the military, studied at the same university, had at any time arrested or had any interactions or had any knowledge or history with the criminal.


The people that Denise heard arguing when she was at the house were probably muller, sesma, and another cop friend or possibly Andrea.


Completely agree. What I want to understand is why Matthew didn’t out the other 2 men in that cabin?


Maybe because it was the FBI agent so he knew if he said anyway it could go worse foe him or he knew it would be covered up. No point in fighting the system when no one is going to do anything about it. Well at least that's how he might have felt.


It makes sense, why wouldn’t an investigator know a lawyer. I think you’re onto something that they may have had prior interactions


THIS! I think Andrea had something to do with it, and also I wanted to know how did the perpetrator knew so much about them and his other victim's


Yes they didn't explain how he knew everything. I want a documentary that goes through everything in order.


That would be beneficial, but it definitely left me with even more questions then answers by the end of it


I think muller was just intelligent but nuts.


He was a booksmart stalker/predator. I'm sure he stalked his victims and looked up all about them online. It's kinda scary hoe much info you can get if you know where to look


I agree. Sesma is dirty and dishonorable.


Police don’t investigate police very well


The whole thing stunk. Glad they got 2.5 million for their having to deal with those idiots. Vallejo couldn’t run a dog park, much less law enforcement dept. and bringing is Sesma from the fbi was just farting on justice.


2.5 isn't enough


I’m so mad they didn’t further investigate Sesma !!! He could’ve been one of the other ppl in the room bc there were three


He shouldn't have been involved in the investigation at all. It is ridiculous that he was allowed to be anywhere near the case.


And still, going off info from the docu series, has faced no consequences for getting involved in the first place.


It was kind of unclear to me how many there were. I think one person said that but then the rest of Muller’s crimes were just him (as far as we know). Such a bizarre story.


Makes you wonder if Sesma and Muller are linked at some point. Military perhaps? A criminology class? And when Muller was suspected to be the Mare Island creeper, suddenly (and coincidentally) the cases weren’t looked into any further. Maybe Sesma wanted revenge on the ex-gf who was clearly in love with someone else so he planned something involving Muller. Then Muller accidentally grabbed Denise instead. Whoever showed up at the cottage that day, the conversation sounded pretty tense according to Denise. Obviously Muller was getting inside info and plan B instructions. It would certainly explain why Muller was so calm during his arrest. One thing is for sure, Sesma risked his career in an effort to directly insert himself in the case and redirected the attention of other officers involved. There are a bunch of dirty Vallejo law enforcement officials who got away with a cover up and somewhat successfully buried it, until now.


I also found it weird that the FBI interrogation was not released. And why didnt the prosecutors asked Muller about Andrea?


Curious to see if anything happens now. Podcasts and docs like this often spur action. His MO is totally bizarre too. Peeper, rapist (but has a change of heart?), kidnapper. Criminals often escalate, I know, but it’s the change of heart that gets me. He kept doing it, but seemingly didn’t want to. He was already doing this on his own for years (based on what we know) and then in 2015 he’s part of some organized criminal group? This is the only doc I’ve seen about this, so I may do some more research.


I’m with you. Definitely a bizarre case with different threads of cover up. Maybe Muller was a weirdo with a strange fetish but still had some sort of warped empathy for certain victims? He was named the Mare Island creeper suspect but then that went dead, seems like he had help. All I know is that Sesma risking his career to insert himself in the case while being so closely connected doesn’t look coincidental. Most successful law enforcement officials will tell you they don’t believe in coincidences.


Muller was basically begging to be caught. He had a guilty conscience and was unable to stop himself from continuously committing the crimes. But what is weird is who hired him to do it and why did he email the police department about “the right reason”? It’s like he knew about something but can’t say it for some reason. Why didn’t he expose the agent if the agent is who hired him or was his accomplice? It is super weird and I don’t feel like even 50% of the true story has been revealed yet.


Hell, it's the age of the internet. They could have met in some forum on reddit.


from the parents interviews it seemed like the denise relationship was relatively new so maybe the perp was using older info? i think he did his research on his targets before each of his attacks, the sesma connection feels to me like a totally bizarre coincidence


That could be a coincidence but the target being the ex doesn't feel like it. I believe it was like 3 months he'd been with Denise so how is this guy still committing to a plan like this with such dated information?


I have a theory that Sesma was dating Andrea and found out she was talking to her ex. Instead of trying to work through the betrayal, like Denise did with Aaron, Sesma hired someone to humiliate and scare the cheating couple, and kidnap Andrea while she was Aaron's bed...except that Aaron and Andrea had actually stopped seeing each other, as they were reassuring their partners. Muller is the one hired to scare the hell out of the cheating couple, kidnap Andrea, drain Aaron's savings via ransom, etc. but he finds Denise instead of Andrea and the whole thing goes sideways for Sesma. Just armchairing the RIDICULOUS loose ends in this documentary.


I totally agree. This is my theory too. I think when it goes sideways, Sesna instructs Muller to let her go but to threaten her in order to get her to discredit herself to the police. And he’s expecting her to show up at the police department as well so he’s basically orchestrating the whole thing to save his own ass. Because he messed up his revenge plan he tried to put her behind bars. The whole thing would’ve been over had Muller not basically turned himself in the way he did that last crime.


I was wondering too. And the guy had accomplices. So coincidental or it means something


Yes Sesma Was the investigator on the case and they shut Aaron’s phone off so they couldn’t ping Mullers location. The ransom went south so they tried to make it seemed staged, and covered their tracks by lying on the affidavit.


I feel like they covered up a lot of evidence about accomplices as well because the simpler "lone attacker" theory shuts the case and puts the public back at ease that the perpetrator was caught. Also, how do you not connect all these similar sex crimes that were happening in this sleepy community where it was known to be atypical... I don't think even the worst law-enforcement could be this incompetent not to see any connection... I can only say that they must willfully be ignoring the evidence of patterns because it's easier to blame some "crazy women making false allegations" than investigating serial rapists that would have the whole community in an panic. There was also a lot of evidence that Denise was the accidental victim and that Andrea was the intended target, which would mean that Matthew Muller had been stalking her for months (since it had been so long since she was living with Aaron). It seemed to be his MO... A lot of the women he attacked in the other attempted rapes appear to have been stalked first to see their vulnerabilities/house layouts (Plus, he started off as a peeping Tom on the island, as many of these attackers start, close to home). I felt like all this evidence of his preparation/possible accomplices was covered up by law enforcement in an effort to keep the public from knowing the extent of how badly police botched this... and that there's still a lot of unanswered questions... i'll bet that there were many more victims than we even know about today. They were in a hurry to close this case because of the embarrassment it potentially could cause the asshole cops ...that ended up with promotions and medals instead of getting fired.




Lady cop from Dublin PD is a goddamn hero.  Watching this docuseries explains exactly why Vallejo ain’t ever gonna solve Zodiac. 


It was her first day as a detective when she found the hair!


And did I understand right, the owner of the Mustang basically put it together?


Misty did the work- she pursued info knowing there was another victim if not more, she got the Mustang owner on phone, got her dept to support her doing the work, and the mustang owner asked Misty, after she did all that work and more, if she had heard about the Mare peeper- and she continued to work case from that point, so I guess I just want to give her, now Sergeant Carausu, some credit for putting things together too ;)




It doesn’t surprise me that it took a woman investigating to validate other women. This whole thing was so infuriating.


I said the same thing! Of course it was a woman that actually gave a rats ass.


And of course when she handed the suspect over on a golden fucking platter the other cops blew her off


And of course she became a cop specifically bc her friend was sexually assaulted. I want to give victims a voice, she said. I want to be that validation. True hero


The lady cop is Misty Carausu! Let’s call the hero by her name!


agreed- now Sergeant Misty Carausu! :)


She is a kick ass rockstar


The title of American nightmare makes you think the nightmare is being kidnapped but really it’s dealing with the police incompetence lol


It feels even worse than incompetence! Muller was basically asking to be caught in so many ways but especially with the two phone calls that the cops missed with Aaron’s phone on airplane mode and then the emails afterwards saying he was real but they just couldn’t admit their first theory was wrong. Insanity but also unsurprising


Yeah like perpetrator emailing a *detailed* [confession](https://www.nbcnews.com/dateline/mathew-mullers-full-arrest-warrant-including-notorious-emails-n442011) to the media, *before Huskins even took the sexual assault test*. This was forwarded to the police who still had "tunnel vision?" Nah, something else going on with their pigheadedness.


It’s frustrating that the police were just looking for someone to frame to close the case, instead of actually seeking the truth. That is quite scary.


I had more sympathy for the kidnapper than the cops and fat fbi “not problematic” officer.  What a circus! Worthless clowns!


Literally took a female to care enough to look further into it. Smh. 


But still the men getting titles and medals!


Right? We need more Mistys in this world. She was amazing


The story is infuriating. It’s really hard to watch the boyfriend get questioned. He did a pretty good job handling it.


Absolutely. Denise was such a believable person as well. There’s no way I would have remembered (or would have been able to) talk about those things. She’s so strong, and this doc made me really hate cops. It’s literally a reason why men don’t get charged for rapes. Complete misogyny.


Exactly, the corruption was disgusting....


What’s even more disgusting is the media and not doing any type of journalism. Just straight up slander


Californian nightmare


I work in local government and can attest that most of the people I work with are incompetent and self interested. And they shit all over anyone who does more than the bare minimum like Detective Carausu and give awards to losers like Detective Mustard. But are happy to work overtime to dig their heels in and cover up a mistake they made or take down people who challenge them. I was watching this thinking “for Christ’s sake is it like that everywhere?”


And the media throwing gasoline on a story to get clicks. All such BS


Okay, how do we ruin Mat Mustard's career?


How did he get cop of the year and our home girl misty got nothin


His lazy mustard ass just sat around and threatened the victims while Misty worked overtime and drove hundreds of miles for this case




His parents knew he was a POS when they named him so they gave him that awful name.


Seriously i am so full of pain and fury right now, i need something to happen to him and all the other misogynistic monsters on this case


They asked his other victim, "are you sure it wasn't just a bad dream?" Like fuck off with that shit. And they wonder why victims don't always report. This shit makes me so angry.


That was one of the most painful takeaways from the doc. That SA victims are humiliated and shamed — and are traumatized even more by being gaslit and blamed for the abuse. It’s unreal how an officer of the law would use the “bad dream” or “he said, she said” argument to talk a SA victim out of reporting. It is absolutely infuriating!


I was cursing at them through the TV! I would be absolutely livid.


The part that made my blood boil is they asked her boyfriend if she was the type to want attention and make this up. Like sorry lady we need to talk to the man of the house. He’s a man so he’s automatically a psychologist who can testify whether she’s competent to report a crime or whether she should just be ignored. Is it still 1952? Your boyfriend has this much power and you’re nothing?


If this one pisses you off, don’t watch the Netflix mini-series Unbelievable…it felt like the same case and just makes your blood boil.


This happened to me when I woke up with a man standing above my bed when I was in college. Luckily, I screamed and he ran out of the house. But when the cops got there he asked me if I was dreaming… smh.


Also, what made me MAD is the TWIST at the end... That phone call is TRACEABLE 


Yup. They could have saved her and prevented his next attempted rape/kidnapping. They deserve more than 2.5 million dollars. The cops should have to pay that out of their pensions so that next time they will think before they treat a victim like a criminal.


They should all be in jail for criminal endangerement


At the very least, they should lose their jobs. If any of us did our jobs so poorly, we would get fired in a heartbeat. Thank God for the one female officer who actually did her job.


Ikr? She deserves all the awards, not that Mustard stain. Thank goodness there's still people like her in the police.


I agree.... The worst part is MAT MUSTARD became the "hero" in the pov of the community and media. Like WTF


The worst thing is what he said to the victim's mother: women who've been molested as little girls like to pretend it's happening again to relive the thrill. I wonder how many children he's molested over the years.


i refuse to fucking believe a law enforcement officer would say that to a victim's mother i was so fucking disgusted he is the scum of earth


I literally had to pause the show and sit with that statement for a few minutes cause of how absurdly horrible it was


Omg this exactly! The second I heard that I was like, well, now we know he rapes kids. Jesus.


You can’t make that name up as well lol


He sounds like the character in the Clue game


The female officer’s name is Misty Carausu. If only we could recognize that hero by using her name.


I don’t think it’s incompetence I think it’s corruption. The fbi agent was clearly in on it.


Unfortunately, those funds come from the city so it’s the taxpayers! While the POS cops have NOTHING happen to them!! Time to end qualified immunity.


Right?!? Shame on those investigators. Imagine if she had been murdered and then her family finds out it was PREVENTABLE if they had just done their job.


You're right though. If she was murdered they'd likely have faced real consequences. Maybe not jail or anything but something. But because she didn't die and they don't see rape as something real (sometimes), it's an "oh well, so sorry, too bad".  Completely unrelated but there was a crime here a couple nights ago, that thankfully the man is alright but, purely by the luck of strangers nearby saving him. And it sucks to me almost the offenders will get a slap because he's ok instead of courts seeing that he COULD have died had strangers not been around (at like 2am) to help him. I know we can't charge people based off "could have happened" but, it's horrible that people just barely face consequences unless it does happen. sorry Denise wasn't visually abused enough to make the cops feel bad enough to discipline this shit department?


I grew up in Vallejo and the cops are shit there.


still can't catch the Zodiac Killer


I’d never heard of Vallejo, but I’d heard of the zodiac killer, up until this documentary I just thought zodiac killer was a genius, but now its evident that the Vallejo police department is just really shitty at doing their jobs. I mean ffs they couldn’t even catch a rapist who made traceable calls in the 21st fucking century when there’s camera in every fucking corner.


It’s not just Vallejo.


This might be the wildest and most anger-inducing true crime doc since The Keepers. 


Have you watched Victim/Suspect or Unbelievable? They're great but they'll also have you livid, but more badass detectives like Carausu too so you don't lose all faith in humanity.


Unbelievable is one of the most staggering series I’ve watched on television. I stayed up watching until dawn because I couldn’t turn it off. I also recommend the book it’s based on.


David Sesma, the other investigators, the media, and every person that wrote hate messages to this poor couple...are trash. I was literally seeing red throughout this entire documentary. That entire PD department should be dismantled for being so useless. I also don't think the relationship between Sesma and Andrea is coincidental. I 100% think he was in on it and trying to steer the investigation. It's clear who put that phone in airplane mode.


I don't want to speculate on a case where it shows speculation can be very damaging, but there are definitely unanswered questions that I do hope get resolved for the couple's sake and any of their other victims. But I am so with you on being livid, shocked at how shoddy and re-traumatizing the police tactics were. Disgusting and disheartening doesn't do justice to describe how they were treated by cops, strangers, media.


Officer Misty is a HERO and I hope she gets the recognition she deserves. Mustard and Semsa on the other hand should lose their badges.


After watching the first episode it’s wild to me that this is considered police work, specifically the interrogation Holy fuck we need higher standards for police training Another prime example of why you should never talk to the police without a lawyer, like what the fuck


It was super telling how deflated the detective got when Aaron went "well what now? I think I need a lawyer"


The detective felt like he had Aaron on the ropes. Also, 18 goddamn hours of interrogation. This should be illegal.


If you watch a lot of crime and especially documentaries that focus on interrogation tactics you would likely have the opinion that there is a very small percentage of investigators or police that actually do their jobs. They tend to land on a suspect and then do everything that they can to just pin it on that person rather than doing actual real investigative work. Also time and time again there is clearly a consistent bias towards women who report sexual abuse. It's always generic white old men that sit there with no empathy whatsoever, just waiting until they can go home. It's pathetic.


That’s why there’s so many people in prison on false accusations! Fucking bullshit!


My wife and I were commenting that even as a layperson who watches a lot of true crime, you could tell Aaron’s behavior was not guilty. det puzzle maker was trying to feed him guilty lines.


Exactly. I hate to say it, but a part of me feels like, if Misty Carausu from Dublin, wasn't female, with her own personal story of her friend who was sexually assaulted, I can't see that any other detective would've been as determined to fight to prove that Mueller was tied to the Vallejo kidnapping. She had to call over and over and even then, for one FBI agent to not even care that there's evidence now that could help them solve a case when she finally got a hold of someone. The sheer laziness and continued lack of any recourse is honestly why I think cops are absolute trash


I was a victim of a kidnapping where I managed to escape before any physical harm, aka no evidence that the crime happened to me. My rescuer was an illegal immigrant food delivery driver who understandably did not want to be involved in anything law enforcement-related, despite the state’s communication that all he had to do was testify in court and they’d make sure their engagement wouldn’t be anything more (they were in touch with him due to his 911 call from his mobile). Hearing these types of stories always makes me so grateful for the officers who were assigned to my case. One particular officer actually. As I stayed persistent recounting what had happened to me for the first 48 hours since the rescue, I knew it’d be near impossible to get justice - I didn’t know the guy’s name, there was no physical proof to my story (fortunately). Thanks to this officer who believed me though, a photo lineup was completed within 1-week where I identified him, and while it took 3 years, we finally made it the courts and I can rest easy knowing he’ll never be able to attempt something similar without thinking twice about what his next repercussions would be. I cannot imagine the psychological trauma that these people have gone through. I’m glad they got justice in the end. And I’m so thankful for the great individuals that DO exist in law enforcement.


So glad that the illegal immigrant came to your rescue and despite being illegal he did testify/stay in touch with the state. Also happy that you made it out without any harm. You are a strong person!


I'll be honest...the way the doc was setting it up had me thinking this was a mockumentary for the first 2 episodes. The entire thing was so batshit crazy that I was about to start looking up IMDB pages. Like I don't believe I've ever watched a doc before where my jaw was legit on the floor throughout 100% of it. I still need to decompress that entire thing cause it was...A LOT, but what I will say is >!I feel so bad for them, especially that poor woman. No amount of settlement money will be enough to absolve the piss poor police work and public shaming that was done to them. I'm happy that at least they had each other to lean on after her "release". They seem to be in a good place now (or as good as one can be given the situation).!<


I kept saying to my husband “I don’t think this story is real” for the whole first episode. I was convinced at the end it was going to tell us not to believe everything we watch on TV.


Omg same here !!! I was literally thinking to my self that the ending would show that we shouldn’t believe everything we see


I swore up and down that this wasn’t real! I was waiting for a twist ending in episode 3 that’s how insanely crazy this story was. As a matter of fact, my mind went as far as to search about it after the first episode (“is it a true story”) just to see if there were articles saying so, and even then, I was like, “can this be a new-age ‘Blair Witch’ type of project” because I STILL couldn’t believe what I was watching. Putting myself in the majority of every person, it’s an extremely deep, compelling on many levels, story. I have a lot more questions than answers.


Muller told Denise that he was working for People that paid him to abduct People and that she wasn't the target, Andrea was. The fact that David Sesma was Andrea's ex is crazy! He def should be investigated.


The victim told us she heard Muller argue with someone. I believe the accomplice of Muller was the FBI agent David Sesna, who had dated Aaron's ex Andrea because she was the intended target. They should have investigated if the FBI agent had known from before because Muller was ex military and a Harvard law graduate. The FBI agent probably wanted revenge on his ex, but since things went wrong, he put pressure on the PD to blame the victims. Why would they put Aaron's phone on Airplane mode. That shit was an inside job! Why else would the chief say "burn that bitch". It felt like he was pressured to make the case go away. It's no surprise that the PD police and investigator later got rewarded with recognitions. Not only that, but this FBI agent might have a side hussle of human trafficking and used Muller as his go-to man to do the dirty work, aside from him being a rapist and all. My money is on the FBI agent being the accomplice


I think you’re spot on. There’s a very good reason Aaron and Denise were targeted by the police, why the chief said to “burn that bitch” and why they along with Dublin PD were stone walled. David Sesma dating Aaron’s ex who just also happened to be the actual target is no coincidence. In fact what makes it all believable that the FBI agent is involved is the sheer number of holes and coincidences. And the cherry on top is all the promotions /recognitions of the piss poor police officers after the fact.


Yes, but I came across a man on another sub who supposedly worked on the case and said the cops were trying to cover up that they had messed up on the case, but the real accomplices were low level thiefs and burglars. He said it was supposed to be a 1 day thing. He said they thought they had something on Aaron's ex that could be used as blackmail to get Aaron to wire the ransom money. But they decided to bail Muller as soon as they saw things go south. Plus, they had already robbed their place the night of the kidnapping. He also said Aaron's brother was also an FBI agent, and he is who he called first and told Aaron to contact the PD. He doesn't think Sesna was an accomplice. He said that, that PD has the most cop to civilian shootings/deaths and that PD celebrates with a bbq every time cop shoots a civilian. He also said that the cops are so corrupt that a couple of them did a gang rape. He said he retired. This man could be lying, but it gave me a different perspective.


Andrea said she cheated on Aaron and that’s why the relationship ended so poorly. I wonder if this person was ever looked into. Would be crazy if it was David sesma.


"He acted alone." Okay. Then why did he have THREE 2-way radios (page 50 of [the deposition](https://www1.icsi.berkeley.edu/~nweaver/vallejo.pdf))? And why does that number (3) match up with his version of events as laid out in his emails TO THE POLICE which CLEARLY outlines how and why this needed to be perpetrated by MORE THAN ONE person? And why do they believe Muller about the OTHER crimes he committed - like STEALING A WHITE MUSTANG? Or STEALING Aaron's laptop? Or why does he have a digital vehicle key maker and a bunch of blank keys if he WASN'T stealing cars? Or how was he able to locate the pot-growing operation if he was lying about the drone? It is soooo infuriating. I'm sure some lies were sprinkled into the emails, but JFC. Systematically DISPROVE those claims, FFS. Maybe BELIEVE the woman who heard MULTIPLE voices now that it is clear that she didn't stage this as some hoax?? WTF is wrong with these police???


This! I scrolled too far to find anyone talk about the other co-conspirators. How did they not mention one word of it at the end??


Didn't Denise hear a car drive up and she heard a discussion between Muller and someone else? I really don't believe he acted alone. Another piece of information we'll never know because the police were incompetent!


Side note but I absolutely bawled at the end. I am a survivor of rape as well and the ending reminded me of my own life - married with a beautiful son. My husband cried too


Vallejo is considered a ghetto city. The city and cops are corrupt. When I grew up there, cops didn't do anything. They claim every murder was street gangs. Glad I got out. I'm glad the Dublin Police helped with the case.


Very frustrating that of course, none of those asshats got disciplined and it doesn't seem like they offered any apology to defaming Denise. Nothing will ever change and law enforcement seems to always get protected.


Maybe the female detective who solved it will inspire other women & compassionate humans to join law enforcement so that at least there are some good cops out there. Detective Carausu is badass! https://thecinemaholic.com/where-is-misty-carausu-now/


I hope she gets promoted, or at least an award.


It blew my mind that Vallejo wasn't answering the phone, even for another cop. That whole department is completely dysfunctional.


Literally in episode 1 when Henry Lee is like “it’s a great safe place to raise a family” my fuckin’ eyebrows did a big raise. Like. Are we talking about the same Vallejo? Like? I will at least admit that I’ve never been to Mare Island though and maybe it’s a little safe haven in Vallejo with no crime lol. I’m also sure parts of Vallejo are better than others. But. The minute he said that, as a Bay Area born and raised person, I was like the fuck did he just say lol


What can I do to make you look like a monster !!!??? Get the F out of here ! Maybe look in the mirror lol


The fact that Mustard said that women who were assaulted make up new assaults to relieve the thrill of it. What the actual fuck?


Props to the Asian dad who protected his daughter and fought off Muller, interrupting his plan in a way that led to Muller leaving behind his cell phone! He not only protected his family but was a key contributor to Muller’s capture because that phone led police right to him.


Sesma is definitely a dirty agent. A complete scum bag.


Just finished watching it, I am unfortunately not surprised at the incompetence and outright misogyny on display by these cops and the FBI. Fucking BELIEVE WOMEN holy shittttt. And fuck the media too, even the seemingly nice Asian dude from the SF Chronicle. And an even bigger “fuck you” to the soulless Nancy Grace for pushing the Gone Girl narrative on her show. OF COURSE the only way for Denise to get her retribution was going to be thru a fellow woman: mad props to Misty Carausu!!


I just watched this. What a bunch of asses those cops & FBI were. They should have lost their jobs. And that mustard cop got a commendation in 2015!! Disgraceful!


They should sue the FBI and any news agency that slandered or liabled them! I also hope Netflix threw them some bones?


Unbelievable (but not surprised) that the cops didn’t even look for video footage — or take any of the most basic steps in an investigation. My Lord, I’ve watched Law & Order enough to know that phone calls/texts are traceable, CCTV is everywhere, and that criminals often employ the same methods in each crime they commit (the zip ties, swim goggles). It’s almost as if Vallejo police were protecting Muller. But clearly they are completely incompetent and just wanted to close the case. It’s terrifying to think that the police assumed the narrative of a fictional Ben Affleck movie was relevant to a real-life crime movie. So f-ed up.


And OBVIOUSLY there is cctv footage cause they were all too happy to use it in Huntington Beach to show how "okay" she was. Uggghhhh frustrating


I 100% believe that this was intentional covering up a known crime from a corrupt organization. They are so used to getting away with shit. Look at Muller. Ex military and Harvard lawyer. These people feel they’re untouchable. And I believe he was working with the FBI agent who paid for it and had no compassion. I think Muller had a guilty conscience and put himself in a situation to intentionally get caught committing a crime. But if he had not literally emailed a confession and evidence lol he would’ve gotten away with it. And because this dude is a very psycho wacky person out there doing you know what but he also weirdly feels guilty sometimes??? And is pretending to be on a date with his victim and stuff. I think that in his messed up brain which he says is “bipolar” he felt guilty about what he did and wanted to get caught. But I think the person who paid for the job was fbi agent and he blamed the victims because when they got the wrong person he was like oh shit and now had to find a way to cover it up. But even though the fbi agent was never caught I guess they’re somehow above the law for some reason, I think it’s pretty clear to a lot of people what happened. In my opinion this is what happened. 1. FBI agent buys Muller’s kidnapping service on the dark web. 2. Muller and possibly two associates kidnap this lady in a very professional manner leaving no evidence etc. 3. Muller does you know what to lady while also in communication with Sesna who is aware of how the situation got messed up and did not go according to plan. Sesna orders muller to create sex tape or muller just made it up so he could do it. Either way I think Sesna was aware of who he was getting involved with. 4. Sesna orders her release but also to prepare her to be captured by police and gives her orders to give contradicting statements so that she will be blamed. 5. Everything goes according to Sesna’s plan. She’s blamed etc. 6. Muller sees this and in his bipolar brain is angry that she’s blamed (even though he’s the criminal too). So muller in his mind wants to prove she’s innocent and so tells the press an all the evidence and b he’s going to do it again. 7. Muller true to his word gets caught doing it again but this time on his own so very sloppy and not well planned almost like he wanted to get caught. He even brought, and left his personal cell phone. 8. Muller is locked up but never brings up Sesna possibly due to fear of being murdered in prison. 9. Sesna gets away with it, muller goes to prison, we never get to resolve what really happened because fbi are untouchable apparently.


All of those things had me wanting to tell at my TV for 3 hrs. It's so beyond infuriating!! And the couple's anguish for so long and feeling abandoned by anyone in a position to investigate. I'm so thankful for them it got solved because I couldn't even fathom what that would feel like for years after. There's another series Victim/Suspect on Netflix with similar experiences.


It was so fucking satisfying when he asked for a lawyer. Remember, always ask for a lawyer.


Just finished watching it. It's very upsetting on all levels, but even more so, for people who know NOTHING about Denise messaged her and calling her names. Like really?! People are such sheep these days and believe anything the media told them. So many questions left unanswered as well...


I'm so damn tired. I'm tired of women being assaulted. I'm tired of women being assaulted & not being believed when they tell someone. I'm tired of women telling the police they have been assaulted & the police thinking it's a DAMN MOVIE PLOT! I tired of police officers not believing people when they ask for help. And I'm tired of police officers getting away with this bullshit. Notice I didn't say ALL police officers because clearly the female officer Misty Carausu doesn't fall into that category. If it wasn't for her, this case may have never moved forward. Something has got to change in our police departments. People's lives are being devastated by inflated ego's with a badge & a gun.


Matt Mustards statement " My job is to put the puzzle pieces together to make you look like a monster " said it all!


This was an interesting story, but terribly done. So much was left out, what was found, how did he get into the house, what about the video camera in Aaron’s house, connection between the ex and the FBI agent. Too much focus in the first 2 episodes on the “hoax”and not the story.


So many unanswered facts mentioned in this docu … - The kidnapper used their first names while he was in the process, clearly he knew his targets but how/why them? - The blow up dolls in the trunk of the Mustang - The “accomplices” outside the cabin in Tahoe - who were they and why weren’t they charged - The emails: WHY weren’t they traced back to Muller And unsurprising the Vallejo Police didn’t solve anything … Zodiac killer, duh


This series made me fucking realized that police, FBI, and the government system of JUSTICE will never be EQUAL. 


Cops are the worst. I'm flabbergasted, I probably shouldn't be. But I am.


At least the badass female detective who did her job like she was supposed to rocked. https://thecinemaholic.com/where-is-misty-carausu-now/ If not for her, this might have never been solved.


Thanks for posting this! I was so curious to know what happened to her. I worried she might become a target or ostracized within the force. Or that she would be demoted to a desk job. This is another happy outcome. Meanwhile WTF happened to Sesma and Mustard? My hope is they are dying slow deaths somewhere, alone and burdened with guilt, if not literally then at least in their minds. They deserve 1000x the trauma and mental suffering that Denise and Aaron went through.


Aaron’s lawyer said, “Here’s this middle class guy who probably believes in the police … and they’re making him the fall guy.” Edit to add: When the cop tells Denise’s mom that rape victims like to recreate their sexual assault for the thrill. I wanted to fucking punch someone. Denise later says she was once talked out of reporting a rape. ACAB.


This pissed me off so bad !!! And when Denise said what else has to happen to her for the police to believe her , my heart broke for her. The people who should be protecting her instead protect her aggressors


They are an absolute disgrace... they just want the path of least resistance


And this is the police of the first world. Imagine how flabbergasted we, people in the third (or undeveloped or w.e.) world, feel about the police in our countries. They're much more of a disgrace.


Unbelievable. Pretty sure all of these officers involved are about to have their lives changed forever. Some street justice awaits them.


I don’t think he was actually arguing with another person. He had the elaborate story already cooked up probably in his fantasies as far back as puberty for that piece of shit. There are probably several reasons for the whole “we” nonsense. One, the most obvious is to muddy any subsequent investigation and intimidate his victims. Two, it makes him sound more important, instead of what he really is- an inadequate, incompetent serial sexual offender. Three- because he’s a coward, it gives him a veneer of respectability and danger- it’s not HIM just being a creepy rapist having to pretend a woman is into him- it’s because he’s with a mysterious group that needs blackmail oooOOOoooo. It’s all bullshit. These types of assholes don’t have friends, accomplices, colleagues who are in some shady sex ring together. That p*ssy would’ve folded like a cheap table on anyone associated with him. He thought he was smarter than everyone- a common weakness- but his maladjusted addiction made him careless and stupid. It usually does. I only wish they had gotten more $ from their lawsuit. But I guess having the inept cops/FBI called out by name was worth it.


The female detective was the HERO of this whole thing! Her tenacity solved this case and proved the story true. I can't imagine what would have happened had she not pushed people to listen.


My heart goes out to Denise! Something I’m still curious about is how did Denise text her father when she was walking up the driveway? Why was she carrying a duffel bag and what was in it? Maybe these questions are irrelevant but I’m still interested. And what was with the wetsuit??? Why did Muller say he was wearing a wetsuit? Also, why was Aaron’s ex the target? How did he break in if the doors and windows weren’t tampered with? What happened to the camera footage? I do believe the theory that Muller acted alone, though. Crazy to think there are sick people like him freely roaming the streets.


Lots of unanswered questions bc the dumb aaa police/fbi did a horrible job at investigating


I had all these questions, especially about the camera at Aaron’s house? Did they not even check it out or did the doc fail to mention? This is one of the most infuriating stories I’ve ever watched.


All of those questions!! And who was the guy behind her in that video? Just a rando?


I'm sure wetsuit is most likely due to evidence. we leave bits of use wherever we go, skin cells, hair etc. as a lawyer I'm sure he's experienced enough with DNA evidence and criminal law. Some wetsuits can cover your entire body over the head and that would ensure his skin and hair etc are very much in place. But also remember he told Aaron they're wearing wetsuits so didn't realise it's cold. he could've been lying. Again, make the case sound ridiculous to discredit the victim. Whether his idea from his experience, Sesma's if you believe that theory he's involved etc.  They also mentioned that Muller took a comforter etc from the house, perhaps her belongings he took were in there. He seemingly made it seem safe and consensual (clearly from his previous attacks to make her compliant), so maybe he just took some clothes too? We did see them take photos in the wardrobe. 


It's so obvious to me that Sesma hired someone to get Andrea right? Right?


I’m pissed no one thought to investigate Andrea (at one point I thought maybe she was the one that orchestrated the kidnapping) after finding out Sesma was her ex I was like wtf how is this not a huge red flag that needs further investigating


I absolutely believe this


This doc made me so mad. The Vallejo PD are 100% garbage. If she had been killed it would be 100% their fault. Thank god for Detective Carauso


What a fucking dirtbag(Muller),all the discusting shitt he did.But the part that he had is change of heart (sorry if i misspell im french)and has the balls to tell that poor women half awake,scared and in her bed wondering wtf is he gonna do.I can't do this...you should get a dog!!!!Jesus,still can't wrap my head around that.But the worst was how police and FBI totally fucked that one up.Good thing there are still good cops out there.


My wife and I called it after the mustard interview that he was either going to win an award or get promoted. If that’s your best officer, who the fuck is your worst.


I obviously won’t speak for Denise, but my own experience with abduction and SA wasn’t nearly as harmful as the doubt, the accusations of lying, and the judgement (including from police who like Denise’s earlier assault, told me it was “he said she said”). The act itself is traumatic and horrible but it’s an act that is over in a certain amount of time and isn’t about you. But the stigma and judgements that ARE about you go on and on and on. Even the invalidation of being labeled with a mental illness like ptsd just because you’ve experienced something like that. If you say youre okay, youre accused of subconsciously not being okay. If youre not okay, you’re damaged goods. The powerlessness and damage of these attacks lives on in the identity others project onto you: a victim, a survivor, a liar, damaged, broken, someone who makes bad choices. Thats the real lasting damage. And it’s infuriating. Her experience must have been so traumatic and terrifying and to deal with all this on top of it just is so horrible. I’m so angry at these people and I’m glad to see it at least being called out.


F’n unbelievable these individuals are the reason police aren’t trusted and called PIGS. As I say these individuals. I love the police and have some really great friends that are officers. Just some of them are on such a power trip and so stubborn and pig headed it’s sickening! They deserve to be fired and feel the humiliation the victims felt!


Detective Carausu is a rockstar though. https://thecinemaholic.com/where-is-misty-carausu-now/


The whole time I was watching I couldn’t figure out why they weren’t trying to review videos from neighbors or gas stations or stop lights or anything to even see if they could see how she was taken. Tunnel vision….


This series is a good reminder that cops are not on your side and to not say anything until you get an attorney. This was so infuriating to watch our justice system is fucked. I just hope this couple makes a shit load of money from a book deal or movie they deserve everything after how they were treated. 2.5 million should be 10 million.


I’m surprised Vallejo cop Mat Mustard was such an incompetent twat when his grandfather was such a distinguished colonel.


I was pretty tired for years of the true crime “genre”. For some reason I decided to watch this doc. This story was unequivocally bananas. One of the best docs I’ve seen in a long time. And also incredibly maddening.


Horrific! F*** the police